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1、考点规范练9( Module 3)I .阅读理解Music can make us feel happy or peaceful, energi ze us to dance, or move us to tears. As an orchestra conductor, Amy Andersson allows people to experience many feelings that music can inspire.Andersson fell in love with music as a child.She sang in school choirs and musicals

2、starting in first grade,began studying the piano at age seven,and started composing at age nine. Al though her school district had no orchestra, she says, I bought many recordings of the world s great orchestras and conductors and listened to them for hours.During a concert,the audience sees the bac

3、k of a conductor and the arm movements she or he uses to lead the orchestra. What audiences do not sec is all the work the conductor has done beforehand to prepare for the performancefirst alone, and then in rehearsals(排练)with the orchestra.Months before a concert, Andersson studies a piece of music

4、 by pkiying it on the piano. She decides how she wants each section to sound. Should it be fast or slow?Loud or soft?She listens to recordings, reads about the composer* s life,and reviews historical events that would have influenced the composer. Iler goal is to recreate the music as the composer i

5、ntended.Each instrument contributes unique sounds to a musical performance. Although it is not necessary for conductors to know how to play all of the instruments, they must be familiar with the range and sound of each instrument in the orchestra.To help young musicians understand how to play the mu

6、sic, Andersson might tel 1 them to imagine a ship being tossed(颠簸)by waves.Andersson is happy knowing that she and the musicians have changed lives for the better, uplifted spirits, and brought joy into ordinary days.【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了乐队指挥Andersson把音乐带入生活的故事。1. As a child, Andersson learned about or

7、chestras from .A. studying the pianoB. school teachersC. some musicians D. listening to recordings 答案:D 解析:细节理解题。由第二段末的 “I bought many recordings of the world* s great orchestras and conductors and listened to them for hours可矢II。2. An orchestra conductor .A. usually enjoys being aloneB. spends a lit

8、tle time rehearsingC. needs to do a lot of preparatory workD. has a few days to prepare for a concert 答案:C解析:推理判断题。由第三段中的What audiences do not see is all the work. with the orchestra可推断,乐队指挥在正式表演前需要做很多的准备工作。3. Andersson reads about composers, lives .A. because she admires themB. to better recreate t

9、heir musicC. because they are very famousD. to introduce them to the audience答案:B解析:推理判断题。由第四段中的“reads about the composer* s 1 ife. Her goal is to recreate the music as the composer intended M 可推断,Andersson 之所以了解作曲家们的生活 是为了更好地再现他们的音乐。4. Why is a ship tossed by waves mentioned in Paragraph 6?A. To de

10、scribe the beauty of orchestral music.B. To tell an adventure story about Andersson.C. To make young musicians more imaginative.I). To show how Andersson teaches young musicians. 答案:D解析:细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的To help young musicians understand how to play the music,Andersson might tell them to.可知。II .完形填空A c

11、oncert violinist was performing a difficult piece in front of a large audience.Suddenly there was a loud snap, and the could be heard throughout the hall.The audience immediately knew that a string had broken.They all expected the concert to 2 for a short time until another instrument was brought to

12、 the musician.But instead,the violinist calmed herself down and then signaled the 3tostart again. The orchestra continued where they had stopped and the musician4themusic on three strings. In her 5 she worked out new fingering to 6 the missing string. A work that few people could play 7 on four stri

13、ngs, the violinist played on three.a silence in the hall.And then9_. The violinist smiled and wiped sweat11_ she hadWhen she 8 and bowed to the audience, there was13vi th what hasMciybe we diseases have us very 15the crowd rose to their feet and cheered from her forehead. When 10 returned to the hal

14、l,she explained continued to play although there was a 12 string. You know, she said, sometimes it is the artists* 13 to find out how much music he can make been left.ve 14 most of our lives and we have only a little time left. Maybe robbed us of our ability to work. Or perhaps a financial loss has

15、left .Can we still make music ?There will come a time when we all 16 loss. Can wo find the courage to discover how much music we can 17make with what has been left,just like theviolinist?And if we take extra courage to make the “music , others will praise you for your 18 . Some people have lost more

16、 than others,but they are 19 enough to face it. They inspire the rest of us to 20 greater heights.【语篇导读】有位演奏者在琴弦断了一根后,并没有换掉小提琴,而是继续用三根弦演奏,这给我们 的启发是如果敢于面对困难并继续坚强地生活,那么别人就会为我们所做的努力而鼓掌。1. A. musicB. panicD. soundC. message 答案:D 解析:前面说突然有一个很大的咔嚓声,所以此处应该选D项,the sound代替a loud snap。这个 声音整个礼堂都能听到。2. A. chan

17、geB. stopC. waitD. announce答案:B解析:该句主语they指前文的The audience,所有的观众都预料到音乐会要停一段时间,直到再找 到一个乐器拿给那位音乐家。很容易误选C项,这是受汉语翻译的影响造成的,如果选择C项主语 应该是人而不是音乐会。另外下文的第4空前面的stopped是依据。3. A. conductor B. musicianC. audienceD. player答案:A备析:与人们预料的相反,这位小提琴家镇定下来开始向指挥示意继续开始演奏。下文提到管弦乐 队继续开始,那么四个选项中能够让管弦乐队开始演奏的当然是乐队的指挥,B和D项不符合逻辑。4

18、. A. heardB. arrangedC. performedD. produced答案:C解析:此空所填动词的宾语是the music,句子的主语是音乐家,据此可.知只能选择C项,即那位音乐 家用三根弦演奏音乐。5. A. handsB. mindC. viewD. eyes答案:B矗味:刚才断了一根弦,这位小提琴家就在大痼中想出新的指法,能够想出(work out)指法当然应该 是在心里,在思想中,所以只能选择B项。6. A. put up with B. lose sight ofC. break away from D. make up for答案:D解析:想出新的指法的目的当然是

19、为了弥补断掉的那根弦。所以选make up for “弥补”。put up with “忍受” ;lose sight of “看不见H :break away from 挣脱”。7. A. straightB. 1 i veC. wellD. alone答案:C解析:此处是在说明这种做法的难度。在四根弦上能够弹好这个曲子的人就儿乎没有,而这位小提 琴家竟然在三根弦上弹奏,这更是难上加难了。8. A. finishedB. turnedC. startedD. challenged答案:A赢L后面说向观众鞠躬,由此可知应该选A项,即演出结束演员向观众鞠躬退场,因为前文已经交 代开始演出了,所以

20、不能选择C项。假如选择B项,只是说转身并且向观众鞠躬,但是是否弹奏完毕 是未知的。9. A. noisilyB. hopefullyC. loudlyD. proudly答案:C柿话:观众席先是一片寂静,然后是雷鸣般的掌声。C项与前文的a silence形成鲜明对比。A项是 贬义词,很显然与观众的那种对小提琴家的敬佩心理不符。10. A. silenceB. pleasureC. beliefD. confidence答案:A备话:该空后面的returned to表示主语在前文曾经提到过,所以应该选择A项,当礼堂再次安静下 来的时候,这个小提琴家开始讲话。11. A. howB. whethe

21、rC. whatD. why答案:D机京该空后面是那位小提琴家解释的内容,她是在解释继续演奏的原因,所以应该选择I)项。12. A. weakB. brokenC. badD. tight答案:B解析:结合文章前面的内容可知应该选择B项,演奏过程中一根琴弦断了。13. A. processB. taskC. planD. dream答案:B解析:虽然琴弦断了一根,但是艺术家的任务是用剩卜的东西(这里指琴弦)还能弹奏出多少音乐 来。此题因为主观臆断而选择C或I)项,因为这位艺术家已经像她说的那样做过了,所以不是计划 或梦想。14. A. missed B. givenC. washed 答案:D

22、 解析:从本段开始作者开始发表议论。与该空后面的宾语一起构成同源宾语live a. life。15. A. poorC.painful答案:A解析:前面的a16. A. reduceC.experience答案:CD. livedB.helplessI), crazyfinancial loss是依据。因为经济方面的损失使得我们很贫穷。 B.recoverD. avoid矗析:根据句意,此处应该说“遭受、蒙受损失”,能够表达此意的只有C项。experience “经历, 经受。17. A. evenC.stillB. hardlyD. ever答案:C解析:句意:用所剩下的东西我们仍然能有勇气

23、像那位小提琴家一样弹奏出那种音乐吗?根据句意选 择C项。18. A. supportB. effortC. progressD. attitude答案:B就析:联想到前文那位小提琴家的情况可知答案。琴弦断了-根仍然继续演奏,这是需要付出努力 的。19.A. braveB. wiseC. anxiousD. happy答案:A机析:损失的比别人多,如果能够继续血对,这当然需要一-种勇气,因此应该是说足够(brave) “勇 敢。20. A. measureB. considerC. expectD. reach答案:I)备析:根据该空后而的宾语不难得出正确答案。此处意思是说那些勇敢面对困难的人们

24、激发我们其 余的人去达到更高的高度。III. 语篇填空Last week, I watched a movie. I noticed an actress 1. has very goodeyesight playing the part of a blind lady. She played it so wel1 that if you saw her 2. the first time, you 3.(think) that she was blind. It seemed that thisactress 4.(spend) her time putting a little more

25、effort into her careerso that she could play the part that the other actresses could not.Have you ever seen people digging a well before?They don t just stop 5.they see a little drop of water. They put in a little more effort to ensure that they get plenty of water.A popular saying goes that it is o

26、nly an average mind that would do the same thing all the time but expect 6. result.All you need to do is put alittle more effort so that you can expect a 7(whole) different result.You have two options in life either to focus on what/ s lost 8tofight for what s left. Fighting for what s left is all a

27、bout 9.(forget)the past, putting on your armor of courage and 10.(brave) and putting inthat extra effort. Be better than the best you can be.答案与解析:【语篇导读】作者根据一部电影中一个演盲人演得非常棒的女演员,产生了一些心得,做什么事情 都要心意地做好,付出多大的努力就会有多大的回报,要学会忘记过去,把最大的努力投入到未 来的奋斗中去。1. who/that解析:考查关系代词。空格处要填的词是关系代词,引导定语从句,先行词是an actress “一名

28、女演员”,是指人,所以关系代词要填who或者that。2. for解析:考查介词。for the first time固定搭配,意思是“第一次”,这句话意思是“如果 你第一-次见到她”。故填for。3. would think4. had spent解析:考查过去完成时。根据it seemed that可知文章用的是过去时态,而她花时 间努力投入到她的职业中是发呼过去的过去,所以要用过去完成时。故填had spent.5. when 解析:考查连词。根据后一句 “They put in a little more effort to ensure that they get plenty of

29、 water. ”可知他们会更加努力确保能得到大量的水,所以当他们看到-点水 的时候是不会停下来的。when “当的时候”。故填连词when。6. another解析:考查代词。俗话说:齐心协力,众志成城,但是念期待另一个结果是怎样。故填 another。7. wholly解析:考查副词。副词修饰形容词,位于形容词之前,表示程度,a wholly different result表示“完全不同的结果”,强调不同的程度之深。故填whollyo8. or解析:考查连词。either. or.固定搭配,表示“要么要么”,意思是生活中你有 两种选择,要么专注于你丢失的东西,要么为依然存在的东西努力。故

30、填。上9. forgetting解析:考查动词形式。about是介词,接动伺要用动伺的-打板形式。故填 forgettingo10. bravery解析:考查名词。and连接两个并列的成分,and前是名词courage,后要接brave的名 词形式 braveryo 故填 braveryoIV. 短文改错What is your favourite kind of music?Do you like jazz, popular music,classical music, folk songs,blues, and so on?In high school I took one course

31、calling music appreciation which I great enjoyed. This was not only to learn how to play a specific instrument but learn how to read and listen to music as an art form. Wc read the stories about the life of many composers and the history of the music instruments themselves. Sometimes we 1isten to ta

32、pes in the language laboratory or concerts. Music is sometimes called an universal language. A composer whom cannot speak a single word of our language can make us feel joy and pride, excitement and despair, peace and mystery along his music.答案: What is your favour!te kind of music?l)o you 1 ike jaz

33、z, popular music, classical music, folk songs, blues, and so on?In high school I took one course calling music appreciation which I seat enjoyed. This was not0to learn how to play a specific instrument but learn how to read and listen to music as an art form. We read the stories about the life of ma

34、ny composers and the history of the music instruments themselves. Sometimes wc Ii sion to tapes in the language laboratory or concerts. Music is sometimes called an universal language. A composer whom cannot speak a single word of our language can make us feel joy and pride, excitement and despair, peace and mystery along his music.导学号 03110009

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