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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上华南理工大学Java语言程序设计课堂作业答案homework01 2011-02-21 13:59 1. 编写一个类(控制台), 输入你的名字, 回车后, 向屏幕输出信息欢迎你, *类似字样 2. 使用命令行模式编译,执行该程序, 将class文件指定输出到class目录 3. 给类添加 move(), turnLeft(), pickPeeper(), putPeeper() 等方法, 并在Main中调用显示相关信息 4. 给类和各方法添加注释, 并使用javadoc指令输出代码文档 Homework01 1. 编写一个类(控制台), 输入你的名字, 回车后, 向屏

2、幕输出信息欢迎你, *类似字样; () 2. 使用命令行模式编译,执行该程序, 将class文件指定输出到class目录; (现class文件夹在D:/目录下,控制台命令输入:javac -d D:class ) 3. 给类添加 move(), turnLeft(), pickPeeper(), putPeeper() 等方法, 并在Main中调用显示相关信息; 4. 给类和各方法添加注释, 并使用javadoc指令输出代码文档. (现新建doc文件夹在D:下以存储文档,控制台输入:javadoc -d D:doc ) homework02 2011-02-27 22:32 修路工: 请使用分

3、附件中的空白项目,装载 sample03_holes_ 背景,修缮1st Street。 /* * File: * - * The SampleKarel subclass as it appears here does nothing. */ import *; /* * Name: * Section Leader: */ public class SampleKarel extends SuperKarel int count = 0; public void run() / You fill in this part while(count if (frontIsBlocked() |

4、 rightIsClear() changeDirection(); move(); public void changeDirection() if (rightIsClear() turnRight(); else if (leftIsBlocked() if (rightIsBlocked() turnRight(); turnRight(); turnRight(); if (rightIsBlocked() turnLeft(); public static void main(String args) String newArgs = new String + 1; (args,

5、0, newArgs, 0, ); public void judgeAndPick() if (beepersPresent() pickBeeper(); count+; newArgs = public String className() return ()1.getCanonicalName(); .className(); (newArgs); homework03 2011-03-07 16:07 使用之前的空白项目,装载*collect* .w 背景,收集全部的Beeper. /* * File: * - * The SampleKarel subclass as it app

6、ears here does nothing. */ import *; public class CollectAllBeepers extends SuperKarel /* * Through the maze* author 黄泽津*/ public void run() collect(); while(frontIsBlocked()&!leftIsBlocked()if(facingEast() turnLeft();move(); turnLeft(); collect(); if(facingWest() turnRight(); move(); turnRight();co

7、llect(); private void collect() while(beepersPresent()pickBeeper(); if(frontIsBlocked() return; elsemove(); collect(); public static void main(String args) String newArgs = new String + 1; (args, 0, newArgs, 0, );newArgs = public String className() return ()1.getCanonicalName(); .className(); (newAr

8、gs); homework04 迷宫收集 2011-03-13 21:47 创建迷宫world并放置一定的Beeper,装载该World后,收集全部的Beeper, 发送时请携带该world地图 int count = 0; public void run() /You fill in this part while(count judgeAndPick(); if (frontIsBlocked() | rightIsClear() changeDirection(); move(); public void changeDirection() if (rightIsClear() turn

9、Right(); else if (leftIsBlocked() turnLeft(); turnLeft(); public void judgeAndPick() if (beepersPresent() pickBeeper(); count+; homework05 迷宫收集 2011-03-26 21:54 1. 从文件中构造二维世界, 文件为文本模式文件, 字符0 1组成 2. 构造该世界最下方地平面处的路面曲线, 以简单直观的方式在文本中打印, 路面可用*表示 3. 可将Ship, Person的行进路线以以简单直观的方式在各自独立的文本中打印, 行进路线可用*表示 /* *

10、*/ package map; import *; import *; /* * author guhonglueying * */ / map生成方法之从文件中读取 public class FileMap extends SubMap catch (IOException e) (); charArr = new char(); for (int i = - 1; i -1; i-) charArri = (); try FileReader fr = new FileReader(s0); BufferedReader bw = new BufferedReader(fr); while

11、 (str = () != null) (); / 重写父类create方法,用于从文件中读取新地图 public void create(String. s) String str = null; Stack stk = new Stack(); /* * */ package map; /* * author guhonglueying * */ / map生成方法之程序中定义map public class SimpleMap extends SubMap / 重写父类create方法,用来从程序中创建新地图 /* * */ package map; charArr = new char

12、 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 , 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ,; 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 , 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 , 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 , 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 public void create(String. s) /* * author guhonglueying * */ / 生成map的抽象类,用来定义map的一些public属性和方法 publi

13、c abstract class SubMap /* * */ package map; public void setCol(int col) = col; int row; int col; char charArr; public void setRow(int row) = row; public int getRow() return row; public int getCol() return col; / 抽象方法,在子类中实现新地图生成的不同实现 public abstract void create(String. s); public char getMap() = ;

14、= charArr0.length; return charArr; import *; import *; /* * author guhonglueying * */ / map生成方法之从标准输入流获取 public class SystemInMap extends SubMap InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(); BufferedReader bw = new BufferedReader(isr);(请用以下字符输入一方形地图:n1-墙,0-路,-入口,#-出口n每次输入一行回车,输入E结束 while (str = (

15、) != null) if ( break; (); / 重写父类create方法,用于从命令操作符中读取新地图 public void create(String. s) String str = null; Stack stk = new Stack(); try catch (IOException e) (); charArr = new char(); for (int i = - 1; i -1; i-) charArri = (); /* * */ package objectmovable; import util.*; /* * author guhonglueying *

16、*/ / 实现person的走迷宫过程 public class Person extends SubObjectMovable public void Maze(char ch) ( h = new Helper(ch); (); (, 2); /* * */ package objectmovable; import util.*; /* * author guhonglueying * */ / 实现ship的走迷宫过程 public class Ship extends SubObjectMovable public void Maze(char ch) (/* * */ packag

17、e util; /* * author guhonglueying * */ public class Node public Node(int x, int y) = x; = y; public int getX() return x; private int x; private int y; public Node() public void setX(int x) = x; public int getY() return y; public void setY(int y) public boolean equals(Object o) if (!(o instanceof Nod

18、e) = y; return false; Node n = (Node) o; return = x & = y; public String toString() return x + /* * */ package test; import map.*; import objectmovable.*; /* * author guhonglueying * */ public class TestMaze /* * param args */ / 主函数,程序入口 public static void main(String args) /多态实现:三种方式创建迷宫 SubMap sm

19、= new SimpleMap(); (); char c = (); /多态实现不同物体的走迷宫过程 SubObjectMovable iom = new Ship(); (c); homework07 文件处理 2011-04-08 22:19 1. 读文件, 添加或去掉行号后写回 2. 统计一个文件中的词个数(请注意中文) package sample; import *; public class AddRowNum / / / / / / / / / / (return; try /* 开启两个文件, 分别读写 */ BufferedReader reader = new Buffe

20、redReader(new FileReader( BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(/* 首先取得总行数, 然后逐行添加写回 */ int nRowNum = 0; String strOneLine = null; while () != null) nRowNum+; public static void main(String args) (); String formator = (nRowNum = 0; reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(whi

21、le (strOneLine = () != null) ( %sn+nRowNum, strOneLine); package sample; import *; public class CountWords public static void main(String args) String fileName = try BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName); int NumberCount = 0; int LetterCount = 0; int ChineseCharacterCou

22、nt = 0; int a = -1; (new File( (); (); new File(new File( catch (FileNotFoundException e) (找不到指定文件 catch (IOException e) (文件读写错误 Character c; while (a = () != -1) c = (char) a; if (c) NumberCount+; else if (一 ChineseCharacterCount+; else if (c) LetterCount+; (); (文件共包含:(数字:字母: + LetterCount + 汉字:/*

23、林启敏 */ (); reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(boolean isWordStart = false; int count = 0; char oneChar = new char1; while (oneChar) != -1) if (oneChar0 = . | oneChar0 = , | oneChar0 = ) if(isWordStart) isWordStart = false; count+; else isWordStart = true; ( catch (FileNotFoundException e) (找

24、不到指定文件 catch (IOException e) (文件读写错误homework08 html 2011-04-11 16:24 1. 使用Html实现登录页面, 需提供身份证号码, Email等相关信息 2. 在提交时, 使用JavaScript做校验, 如果失败, 则提示注册者. 用户注册页面 用户注册页面 注册成功页面 .oneColFixCtrHdr #container width: 780px;background: #FFFFFF; margin: 0 auto; border: 1px solid #; text-align: left; .oneColFixCtrHd

25、r #header background: #DDDDDD; padding: 0 10px 0 20px; .oneColFixCtrHdr #header h1 margin: 0; padding: 10px 0; .oneColFixCtrHdr #mainContent padding: 0 20px; background: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; .oneColFixCtrHdr #footer padding: 0 10px; background:#DDDDDD; .oneColFixCtrHdr #footer p margin: 0; pa

26、dding: 10px 0; - 注册成功! 下面自动转入首页. homework09 Swing 2011-04-17 22:26 1. 使用Swing实现之前Html登录页面, 需提供身份证号码, Email等相关信息 2. 同样在提交时, 程序内部做校验, 失败则提示下相关信息. package homework09; import *; import *; import *; import *; import *; public class LoginWindow public static void main(String args) LoginFrame login = new L

27、oginFrame();(用户注册界面(480,360); (null); (_ON_CLOSE);(true); class LoginFrame extends JFrame public LoginFrame() Font defaultFont = new Font(微软雅黑Container loginCon = getContentPane();LoginPanel panel = new LoginPanel(); TitledBorder inputPanelBorder = new TitledBorder(基本资料(defaultFont); (inputPanelBord

28、er);(panel); class LoginPanel extends JPanel JTextField nameField,phoneField,emailField,idCardField; JPasswordField passField,repassField; JButton submit,reset; public LoginPanel() BorderLayout layout = new BorderLayout();setLayout(layout); nameField = new JTextField(10); (); passField = new JPasswo

29、rdField(8); (); repassField = new JPasswordField(8); (); phoneField = new JTextField(12); (); emailField = new JTextField(14); (); idCardField = new JTextField(12); (); submit = new JButton(提交reset = new JButton(重置 Box horizontalBox1 = ();Box horizontalBox2 = ();Box horizontalBox3 = ();Box horizonta

30、lBox4 = ();Box horizontalBox5 = ();Box horizontalBox6 = ();Box horizontalBox7 = (); (35);(new JLabel(用户名:(12);(nameField); (10); (new JLabel(长度为8至16 (new JLabel(设置密码:(12);(passField); (10); (new JLabel(长度至少为6(30);(new JLabel(重复密码:(12);(repassField); (10); (new JLabel(两次输入必须一致(60);(new JLabel(电话号码:(1

31、2);(phoneField);(10); (new JLabel(座机或电话号码 (new JLabel(邮箱地址:(12);(emailField); (20);(new JLabel(身份证信息:(12);(idCardField); (52); (submit); (20);(reset); Box verticalBox = ();(horizontalBox1); (14);(horizontalBox2); (14);(horizontalBox3); (14); (horizontalBox4); (14);(horizontalBox5); (14);(horizontalB

32、ox6); (18);(horizontalBox7); add(verticalBox); (new ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) submit(); ); (new ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) reset(); ); void submit() String phoneRe = String emailRe = String idCardRe = Pattern phonePat = (phoneRe); Pa

33、ttern emailPat = (emailRe); Pattern idCardPat = (idCardRe); Matcher phoneMat = (); Matcher emailMat = (); Matcher idCardMat = (); String error = if().equals( error = 用户名不能为空! else if().length()16) error = 用户名长度不符合要求! else if().equals( error = 密码不能为空! else if().length()else if(!().equals() error = 两次

34、输入的密码不一致! else if().equals( error = 电话号码不能为空! else if(!() error = 电话号码格式不正确! else if().equals( error = 邮箱地址不能为空! else if(!() error = 邮件地址格式不正确! else if().equals( error = 身份证信息不能为空! else if(!() error =身份证格式不正确! if( else (null, error, 消息提示 _MESSAGE); (null, 注册成功!消息提示 _MESSAGE); reset(); void reset() h

35、omework10 container 2011-04-24 22:46 1. 使用数组构建栈Stack(FILO) (null); (null); (null); (null); (null); (null); 2. 对比Java提供的Stack, 两者有啥区别 3. 使用Stack栈实现行编辑器设立一个输入行冲区, 接受用户逐行的输入, 处理后回显正确的信息 逐行处理过程如下: 有两个特殊字符用来修改该行的错误信息, #表示之前一个字符错误, 请删除, 表示之前字符全部错误, 请删除前面的全部 示例: whli#ilr#e(s#*s) - while(*s) outchaputchar(*

36、s=#+); - putchar(*s+); package mystack; /* * author 电子商务一班 俞国峰 1 */ public class MyStack /currentSize用来记录当前栈中元素个数 private int currentSize; private Object Mylist; /构造函数,创建空栈 public MyStack() Mylist = new Object10; currentSize = 0; /当数组长度不够时,增加数组长度 public void enLargeSize() Object tempList = new Objec

37、t * 2; (Mylist, 0, tempList, 0, ); Mylist = tempList; /判断栈是否为空 public boolean empty() return currentSize = 0; /入栈 public void push(Object o) if (currentSize = ) enLargeSize(); /出栈,返回栈顶元素 public Object pop() /获取栈顶元素 public Object peek() if (currentSize = 0) return null; if (currentSize = 0) return nu

38、ll; currentSize-; if (currentSize + 1 = ) enLargeSize(); return MylistcurrentSize + 1; MylistcurrentSize = new Object(); MylistcurrentSize = o; currentSize+; return MylistcurrentSize - 1; /获取栈大小,返回栈中元素个数 public int getSize() return currentSize; /清空栈 public void clearAll() /重载toString(),以字符串形式返回栈中元素

39、Override public String toString() Mylist = new Object10; currentSize = 0; String tempString = for (int i = 0; i return tempString; package mystack; /* * author 电子商务一班 俞国峰 1 */ import *; public class testMyStack public static void main(String args) MyStack msk = new MyStack(); Scanner sc = new Scanne

40、r(); String input = (nYou may enter in: enter exit or EXIT to exit! (example: outchaputchar(*s=#+);( while (!(input = ().equalsIgnoreCase( char charr = ();(for (int i = 0; i (charri); switch (charri) case #: (); break; case : (); break; default : (charri); break; ( homework11 多线程和网络通信 2011-05-07 21:

41、59 1. 实现UDP模式的客户端和服务器端通信 2. 使用两个线程: 一个线程负责发送消息, 一个线程负责收取并发送消息,两线程间使用LinkedList共享数据 package _yu_guo_feng; /* * author 电子商务一班俞国峰1 * * 功能:c/s结构,实现基于UDP的聊天功能 * 说明:先开启服务器,再接入客户端 * 未完善:服务器多开异常处理,下线提醒 */ import *; import *; import *; import *; import *; import *; public class Server extends JFrame private

42、static final long serialVersionUID = L; private JTextArea jta; /保存当前用户 private LinkedList sclient; private DatagramSocket socket; private DatagramPacket sendPacket, recevicedPacket; private byte buf; /日期处理 private SimpleDateFormat sdf; public static void main(String args) new Server(); public Server

43、() String introduction QQ 730= 寝室版 + 欢迎使用 腾讯=n + + 使用说明:n+ 运行服务器n+ 接入客户端(可接入多个)n+ 功能:上线提醒、群聊和私聊n + 作者:电子商务一班俞国峰1=n + try socket = new DatagramSocket(8888); catch (SocketException e) (); jta = new JTextArea(introduction); (new ImageIcon(腾讯QQ 730寝室版服务器(jta, ); (400, 300); (false); (_ON_CLOSE); (null); (true); sclient = new LinkedList(); /指定时间表示模式 sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(专心-专注-专业

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