【最新】高中英语新课标选修6练习:1.1Warming UpReading Word版含答案

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《【最新】高中英语新课标选修6练习:1.1Warming UpReading Word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】高中英语新课标选修6练习:1.1Warming UpReading Word版含答案(5页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、最新教学资料人教版英语1.1 新提升课时作业.单句语法填空1The public have lost faith _ what the government is doing.2It was ridiculous _ this should be so difficult to say.3These English materials are aimed _ the preschool children.4Im going to London next Monday._ a coincidence! So am I.5Anyone who is in _(possess) of weapons

2、 without permission is considered to be a lawbreaker.6Her earnest wish was to see things _ they were, and not to be romantic.7French fashionable dress _(adopt) by people in many parts of the world.8I would like to watch TV, but _ the other hand, I must prepare for the coming exam.9George Washington

3、was born in 1732 in a rich family in _ is now the state of Virginia.10Jack is late again. It is _(typically) of him to keep others waiting.答案:1.in2.that3.at4.What5.possession6.as7.has been adopted8.on9.what10.typical.根据提示,完成句子1I cant _ _(集中精力于) my work with so much noise.2The pickpocket _ _ _(摆脱) th

4、e policeman who was holding him and ran away.3I have learned _ _ _(许多) from you when we worked together here.4Were leaving on March 2nd, _ _(也就是), Friday.5_ _ _ _(是的特点) her to forget.6_ _ _ _ _(他们当中有一位战士) who was seriously wounded.7_ _ _ _(一方面), I want to sell the house, but _ _ _ _(另一方面) I cant bea

5、r the thought of moving.8_ _(巧合地是), I met the person you had mentioned the day before.9_ _ _ _(显然) the cheese has been moved.10Jack was always the first student _ _ _ _(到学校)答案:1.concentrate on2broke away from3a great deal4that is5It is typical of6Among them was a soldier7On the one hand, on the othe

6、r hand8By coincidence9It is evident/obvious that10to arrive at school.完形填空As a music teacher, I have always known that music touches the soul. It can _1_ all kinds of barriers to reach students in a very special way. It can be the _2_ for each child to find their light. I would like to _3_ a story a

7、bout it. For a few years I was _4_ with the opportunity to teach disabled students. One of my most _5_ students was a fiveyearold girl called Vanessa, who had difficulty walking, and could not speak. We _6_ sat on the floor for our music lessons and Vanessa liked to _7_ on my lap(大腿). One of her fav

8、orite songs was John the Rabbit. It was a call and response song where I sang the call and the students _8_ twice while singing the repeating phrase “Oh, yes!” Vanessa liked to _9_ her hands together with mine and clap with me. We probably performed that song during every class, Vanessa and I clappi

9、ng together. But she _10_ said or sang a word. One day, when the song was finished, Vanessa turned around, _11_ me in the eye, clapped her tiny hands twice and said the words “Oh, yes!” I opened my mouth in _12_ and for that moment I was the one who could not speak. When my heart _13_ started beatin

10、g again, I looked over at the assistant teacher to find her also _14_. Through music, we had made an awesome connection. Several years later, I met Vanessa on the street in town. She waved with a big _15_ on her face and then clapped her hands twice, imitating the song we had _16_ so many times in o

11、ur music class. The little girl, _17_ her connection with music, left an impression on me that will last forever. Every child has the _18_ to learn and grow. It is up to us to _19_ the way to reach each and every one of our students. We all must find each childs _20_.1A.get across Bput away Ctake ov

12、er Dbreak through2A.means Bdirection Cprocess Deffort3A.add Btalk Cshare Dwrite4A.blessed Btired Ccovered Dfilled5A.troublesome Bhardworking Cmemorable Dsensitive6A.most Balmost Cnearly Dmostly7A.stand Bsit Clie Djump8A.sang Bsaid Cfollowed Dclapped9A.strike Bput Cgive Dshake10A.ever Bnever Cstill D

13、even11A.looked Bsaw Cfound Dnoticed12A.horror Bdelight Castonishment Dembarrassment13A.immediately Bfortunately Cslowly Dfinally14A.happy Bgrateful Cspeechless Dhopeless15A.greeting Bsmile Cexpression Dsign16A.performed Boperated Ctrained Dorganized17A.upon Bthrough Cfrom Dbeyond18A.standard Babilit

14、y Cplan Dnecessity19A.discover Binvent Ctest Dmake20A.virtue Bdream Clight Drhythm答案与解析:1解析:它能用一种非常特殊的方式突破各种障碍直达学生的心灵。get across“被理解,把讲清楚”;put away“将收起,积蓄”;take over“接替,控制”;break through“突破,克服(障碍等)”。答案:D2解析:它可能是让每个孩子发现自己的闪光点的方法。means“方式,方法”;direction“方向”;process“过程”;effort“努力”。答案:A3解析:我愿意和大家分享一个故事。s

15、hare“分享”。答案:C4解析:在过去的几年,我曾经有机会教残疾学生。be blessed with“享有(幸福等),具有”。答案:A5解析:其中我最难忘的是一个五岁的孩子。troublesome“令人烦恼的”;hardworking“努力工作的,尽心尽力的”;memorable“难忘的,值得纪念的”;sensitive“敏感的”。答案:C6解析:我们通常坐在地板上上音乐课。most“最”;almost“几乎”;nearly“将近”;mostly“主要地,通常”。答案:D7解析:联系上文who had difficulty walking可知这个小女孩是坐在我的大腿上的。答案:B8解析:从下

16、文clap with me可知答案,clap意为“拍手”。答案:D9解析:Vanessa喜欢把她的手和我的手放在一起,然后和我一起拍手。strike“敲击”;put“放”;give“给”;shake“摇动”。答案:B10解析:因为不会说话,所以她从来不说也不唱一个字。答案:B11解析:Vanessa转过身,直视着我的眼睛。look sb.in the eye“直视某人的眼睛”。答案:A12解析: 看到不会说话的小女孩突然张嘴说话了,我非常吃惊地张大了嘴。horror“恐惧”;delight“高兴”;astonishment“惊讶”;embarrassment“尴尬”。答案:C13解析:因吃惊忘

17、了呼吸,忘了心跳,但最终还是回过神来了,所以用finally。答案:D14解析:我看着那个助理教师,发现她也惊讶地说不出话来了。speechless“无语的”。答案:C15解析:她脸上挂着微笑,向我招手。答案:B16解析:模仿我们在音乐课上表演了很多次的那首歌。perform“表演”;operate“操作”;train“训练”;organize“组织”。答案:A17解析:through“通过”,表示方式。此处意为“通过她与音乐的联系。”答案:B18解析: 每个孩子都有学习和成长的能力。答案:B19解析:得靠我们去发现通往每个学生心灵的道路。discover“发现”;invent“发明”;tes

18、t“检验”;make“做”。答案:A20解析:我们都一定会找到每个孩子的闪光点,这句话和第一段中的It can be .find their light.相照应。答案:C.阅读理解No artist has affected modern art more than Pablo Picasso. The thousands of masterpieces he had created changed the way people thought about art. Picasso was perhaps the most talented and successful artist who

19、ever lived. Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born in 1881 in a small town on the southern coast of Spain. His father was a painter who taught art. Picasso showed exceptional talent at an early age and,by the time he was in his teens,painted better than his father or any of the local art teachers. At sixteen,

20、Picasso was sent to the Royal Academy of Madrid, where students drew from plaster casts and copied works of the old masters. Picasso felt these assignments were pointless and began to work on his own. Picassos father soon became angry with his sons rebellious behavior, long hair, and strange clothes

21、. He believed that Picasso was wasting his talent and scolded him, “Why dont you cut your hair and paint sensibly?” In 1900,Picasso left for Paris then the center of the art world. He lived in a cold,rundown building, painting constantly, sometimes surviving for days on only a piece of bread. During

22、 these years, his art reflected his dismal(凄凉的) surroundings. Homeless outcasts were the subject of many of his fairly realistic early paintings. After seeing African masks and sculptures,his works became more simplified and angular(有角的) leading up to the revolutionary new style known as Cubism(立体主义

23、)Picasso didnt sell many of his works during these early years. On May 8,1995, Picassos Angel Fernanadez de Soto was sold at auction for $29 million. The next day Blue Period, one of his later works,sold for $5 million. But he worked continuously, always experimenting with different styles of painti

24、ng. Though Picasso lived to be ninetytwo and became the most famous artist in the world, he spoke of his youthful days in Paris as “the happiest time of my life”1.This passage mainly discusses _. APicassos Cubism as a revolutionary style in art BPicasso as a rebel and his art CPicassos life and pain

25、ting in ParisDPicassos influences on the development of modern art2Pablo Picasso showed unusual talent for painting_. Ain his early childhood Bin his early teens Cat the age of sixteen Dwhen he painted better than local art teachers3Pablo Picasso started to reveal his rebellious spirit _. Awhen he w

26、as a child Bin his early teens Cwhen he was studying in the Royal Academy Dafter he moved to Paris4What marks something of a turning point in his career as an artist? AThose miserable but fruitful youthful days in Paris. BThose realistic paintings reflecting dismal social surroundings. CThe influenc

27、e of masks and sculptures created by native African artists. DExperimenting with new different styles of painting.答案与解析:1解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了有逆反心理的毕加索的生平事迹和画作,故选B项。答案:B2解析:细节理解题。由第二段第三句可知,毕加索早在很小的时候就展现出了他的绘画天赋而且到十几岁时就比他父亲画得好了。答案:A3解析:细节理解题。由第二段第四、五、六句可知,毕加索是在皇家学院学习时开始表现出叛逆的一面的。答案:C4解析:细节理解题。由第三段末句可知,毕加索在事业上的转折点是受到了非洲土著人创作的面具和雕塑的影响。答案:C

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