【精品】高中英语外研版选修6同步练习:module 4 第3课时cultural cornertask含答案

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1、Module 4 第三课时.单词拼写1Although he is young, he has a large _ (收藏) of stamps.2After work, the boss often goes to play golf for _ (放松)3At election time the party needs a lot of _ (自愿的) helpers.4Please accept this little p_ with our best wishes.5We do not have enough money. T_ we cannot afford to buy the

2、new car.6His reading _ (包含,涉及) a wide range of subjects.7Many people h_ Jackie Chan, because he is not only a good actor, but also likes helping others.8Do dark clouds _ (预示,表示)rain?9Twelve Girls Band had many _(成功的表演或尝试,成功而风行一时的事物)10The vice manager of the company is _ (空缺的,空着的)and has been adverti

3、sed.答案:1.collection 2.relaxation3.voluntary4.present5.Therefore6.covers7.honour8.signify9.hits10vacant.选词或短语并用其适当形式填空charm, collection, scene, voluntary, therefore, interval, draw upon, miss the point, pick up, on the other hand1Youve completely_of his argument.2He first burst onto the national poli

4、tical_ at age 28.3He frequently did _ work during his spare time at university.4We were _ by the friendliness of the local people.5He was down with the flu, and_couldnt come to the party.6Its a_of Chinese jade.7Different civilizations and social systems should_and benefit from each other to achieve

5、common development.8We had a quick drink for the_.9This is a novel, but _, it can be looked as a biography.10_the typewriter case by the handle.答案:1.missed the point2. scene3voluntary4.charmed5.therefore6collection7.draw upon8.interval9on the other hand10.Pick up.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单

6、词的正确形式。 【全国新课标卷题型】It was a very cold evening, an old man was waiting for a ride across the river. He saw several horsemen pass by but he didnt ask for any help. The wait seemed_1_(end)Then came another rider,the old man_2_(catch) his eye and said, “Sir, would you mind doing me a favor?”Stopping his

7、horse,he replied, “Of course.” Almost_3_(freeze), the old man could not get_4_the ground. The horseman helped him onto his horse. He took the old man not just across the river,_5_to his home.“Sir, you didnt even ask the other riders for help, why? What_6_I had said no and left you there?” the horsem

8、an asked.The old man looked at him straight in the eyes and said, “I looked into their eyes, I found they didnt care,_7_told me it would be useless, but when I looked into_8_, I saw kindness.”These words touched the rider deeply. “Thank you for_9_youve said, I hope I will never be too busy to help o

9、thers.” With that, Thomas Jefferson, the_10_(three) president of the US, turned his horse around and went away.1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1.endless2.caught3.frozen4.off5.but6.if7which8.yours9.what10.third【辽宁卷题型】M: Now we have fiveday classes every week, so we have more spare time_1_before.W: Ho

10、w do you spend your spare time, Timmy?M: I have an interest in playing the violin and Ill continue to practice_2_(play) it.W: Do you often go to a concert?M: Yes, I like listening to music._3_present_4_major objective is to learn from others.W: Do you like classical music_5_pop?M: I like both. _6_do

11、 you spend your spare time then. Lily?W: Playing the piano is my favorite_7_(act)M: Our hobbies are similar_8_each other. I hope we can often exchange our experience together.W: So do I, but I am_9_(weakness)in music theory.M: Me, too. Would you like_10_(go) to my uncle? Hes a professor at the Insti

12、tute of Music.W: I will be glad to go with you. We can ask him for advice. 1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1.than2.playing3.At4.my5.or6.How7activity8.to9.weak10.to go .完形填空All throughout life we deal with some types of disappointment,whether they are from our job, family or friends. Disappointment i

13、s _1_. It is not a matter of “if” it comes; it is “_2_” it comes.Several days before my 15th birthday, my dad _3_ me that they had bought me a car and it would be _4_ on the morning of my birthday. You can imagine the _5_ I felt.That morning, I stood outside waiting for my car to arrive, I _6_ a red

14、 sports car and could feel the wind blowing through my hair as I took the car from 4th to 5th gear (挡)Several minutes later, I notice a tow truck (托运车) coming down the street. I couldnt _7_ it! It wasnt a red sports car like I had pictured. _8_, on the back of this tow truck sat an _9_, multicolored

15、, 1992 Ford truck. There were no words to _10_ the ugliness of this truck.My dad walked out of the _11_ and gave directions where it was to be _12_. Clearly my dad saw the _13_ on my face and told me that we had one year to work on the truck and get it in _14_ shape.Throughout the next year I would

16、_15_ my truck every weekend with my dad. After much hard _16_ , the moment had finally arrived. My dad and I managed to get it running again and off I went for my first _17_ in my “new” truck.I have learned through the _18_ that there is something to learn from our disappointment. The truck gave me

17、an opportunity to actually know my dad. It is through disappointment that we are _19_. In every disappointment there is a _20_ to be learned. However, it is up to you to look for the lesson.15岁生日前夕,父亲答应我买一辆汽车,让我兴奋不已。可等来的却是一辆旧卡车,心情一落千丈。父亲看到我失望的表情,提出了一个建议:我们一起修理这辆卡车。功夫不负有心人,这辆卡车终于发动起来了。这件事为我提供了一次与父亲亲近

18、的机会,也让我学到了人在失望中会变得更加坚强,会在失望中得到锻炼。1A.temporary BvariousCunavoidable Dobvious答案:C结合前面的All throughout life we deal with some types of disappointment可知, 我们生活中需要处理各种失望,所以这里表示失望是“不可避免的(unavoidable)”。2A.where BhowCwhy Dwhen答案:D根据第一个空知道失望是不可避免的,再结合It is not a matter of “if” it comes可知,失望不是“是否”来临的事情,而是“到它到来的

19、时候(when)”。3A.assured BinformedCreminded Dpromised答案:B结合后面they had bought me a car可知,他们已经为作者买了汽车,所以这里是“告诉(informed)”作者这件事。此空很容易错选A,但根据宾语从句的时态即可排除A。4A.bought BpostedCdelivered Drepaired答案:C根据下文作者在门外等待及托运车来送车可知, 这辆车将在作者生日那天早上被“送(delivered)”到。5A.excitement BanxietyCpuzzlement Dnervousness答案:A因为父亲给作者买了汽车

20、,所以作者应该感到很“兴奋(excitement)”。6A.drove BpicturedCpurchased Draced答案:B结合下一段的like I had pictured可知选B项,表示作者脑中构想的样子。7A.manage BgetCmake Dbelieve答案:D根据下文可知,作者的父亲给他买的不是跑车,而是一辆旧卡车。这令人难以置信(believe)。8A.Therefore BOtherwiseCFurthermore DInstead答案:D不是他所想像的跑车而是(Instead).9A.beautiful BuglyCexpensive Dordinary答案:B根据

21、本段最后的the ugliness of this truck可知,作者认为这辆车很“难看(ugly)”。10A.describe BreflectCdemonstrate Dintroduce答案:A根据前面的There were no words可知,作者认为无法用语言来“形容(describe)”它的丑陋。11A.car BschoolChouse Dstreet答案:C父亲是在家里,所以,他是走出“房子(house)”。12A.painted BstoredCunloaded Dcovered答案:C从前面的gave directions可知,作者的父亲出来是指导这辆汽车应该“卸(un

22、loaded)”在哪里。13A.curiosity BdisappointmentCsurprise Dsatisfaction答案:B此处表示作者的父亲当然看到了作者脸上“失望(disappointment)”的表情。14A.complex BusualCnatural Dexcellent答案:D作者的父亲表示他们要用一年的时间把这辆汽车修复到“极好的(excellent)”状态。15A.work on Bdeal withCput out Dtend to答案:A上一段的.to work on the truck是提示,指作者在接下来一年的每个周末都会和父亲一起修复这辆卡车。16A.pr

23、actice BlaborCexperiment Dinstruction答案:B经过许多“努力(labor)”,这辆卡车终于能发动起来了。17A.holiday BentryCpresent Dadventure答案:D因为这是作者第一次开卡车,所以他认为是他的“冒险之旅(adventure)”。结合语境,不难排除A、B、C选项。18A.birthday BstoryCexperience Dgift答案:C作者通过这次“经历(experience)”懂得从失望中也会学到一些东西。这辆卡车就给了作者一次了解父亲的机会。19A.strengthened BsufferedCterrified

24、Dthreatened答案:A作者认识到人们在失望中变得“更加坚强(strengthened)”,会在失望中得到锻炼。其他选项都不表示应当学到的正面的结果,故选A。20A.mistake BlessonCskill Dchance答案:B从后面的However, it is up to you to look for the lesson.可知,从每次失望中人们都会学到“一课(lesson)”。.阅读理解 Lack of parent willpower may contribute more to juvenile_obesity than underexercising or overea

25、ting. Research suggests that having overweight parents is a big influence upon a childs weight, with one study finding that children with overweight parents were four times more likely to be overweight themselves. The findings add heat to an already fierce political debate(争论)over childhood obesity.

26、 The Prime Minister, John Howard, last week decided that $116 million be used for programs to deal with obesity, while the Opposition Leader, Mark Latham, recently announced that his party would move to protect children from unhealthy food advertisements. Clare Collins a senior lecturer at the Unive

27、rsity of Newcastle believes such programs will definitely fail unless they influence the way of life of whole families. “If we cant get parents to take action against their own weight problems, then we cant expect to influence their kids,” she said.However, Professor, Louise Baur from the Childrens

28、Hospital at Westmead, doubts whether adult education programs offer any solution to weight problems. “Many parents know they need to lose weight and they know it influences their kids, but they lack the willpower to do anything about it.” The 10year study of 150 American children found twothirds of

29、children with overweight parents became overweight. Only one in six children whose parents were of average weight became overweight. The president of the Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity, Associate Professor Gary Wittert, said parents needed help in doing their job and the Opposition Pa

30、rtys policy(政策) might be on the right track. “We know that driving without a seat belt is unsafe, so we make law against it,” he said. “Obesity is a major public health concern, so why shouldnt we change the law regarding unhealthy food ads?”1What does the underlined phrase “juvenile obesity” mean?A

31、Adult education BChildhood overweightCParents influence DGrowing pains答案:B猜测词义题。根据第二段“Research suggests that having overweight parents is a big influence upon a childs weight, with one study finding that children with overweight parents were four times more likely to be overweight themselves.”可猜测出ju

32、venile obesity的意思是“青少年过于肥胖”。2What is TRUE about the programs supported by the Prime Minister?ADebates on them will become less fierce.BThey will be effective in dealing with obesity.CA large sum of money will be spent on them.DThey will influence peoples way of life.答案:C判断正误题。根据第三段“The Prime Ministe

33、r,John Howard,last week decided that$116 million be used for programs to deal with obesity”可判断出C项是正确的。3Both Collins and Baur believe that overweight parents _.Awill come up with better solutionsBwill help with their childrens educationCshould be more active in reducing weightDshould carry out at lea

34、st 10 years study答案:C细节理解。根据第四段和第五段的内容可判断出Collins和Baur相信,肥胖的父母亲应该更加积极地减肥。4According to some experts, the Opposition Partys policy_.Acan help fight against unemploymentBmay protect kids from unhealthy food adsCshould be brought back to the right trackDwill work well to prevent traffic accidents答案:B推理

35、判断题。根据最后两段的内容可推断出反对党的政策是保护孩子免受不健康的食物的伤害。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear editor,Im writing to tell you something about how we student

36、s use the Internet. As we all know, the Internet is playing a important part in our daily life. We often read news at home and abroad and learning foreign languages by ourselves on the Internet. Sometimes we sent emails to our families as well as our friends. Beside, we listen music, enjoy films and

37、 play computer games on it. We can even do shopping without leaving our homes.However,it has its disadvantages. We waste too much time playing the electronic games, that has a bad effect on our studies. Whats worse, the bad information on the Internet do great harm to them. I hope we can make the us

38、e of the Internet proper for our studies.Yours truly,Zhang Hua答案:Dear editor,Im writing to tell you something about how we students use the Internet. As we all know, the Internet is playing important part in our daily life. We often read news at home and abroad and foreign languages by ourselves on

39、the Internet. Sometimes we emails to our families as well as our friends. , we listen music, enjoy films and play computer games on it. We can even do shopping without leaving our homes.However,it has its disadvantages. We waste too much time playing the electronic games, has a bad effect on our studies. Whats worse, the bad information on the Internet great harm to . I hope we can make the use of the Internet for our studies.Yours truly,Zhang Hua外研版英语精品资料最新精品英语资料

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