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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上医学专业英语(阅读一分钟reading I)第一章节学习笔记目录:1.section A翻译2.章节构词汇总chapter1:Human Body as a WholeSection A:原文翻译:医学术语学1 引言 一本中等医学词典中一共有多少医学单词?这个答案围绕在100,000左右,这也仅仅是保守计算而来。此外,比如一些在先进领域中的术语,它的数量拓展的如此频繁和快速以至于不能背诵。然而,这里有一些工具能帮助学习并且记忆医学术语,甚至能帮助你对不熟悉的单词进行有根据的推测。此外,它们的数量被限制在400到500左右(最常用到的),但是随着结合派生之后它们的数量是

2、巨大的。因此,学习如何使用这些工具远比尝试记住所有的医学术语来的更加高效和有意义。 大多数医学术语是基于古希腊和拉丁文字,它们在许多地区保持一致和统一。你将要学习并使用的工具,就是这些古希腊和拉丁部分的单词,它们有些被称作词根、前缀、后缀、连接元音和构词成分。 词根是单词的基础,所有的医学单词中都含有至少一个或多个。 前缀是单词的开始。并不是所有的医学单词有含有前缀,但是前缀对词汇的意义有着重要的作用。 后缀是单词的结束,并且所有的医学单词有含有一个后缀。 连接元音是连接词根和后缀或词根和词根之间的元音。 构词成分是词根与连接元音的结合体。举例,分析此单词:EndocrinologyEndo(

3、前缀within/inner:在之内)crin(词根secrete:分泌)O (连接元音)logy(后缀study of :有关的研究) crin+o=crino(构词成分) 因此通过分析单词的组成(endocrino)内分泌学的意义被锁定为:关于人类腺体内分泌的学术研究。(激素;荷尔蒙hoemones)2构词成分,前缀和后缀 学习下列构词成分,前缀后缀并且在规定的空格内写下医学词汇的含义。 (1)Adren/o adrenal gland 肾上腺 Adrenal:-al Petraining to (有关于的)adj.肾上腺的 adrenal gland andrenaline:(a) -l

4、in/line,substance(物质) n生化肾上腺素 a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland adrenalitis: (a)-itis, inflammation(炎症) n. 肾上腺炎 inflammation of the adrenal gland 【课堂补充: nephr/o, kidney 肾 】(2) -al pertaning to 有关于;的 medical: pertaining to medicine adj. 医学的;药的 biological: pertaining to biology adj. 生物学的 chemi

5、cal: pertaining to chemistry adj. 化学的(3) -ar pertaining to 有关于;的 vascular:vascul/o,blood vessel adj.血管 pertaining to blood vessels cellular: adj.细胞的 pertaining to cells molecular: adj.分子的 pertaining to melocules(4) bi/o life 生物,生命 biomedical: adj.生物医学的 pertaining to the medicine of the living thing

6、biology: -logy, study of n.生物学 the study of living thing biophysical: adj.生物物理学的 pertaining to the physicis of living thing(5) cardi/o heart 心脏 cardiology:n内科心脏病学 the study of heart cardiopathy: -pathy,disease n. 心脏病 the disease of the heart cardiogram: -gram, record n.心电图 the record of the heart wa

7、ves 【课堂补充:CPRccardiopulumonary resuscitation】(6) chrom/o color 色chromat/o chromosomes:-somes, bodies n. 染色体(副数) the color body, the substance that carries genetic fatures from parents to children(把遗传性质遗传给孩子的物质) chromatin: -in,substance n.染色质 a protein substance in the nucleus of a cell, component of

8、 chromosomes 一种细胞核中的蛋白质物质,染色体中的组件 chromatoplasm: -plasm, jelly substance (果冻物质)in cell n.染色质 the colored portions of jelly substance 色素质(7) crin/o secrete 分泌 endocrinology:n.内分泌学 the study of human inner secretion from glands crinogenic: gen/o,+ -ic pertaining to production adj.促分泌的 pertaining to th

9、e production of hormone crinology: n.分泌学the study of gland secretion(8) -cyte cell 细胞 erythrocyte: eryth/o,red n.红细胞 the red blood cell leukocyte: leuk/o,white n.白细胞 the white blood cell lymphocyte: lymph/o, lymph(淋巴) n.淋巴细胞 the lymph cell(9) cyt/o cell 细胞 cytology:n.细胞学 the study of cell cytochemis

10、try: n.细胞化学,显微生物学 the study of biology of cell Cytobiology: n.细胞生物学 the study of biology of cell (10) embry/o embryo 胚胎 embryology:n.胚胎学 the study of embryo embryoma: -oma,tumor n.胚瘤 the tumor of the embryo embryopathology:payhology, n.胚胎病理学 the study of disease of the embryo(11) endo- inner 内 endoc

11、rinology: n.内分泌学 the study of the hunman inner secretion from glands endocardial: adj. 心内膜的,心脏内的 pertaining to the inside of the heart endocallular: adj. 细胞内的 pretaining to the inside of the cell(12) epi- above 上 epithelial: thelial,inner skin, adj.生物上皮的 the covering tissue above the skin(覆盖于组织之上) e

12、pidermic: derm/o ,skin adj.外皮的,表皮的 above the skin epidermatitis:表皮炎 inflammation of the skin【课堂补充:epithelium is one of the four basic types of animal tissue, along with connective tissue, muscle tissue nervous tissue(上皮组织与结缔组织、肌肉组织、和神经组织一样,是动物组织的中基本类型之一)】(13) erythr/o red红 erythrocyte n.红细胞 red bloo

13、d cells Erythrocytometer:-meter,instrument n.红血球计数器 instrument 藕粉counting red blood cell erythrogenesis: -sis, state of (的状态) 红细胞发生 the state of producing the red blood cell(14) ex- out 外,出 exhale: hale,breathe v. 呼气 to breathe out the waste gas(废气) expel: pel, dirve v.驱逐,排除 to drive somebody or som

14、eting out expand: pandere,spread v.扩大 to spread(伸展,传播) outside(15) -gen sth that produced or produces(产生的原材料) pathogen:n.病原体 sth that produces diseases oxygen: oxy-,oxygen n.氧气 oxygen produced nitrogen:nitro-,nitro group n.化学氮 niter air produced(16) hemat(hem)/o blood 血 hematology:n.血液学 the study of

15、 blood hemoglobin:-globin,protein n.血红蛋白;血红素 protein of blood =heamoglobin abbr.Hb,HGB hemocyte:n.红细胞 blood sells(17) hist/o tissue 组织 histology: n.组织学 the study of tissues histopathology: n.组织病理学 the study of disease of tissues histotherapy: n. 组织疗法 tissue treatment(18) -ic pertaining to 有关于;的 basi

16、c: adj. 基础的 pertaining to the base toxic: adj. 有毒的,中毒的 pertaining to the toxin(毒) symptomatic:adj. 有症状的,症候的pertaining to symptoms(症状)(19) immun/o protection/safe 免疫 immunology:n. 免疫学 the study of bodys auto protection from diseases immune: adj.免疫的 protected from immunodeficiency:n.免疫缺陷 deficiendy in

17、 the immune system of the body(20) -ine/in substance 素 adrenaline:n.肾上腺素 hoemone produced from the adrenal gland insulin:insulu/o,island n.胰岛素 substance that looks like island urine: ur/o,the urinary tract(尿路),n.尿素、尿液 substance from the urinary tract(21) -ism process or condition 状态,过程 metabolism:me

18、ta-,change(变换) n.新陈代谢 hence the process of change, the total of the chemical process in a cell anabolism: ana-,up, n.合成代谢 hence the process of building up complex materials(protion) from simple materials(材料物质) catabolism: cata-,down, n.分解代谢 hence the process of breading downcomplex materials(food) f

19、rom simpler substance and release energy(释放能量)(22) -logy the study of 学 sociology: soci/o, society n.社会学 the study of society urinology: n.泌尿科学 the study of urinary system cytology: n/ 细胞学 the study of cells(23) lymph/o lymph淋巴 lymphocyte: n.淋巴细胞lymph cells lymphoma:n.淋巴癌 tumor of the lympathatic sy

20、stem lymphology: n.淋巴学 the study of the lymphatic system(24) physi/o physical 生理的 physiology:n.生理学 branch of the biological scireces dealing with the functioning of organisms(生物科学中的一个分支,研究生物体功能) physician:-cian,personnel in a certain field n.内科医师 a doctor of internal medicine physiotherapy:n.物理疗法 tr

21、earment by physiological methods(25) -plasm formation,growth orsubstance of formation 浆:质 cytoplasm: n.细胞质 jelly substance in the cell protoplasm: prot/o,first n.原生质 the first jelly substance in the cell neoplasm: neo-,new n.医新生物,赘生物 the new growth(26) psych/o mind 精神 psychology: n.心理学 the study of

22、mind psychosis:-osis,abormal condition n.精神病:精神错乱 abnormal condition of the mind psychobiology: n.心理生物学 the study of the relationship between psychology and biology(27) -somes bodies 体 chromosomes:n.染色体 the color body or the subsrance that carries genetic features from parents to children centrosome

23、s:centr/o, center n.中心体 bodies in the center ribosome:rib/o,ribose n.核糖体(NA) the body of nucleic acid(28) thyr/o thyroid gland 甲状腺 hyperthyroidism:hyper-,overtoo much n.甲状腺机能亢进 a condition of excessive activity of the thyroid gland hypothyroidism:hypo under too little n. 甲状腺机能低下a condition of too li

24、ttle activity of the thyroid gland thyroiditis:甲状腺炎 the inflammation of the thyroid gland(29) -tomy process of cutting 切开术,切断术 anatomy:ana-,apart n.解剖;解剖学 cuyying apart the human body as a branch of medical sciences osteotomy: oste/o,bone n.截骨术,骨切开术 surgical incision of bone cardiotomy: n.贲门切开术;心切开术 cutting open the heart(30) vascul/o blood vessel血管 vascular:n. 血管的 pertaining to the blood vessel vasculitis: n.血管炎 inflammation of the blood vessel vasculolymphatic: adj. 血管淋巴管的pertaining to the lymphatic system and the blood vessel 专心-专注-专业

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