【精校版】高一英语人教版必修二课时作业:4.4 Section Ⅳ GrammarWriting Word版含答案

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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)课时作业(十六)Unit 4Wildlife protectionSection Grammar & Writing(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!).单句语法填空1A new stadium_(decorate) here these days.They hope to finish it next month.答案:is being decorated2The news of the accident_(talk) about everywhere.People feel sorry for the victims.答案:is being talk

2、ed3Frank has to go to work by taxi because his car_(check) at the garage.答案:is being checked4Whats that noise?Oh,let me see.The new machine_(test)答案:is being tested5He said his father_(send) abroad next year.答案:would be sent6We cant watch TV tonight because it_(repair)答案:is being repaired7Would you

3、please keep silent?The weather report_(broadcast) and I want to listen.答案:is being broadcast8It is reported that many houses_(build) at present in the disaster area.答案:are being built9Hi,Torry,can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?Sorry.It_(repair)答案:is being repaired10They are living w

4、ith their parents for the moment because their own house_(rebuild)答案:is being rebuilt.阅读理解More than 30,000 people went to the White House on Monday for the 136th Easter Egg Roll (复活节滚彩蛋)President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama held the event by inviting thousands of kids to color and loo

5、k for eggs.The theme of the day was “Hop Into Healthy,Swing Into Shape.” It was part of the First Ladys “Lets Move!” program to reduce obesity rates (肥胖率) among American kids.Mrs.Obama spoke to young reporters about her goal to get children to eat right and keep moving.“We are working to make sure t

6、hat kids born today grow up healthy,learn how to have balanced meals,and get more physical activity into their lives,” she said.Mrs.Obama said she wants children across the nation to understand that “exercise isnt just hard work,its play.If youre running around with your dog,youre getting exercise.I

7、f you walk up the stairs,thats exercise.But if youre sitting in front of the TV or on a computer game,youre not exercising.”The First Lady said that for kids who have balanced meals most of the time,having a special snack,like chocolate,will not hurt.“And if you are active,you can splurge (挥霍) a lit

8、tle more,” she said.Mrs.Obamas favorite “splurge food” is French fries.But she balances her splurging by exercising almost every day.She loves to play tennis and she practices yoga.“A lot of kids look up to athletes,and I thiak its important for athletes to share their good habits,” Mrs.Obama said.“

9、Kids arent just going to wake up and be LeBron James.Hes practicing and eating right and working out and training.Our athletes can be really good messengers to kids who look up to themthey can say to kids.If you really want to be like me,then you really do need to eat your vegetables .”语篇解读本文是说明文。文章

10、介绍了奥巴马夫人所倡导的健康饮食活动。1The purpose of the “Lets Move!” program is to_.Ahelp kids keep healthyBtrain more young reportersCencourage kids to eat more eggsDinvite kids to visit the White House解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的“Lets Move!”program to reduce obesity rates和第二段的to make sure that kids born today grow up healthy可知

11、,Lets Move!是一个致力于鼓励儿童正确饮食、保持身体健康的项目。答案:A2. “Splurge food” is allowed to be eaten when_.Ayou dont hurt yourselfByou have a special snackC.you never eat French friesDyou eat right and stay active解析:细节理解题。根据第四段可知,当饮食合理并且坚持锻炼时,“挥霍性食物”是可以吃的。答案:D3What can we learn from the last paragraph?AAll kids want to

12、 be LeBron James.BIt is very easy to form good habits.C.Athletes can set a good example for kids.DKids like the messages the athletes give them.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段的its important for athletes to share their good habits和Our athletes can be really good messengers to kids who look up to them可知,运动员可以给孩子们树立榜样

13、。答案:C4In which part of a newspaper will the text most probably appear?ABusiness.BHealth.CCulture.DEducation.解析:文章出处题。本文从介绍Easter Egg Roll活动引出美国第一夫人倡导的健康运动,由此可知本文最可能出现在报纸的健康板块。答案:B.完形填空My friends and I had just finished our lunch at a restaurant when it started to rain heavily.When it became _1_,I de

14、cided to brave the rain to get my _2_not very far away.My friends _3_ that I shouldnt go,mainly because I was seven months pregnant (怀孕的) then.I told them that Id be very _4_.One of them wanted to come with me but I insisted that she should stay with another friend who needed _5_ with her little bab

15、y.Then I ran to my car.At a crossing,a car _6_and a passenger got out with a(n) _7_.Before I_8_ what was happening,he walked right up to me and told me hed walk me to my home.I was embarrassed and refused,_9_he insisted on offering me his help.During our walk,he kept telling me to walk slower,as the

16、 ground was _10_.When we got to my car,I_11_ him and we parted.I did not know his_12_and may not even recognize him now.Did he stop for me _13_?Ill never know.So _14_did I pay his kindness forward?I was at home when I _15_two workers walking in the heavy rain.They were _16_on their way home.I went o

17、ut and gave them an umbrella.They seemed _17_,but I told them they should take the umbrella and_18_it.They took the umbrella and were very _19_.And like me,they probably wondered why a stranger was giving such _20_.语篇解读本文是记叙文,话题是人物故事类。作者在雨中跑着,有个好心人帮她撑起了雨伞,作者很感动。回到家里,作者看到大雨中有两个工人在街道上行走,她给他们送去了雨伞。1A.l

18、ighterBcolderCheavierDwarmer解析:根据下文.I decided to brave the rain.可知,当雨小点(lighter)的时候,作者决定出去开车。答案:A2A.bagBcoat Creport Dcar解析:根据下文When we got to my car.可知,作者是去开车(car)。答案:D3A.provedBarguedCorderedDguessed解析:根据下文.because I was seven months pregnant then可知,作者的朋友们认为(argued)作者不应该去。答案:B4A.calm Bstrong Cbrav

19、e Dcareful解析:根据上文.I was seven months pregnant then可知,因为她怀有七个月的身孕,所以她告诉朋友们她会小心的(careful)。答案:D5A.time BmoneyChelp Dfood解析:根据下文.her little baby可知,有个朋友想和作者一起去,但是作者认为她应该和另一个朋友在一起因为她的小孩需要帮忙(help)。答案:C6A.stoppedBturnedCstartedDpassed解析:根据下文.a passenger got out.可知,一辆小车停(stopped)了下来。答案:A7.A.gift Bumbrella C.

20、box Dkey解析:因为是在下雨,所以乘客手里拿着伞(umbrella)。答案:B8.A.knewBdecidedCexpectedDremembered解析:根据后文.he walked right up to me and told me hed walk me to my home可知,作者还没意识到(knew)发生了什么事情,这个男人就走到她面前了。答案:A9.A.soBbutCand Das解析:根据上文I was embarrassed and refused.可知,作者感到尴尬所以拒绝了,但是(but)他坚持给予帮助。答案:B10.A.wet BdirtyCdry Dhard解

21、析:由于天下着雨,所以地面是湿的(wet)。答案:A11.A.paid BignoredCthankedDaccepted解析:到达作者放车的地方,作者感谢了(thanked)他,然后就分开了。答案:C12.A.task BnameCplan Dhome解析:根据下文.may not even recognize him now可知,作者不知道他的名字(name),甚至现在都认不出他。答案:B13.A.in funBby mistakeCat onceDon purpose解析:作者感到好奇:他是有意(no purpose)停下来帮助我的吗?答案:D14.Ahow BwhyC.when Dwh

22、ere解析:根据作者在下文中的做法可知,作者在想怎么样(how)把这种善意传递下去。答案:A15.A.missedBcalledCnoticedDchose解析:下文中提到,作者去帮助这些工人,说明此时她注意到(noticed)他们在大雨中行走。答案:C16A.luckilyBprobablyC.finally Dsurely解析:作者并不认识他们,所以对他们的情况只能是推测,他们很可能(probably)是在回家的路上。答案:B17.A.surprised BsatisfiedCfrightened Dworried解析:他们看起来有些吃惊(surprised)。答案:A18.A.lend

23、BrepairCkeep Dclean解析:作者告诉他们把伞带着,并留着(keep)用吧。答案:C19.A.free BgratefulCquiet Dproud解析:听了作者的话,他们接过了伞,很感激,(grateful)作者。答案:B20.A.energyBhope CcourageDkindness解析:根据最后一段的.pay his kindness forward可知,他们也可能会和作者一样不明白为什么一个陌生人会做这样的善事(kindness)。答案:D.语法填空Animals can become endangered for a number of reasons,but ma

24、ny experts believe that 1._(lose) of habitat is the main cause.Some animals are put in danger when people take over their habitats.This often 2._(occur)because people want one or more of the resources (资源) in those areas.Some forests,for example,provide wood 3._is used for things like paper and furn

25、iture,etc.Many trees 4._(cut) down every day for such purposes but not enough are being planted.It has seriously decreased the population of many species.In some cases,loss of habitat arises 5._forest fires or flooding of land.Environmentalists and zoologists are 6._ (frequent) trying to do what the

26、y can to prevent the number of populations from 7._ (drop) too seriously.Sometimes,people influence nature,indirectly causing the animals 8._(lose) their habitats.Experts believe the problem is becoming much 9._(bad) because of the emission (排放) of greenhouse gases.They dont know 10._ much influence

27、 people have,however.The greenhouse effect can also influence weather patterns that affect animals.1解析:考查名词。句意为:但是许多专家认为栖息地的消失是重要起因。答案:loss2解析:考查一般现在时。设空处表示现阶段经常性的动作,应用一般现在时,且主语为This,故填occurs。答案:occurs3解析:考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词wood且在从句中作主语,故填that/which。答案:that/which4解析:考查现在进行时的被动语态。tress与cut之间是被动关

28、系,且由but后内容可知,此处表示现在正在进行的动作,故填are being cut。答案:are being cut5解析:考查介词。arise from表示“由引起,由产生”。答案:from6解析:考查副词。设空处修饰谓语,故填副词frequently。答案:frequently7解析:考查动词ing形式作宾语的用法。prevents sb./sth.from doing sth.意为“阻止某人/某物做某事”。答案:dropping8解析:考查动词不定式作宾语补足语的用法。cause sb./sth.to do sth.意为“造成/引起某人/某物做某事”。答案:to lose9解析:考查形容词的比较级。设空处所在句句意为“专家认为因为导致温室效应的气体的排放,所以这个问题变得更糟糕”,故填worse。答案:worse10解析:考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中修饰much,故填how。答案:how版权所有:高考资源网()

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