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1、加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) 英中字幕我把还是婴儿的她送进孤儿院 不曾回去看她I placed the infant in an orphanage, never to see her again.我以为留下红宝石可以让她过得好一点I thought the ruby might afford her some easy life.没想到她会去研究那本日记But I never imagined she would take those scribblings.想要解开身世之谜Make a

2、 life of her own.还是回到了我身边Life thats led her back to me.看来现在情况对我非常有利 老爹I would say this puts me in a rather favorable position, Daddy.- 要什么你说 - 我要我的罗盘- Tell me what you want. - I want mi compass.还有216桶的兰姆酒和这只猴子216 barrels of rum. And a monkey.- 你想养杰克 - 晚餐- You want Jack? - Dinner.我要把它当晚餐吃掉I want to e

3、at him. I want to eat that monkey.不行杰克 这么聪明的姑娘No deal Jack. A clever young woman such as that,是绝对不会相信我这样的人会是她的父亲would never believe that a swine like me could ever be her blood.而且我一定要得到三叉戟And the Tridente will be mine.皇家海军Redcoats.皇家海军来了Redcoats!准备射击Prepare to fire!准备射击Prepare to fire.敌军从右弦摸上来了She c

4、omes starboard.我们要奋战到底We shall fight to the last.黑珍珠号绝不能再次被夺走The pearl will not be taken from me again.长官Sir.海上的控制权只能属于大英帝国Only the British Empire will hold the power of the sea.不论发生什么事 只管保持航线What ever happens, stay your course.杰克斯派洛Jack Sparrow?我来找你算账了Ive come with the butchers bill.他人呢Where is he?

5、大家准备战斗 跟他们拼了Defend yourselves men! Till again!能不能快点 你这刀子是用黄油磨出来的吗Hurry up man, what did you. sharpen it with butter?看你往哪儿躲There is nowhere to hide.勇敢起来 让我们为黑珍珠号而战Lets be brave, save the Pearl.就是这里This has to be it.- 应该在这里 - 往那片陆地上开- It has to be here. - Sail that land.我的天Oh mi Lords eye.快到了Were near

6、ly there.应该就在附近Its here somewhere.找到那地方了吗 小姐Have you found what you were looking for yet, miss?我正在找Im trying!星星就要看不见了The stars will soon be gone.卡丽娜Carina!亨利 你看 小岛就在那里Henry! Look, the island is there.你找到了You found it!那座岛The island.陆地Land!快去Get to the.卡丽娜Carina!卡丽娜Carina!亨利Henry!他们抓走了亨利They took Henr

7、y!现在只有三叉戟才能救他The trident be all that can save him now.那么我们一定要找到三叉戟Then we have to find it.三叉戟在哪里Where is it?一定在这里It has to be here.快来看 杰克Look at it Jack.我从没见过这么漂亮的东西Its most beautiful thing Ive ever seen.这是父亲希望我找到的This is what my father wanted to find.石头吗The rocks?不不是石头 是星星No, no. Not rocks, stars.它

8、就是无人能懂的海图指引的地方This is the map no man can read.整座岛是天堂的完美倒影This island is a perfect reflection of the heavens.少了一颗星星 快来One stars missing, quickly.我们必须找三叉戟才能救亨利We have to find the trident to save Henry.赫克托Hector.你应该知道她是个钟表专家I think you should know shes a horologist.它为什么不在闪烁Why is not it glowing?把它放回原位

9、卡丽娜Finish it, Carina.丢失的那一角The missing star.为了我的父亲For my father.没错Aye.为了他Do it for him.看There.- 波塞冬之墓 - 这边- Posiedons tomb. - This way.船长Capitan.你知道这很危险的 别那么做You know the danger. Dont do it!没别的办法了 杰克已经上岸去找三叉戟了We have no choice. Jack is on land going for the trident.船长 一定有别的办法的Capitan, there must be

10、another way.一旦你附身活人Once you possess the living,就再也回不来了 你会困在他身体里面 there is no coming back. You will be trapped in his body.直到永远Forever.三叉戟能还我自由的The Tridente will set me free.- 是时候去杀斯派洛了 - 不- Time to kill a sparrow. - No!- 快看 杰克 就在那 - 三叉戟- Look Jack, there it is. - The trident.杰克Jack!你伤了我就等于伤了亨利You cu

11、t me, you cut the boy Jack.- 亨利 - 不- Henry! - No.112201:45:12,900 - 01:45:15,030你好 斯派洛Hola, Sparrow.不No.斯派洛 斯派洛Sparrow, Sparrow.不No.亨利 把他唤醒拜托Henry, youve woken him up Please.亨利快醒醒Henry wake up!滚开Oh, piss off!亨利快醒醒 他要杀杰克Henry wakes up, he is killing Jack.亨利Henry!- 大海之力 - 什么- Power of the sea. - What?

12、- 大海之力 - 要释放大海之力- The power of the sea. - To release the power of the sea.必须分离All must divide.如果三叉戟掌握着所有的力量 那么If the trident holds all the power, then.那么所有的诅咒都会存在其中Then every curse is held inside.就像我之前告诉你的那样As I told you before.现在向我投降 我就不会Surrender to me now. And I will let you.- 杀你 - 你想让我投降- Live.

13、- Do you want me to surrender?- 也许 - 审判到此结束- Maybe. - This is where the trail ends.不要No!分离Divide.亨利Henry!分离Divide.破坏Break.打破三叉戟就能破坏大海的诅咒Break the trident and youll break off the curses of the sea.拜拜了 斯派洛Adios, Sparrow.所有的诅咒都消除了All curses have broken.太好了Yes!- 黑珍珠号 我的黑珍珠号 - 快爬- The Pearl! My Pearl! -

14、Climb.快走Move, fast!开稳了伙计们 别让它滑下去Hold it steady boys, dont let it slip.杰克Jack!快点Faster!起锚Lift, anchor!快起锚Get the anchor up, quick!停下停下 起锚Stop, stop, bring it up.快起锚Bring it up!船长Capitan!该死Oh, crap!我抓住你了Ive got ya.我是你的什么人Who am I to you?你是我的宝贝Treasure.抓住了Hold on!赫克托Hector!去右舷Go to starboard!这是海盗的宿命 赫克

15、托Pirates life, Hector.你还好吧You were right?我也不知道I dont know.亨利 有一瞬间我好像拥有了一切For a moment I had everything Henry.但一转眼又失去了Now its all gone again.没有全都失去 史密斯小姐Its not all gone, Smyth.巴博萨 我姓巴博萨Barbarossa. My name is Barbarossa.- 也许杰克说的没错 - 说什么- Maybe Jack was right. - About what?你是难瘙之痒You unstretchable itch

16、.你为什么打我Why did you do that for?看看是不是真的你Just checking its truly you.我怕你又被附身That you are not still cursed.- 是真的我 - 那是我- Its me. - Then I was.- 错了 - 小失误- Wrong. - Slightly an error.不过Although one.我原谅你了Apology accepted.是荷兰人号The Dutchman.- 亨利 - 是我 父亲- Henry? - Yes father.看看你孩子Oh, look at you son.你是怎么做到的H

17、ow did you do it?- 你是怎么打破诅咒的 - 让我给你讲个故事- How did you break the curse? - Let me tell you a tale.人类史上最伟大宝藏的故事The tale of the greatest treasure known to man.我很想听听Thats the tale I wanna hear.又在撒狗粮 恶心人What a silly revolting sight.让一让Make way!杰克斯派洛船长本人Captain Jack Sparrow on deck.驾到了Indeed.欢迎回来 船长Welcome

18、back, Captain.我非常感谢你 让一让I thank you very much, coming through.- 船长 - 谢谢你 我记得你- Captain! - Thank you, I remember you.- 谢谢你 - 我的天- Cheers, thank you. - Oh good!吉布斯总管Master Gibbs.船由你掌舵了船长The ship is yours Captain.谢谢你Aye, thank you!猴子Monkey.谢谢你Thank you!我们下一步要去哪What be aye heading captain?我们要追逐星辰We shou

19、ld follow the stars,吉布斯总管Master Gibbs.遵命 船长Aye. aye, Captain!我在天边有个约会I have a rendezvous beyond my. Beloved horizon.好主意Oh, good idea.- 你先说 - 我的宝藏被埋在- You go first. - My treasure is buried.阿鲁巴岛上两颗交叉的棕榈树下为标记的墓地Between two cross palm trees in an unmarked grave in Aruba.你的宝藏呢What about yours?我没有宝藏I have

20、nt got any.你答应我杀死杰克的You promised me Jacks blood.但杰克被困住了But Jack is trapped!- 他永远逃不出去了 - 不过是个小岛- He can never escape the island. - Piece of land.你们好Hello.我遵守了约定I upheld our deal.我和手下会上岸去Mi men and myself will go ashore.我会把叛徒交还给你The traitor will be yours.- 以我的名誉发誓 - 名誉- On mi honor. - Honor?你这个家伙有何名誉可

21、言What honor, hombre? What honor?- 你根本不懂名誉 - 请绕我一命- You dont know what the honor is. - Spare mi my life.我会把你要的小矮子斯派洛带来And Ill fetch you little Sparrow.同意吗An accord?醒醒 斯派洛Wake up Sparrow.醒醒 斯派洛Wake up Sparrow.醒醒 斯派洛Wake up, Sparrow.- 是时候还债了 - 猪哥- Its time to pay your debt. - Pig?凯莉猪Pig Kelly?- 我的老伙计 -

22、 伙计- Mi old mate. - Mate?孩子们听到没Do you hear that boys?这个海盗欠我一大笔银子This pirate owes me a blunder of silver.老天爷将他带到了刽子湾And luck has brought him to Hangmans Bay.在这他能还清欠款 从此两清Where he can settle his debt, here and now.我会的 猪哥 你说个数吧And I will, I will Pig. Name your price.她叫碧翠丝Her name is Beatrice.她是我可怜的寡妇妹妹

23、And she is my poor widowed sister.啊 那是啥玩意啊What, what is that?她一直在找好男人Shes been looking for a respectable man.- 但你也勉强可以了 - 罗伊斯 赶紧开始吧- But youll have to do. - Royce, lets get on with this.不 为什么 为什么这么对我No why? Why.?让她做回女人 对她好 杰克To make an honest woman of her, Jack.恭喜你 今天你要结婚了Congratulations, its your w

24、edding day.可以开始了吗Let us begin?我们会在谷仓中度蜜月We will honeymoon in the barn.不 别这样 猪哥No, no, no. Pig.我怎么可能真心实意地对它好呢How can I honestly make an honest woman out of it?她 我的意思是她That, her. I mean. Her.- 这玩意都是啥 - 我们的子嗣- What are those things? - Our children.最好别和他们对视Best not look them in the eye.带伴娘伴郎来Bring the b

25、est man and the bridesmaid.我看它的眼睛了I looked it in the eye.将手放在圣经上Place your hand on the Bible.- 我有疥疮 - 巧了 我也有- I have got scabies. - So do I.手放在圣经上Place your hand on the Bible.我爱尿炕Im a bed wetter.说你愿意Say I do.- 否则我爆了你的头 - 杰克 他们真要杀死我们- Or Ill put a bullet in your skull. - Jack, they are going to kill

26、us.- 我不在乎 - 快同意吧- I dont care! - Just say I do.- 最后机会 - 等下 当然- Last chance Jack. - Wait. Surely.- 这并不合法 - 不合法- This is not legal. - This is not legal.他说得对Hes right.有人反对这场婚姻吗Does any man here object to the nuptials?- 我 - 恭喜- I do. - Congratulations.你可以亲吻新娘了You may kiss the bride.你爱吃海鲜 对吧Do you like s

27、eafood, do you?杰克 又见面了Jack. We meet again.赫克托Hector!这是我全世界最好的朋友This is mi best mate in the whole world.我一直知道你早晚会安心结婚I always knew youll settle down, eventually.你给我带礼物了吗Did you bring me a gift?这样也行Thatll do.你看着很精神 脚步十分轻盈You look marvelous. Got quite a spring in your step.你的腿长出来了吗Has your leg grown ba

28、ck?船长 我们不该回去找萨拉查Captain, shouldnt we be getting back to Salazar.用斯派洛先生的命换我们的吗Trade Mr. Sparrows life in for our own?可以那么做 但我是来找波塞冬三叉戟的I know that we could. But Ive come for the Trident Poseidon.你想出卖那帮亡灵吗Youre gonna double cross the dead?你向他们承诺过You did promise!所以我会摧毁偷走我对大海控制权的亡灵And with it Ill gut th

29、e dead that stole my command of the sea.虽然我很喜欢这个计划As much as I love this plan.什么船都逃不脱那凄惨可悲的船的魔掌No vessel can outrun that wretched haul of the ship.有的 杰克But there be one, Jack.我见过的最快的船The fastest ship I know.黑珍珠号 被困在黑胡子的瓶子里The pearl, trapped in that bottle by Blackbeard.五个寒冬前Five winters ago.以强盗至高无上的

30、剑起誓By the power of that blaggerd sovereign blade.我在此返还黑珍珠号曾经应得的荣耀I hereby release the Black Pearl, to her former and rightful glory.弄掉那Get rid of the.要来了Its coming.它要出现了 来了来了It is coming! It is coming! Coming!放一边Set aside.要来了Its coming!缩水了Its shrunken.为什么不能恢复原样呢Why doesnt it unshrink?也许天太冷了Maybe its

31、 cold.她要回到海上She needs the sea.她曾经是艘好船She was a fine ship.船上只需要一位船长There be room for only one captain.- 肮脏的畜生 - 该去与亡灵赛跑了- Filthy beast. - Time to race the dead.唯一安全的地方就是陆地The only safe place is the land.为什么我们要离开陆地Why are we going away from the land?没人知道吗Nobody knows?船长 你的地图不完整Captain, your map is inc

32、omplete.如果你相信我 我能带大家去找三叉戟I can take us to the Trident, if youd only trust me.你听我刚才说的了吗Did you not hear anything I just said?所以你的意思是So you be saying.那颗星星假装自己是地图吗Is that star pretending to be a map?船长 任何地图上都没有陆地Sir, there is no island, on any map,那女人说的毫无根据to support what the woman says.船长 你不用理解她说的话Cap

33、tain, you dont have to understand her.只需要相信她Just believe her.有人吗Any one?要是有锋利的东西 我就能撬锁We had something sharp, I could pick that lock.在这里你绝对找不到锋利的玩意You are not gonna find anything sharp in here.放了他们Release them.船长 你不会想让女人掌舵吧Sir, you wouldnt allow a woman to steer your ship?让她去追星星 否则我们都会死She will foll

34、ow her star. Or well all die together.黑珍珠号 又起航了The Black Pearl. She sails again.这艘船 那些鬼This ship. Those ghosts.都无法用常理来解释There can be no logical explanation.海之传说是真的 卡丽娜Myths of the sea are real, Carina.很高兴你终于能意识到自己想错了Im glad you can finally see you were wrong.错Wrong?也许我确实怀疑过Perhaps I had some doubts.

35、这是我听过最糟的道歉了This is the worst apology Ive ever heard.道歉 我为什么要道歉Apology? Why would I apologize?因为我们在被亡灵追捕 开一艘Because weve been chased by the dead, sailing on a ship,从瓶子里蹦出的船 科学如何解释raised from a bottle. Where is your science in that?好吧 我会道歉Fine, I will apologize.接着说Go on, then.那样的话 你可能也要和我道歉Well then,

36、one could argue that you owe me an apology.我的生命因为你被海盗与亡灵威胁As my life has been threatened by pirates and dead man.现在你相信了 虽然这么说很欠打Which you now believe in, sorry to say.我原谅你Apology accepted.我去望风I am going to the lookout.很高兴你这么想Im glad you see it my way!- 准备好枪 - 准备好枪- Ready the guns. - Aye. Ready the g

37、uns!这些海盗是冲着三叉戟来的These pirates are going for the trident.这你是从哪拿到的 姑娘Where did you get that from Missy?我知道这本书 十多年前I know this book, stolen from an Italian ship,- 从意大利船上偷的 - 偷- many years ago. - Stolen?不 你看认错了No, youre mistaken.书封皮上本有一颗红宝石There was a Ruby on the cover.非常记忆犹新I would not soon forget.这是我父

38、亲给我的This was given to me by my father.他明明是个科学家He was clearly a man of science.显然他是个小偷He was clearly a common thief.我对父亲的回忆The memory of my father will not be befouled.才不会被海盗之舌玷污by the tongue of a pirate.这本日记是我生来就有的This diary is my birth right.被放在儿童之家的台阶上Left to me on the steps of a childrens home.还留

39、了一个名字 仅此而已Along with a name and nothing else.所以你是孤儿咯Oh, so you are an orphan?你叫什么What be you called?北方的明亮之星赋予我名字Brightest star in the North gave me my name.- 所以你叫卡丽娜 - 卡丽娜史密斯- That would be Carina? - Carina Smyth.- 你确实很了解星象 - 我是船长- So, you do know your stars? - Im a captain.我知道跟着哪颗星星能回家I know which

40、stars to follow home.史密斯Smyth?史密斯十个不同寻常的姓Smyth is quite an unusual name.我们不也认识一位吗 老史密斯Did we not once know someone, old Smyth?别捣乱Shut your trip.她叫什么来着What was her name.到嘴边了就是想不出Its right on the tip of mi tongue.你想丢掉舌头吗Do you wanna loose that tongue?玛格丽特史密斯Margaret Smyth.我们达成一致了吗Aye, so we making acc

41、ord then?还是我去告诉那个人Or, Shall I tell you know who.我们都知道真相What we both know its the truth.你我要把这个秘密带入坟墓We both take the secret to our grave.所以是真的咯 我只是在虚张声势You mean, it is true? I was bluffing.才不是I am not!杀了我 你就没东西给亡灵了You kill me, you got nothing to bow to the deadness.你需要我So you need me.必须坦白 赫克托 你真的非常非常

42、丑I will have to frank Hector. You are very, very ugly.你怎么会生出那么位可人呢So how could you produce a fetching creature such as that?玛格丽特死了Margaret died.我尽了一个不成器的强盗最大的努力That worthless blaggerd ever could.我也是这么干的 我摧毁了许多海盗船And thats what I did, I destroyed dozens of ships.最后剩下的那些 集合起来 妄图打败我The last ones joined

43、 together to try and defeat me.但不久 他们也意识到 毫无希望But they soon realized it was hopeless.没人能阻挡沉默玛丽号Nothing could stop the Silent Mary.在水面以下攻击Hit them below the water line.快 快Vamo, vamo!坚持住Hang on tight!海洋终于 纯净了The sea was finally. pure.卑鄙的海盗船不会再玷污海洋Their wretched flags will no longer stain the sea.他们在祈求

44、饶恕They are begging for mercy.饶恕Mercy?永不饶恕Theres no mercy.准备好Make ready.- 拜拜咯 - 开火- Adios! - Fire!现在就看你了 杰克Its up to you now Jack.这个罗盘 指向你最想要的This compass. points towards what you want most.永远不要背叛它Never betray it.魔鬼三角洲The Devils Triangle.他们最后的海盗船 在我眼前燃烧The last of their ships were burning before my e

45、yes.就在 胜利时刻And in that moment of. Victori.就在那时 我听到了Its when I heard it.等一等 船长Hold on, Captain.有一条船想冲出烟雾逃跑One ship was trying to escape through the smoke.出海的好日子 对吧Its a lovely day for a sail, aint it?就在那里And there.在瞭望台 就是那个年轻的海盗In the crows nest, there was this young pirate boy.在我看来 就只有我们两个了The way I

46、 see it, it just the two of us left.你要是现在投降 我就让你活 简单极了If you surrender to me now, Ill let you live, simple.他站在那里 就像 一只小鸟He stood there, looking like. A little bird.那天之后 他赢得了那个And from that day he earned himself a name that would.纠缠我一辈子的名字haunt me for the rest of my days.杰克斯派罗Jack de Sparrow.好啦 你现在投降

47、 我就让你活Right, you surrender to me now, and Ill let you live.我可以让你活下来I shall let you live.这个男孩This boy.这个男孩居然嘲笑我的力量This boy was mocking my power.所以我就追上去 打定主意 So I test him. Knowing that I would run.要让我的刀已经划过他的脖子 当他死了 我就终于My knife along his neck, and when he was dead, I would finish finally.终结了所有的海盗Wit

48、h piratess life.追上去Follow him men!大炮都推过来 拿一些缆绳To the gutholes. Thread some lines.准备急转Prepare the boot leg!左舷Port side.扔下去Throw it now.他们掉头了Theyre turning around.这都是什么Whats all this?贡品 先生Tribute. Sir.他夺走了我的一切He took everything from me.让我充满 狂怒And filled me with. rage.和苦痛And pain.他就是传说的终结And he is wher

49、e the tale ends.还没呢 船长 那里Not yet Capitan, there.我就说会找到的Found as promised.她说自己有地图So shes saying shes got the map,但是她是唯一能看懂的but shes the only one who can follow it?- 所以我们要 - 别管她- So we should.? - Leave her be.- 她会带我们到三叉戟 - 你都说了几个小时了- She will take us to the Trident. - Youve been saying that for hours.

50、我们可以确信的有两件事 白天没有星星Two things we know are true, the stars dont shine by day.还有 她忘了带驴子And she forgot a donkey.那我们怎么去一个地图上找不到的地方How can we go to a spot, where no land exists on any map?这个航海经线仪跟伦敦时间一模一样This chronometer keeps the exact time in London.我用它做海拔测量Im using it to make an altitude measurement.来确

51、定经度To determine longitude.只有这样 我们才能找到确切的观测点Only then will we find our exact spot to see.所以你是打算用一个表来找到三叉戟So you expect to find the trident with a timepiece?对的Yes.我的计算十分准确My calculations are precise and true.我不光是天文学家Im not only an Astronomer.我也是个钟表专家I am also a horologist.没啥丢人的No shame in that dear.大家

52、都要糊口嘛Well all have to earn a living, eh?不 我说我是钟表专家No, Im a horologist.我妈也是啊 她也没有像你这样大声宣布So was my mum. But she didnt cry a bad as lad as you.你的意思是你妈也有一定学术研究背景吗You saying your mother was academically inclined?不如说 平躺着的背景吧More like a horizontally, reclined.钟表学是研究时间的Horology is the study of time.她也总在看时间

53、啊And she was always looking at watch.这点我敢保证I can vouch for that.所以 只有你能找到宝藏 是么So no one can find the X, but you, right?不No.- 还有驴子吗 - 后方有船- And the donkey? - Ship to the f!萨拉查Salazar.杰克 亡灵在得到复仇之前是不会停下的Jack, the dead will not rest until they get their revenge.亡灵Dead?不 不 亡灵No, no, the dead.- 你没说有亡灵的事情

54、- 就不应该来- Were never part of this deal. - We shouldve never follow.跟着一个倒霉船长和女巫出海A luck less pirate and a witch to sea.不管了 把他们都杀了Right, thats it. Kill them all.杀了我 然后 然后我就死了Kill me and, and. I will be dead.那些亡灵就没法复仇了And then the other dead wont be able to have the revenge.对我复仇Against me,- 我就死了 - 啥- Id

55、 be dead. - What?- 他们将会更加愤怒 - 他说得对- Which will anger them even more. - Hes right.说得对Thats right.海盗都这么没脑子么Are all pirates this stupid?对的Yes.那我们怎么办呢What are we going to do?作为船长As Captain.我能建议下么Might I suggest.兵变 你非得建议兵变Mutiny? You had to suggest a mutiny?卡丽娜 亡灵就要来了Carina, the dead are coming.反正 我是不相信什

56、么超自然的屁话Well. I choose not to believe in supernatural nonsense.你难道没看到我们身后是什么Do you not see whats behind us?- 把它们放下去 - 遵命- Drop them! - Si.放下去Drop them!你干什么What are you doing?船上的那些人在找杰克Men on that ship are looking for Jack.杰克在这条小船上And Jack is on this boat.我还是逃跑吧Im going to swim for it.你怎么敢学我How dare y

57、ou do exactly what Id do if I were you?- 卡丽娜 别这样 - 不 不 不 千万别停- Carina stop! - No, no, no, dont stop.- 你够了 - 够什么够- This has gone far enough. - No, it has not.别听他的 接着来 接着来Listen not to him, carry on, carry on.- 干嘛 眼看着要脱光了 - 我看到她的脚踝了- Why, she was almost finished. - I saw her ankles.你个傻小子要是闭嘴还能看到更多呢You

58、d have to seen a lot more, if you kept the cakeholes shut.去杀了斯派洛Kill the sparrow.这可不妙Thats not good, is it?接着划 快点Keep rowing man. Faster!不 不管了No, thats it.我去找她了Im going with her.你为了个光穿了内衣的钟表专家就要抛弃我吗You would leave me for some horologist in her knickers?没错Yes.臭男人都一个样You men are all alike.鲨鱼Shark.亨利He

59、nry!看来没用Doesnt seem to be working.不 没事的 没事的No, well be fine, well be fine.- 这是怎么搞的 - 我们必须游泳了- How did they do that? - We have to swim.我来引开他I will distract him.就现在Now!亨利Henry!嗨 杰克斯派洛Hi. Jack Sparrow.杰克斯派洛Jack Sparrow.西班牙人Spanish?鬼啊Ghosts.他们无法登陆They are unable to step on land.- 我就知道 - 有鬼- I knew that. - Ghosts!- 卡丽娜 - 你要对

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