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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一讲解1. contradict: kntrdikt v. 反驳,顶触,矛盾Dont contradict your father. 别和你父亲犟嘴。 2.violate: vaileit v. 违犯,亵渎,干扰The country violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议。3. It is estimated that 据估计Whats the purpose of .的目的是什么?have in common 有共同点A function is to do 作用就是establish a relation

2、ship 建立关系imagine a situation 想象一种情况continue with=go on with 继续an embarrassing silence 令人尴尬的沉默1)function n. 功能,作用the function of the nerves神经机能the function of education 教育功能2)imagine v. (1)imagine(sbs) doing(2)imagine sb. to be 1.I cant imagine her marrying a man of that sort. 我无法想象她竟能嫁给那种人。2.Would y

3、ou ever have imagined him/his becoming a politician? 你怎能料想到他竟当上政治家了? 3.He imagines that people dont like him, but they do. 他以为人们不喜欢他,但他们是喜欢他的。 3)purpose on purpose 故意地 for the purpose of 为了目的4. apologize vt . pldaiz apologize to sb for sth.因为某事而向某人道歉apology n. make an apology to sb. for sth.因为某事而向某人

4、道歉1).Apologize to your sister! 给你姐姐赔个不是! 2). I must apologize for not being able to meet you.我因为没能接你而向你道歉. 5. Talking about obligation or lack of obligation .bligein n. 义务,责任obligation: must do必须做 have to do不得不做(客观上的需要)lack of obligation: dont have to do dont need to do没有必要做 neednt do 不必要做didnt need

5、 to do and neednt have done1). didnt need to do: 不需要做而且也没做2). neednt have done: 本不需要做而做了6. avoid doing sth. 避免干make friends with交朋友lack the confidence 缺乏信心(vt.)be nervous about/of 对紧张at a social event 在社交活动中lack:1)for lack of由于缺乏 (n.) The plants died for lack of water. 2)lack. = lack for. 缺少(vi.)(通常

6、与否定连用) She doesnt lack for friends. She lacks the experience3)no lack of . 充足 We have no lack of water confidence: 1) He answered the questions with confidence.2) I have confidence in my ability.对.有信心7. social skills 社交技能have a conversation 说话do planning 做计划do advance planning 预先计划一下worry about 担心1)

7、 advance v. 行进, 推进(1) Our soldiers is advancing toward the enemy base.(2) She advanced the minute hand ten minutes. (向)前进; 她将分针调快了10分钟。(2)John worked so well that his boss advanced him to a higher position.升职(3)They advanced the date of the meeting将(日期)提前2) advance adj. 预先的, 在前的Advance warning 预先警报

8、a advance ticket 预售票3) advance n. 提前,前进,进展,进行in advance 事先, 提前 in advance of 在前面, 超过(1)China has made great advances in industry. (2)They booked the tickets in advance.4) advanced adj. 高级的. 先进的An advanced country. Advanced ideas .The advanced English高级英语8. look away from. 把目光从.移开prepare you for sth.

9、(to do sth.) 使你为作准备prepare (for sth.) to do sth. 准备干某事be prepared for 有备无患9. think of想起,回忆起(1) 考虑 = think about(2) 认为 What do you think of the book?(3) 想起 I cant think of your telephone number.(4) 想出(到)think of a good idea(5) think of as 把看作 look onas consideras regardas think highly/much of 高度评介很看重

10、 think nothing/ little of 认为没什么,不重视 思考think about. 反复思考, 熟虑 think over 想出think out环顾四周look around/about照看照顾look after回头看, 回顾look back尊敬look up to鄙视look down on/upn 调查(案件)look into the case 小心,提防look out for sth.浏览(书) look through books查阅(字典) look up .in the dictionary期待做某事look forward to doing寻找look

11、 forsafe things不会出错的事情damage confidence伤害自信心a two-way process双向过程positive body language积极肯定的身体语言10. (1)Sure & Certain. (确定的, 必然的, 可靠的)It is sure that he has been injured. (错)It is certain that. (正确)(2).certain 某些, 某种,某个a certain country = some country. certain countriesa certain colour某种颜色 for a cer

12、tain reason 因为某种原因for sure/ certain; 肯定地, 毫无疑问地make sure/ certain of ; 确保be sure/certain to do sth. 一定会Prime Minister首相,总理a social occasion社交场合social rules社交规则11. in addition另外besides= in addition, = in addition to In addition, you need to know how long you should stay, and when you have to leave.In

13、 addition to English, he can speak two other foreign languages.have/get/make ready做好准备make sb. sth. 使某人成为(make you a better listener) (使你成为一个较好的听众)keep good eye contact保持得体的目光接触12. impress sb. 给某人留下印象encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事smile at sb. 对某人微笑shake ones hand 握手in agreement 同意地at least 至少13. v

14、.申请apply for the job/position 申请. apply to sb./the company 向申请 apply to sb for sth. 向某人申请(1)I applied for a job as an English teacher(2)She applied to the government for financial help.她向政府申请经济援助。(3)You should apply in person/by letter.当面/写信申请apply v.对适应,适合,被适应apply oneself to doing sth. 致力于apply la

15、ser to an operation应用(1)You cant apply this rule to every case.=This rule cant be applied to every case .这个规则不能适应于所有的情况。(2)What you said doesnt apply to me. 你所说的并不适合我。(3)Dont apply yourself to playing computer gamesapplication n. 申请;申请书,申请表He made an application to the club for membership.他申请加入俱乐部。1

16、4. in favour/ support of. 支持 do sb. a favour =do a favour for sb. 帮某人忙 do good to sb. 对某人有好处 do harm to sb. 对某人有危害 do damage to. 对造成破坏 do wrong to sb. 对某人不公平, 冤枉某人 I have a favour to ask.=May I ask a favour of you? 我可以请你帮点忙吗?=Will you do me a favour?=Will you do a favour for me?15. what sort of=what

17、 kind of什么种类的16. reply to a question=answer a question (口语)回答问题(正式)in reply to=in answer to=in response to作为对的答复make a reply答复17. put my foot in my mouth说错话、闹笑话、弄糟、引起麻烦be introduced to 被介绍给at that moment 在那时as a consequence因此=As a consequence of doing sth.As a consequence of smoking, my father cough

18、s frequently. 因为吸烟的缘故,我父亲经常咳嗽。 look awkward看起来尴尬business supplies商业必需品outspoken human being坦率的人basic rules of social communication社交的基本原则make systematic mistakes犯经常的错误18. cautious adj. 谨慎的、慎重的 be cautious about She is very cautious of hurting his feelings put on weight增加体重go through. 经历cheer sb. up使

19、某人振作起来ask for more information 要求得到更多的信息find out 弄清,查明coincidence: kuinsidns a. 同时发生的n. 巧合1. What a coincidence! 多巧的事啊! 2. By coincidence, we arrived here at the same time. 我们凑巧一同到达这儿。 3.Thats the most incredible coincidence Ive ever heard of! 那是我听说过的最难以置信的巧合! be modest about. 对.谦虚a messy divorce棘手的

20、离婚19. discourage sb. from doing. 使某人打消做某事的念头on the anniversary of. 在.的纪念日be secretive about. 对秘而不宣,对守口如瓶ethnic background种族背景a genuine desire真实的要求20. be aware of知道make compliments做出赞美take the lead 领先,带头be treated as 被看作 would do well to do 最好,做较好violate private life骚扰私生活a fabulous dress极好的衣服elderly

21、people老人an accurate reply精确的答复21. show off炫耀be sensitive to. 对.敏感22. absence n. 缺席;缺少、缺乏 in ones absence (某人)不在时,外出时;(在某人的)背地里1)Would you like to take care of my dog in my absence? 2)They spoke ill of the captain in his absence. absence of 的缺少、缺乏=in the absence of1)Absence of rain caused the plants

22、to die. 2)We are in the absence of experienceabsence from school缺席 absent adj. 缺席的, 缺乏的 absent-minded漫不经心的23. anyhow/somehow/somewhat I will manage it anyhow (=anyway) 不管怎么样I couldnt think of the name of that man anyhow. 我怎么也想不出那人的名字来了。 I made it somehow. 不知怎么地 Somewhat luckily, I made it. (有点) I fi

23、nally made it, somewhat surprised 24. interrupt n. 中断v. 打断,妨碍,插嘴Traffic was interrupted by a dense fog. 交通因浓雾而受阻。 Dont interrupt me, children. 孩子们,别打断我的话。 We interrupt this programme to bring you a news flash. 我们中断节目, 报告新闻快讯. 25. leave out 遗漏、漏掉省去 ,She leave out the date on the cheque. 支票上她漏写了日期。 le

24、ave to 把 留给leave it to me leave for SP 前往. leave off 中断leave 让处于的状态 Leave me alone !/ the door open! the homework undone/ the question unansweredLeave you waiting so long/ the baby cryingLeave the lights on 26. circumstance: s:kmstns n. 环境,状况,事件例句与用法: 1). Due to circumstances beyond our control, the

25、 lecture was cancelled. 由于无法控制的情况,讲座取消了。 2). He was forced by the circumstances to do this. 他做此事是为环境所迫。 3). Under the circumstances (eg because the salary offered was too low) he felt unable to accept the job. 在这种情况下(如所提的薪金太低), 他觉得无法接受这项工作. 27. tidyn. 椅子的背罩a. 整齐的,精简的v. 弄整齐,收拾1). He has a tidy mind.

26、他的思维有条理。 2). She keeps her house very tidy. 她保持她的住所整整齐齐。 3).Whos been tidying in here? 是谁一直在收拾这地方? 二、本模块重点句型(必背句子)1. It is estimated that 80% of all conversation in English is small talk.据估计80% 的英语会话是聊天。 It is estimated that据估计 it为形式主语, 真正的主语是that引导的从句类似的结构还有:It is said that 据说It is known that 众所周知I

27、t is thought that人们认为It is believed that人们相信It is hoped that人们希望It is reported that据报道It is suggested that人们建议2. Imagine a situation where two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room. 设想一下两个陌生人都认识的人离开房间之后他们互相交谈的情景。where引导的定语从句, situation是先行词. situation, cas

28、e, point, Internet, stage等表示抽象地点的词作先行词时,如果定语从句不缺少主要成分,一般要用关系词where来引导.I can think of many cases where students knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay. 我能说出许多例子,(在这些例子中)学生掌握了很多英语词汇和短语,却写不出好文章。The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point where he

29、can walk correctly and safely. 治疗要一直坚持到病人能够正常且安全地行走为止。1. They are easy to learn. 形容词cheap, dangerous, difficult, easy, expensive, interesting, nice, pleasant, strange, fit等后常常跟不定式的主动形式,表被动意思;不及物动词要加上相应的介词。 Mary is pleasant to talk to. The river is dangerous to bathe in. The question to answer. Dirty

30、 isnt fit to drink.2. Here are a few ideas to help you. 同There be 句型相同,这也是一个倒装句。谓语动词的形式取决于后面的名词。3. Talk to a man about himself, and he will speak to you for hours. 祈使句, and/ then/ otherwise/ or/ or else + 句子 其中的祈使句相当于if 条件句4. Remember that social rules can be different. can 有时会5. There was no need f

31、or you to buy the box of chocolates. There is/was no need for sb to do sth. 某人没有必要做某事6. Every time I open my mouth, I put my foot in it.She made systematic mistakes every time she opened her mouth.each time, every time, the first time, the last time, next time, the moment, the minute等名词词组可以用作连词,连接状语

32、从句。7. Id rather not say. would rather do sth would rather not do sth would rather sb did sth 与现在、将来相反 would rather sb had done sth. 与过去事实相反 would do sth rather than do sth would rather do sth than do sth8. Either you paid too much or you paid too little.9. I guess the company chose me so theyd get s

33、ome peace in the office. so that 结构,口语常常将that省略,“以便,为了” Finish this so (that) you can start another.10. Its best to avoid politics.最好做某事11. Do call by and see us! do/ does/ did + 动词原形,强调动词“确实做过,真的做过,务必做”12. This is how it works. 工作原理如下。15. When someone talks, everyone is expected to listen, no matter how dull the persons speaking may be.expect sthexpect to doexpect sb to do sth. be expected to doexpect that 从句专心-专注-专业

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