园艺专业英语:Lesson 2 Fruits and Vegetables

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《园艺专业英语:Lesson 2 Fruits and Vegetables》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《园艺专业英语:Lesson 2 Fruits and Vegetables(38页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、Fruits and VegetablesWhat is a fruit?An organ that develops from the ovary(子房) of a flowering plant and contains one or more seeds.OrThe perfect snack food(休闲食品), the basis of a dessert, colorful sauce or soup or an accompaniment(添加剂) to meat, fish, or poultry(禽类).What is fruit sugar called?Fructose

2、(果糖)Fruits are classified. Classified by growing season and location. Summer Fruit Winter Fruit Tropical Fruit(热带水果)Summer Fruits Berries, cherries, grapes, melons, peaches, plums and pears. stone fruit, drupe(核果 ) Most are delicious raw, also popular baked or cooked.Berries Most perishable(易腐 ), te

3、nder and fragile Handle as little as possible Dont wash until used Technically grapes are berriesMelons Cantaloupe(哈密瓜) Crenshaw(克兰省甜瓜 ) Honeydew (甜蜜瓜) Watermelon From the squashfamilyWinter Fruits Citrus (柑橘类的植物)such as oranges, grapefruits(葡萄柚 ), lemons, limes(酸橙 ), tangerines(蜜桔 ) ApplesTropical

4、Fruits Named for climate Includes figs(无花果) , dates(椰枣 ), bananas, papayas(木瓜 ), pineapple, pomegranates (石榴) and passion fruit(西番莲果).Vegetables Edible(可食用的) herb-like plant. Leaves, fruit, stems, roots, tubers(块茎) , seeds & flowersFlower Vegetable Includes broccoli, cauliflower(菜花) , artichokes(洋蓟

5、) They are the flower of the plant.Fruit Vegetables Avocados, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, squash & tomatoes. Fruit of the plant from a flower.Leafy Vegetables Includes lettuce(生菜), spinach (菠菜)and swiss chard(瑞士甜菜) Brussels sprouts(球芽甘蓝) . Seed Vegetable Vegetable in which the seed, and/or pod(豆荚

6、) of the plant is eaten. Corn, peas, beans.Root Vegetable Vegetable that has a single root that extended into the ground and provides nutrients to the part of the plant that exists above ground. Carrot, radish(水萝卜).Tubers Stem tubers a stem buber forms from thickened rhizomes(根状茎)or stolons(匍匐茎), Po

7、tatoes Root tubers A tuberous root or storage root, is a modified lateral root, enlarged to function as a storage organ. sweet potatoes.Bulb A bulb is a short stem with fleshy leaves or leaf bases. The leaves often function as food storage organs during dormancy. Onion, GarlicStem Vegetables Vegetab

8、le in which the fibrous plant stem is eaten. Celery(芹菜) , asparagus,.Health Benefits of Fruits and VegetablesFruits and Vegetables Play A Preventative Role In Many Age-Related Diseases ) 结肠憩室病 ) ) ) ) ) ) Variety of Protective Components Variety of Protective Components in Fruits and Vegetables in F

9、ruits and Vegetables Antioxidants抗氧化剂 Vitamins A & C Folate叶酸 Potassium Fiber Flavonoids黄酮类化合物 Phytochemicals植物素 No fat, saturated fat, trans fats, or cholesterol(胆固醇) Low in sodium and caloriesEat Your Colors Every Day To Stay Healthy and Fit!*Low-fat diets rich in fruits and vegetables and low in

10、saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer, diseases associated with many factors. *Color ModelRED Eat deep red and pink fruits & vegetables Phytochemicals: Lycopene(番茄红素) : Tomatoes, raw & cooked; watermelon, pink grapefruit Studied for role in prost

11、ate cancer(前列腺癌 ) and heart disease Anthocyanins(花青素) : Powerful antioxidants Berries, cherries, strawberries, cranberries(蔓越莓 ), red apples, beets(甜菜) , red cabbage, kidney beans(芸豆 )YELLOW ORANGElEat deep yellow or orange fruits & vegetableslPhytochemicals:lBeta Carotene(-胡萝卜素 ): lPowerful antioxi

12、dant; studied along with vitamins C & E for role in reducing risk for cancer, heart disease, boosting immune system, slowing aging and maintaining good eyesightlBioflavonoids(生物类黄酮 ):lCitrus柑橘 : work with vitamin C to strengthen bones and teeth, heal wounds, keep skin healthyWHITElEat white fruits &

13、 vegetableslPhytochemicals:lAllicin(大蒜素) : lStudied for role in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and increasing ability to fight infectionslExamples: garlic, chives(细香葱 ), scallions(葱 ), leeks(韭菜), onionslIndoles(吲哚类) & Sulfaforaphanes:lStudied for role in inhibiting cancer growthlCauliflower

14、(菜花 )GREENlEat deep green fruits & vegetableslPhytochemicals:lIndoles: lCruciferous vegetables(十字花科蔬菜 ) (broccoli, cabbage, bok choy(白菜), Brussel sprouts(甘蓝 ))lStudied for role in protecting against breast and prostate cancers(前列腺癌) lLutein(叶黄素 ) & Zeaxanthin(玉米黄素 ):lPowerful antioxidantlStudied for

15、 role in maintain good vision healthlGreen leafy vegetables (kale无头甘蓝, peas, spinach菠菜 , kiwi) BLUE PURPLElEat deep blue and purple fruits & vegetableslPhytochemicals:lAnthocyanins(花青素) and Phenolics(酚类物质 ):lStudied for ability to fight heart disease and cancer, anti-inflammatory(抗感染) power, and del

16、ay aginglBerries, dried plums(李子), raisins(提子), eggplant, plums, purple grapes, black currants(黑加仑 )Color Way GuideProposed Phytochemical Proposed Phytochemical MechanismsMechanisms1.Potent antioxidants; prevent free radical oxidation(自自由基氧化由基氧化 )2.Boost cancer-fighting enzymes(增强抗癌酶活性)(增强抗癌酶活性)3.Bl

17、ock unwanted blood clotting(凝血)(凝血)4.Prevent inflammation (ie. chronic inflammation thought to play a role in some cancers, heart disease, and strokes)PhytochemicalsPhytochemicalsPhenolics酚类物质酚类物质 flavonoids黄酮类化黄酮类化合物合物 flavonols黄酮类黄酮类 Anthocyanidins(花青素)(花青素)isoflavones大豆大豆异黄酮异黄酮 quercetin槲皮素槲皮素 ge

18、nistein三羟异黄酮三羟异黄酮 daidzein大豆苷元大豆苷元 Carotenoids类胡萝卜素类胡萝卜素 Otherbetacarotene -胡胡萝卜素萝卜素Lutein 叶黄素叶黄素 lycopene番茄红番茄红素素 carotenes类胡萝类胡萝卜素卜素 resveratrol白藜白藜芦醇芦醇 melatonin褪黑褪黑激素激素 phytosterols植植物甾醇物甾醇 catechins儿茶酸儿茶酸 epicatechins表表儿茶酸儿茶酸 lignans 木脂素木脂素 tannins丹宁酸丹宁酸List the procedures for properly storing

19、ripe fruits, vegetables, roots and tubers. Roots and tubers: dry, unpeeled in a cool dark area. Ripe fruits and vegetables: in refrigerator with humidity of 80-110% Fruits in one drawer, vegetables in another. Some fruits emit ethylene(乙烯)that causes fruits to ripen. Dont peel, remove tops. Unripene

20、d fruits and vegetables: room temperature until ripe, then refrigerator.Summarize ways to prevent fruits and vegetables from spoiling (变质)too quickly. Keep fruits and vegetables away from each other. Refrigerate if ripe. Limit storage life. Dont peel or wash before use. Only store about 4 days.Appro

21、priate cooking methods for fruit Grill or broil Poach(煮) Sautee(炒) Bake MicrowaveCook Quickly Slices, chunks or halves Pineapple, Bananas, PeachesFirm fruit Apples, peaches, pears half or large piecessmall fruit keep whole.Peel, core and seed, cut in uniform size cherries, bananas, pears, pineappleF

22、irm fruit whole or large pieces, apples, pears and bananasWatch cooking time, cover pierce(刺破) skins with a fork to prevent bursting.Explain how to prevent enzymatic browning(酶性褐变,酶促褐变) of fruits. When oxygen comes in contact with flesh of cut fruit and turns it brown. Coat with acid like lemon juic

23、e as soon as they are cut. Holding in water can work short term.Match vegetables to appropriate cooking methods.BoilingSteamingMicrowavingRoasting & BakingSauteeDeep-fryingGrillingArtichokes(洋蓟), asparagus(芦笋), green beans, broccoli, carrots & potatoesMushrooms & onionsMost vegetablesCarrots, cauliflower, potatoes & zucchini(西葫芦)Corn, potatoes, cabbage & carrotsSquash, eggplant, mushrooms & potatoesAsparagus, mushrooms, onions, corn & eggplantQuizList the phytochemicals and their role in fruits and vegetables with different colors.

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