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1、Unit 14 Careers(B)(对应学生用书第 287 页)I阅读理解(2017 甘肃省兰州市高考诊断考试)We can achieve knowledge either actively orpassively.We achieve it actively by direct experienee, by testing and proving anidea, or by reasoning.We achieve kno wledge passively by being told by some one else. Most of the learning that takespla

2、ce in the classroom and the kind that happe ns whe n we watch TV or read n ewspapers or magazines is passive.C on diti oned as we are to passive learning , its not surpris ing that we depe nd on itin our everyday com muni cati on with friends and co-workers.Unfortunately, passive learning has a seri

3、ous problem.Itmakes us tend to acceptwhat we are told even when it is little more than hearsay(传闻)and rumor.Did you ever play the gameRumo? It begins when one person writes down a message but doesnt show it to anyon e.The n the pers on whispers it , word for word,to ano ther person.That person,in tu

4、rn,whispers it to still another,and so on,through allthe people playi ng the game.The last pers on writes dow n the message word for word as he or shehears it.Then the two written statements are compared.Typically, theorigi nal message has cha nged.Thats what happe ns in daily life.The simple fact t

5、hat people repeat a storyin their own words changes the story. Then,too, most people listenimperfectly.Andmany enjoy adding their own creative touch to a story, trying to improve on it,stamp ing it with their own pers onal style.Yet those who hear it thi nk they know.This process is also found among

6、 scholars and authors : A statement of opinions by one writermay be restated as the fact by ano ther, who may in turn be quoted by yet ano ther ; and this processmay con ti nue ,uni ess it occurs to some one to questi on the facts on which the original writer basedhis opinion or to challenge the in

7、terpretati on he placed upon those facts.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了被动学习所产生的负面作用,即引发谣言。1. According to the passage , active learning may occur in_ .2A. reading scientific journalsB. listening to the teacher in classC. doing a chemical experimentD. watching news programmes on TVC考查细节理解。 根据第一段第二句“We achieve it acti

8、vely by direct experienee , by testing andproving an idea, or by reasoning ”并结合选项可推知,做化学实验属于主动学习,故选Co2.What does the underlined word“it ” in Paragraph 2refer to?A. classroomB. newspaperC. active learningD. passive learningD 考查代词指代。根据第二段的整体内容,尤其是关键词 passively 可推知,本段主 要讲的是被动学习;再结合第二段最后一句可推知,it 指的是本段的核

9、心话题 passivelearning ,故选 D。3.The gameRumoris mentioned in Paragraph 4 in order to tell readers that _A. playing games can make people more activeB. people tend to like telling lies when playing gamesC. a message may be changed when being passed onD. people may have problems with their sense of hearin

10、gC考查推理判断。 根据第五段第二句The simple fact that people repeat a story in their own wordschanges the story ”可推知,第四段讲述谣言游戏是为了告诉人 们信息在传递的过程中会发生改变,初始信息与最终信息甚至有时候会差异很大,于是谣言就产生了。干扰项分析A 项错在玩游戏会让人们更积极,文章中并没有提到;B 项错在人们在玩游戏时喜欢撒谎,第四段讲的不是撒谎,而是信息在传递中发生了改变;D 项错在人们听觉有问题,人们在听的过程中有了自己的理解,并不是听力障碍,故排除。4.What can be inferred fr

11、om the text?A. Scholars and authors cant be trusted.B. Passive learning may not be reliable.C. People like spreading rumor in daily life.3D. Active learning is more important than passive learning.B 考查推理判断。根据第三段第二句It makes us tend to accept what we are told even when it islittle more than hearsay(传闻

12、)and rumor ” 和最后几段的整体内容可推知,被动学习可能不是那么可靠,以至于有了传闻或谣言的产生,故选B。n.阅读七选五(2017 豫南六校评估)You may have grown up living with sisters and brothersor this may be your first time shari ng your liv ing space with some one else. 1_However, it can also be a great part of your college experienee.Follow these tips to ma

13、ke sure you andyour roommate keep things pleasa nt and supportive throughout the year.Be clear from the begi nning.Maybe you hate it whe n some one in terrupts you whe n you are sleep ing everymornin g.Maybe you n eed ten minu tes to yourself before talk ing to anyone after youwake up. 2 Its not fai

14、r to expect him or her to pick up on them right away,and com muni cati ng what you n eed is one of the best ways to get rid of problems before they becomeproblems.3This may seem simple , but its probably one of the biggest reasons why roommates experieneeconflicts.Dontyou think hell mind if you borr

15、ow his shoes for a quicksoccer game ? For all you know , you just stepped over the line.Dont borrow, use ,or take anything without getting permission first.Be ope n to cha nge.You should expect to lear n and grow and cha nge duri ng your time at school. 4_As the term progresses , realize things will

16、 change for both of you.Be comfortablesettling things that unexpectedly come up, setting new rules , and being flexibleto your cha nging environment.Follow the golde n rule.5 No matter what your relati on ship is at the end of the year, you can takecomfort in knowing you acted like anadult and treat

17、ed your roommate with respect.A. Respect your roommates things.B. Let your roommate know about your preferences.4C. Treat your roommate like youd like to be treated.D. Living with a roommate is really a wonderful thing.E. Having a roommate surely has its challenges.F. You should correct your bad hab

18、its first.G.And the same should happen to yourroommate, if all goes well.【语篇解读】本文介绍了如何和大学室友保持良好的关系。1. E 设空前提到这可能是你第一次和别人分享自己的生活空间,空后的However 表示转折,提到这可能也是你大学经历中很棒的一部分,因此,E 项(有一个室友一定会有挑战)符合语境。2.B 根据本段标题 Be clear from thebeginning.(从一开始就要说清楚)及设空后的com muni cat ing what you n eed is one of the best ways可

19、知,与室友交流你的需求是处理问题的最好方式,故B 项(让室友了解你的偏好)符合语境。3. A 根据设空下的 borrow his shoes for a quick soccer game以及 Dont borrow ,use , or take anything without getting permission first.可判断出,使用室友的东西前要得到允许。故A 项(尊重室友的东西)符合语境。4. G 根据此段的标题 Be open to change.可知,要乐于接受改变;再根据设空后的 thingswill cha nge for both of you可知,同样的情况也会发生在

20、你室友身上。故G 项符合语境。5. C 根据设空后的 .you can take comfort inknowing.and treated your roommatewith respect.可知,如果你能像一个成年人一样,尊重室友,你会感到欣慰。故 C 项(像你想被对待的那样去对待你的室友)符合语境。川.语法填空(2017 河北衡水中学大联考 )How do native speakers trulyfeel when speaking withnon-nativeEnglish speakers ?It seems that1(break)E nglishannoysthem.Howev

21、er, they keep being really ni ce whe n speak ing with non-n ativespeakers .Iwon der how they really feel whe n doing so.I think it would depend 2 thenative English speakers.Some people are just3 (easy)a nnoyed.Pers on ally , I study Spani sh.Whe n I hear some one 4 (attempt)E nglish, I am5patient wi

22、th them because I know 5_ difficult it is to talk in a non-nativeton gue .I also know En glish is very difficult 6 (lear n) _ , and that in creases myrespect for their efforts .Im a patie nt pers on by n ature.The situationmatters too.If I were waiting 7 (table)ona super crowded dayand really 8 (nee

23、d)to do about a dozen different things, I might become upsetat havi ng to wait for some one to struggle while orderi ng his meal.There also exists the 9 (possible)that what is con sidered as annoyance isnot true annoyancemight frown(皱眉)while listening to a non-native speaker,10that would be because

24、I am concen trat ing and liste ning hard to un dersta nd him.Itwouldnt mean Im at all annoyed.【语篇解读】 当一个母语是英语的人听到一个人说着蹩脚的英语时是什么感受?厌烦还是 耐心倾听?本文就此问题进行了讨论。1 broken 考查词性转换。句意:似乎蹩脚的英语让他们感到厌烦。修饰名词用形容词,故填动词 break 的形容词形式 broken ,意为“蹩脚的;不流利的”。 2 on/upon考查介词。句意:我认为这要取决于英语为母语的人。 depend on/upon 是固定搭配,意为“依赖;取决于”

25、。故填 on/upon 。 3easily 考查词性转换。句意:有些人就是容易生气。设空处修饰动词,要用副词,故填 easily 。 4attempting 考查非谓语动词。 句意: 当我听到有人努力说英语时, 我很耐心是因为我知道用非母语交流是多么不容易。此处为“ hear 宾语宾补”结构, attempt 与宾语 之间为逻辑上的主动关系,且此处指听到有人正在努力说英语,故用现在分词作宾补。 故填 attempting 。 5how 考查宾语从句。 句意见上一题解析。 此处为感叹句用作宾语从句, 用于加强语气。 设空处修饰形容词 difficult ,故填 how。 6to learn 考查

26、非谓语动词。句意:我也知道英语很难学,那增加了我对他们的努力的尊重。在“ it is adj. to do. ”句型中, it 是形式主语,动词不定式 ( 短语) 作真 正的主语,故填 to learn 。 7tables 考查名词单复数。句意:如果我正在人超级多的一天招待顾客,且真的需要做很多件不同的事情,我可能会因不得不等待在点餐时纠结不已的人而感到心烦意乱。wait tables 是固定短语,意为“招待顾客”。故填 tables 。 8needed 考查动词的时态。句意见上一题解析。根据并列连词 and 可知,前后时态应该 一致,故填过去式 needed。 9 possibility 考

27、查词性转换。句意:也存在这样的可能性,有些烦恼不是真的烦恼。6定冠词 the 后接名词形式, 且根据谓语动词 exists 可知, 应填形容词 possible 的名词 形式 possibility。 10but/yet 考查连词。句意:听非母语的讲话者说话时,我可能紧皱着眉头,但那是因为我在聚精会神地努力去听懂他。根据句意可知,前后文是转折关系。故填 but/yet 。 【导学号:33220184 】IV.短文改错(2017 湖南长郡中学模拟 儿 ast summer, I got a part -time job as a waiter worked hard andvery helpfu

28、l.Everyone in a restaurant including some regular customer likedme.One day, a foreign couple in their fiftiesentered into the restaurant.lwas happyto have a chanee to practice their spoken English.Iwent up to greet them warm.AfterI took their order , I told them their food will be served quickly bec

29、ause we Chinese respect theelderly.After heard mywords , a look of displeasure appeared on the wifes face.Seeingmyconfusing look , her husband explainedto me the Westerners dislikedthe description“old ”. I apologized to them but realized the importanee of knowingcultural differe nces.【答案】ALast summe

30、r , I got a part-time job as a waiter.I worked hard andwas veryacustomerhelpful.Every one in -restaura nt in cludi ng some regular-liked me. Onethecustomersday, a foreign couple in their fifties enteredinto the restaura nt.l was happy tohave a chanee to practicetheirwarmmy spoken English.1went up to

31、 greet them.AfterwarmlyI took their order , Itoldwillthem their food - wouldbe served quickly because we Chineserespect the elderly.Afterheardhearing my words , a lookOTdispleasure appeared on thewifes face.Seei ng myconfusinglook , her husband explained to me the Westerners confuseddisliked the des

32、cription“ old ”. I apologizedbutto them 鈕 realized the importaneeof knowing cultural differences.7第一处:在 very 前加was考查系动词。helpful意为“乐于助人的”,and 连接两个并列的谓语,根据 and 前的 worked 可知,应在 very 前加 was。第二处:a the考查冠词。前面提到自己做服务员,所以restaura nt特指自己工作的那家餐馆,其前应用定冠词the。故将 a 改为 the。第三处:customer 宀 customers考查名词。customer 意为顾

33、客”,为可数名词,其前有some 修饰,因此应用复数形式。故将customer 改为 customers。第四处:删除 into考查介词。enter 意为进入,根据语境可知此处不与into 连用。故将 into 删除。第五处:their 宀 my 考查代词。主语是 I,此处指“我很高兴有机会练习一下我的英语口语”。故将 their 改为 my。8第六处:warmth warmly考查副词。修饰动词 greet 应用副词。故将 warm 改为 warmly。第七处:willTwould考查时态。根据主句谓语动词told 可知,从句应用一般过去时。故将 will 改为 would 。第八处:heardthearing考查非谓语动词。 after 为介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。故将 heard 改为 hearing 。第九处:confusingtconfused考查形容词。作者看到那位妻子的脸上显露出不高兴的表情感到困惑不解,此处形容作者,应用confused ,意为“感到困惑的”。故将confusing 改为 confused 。第十处:buttand 考查连词。 句意为:我向他们道歉并且意识到了了解文化差异的重要性。 realized 和前面的 apologized 是并列谓语,应用连词 and 连接。故将 but 改为 and 。导学号:33220185】

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