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1、“聚焦课堂“教学设计模板 2011年12月5日人教版Module 2 Unit 3 Computers教学设计广东实验中学 英语科 刘庆生一、教学目标 1知识与技能 (1)了解电脑的发展历史,探讨机器人对人类生活的影响。(2)能就听到的信息用英语进行对话、复述和批判性的评论,表明自己的态度和观点。2过程与方法(1)掌握听力的微技巧:听力开始前通过判断空格里面词汇的词性来对该单词的意思做出预测。听力过程中巧用简单的符号进行快速的信息记录。(2)通过合作学习,交流并获取同伴提供的信息,对信息进行整理加工,自主发表个人看法。3情感态度价值观(1)学会珍惜前人的发明,客观看待机器或机器人在人类生活中的

2、广泛使用。(2)培养人权意识,懂得尊重人和与人类共存的物体(包括机器)。(3)培养独立意识,了解到人类的发展不能完全地依赖于机器。二、教学重点、难点重点:预测信息的能力,提取听力信息中的关键词和大意,并能用听到的信息进行对话、复述和评论。难点:如何在听力材料语速快,信息量大的情况下抓住关键词,把握听力材料的内容大意,并在信息整理后进行回答问题和内容复述。三、教学过程I. Greeting and warming-up: A brief introduction about the development of computers:Abacus calculator PC (personal c

3、omputers) laptop robotWhat is a robot? A robot is a machine that can do some of the work of a person, and it is usually controlled by computers. A robot may, or may not be in human shape. What do you call the robot that looks completely like a human? AndroidQ1: Would you like to have an android at h

4、ome? Why? Q2: What can an android do? II Listening comprehensionAs technology develops, androids may even have AI: artificial intelligence. What do you think will happen if androids have AI? They may have thoughts and feelings. Listen to the conversation between Brenda and Sally to see how they like

5、 their work. Listening skills: When doing blank-filling exercise in listening comprehension:1. Go through the questions before you listen. 2. Try to predict the missing words according to their part of speech(词性) in the passage. Guide the students to use to skill to predict what they might hear in t

6、he listening text: SallyIts job is to 1 the children who are very 2 . Sally has been 3 and 4 .BrendaIt works in a 5 and it feels life is 6 as it has to do the same thing for 7 hours every day. Things in common Both Sally and Brenda are not able to 8 , taste, 9 or eat food. They are going to have a 1

7、0 match after the conversation. (keys: 1.look after 2. naughty 3. busy 4. tired 5. factory 6. boring 7. eight / 8 8. laugh 9. smell 10. football)2. Your friend Jay is a student who is very interested in androids and he wants to have a talk with an android, Lam. However, he doesnt know English. So he

8、 turns to you for helping him to translate his questions. Task: A. You are going to translate Jays questions into English. B. Try to take down the key words of what the android replies. Jays first question: 你们有没有活动来放松自己?Your translation: Do you have any activities to relax yourself?The androids repl

9、y: Of course we do. But the number of activities we have is so limited. Usually, we prefer to talk with each other. Sometimes, we will play football with some androids nearby. However, in most cases, we remain silent and still, which is really boring. Key words: limited; talk; football; silent; stil

10、l; boring; Question: Does the android have many activities? Jays second question: 你对现在的生活满意吗?Your translation: Are you satisfied with your present life?The androids reply: No, I dont. Every day, I am extremely busy with different kinds of work. I have to cook and I have to do the housework. I am fon

11、d of drawing and skating. But now they seem so far away from me. Key words: busy; cook; homework; drawing; skating; far away; Questions: What are the hobbies of the android? Can it enjoy all these hobbies now?Jays third question: 你觉得机器人应该被给予更多权利吗?Do you think androids should be given more rights? Yo

12、ur translation: 3. Group discussion As the android is too tired, it becomes power off and so it cant speak. You have to work out this problem. Please discuss the question with your desk-mate Jay. Do you think androids should be given more rights?If yes, what rights should they have? If not, why?Yesa

13、. to have holiday; to get paid; b. to vote and be voted; to become the leaders of the country; c. to get married and have families of their own. d. Nota. once they are given a right, they will ask for more, and then even more, and they will replace human beings one day; b. androids are made to work

14、for human beings, so they dont need to have any right but just to obey rules; c. rights are only for humans, not for machines. Androids are machines, so they dont need to have rights. Divide the students into three groups: Group 1(on the right): students are supposed to support giving rights to andr

15、oidsGroup 2(on the left): students are supposed to be against giving rights to androidsGroup 3(in the middle): students can be either for or against giving rights to androidsWhen you present your ideas, try to use some phrases like: a. in my opinion; from my point of view; b. it is unwise for people

16、 to give androids right because / it is necessary for androids to be given rights as Role-play Watch a video taken from I, robotSome androids start a revolution in order to get their rights. As a representative of human beings, you are sent to negotiate(谈判)with the leader of the androids (your desk-

17、mate) and try to persuade him / her to stop the war. Information that might be helpful to your dialogue: The problems androids have in their life and work; androids rights or not; Listening texts: workbook P58 listening taskConversation between Brenda and SallyB: Hey, Sally, how are you today?S: Oh,

18、 Brenda, I have been so busy and tired this week looking after the children. I wish my programmer would let me work in a factory like you.B: No, you wouldnt , it is so boring. We arent allowed to talk while we work.S: But at least you dont have five children to run after every day. They are so naugh

19、ty.B: But at least every day is different. I do the same thing for eight hours every day. I sometimes feel as if my arm is going to break.S: Oh, Brenda, you make me laugh, you sound like a real person. Come on, it is a lovely day! Look at those flowers! They look so pretty!B: I see people put the up

20、 to their noses. Why is that?S: They say that they have a wonderful smell, but I dont know what that means.B: Well, dont cry again. It made your chips go funny last time. Just understand that we will never be able to laugh, taste, smell or eat food. But dont feel sad, it is a lovely day. S: Yes, the

21、 weather is nice and I have been invited to join the other androids for a game of football. Would you like to come?B: Yes, I would. Running after a ball is better than running after five children! Lets go!六、教学反思1目标落实基本完成了自己的教学目标,在教学过程中指导学生在听力前对空格中所填词汇进行预测,并带领学生对目标问题进行实际预测操作,大大减轻了学生在听力过程中的困难,取得较好的效果。

22、在听力微技巧教授方面,针对听力内容中部分单词由较多的字母组成,或者语速较快,难以在短时间内把所有信息记录等问题,在提问第一个学生的过程中做了即场指导,如在记录limit的时候,可以只记录lim即可,因为学生在数学学习中学习过极限的符号lim,写下lim就知道其是代表limit的意思。以及在另外一个关键词football中,指导学生只要画一个圆圈即可,圆圈可以代表球类,该操作可以节省较多的时间。2成功之处本次课的亮点在于主题突出,较为实在地帮助学生掌握了实际的听力技巧,并用该技巧记录了相关的信息进行语言表达。我没有使用任何的视频文件,而是把课文的听力材料进行了再加工,利用cooledit录音软件对自己的声音进行录音,作为听力材料的后续补充部分。结合2011年高考听说考试的题型,设计了三个问题,让学生在一个特定语境中进行听取信息的训练以及信息再加工,然后口头复述的训练。这个设计比较实在,既利用了课文的听力材料,结合本节课的主题,同时也把能力训练和高考口语结合在一起,让学生自然地运用所学的技巧进行交际。3、不足之处在教学手段多样化这方面还有待提高;在教学过程中,任务与任务之间的衔接和过渡还不是特别流畅和自然。在教学手法的多样性方面考虑是否能否采用问答比赛,趣味游戏的手段来开展听力,调动学生的兴趣,避免让听力训练显得太过严肃或者沉闷。 时间:2011-12-5

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