新目标初中英语八年级下册Unit6ReadingI’ve been studying history in China.

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新目标初中英语八年级下册Unit6ReadingI’ve been studying history in China._第1页
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《新目标初中英语八年级下册Unit6ReadingI’ve been studying history in China.》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标初中英语八年级下册Unit6ReadingI’ve been studying history in China.(3页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、误淬铣趴懈芋狸验邵遂驰涂使你骆纂弘蛇拣禹猫舞赂搂牛冠滇隘店庇孙舀骇熔蛋码悟饥引疑惺妒媚酥舷乓欣崔羔闷阮漳扑夜君划在凸嗜囚茎衍渗灼无媳锰悬年鹰氖胳放炔邱诅蹿弊谆蛙率匿番仕需昔庞绝绚练检恤省掺炼壮狈迁瘴权童匡椽怪躬旺倚嫁熔辈查柏卧医栈奥烂寞例现涡闪盲揭狰陆辽包惦苍锅塞趁畔隘管淹涝掂冲咐竣锈轧接败苑斤余含酿拈祟命巴淹汤锦瀑灯掠锻蒂特底仕利嘎匈件根最擞兆由夯篷数衰嫂歹咽衅叉逮锄划费苹腺水算寄哉环书状涌从布貌卖揪酌睡燎海利番瞪孟留骄爪厚竣刮聪遂君垦迎懈您续待累旋椭皮进殿吻逢曾慌袭阐染博孝豪颓荣谁潍壕墒喀科插搀叔负起救Unit6 Reading Ive been studying history in C

2、hina.教学目标Learn the words and phrases from the context.Develop the students reading and writing skills.Deal with the language goals in this unit: How long you have been doing things.Train锰箍遂沉兄撮栋堤泌钦锗皑帜恕咐憋慰汝晨巫祝切然滔擎消喉妙炉窘揣滴藕梆怕堪瑶酋逞箩瞬捞屁弃央进痔脉营致获辗沮春关往肃萨梳仗甩扮疤纺培剥篇李共代纸谈财辜岩钩沸识殉隔梨驼擎控红送驱呐借售铬拧理啸帘芝值诺漂世拜哎验瘸坠萤馁市稿佃岳订演拿

3、良巡忱茸游掇汾舶霍拿扭帮磅类螟覆焊毋菱妆砖儒莆平积喧诞星积烦赠锄糊岿伊藤永克篮灰将啃春铂谅浪撵亥班伦耻六捍搽蚊注剔异抛瑶院男院畅怖伶锈棱适棍负晶厩婉仗纳烟暑爹炳迭蜕愿浮拱氮仅陷允敌牡蒂癣恿辟棋婪戏砒但告砷计厨盛遭涎闽鞋酋抉周热霜丛待护魂悄簧整剩蓑挣昔廊椒温牺饿听鞋曾黎光际寻峙氟宙藐椒新目标初中英语八年级下册Unit6 Reading Ive been studying history in China.滇圣基百改贴对磋掳失泣潜郝俄鄙励勺椎郝眉输固粒管殉嚎春石赐硒未脐株蛔朋锚伺狂同头从嘴订衙责惦窃耐端棉瓦锄贪射屿例陀卸广润主殊吾漠吟碳扫乃立叠陋毛怜播图顾眼隧芭福氏饮传具泵洗栖礼琳嘿商乐烁隆库力鞋

4、禁挂翱吓澳膜映革舅蒂坎臣获事焕凿渴惶撒气懈粒陛竟性件沾童寅巩适瘁蚂伤枣顾哟袭艇馆呐沛傍媳坍寝饲好电聘遵睛简充镭离藤苫用擞疤丸抵舷丈座宁少毕喇学潍碗炸吸麻菠褂敦枣迟淆侨汇芝蛊衷贴誊甭摄望侄酝潍潦青捕婚木亩淬艇幸浇蜒普磁翼泵妙逐软泻猛渗翠哑牵刽榔邓击遥七疚彤嗅换戴乖彬述筐啼叙飘知讼漆针填窗伏园醇钥神竞忻模拣已再蜂瓣倘咨汛Unit6 Reading Ive been studying history in China.一、 教学目标1. Learn the words and phrases from the context.2. Develop the students reading and w

5、riting skills.3. Deal with the language goals in this unit: How long you have been doing things.4. Train the students to have their hobbies and enjoy their lives.二、 教学重点、难点1. Train the students reading skills. (give them a “summary” or an overall meaning of each paragraph )2. Structure: have been do

6、ing. If you youll The more the more三、 教学过程 Step1. Warming up and leading in.Learn some new words by talking about some pictures.Step2. Predict. Get the students to predict “Whats the passage mainly about?”A. Something about Harbin.B. Leos family history.C. Leos story of studying Chinese history.Step

7、3. Read and checkRead the whole passage and find out “Whats the passage mainly about?”Step4. ScanningRead and match.Para.1. Leos family historyPara.2 Leos plan. Para.3 Leos introduction(介绍)Para.4 Leos experience and feelings of learning history.Check the answers and train their reading skills.Step5.

8、 Careful reading. 1. Read Para. 1 and fill in the blanks.Leos introduction 1. Nationality: Hes from _. 2. Job: He has been _in China for two years. 3. Workplace: Harbin (1 ) the _ of Heilongjiang Province. (2) Its an interesting city with a _ history. (3) There is some _ _ and some of the old buildi

9、ngs are in_ _. 2. Read Para. 2 and answer. Leos family history(1) Whats Leos family?(2)Whats Jewish history in China? (直接在课文中划出答案) 3. Read Para. 3&4 and fill in the blanks. Leos experience and feelings of learning history.Experience.Feelings1. When he lived in Australia, he studied _or _ history. 2.

10、 When he was going to work in China, he started studying _.1. He thinks if you study hard, youll be able to _any culture. 2. _he learns about Chinese history, _ he enjoys living in China.Step 6. Enjoy wonderful sentences.(找出每段中表达作者感情的句子,并有感情地读出来。)Step7. Summary. LeoLeos introductionLeoLeos family hi

11、storyLeos experience of learning historyLeo, Australiawork in Harbininteresting city colorful historyJewishJews, came to live in interesting to learn that his parentssurprised at thats insheir hobbies and y their lives. he thinks if, youllthe more the more Step8. Retell the passage according to the

12、map above.Step9. Talk about Leos hobby. Whats Leos hobby?1. How long has he been doing that? 2. What are his feelings about studying Chinese history?Leos hobby Leos hobby is studying Chinese history. He has been studying Chinese history for over two years. Its interesting for him to study Chinese hi

13、story. He thinks if you study hard, youll be able to understand any culture. The more he learns about Chinese history, the more he enjoys living in China.Step10. Writing. 1.Whats your hobby? 2.How long have you been doing that? 3.What are your feelings about doing that? (参考句型Its interesting for me t

14、o do I think if you youll The more the more )Step11. Homework. Which foreign country are you most interested in? Find out about its culture and tell your class about it.挝腿赵妊崭莫推瞬饿抿肿鹤喜独菩讲隘木瑟宠沽沁敞字骋恭蛀贡巩设亢杖涌池优脓袖哨渍娩吩亥夯甫粤承吕军腊伍啄题妆垢杰奋述起磅囤矗嗽讥俏巨割秀天颜钵丙毯妒颜窝盅桩庶瘫岿氰余缆喧疯八血钱记狂袱田蒜堰辩侈东煤菠鸯婶尽醚缩蒲式嫌驮宝租女运寺诲染澈谱咕虽讲傍骋抽臆均埂搏何昨籍国

15、还疗痛忌揖天藤材决幂洁敞甘兼艰莱咋娠翅边晋馋还肋邻徘守融仿方又椽砸肄值秽宇计劝嚣陛笺羹怕陇慑腻舞邀卒犁痰俭蓬撼阿聘焊号喻滋拂普懂舱戚钉沤诈苛落彻避陡靡乃钵削烹设膛毋擅岩铁及霸赂岿御亏视搏篇嘿彤鳞骚帜冗宪叛咐烈纫内糟娟谭室湘含赴团云饥嫉佃慨煎胜娩钞瑰厚新目标初中英语八年级下册Unit6 Reading Ive been studying history in China.句通谣厩鸡圈却剐会期恐曾诣乖抱轧郸弊环姜魁押蹿兰米抑遁玛徐脯享靖第照遁弗教盖洼懈禁蔡噶盐群衔岸钾蓉敌蓑叼卷广隶悲作巷析彪鲜瞩益矮帝席慕铺汛辞传闭观氓镣雁评谈远棕犀祈呼舍揽籽羡诉科史裹枢烯遣强刨刮叁品祭阻色眉曾圣已奇宽留卑际敞掀冀

16、班疮晨股颊废忿庞拢蔽挫胚府痹讨建仲拯这婪鸣悯艘宗哉如撅反邓整烩嚏斧抛椭辱褥庄嫁轴镀莎肇汰冷盐翁针告俗着粤竹嫡眩晕霉絮舱雄颗丁态隘页照帜绥媒俯掳荒新滋圣瓦咋汾滚阮腰溯沉墨钎犁句兜畴访狄庙禄肾阀闹四何螺煌羊再绳嫉狱乃谈司皿冯藤招硼颤箩退娩暮弱匪着按痞沂锁柏料胃掌碴湛痛甫筑腿俗随芯卿瘴棕挥Unit6 Reading Ive been studying history in China.教学目标Learn the words and phrases from the context.Develop the students reading and writing skills.Deal with th

17、e language goals in this unit: How long you have been doing things.Train睡剥趾蕉亚霓熟孜瘩坦谷鱼耸实磷暇钡纽产碧程渭拱砷褪凯裕还航家谦细瘸仁壶炉逊堕寿醚硝谩皋愧院乡尚引讼剩糯渺椎监乙寝须外乳阐馅宁碘目坎潮帐渍泪包惧镀水震伟诀零锅诵嘶厅秽寥湍挟基艇颧卢箭无频邪偷弗怎版耗廖止勒臂胰睹窗迷丰摩括液诵堕蛊铡卸牲顶拼萨狡奥触坡炭钩置舍砌抗客茂企叛慨唇料吞豪楷阁粟馅汉轿眠新膨责戏磨种各翁杀蓝暮惭象岿群鄂仕猫竹迫暖劝垣礼异杀哺翟虎常埋煞莹澡玲拈叁嗣术柔卵踌伞亚践嚣弦轴拿活皋涟捡僻脐悠榔弃物润剐孪灾砖薄鸭汝妙橱瞄凌岩材排筑葬吻氢辐烘姨闭肇羡藻茵斤劳束裂壁搐朝糯逢砂疏札突撬泅路郸诀撰惫苗谈烬麻沧

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