年外研版高中英语选修六Module 4 单元测试卷 Word版含答案

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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Module 4单元测试卷(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What gift will the woman probably get for Mary? AA school bag. BA record. CA theatre ticket.2What will the woman tell t

2、he man? AHer companys name.BHer new address. CHer phone number.3When can the woman get the computer?AOn Tuesday.BOn Wednesday.COn Thursday.4Where is Mary going?AHome. BThe park.CThe bus stop.5Where are the man and the woman probably talking?AInside a bookstore.BOutside an art museum. COutside a spor

3、ts centre.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What month is it now? ASeptember. BOctober.CNovember.7What do we know about the speakers? AThey are both football players. BThey

4、 are both in training. CThey both enjoy sports.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8What are the speakers talking about?AA flight timetable.BThe way to Union Street.CHiring a taxi.9Where is the woman going on Saturday?AGarden Hotel.BThe airport. CThe taxi company.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What did the man do with his old car?A

5、He sold it. BHe repaired the engine.CHe repaired the wheels.11How does the man feel about his old car?AIt was more comfortable. BIt was worth the money. CIt was in bad condition.12How does the man feel about his new car?AHe thinks it is not worth the money he spent on it.BHe thinks it is worse than

6、the old one.CHe thinks it is much better than the old one.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What does the speaker mainly discuss?AThe history of cola. BSoftdrink production.CUsing cola as a drug.14How was cola originally sold?AAs a soft drink.BAs a medicine.CAs a cooking oil.15Why did the speaker mention John S. P

7、amberton?AHe sold cola to doctors.BHe was a drugstore clerk.CHe developed cola as a drug.16How was the drug made into a soft drink?ABy mixing it with special oils.BBy heating it.CBy adding soda water.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What does the sentence “Behind every successful man there is a woman” mean?ATher

8、e is a woman standing behind every successful man.BWomens support to men is a most important factor of mens success.CEvery success depends on women.18Who wants to be as successful as men?AAll women. BEvery woman. CNot every woman.19Which of the following still exists in the US today?AMen can get the

9、 best jobs but women cant.BWomen cant get equal pay for equal work.CBoth A and B.20Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AMen support women in the womens liberation movement.BThe government supports women in the womens liberation movement.CWomen want to have the same chance for suc

10、cess.听力材料:Text 1W: Have you got any idea about what youll buy for Marys birthday?M: Well, Ill get her a very new school bag. And I promised to take her to a film. What about you?W: Oh, I havent decided yet. I probably buy her a new music record as she likes it so much.Text 2W: Dont forget to write t

11、o me,Jason.M: I wont. But let me make sure I have the right address.Is it 42 East Drive,Birmingham?W: Thats right. By the way, my office number haschanged since I began to work at Morrison.M: Has it? And tell me what it is,then.Text 3W: Now,can we get the computers before Wednesday?M: Well,it depend

12、s. If it is less than 10 kilometres, we can deliver them on Tuesday. But if its farther away, itll be on Thursday. Where is your office?W: Just around the corner.Text 4M: Hello, Mary. Why are you standing here in the cold wind?W: Im waiting for a bus, but the buses are full at thistime of the day.M:

13、 Where are you going? This isnt your home. You must takea bus from the other side of the street to go home.W: Im not going home now. Im going for a walk in thepark. I always like going for a walk before lunch.M: Then arent you going there on foot? It isnt very far.W: Oh, no, Bill. It isnt very inter

14、esting to walk throughthe streets. In fact, its very boring. So I always takebus No. 3.Text 5W: The admission price of the gallery is ten dollars perperson. I think thats very expensive for a singleexhibit.M: But if we have student cards,we can get in for two.W: Really? Lets have a try.Text 6M: Hi,M

15、artha. I see youre working out, too. How manymiles have you run so far?W: Well, Ive been around the track four times. Thats two miles.M: Are you getting in shape for any particular sport?W: Yes,Ive signed up for the school volleyball team.M: Thats wonderful. Im going to play football.W: When do you

16、start?M: In two weeks,at the beginning of November.W: Were having our first volleyball practice tomorrowafternoon and our first game next week.M: Great. Ill be sure to come and cheer for you.Text 7M: Good morning, City Taxi.W: Good morning. Id like to book a taxi to the airport forSaturday morning,

17、please.M: Where from?W: Im at Garden Hotel on Union Street. There will bethree of us sharing. How much would it be?M: About sixty dollars.W: Sixty dollars? Each or all of us?M: Thats all together. What time do you want to leave?W: Seven in the morning.M: Right. Well pick you up at your hotel at seve

18、n then.Thank you very much. Goodbye.Text 8W: Why did you sell the car?M: It gave me too much trouble. I was spending too muchmoney on it. I was.er .spending more money thanit was worth. Unfortunately, of course, when youactually sell the car, youve already spent the moneyon it, so you lose both ways

19、.W: Well,what was the trouble with your old car?M: The engine needed a lot of repairs and the wheels weregiving trouble now and then. When I set off on a journey,it gave me a sort of feeling that I might not get tothe other end,so I decided to change it.W: Is the new car good?M: Yes, its newer,more

20、comfortable,and it hasnt givenme any trouble at all. When I set off, Im quite surethat Ill be able to get to the other end safely.Text 9 How many of you drink CocaCola? Nearly everybody. Did you know that cola started out not as a soft drink, but as a cure for headache back in the late eighteen hund

21、reds? John S. Pamberton, a doctor from Atlanta had experimented for many months to find a cure for the common headache. He worked at his home mixing and heating oils with other materials until he found one mixture that seemed to have good effect on headache. He began to sell the mixture in drugstore

22、s. The customers had to mix it with water before drinking. Then,how did cola change from a drug to a soft drink? That came about quite by accident. One day a patient who was suffering from headache came into a drugstore. He asked for a bottle of cola. He wanted to take it right away,so he asked the

23、clerk to mix the medicine while he waited. It so happened there was no boiled water at the store. The clerk suggested mixing the drug with soda water. The customer agreed. After drinking it, the customer said it tasted wonderful. The clerk continued offering the mixture,and cola gradually became pop

24、ular.Text 10 People used to say “Behind every successful man there is a woman.” Some women still like making their husbands and sons successful. But some women want more for themselves. They want good jobs. When they work, they want to be paid equally as men. Today the best jobs are still given to m

25、en. Even when women do the same work, they are often paid less than men. Women want these things changed. The womens liberation movement was started by women who didnt want to stand behind successful men. They wanted to stand beside men,with the same chance for success. The movement is quite new, an

26、d many American women do not agree with its purpose. But it has already made several changes in womens lives, and mens lives, too.答案:15BCABB610BCCBA1115CCABC1620CBCCC第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhen students and parents are asked to rate subjects acco

27、rding to their importance, the arts are unavoidably at the bottom of the list. Music is nice, people seem to say, but not important. Too often it is viewed as mere entertainment, but certainly not an education priority(优先). This view is shortsighted. In fact, music education is beneficial and import

28、ant for all students.Music tells us who we are. Because music is an expression of the beings who create it, it reflects their thinking and values, as well as the social environment it came from. Rock music represents a lifestyle just as surely as does a Schubert song. The jazz influence that George

29、Gershwin and other musicians introduced into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions. Music expresses our characters and values. It give us identity as a society.Music provides a kind of perception(感知) that cannot be acquired any other way. Science can expl

30、ain how the sun rises and sets. The arts explore the emotive(情感的) meaning of the same phenomenon. We need every possible way to discover and respond to our world for one simple but powerful reason: No one way can get it all.The arts are forms of thought as powerful in what they communicate as mathem

31、atical and scientific symbols. They are ways we human beings “talk” to each other. They are the language of civilization through which we express our fears, our curiosities, our hungers, our discoveries and our hopes. The arts are ways we give form to our ideas and imagination so that they can be sh

32、ared with others. When we do not give children access to an important way of expressing themselves such as music, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses.Science and technology do not tell us what it means to be humans. The arts do. Music is an important way we express human sufferi

33、ng, celebration, the meaning and value of peace and love. So music education is far more necessary than people seem to realize.21According to Paragraph 1, students _.A. regard music as a way of entertainmentB. disagree with their parents on educationC. view music as an overlooked subjectD. prefer th

34、e arts to science答案与解析:A细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“Too often it is viewed as mere entertainment.”可知。22In Paragraph 2, the author uses jazz as an example to _.A. compare it with rock musicB. show music identifies a societyC. introduce American musical traditionsD. prove music influences peoples lifestyles答案与解析:B

35、推理判断题。根据第二段The jazz influence. is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions.以及第二段最后一句It gives us identity as a society.可知,音乐可以识别一个社会。23Which can explain how the sun rises and sets?A. Music. B. Science.C. The arts. D. Technology.答案与解析:B细节理解题。根据第三段第二句Science can explain how t

36、he sun rises and sets.可知答案为B。24What is the main idea of the passage?A. Music education deserves more attention.B. Music should be of top education priority.C. Music is an effective communication tool.D. Music education makes students more imaginative.答案与解析:A主旨大意题。文章阐述了音乐的内涵、音乐的功能和音乐的重要性,所以音乐课是需要我们特别

37、重视的。BYou have probably heard of the Mozart effect. Its the idea that if children or even babies listen to music composed by Mozart, they will become more intelligent. A quick Internet search reveals plenty of products to assist you in the task. Whatever your age is there are CDs and books to help yo

38、u taste the power of Mozarts music, but when it comes to scientific evidence that it can make you more clever, the picture is more mixed.The phrase “the Mozart effect” was made up in 1991, but it was a study described two years later in the journal Nature that sparked real media and public interest

39、about the idea that listening to classical music somehow improves the brain. It is one of those ideas that sound reasonable. Mozart was undoubtedly a genius himself; his music is complex and there is a hope that if we listen to enough of it, well become more intelligent.The_idea_took_off,_with thous

40、ands of parents playing Mozart to their children, and in 1998 Zell Miller, the Governor of the state of Georgia in the US, even asked for money to be set aside in the state budget so that every newborn baby could be sent a CD of classical music. It was not just babies and children who were exposed t

41、o Mozarts music on purpose, even an Italian farmer proudly explained that the cows were played Mozart three times a day to help them produce better milk.Ill leave the debate on the impact on milk yield to farmers, but what about the evidence that listening to Mozart makes people more intelligent? Mo

42、re research was carried out but an analysis of sixteen different studies confirmed that listening to music does lead to a temporary improvement in the ability to handle shapes mentally, but the benefits are shortlived and it doesnt make us more intelligent.25What can we learn from Paragraph 1?A. Moz

43、art composed many musical pieces for children.B. Children listening to Mozart will be more intelligent.C. There are few products on the Internet about Mozarts music.D. There is little scientific evidence to support the Mozart effect.答案与解析:D细节理解题。第一段的句子.but when it comes to scientific evidence that i

44、t can make you more clever, the picture is more mixed可知没有什么科学证据来支持莫扎特效应的影响。26Why did many people believe in the idea of the Mozart effect?A. Because a study described it in the journal Nature.B. Because Mozart himself was a genius.C. Because Mozarts music is enjoyable.D. Because Mozarts music makes

45、people relaxed.答案与解析:B细节理解题。从文章第二段的句子Mozart was undoubtedly a genius himself; his music is complex and there is a hope that if we listen to enough of it, well become more intelligent.可知很多人相信莫扎特效应,因为莫扎特自己就是个天才。27The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 suggests that _.A. people were strongly against th

46、e ideaB. the idea was accepted by many peopleC. Mozart played an important part in peoples lifeD. the US government helped promote the idea答案与解析:B句意理解题。从第三段句子The idea took off, with thousands of parents playing Mozart to their children,很多父母给孩子听莫扎特的音乐,可知这句话表明这种想法被许多人接受,故选B项。28What is the authors atti

47、tude towards the Mozart effect?A. Favorable. B. Objective.C. Doubtful. D. Positive.答案与解析:C推理判断题。从文章第四段的句子More research was carried out but an analysis of sixteen different studies confirmed that listening to music does lead to a temporary improvement in the ability to handle shapes mentally, but the

48、 benefits are shortlived and it doesnt make us more intelligent.可知作者对莫扎特效应的影响持怀疑态度,故选C项。CLiu Xiang, an athlete, born in 1983Liu Xiang made his name by winning the 110meter hurdles gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. This was the first time an athlete of nonAfrican descent(血统) had gone

49、under 13 seconds for the event. In the same year, Liu set a new 110meter hurdling world record at the Super Grand Prix in Lausanne, with a time of 12.88 seconds.Lang Lang, a pianist, born in 1982Lang Lang began piano lessons at age three. His father quit his job to accompany his boy to Beijing. At 1

50、1, Lang Lang was awarded first prize for his outstanding performance at the Fourth International Young Pianists Competition in Germany. In 1995, at 13, he won first place at the Tchaikovsky International Young Musicians Competition in Japan. At 17, Lang Lang made his breakthrough in the West and has

51、 performed with many of the worlds major orchestras since then.Li Yuchun,a singer, born in 1984Born into a middleclass family, Li was not encouraged by her parents to pursue a career in entertainment. The turning point came when she entered the Super Girl contest in 2005. This competition drew the l

52、argest audiences in Chinese television history. She rose above 120,000 applicants with her tomboy style and Latinflavored performance. Her win came as a surprise to many people because she didnt fit the stereotype of female singers. She has millions of fans of all ages all over the country. Her hair

53、cut and manners have been copied by tens of thousands of girls. Her first album sold more than 430,000 copies in the first month.Ding Junhui, a snooker player, born in 1987Ding quit school at 13, after his father insisted he concentrate on snooker. His parents then sold their house to help Ding kick

54、start his career. In March 2005, he celebrated his 18th birthday by reaching the final of the China Open in Beijing, along the way beating world top16 ranked players Peter Ebdon, Marco Fu and Ken Doherty. In the final, he defeated the world No.3, Stephen Hendry, ranking first in the tournament. Afte

55、r shooting to fame, questions were raised over the fathers decision for Ding to quit school.(China Daily10/31/2012)29Who is the passage intended for?A. Readers of all ages.B. Children born after the 1980s.C. Students at school.D. The young crazy fans.答案与解析:A根据文章选自China Daily可知文章是写给各个年龄段的读者的。30Who wa

56、s the youngest when they rose to fame?A. Lang Lang. B. Liu Xiang.C. Ding Junhui. D. Li Yuchun.答案与解析:A推理判断题。根据文章可知刘翔在21岁时出名;朗朗在11岁获得一等奖;李宇春在21岁时出名;丁俊晖18岁时出名。所以出名时最年轻的是郎朗。31Whose father insisted on his/her quitting school?A. Lang Langs. B. Liu Xiangs.C. Ding Junhuis. D. Li Yuchuns.答案与解析:C细节理解题。根据最后一段的

57、Ding quit school at 13, after his father insisted he concentrate on snooker.可知丁俊晖的父亲让他辍学专心练斯诺克。32In which part on the newspaper China Daily can you read the passage?A. National News. B. Business.C. Personalities. D. Sports.答案与解析:C推理判断题。本文简单介绍了几位体育和艺术明星,所以能够在报纸的Personalities“名人”版块读到这样的文章。DWe all know

58、 that Apple iPad is designed mainly for business people. But besides business people there are many other people who are interested in getting one. Students are very interested in the latest technology. So you cannot keep Apple iPad away from students. The question is: Should they buy an Apple iPad?

59、Apple iPad has many features that would work for students, which means that students do not have to carry books for references. They can use eBooks because Apple iPad has a big screen that makes reading a pleasure. You can even write on iPad. So it works as an all in one tool that is so light that i

60、t can be put in any backpack. The battery life of Apple iPad is for around 10 hours, which is clearly a good point for students. The touch screen is big and iPad does not create any noise while it is working. In a word, Apple iPad does have some features that would do good to students.However, stude

61、nts might have to slow down their work because Apple iPad struggles when it comes to doing many tasks at the same time. It would create a problem if the student has to take down notes quickly while the iPad does not allow him/her to work well. Another thing that students might not be happy with is t

62、hat there is no keyboard. Though iPad has an onscreen keyboard, it might not be as useful as a real keyboard. Apple iPad has no USB port(端口) or SD card slot(插卡槽), which means students will not be able to share information quickly among themselves.Therefore, I dont think its necessary for students to

63、 buy an iPad. It may not work as well as they expect. They can buy a netbook for their study. It would work better for them.33What is the author mainly talking about?A. Who should buy an Apple iPad.B. What an Apple iPad can do for students.C. Whether Apple iPad can attract students.D. Whether students should buy an Apple iPad.答案与解析:D主旨大意题。根据第一段的The question is: Should they buy an Apple iPad?以及末段的Therefore, I dont think its necessary for students to buy an iPad.以及作者针对学生所列举的Apple iPad的优缺点,可知作者主要在谈论学生是否应该购买苹果iPad。34According to the author, Apple iPad is mainly designed for _

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