高一英语人教版必修2练习:习题课3 Word版含解析精修版

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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)习题课(3)完形填空AOur country has many chances for adults who want to make their lives better. There are public schools you can attend. In the schools, you can take things _1_ English, arithmetic and history, you can find classes in almost _2_ subject you want to study. You may want to _3_ to

2、 type, sew, paint or fix TV sets. You may want to learn _4_ about the trade you are already in. You may want to get a high school diploma(文凭). You may _5_ want to go to college. All it takes is time and effort. In many cities, there are adult classes in _6_ schools. You can attend many of these clas

3、ses without _7_ to pay money. In some schools you may have to pay a small fee. There are _8_ many kinds of private(私人的) schools for adults, where you may have to pay more money. Many job chances are _9_ to those who wish to work. It helps if you know _10_ than one language. There are good _11_ for i

4、nterpreters and typists who know English. There are many good jobs in government. In most cases, you must be a citizen of this country, and you must _12_ a civil service examination. These examinations are _13_ to everyone, regardless of(不管) race, religion or colour. For many civil service jobs you

5、_14_ a high school diploma. The person who does not have a high school diploma can get _15_. There are several ways. You can study high school _16_ at home and then take special tests. _17_ you pass the tests, then you get a diploma. Or you can go to a night school. There are classes that _18_ you t

6、o take special tests to get a diploma. Be as well trained as you can. Get as much training as you can. _19_knocks at every door. Be sure that when it knocks at your door you are _20_.1A. like B. inC. of D. as2A. some B. anyC. all D. either3A. know B. studyC. learn D. begin4A. what B. moreC. again D.

7、 others5A. perhaps B. neverC. very D. even6A. middle B. highC. public D. private7A. regretting B. agreeingC. having D. beginning8A. still B. alsoC. almost D. such9A. chosen B. allowedC. promised D. offered10A. better B. moreC. fewer D. less11A. jobs B. schoolsC. works D. wishes12A. take B. joinC. ho

8、ld D. give13A. possible B. openC. limited D. permitted14A. want B. getC. demand D. need15A. none B. oneC. them D. that16A. subjects B. classesC. tests D. English17A. Until B. FirstC. If D. Though18A. make B. permitC. lead D. prepare19A. Text B. JobC. Diploma D. Chance20A. prepare B. readyC. studying

9、 D. waiting答案:1解析:like (prep) 意为“例如”,表示列举。B,C均不符题意。as是连词,也不合适。答案:A2解析:almost 与 any 连接,解释为“几乎所有的”。答案:B3解析:与下文 “you may want to learn to .” 是同一句型。答案:C4解析:后半句the trade you are already in (已在做生意),应是想学习 “更多” 有关trade的知识。答案:B5解析:获得高中文凭,进而想进大学深造。even 加强语气。答案:D6解析:后半句without having to pay money提示,应选public,这种

10、学校不需交费。注意下文谈到私立学校时,说要pay more money。答案:C7解析:根据下文的 “. have to pay a small fee”, “ have to pay more money” 可推知。答案:C8解析:先介绍公立学校,再介绍私立学校,also 表示“也,还有”。答案:B9解析:promise sb sth向某人许诺.,allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事, choose sth for sb为某人挑选,根据各词的搭配,A、B、C三个选项都不正确。应选offer, 在此表示“提供某人某物”。答案:D10解析:懂得一门以上的外语对找工作更有利。答案:B

11、11解析:根据上文Many jobs chances are offered to.以及下文的There are many good jobs in.可推知答案。答案:A12解析:take an exam 指“参加考试”。答案:A13解析:从后半句regardless of race. , 可知“知道人人都可以参加”。答案:B14答案:D15解析:从下文介绍there are several ways.可知获得civil service jobs需要持有高中文凭,否则就找不到工作。答案:A16解析:课程、功课译为subject,B、D 均不符合题意。答案:A17解析:根据上下文通过考试方可获得

12、文凭,反之则不能,if在此引导条件句。答案:C18解析:夜校也为学生提供获得文凭的机会,prepare sb to do 意思为“使某人有做某事的准备”。答案:D19. 答案:D20解析:首先排除C和D,它们与题意不符。机会总是存在的, 问题在于机会来临时, 你是否做好了准备。答案:BBWhat are the basic elements of good manners? Certainly a strong sense of justice is one; courtesy is often _1_ more than a highly developed sense of fair pl

13、ay. A friend of mine once told me of _2_ along a onelane, unpavedmountain road. _3_ was another car that produced clouds of choking _4_, and it was a long way to the nearest _5_ highway. Suddenly, at a _6_ place, the car ahead pulled off the road. _7_ that its owner might have engine trouble, my fri

14、end stopped and asked if anything was wrong. “_8_,” said the other driver. “But youve endured my dust this far; Ill _9_ with yours the rest of the way.”Another element of courtesy is empathy, a _10_ that enables a person to see into the mind or heart of someone else, to understand the pain or_11_ th

15、ere and to do something to minimize it. A man _12_ alone in a restaurant was trying to unscrew the cap of a beer bottle, _13_ he couldnt do it because of badly injured _14_. He asked a young boy to help him. The boy took the bottle, turned his back _15_ and loosened the cap without difficulty. Then

16、he _16_ it again. Turning back to the man, he _17_ to make great efforts to open the bottle without success. _18_ he took it into the kitchen and returned shortly, saying that he had managed to loosen itbut only with a pair of pliers.Yet another component of politeness is the ability to treat all pe

17、ople _19_, regardless of all status or importance. _20_ when you have doubts about some people, act as if they are worthy of your best manners. You may also be astonished to find out that they really are.Courtesy is the key to a happier world.1A. nothing B. anythingC. something D. nobody2A. walking

18、B. runningC. riding D. driving3A. Behind B. AheadC. After D. Before4A. dust B. smokeC. gases D. pollution5A. opened B. takenC. paved D. built6A. easier B. widerC. narrower D. bigger7A. Hoping B. SeeingC. Expecting D. Thinking8A. Yes B. SureC. No D. OK9A. do away B. catch upC. put up D. go on10A. tec

19、hnique B. wayC. behavior D. quality11A. unhappiness B. joyC. feeling D. thought12A. dining B. singingC. working D. shopping13A. so B. butC. instead D. however14A. legs B. headC. fingers D. ears15A. slowly B. happilyC. momentarily D. secretly16A. loosened B. openedC. hid D. tightened17A. seemed B. pr

20、etendedC. managed D. happened18A. Luckily B. FinallyC. Happily D. Sadly19A. alike B. friendlyC. warmly D. nicely20A. Ever B. SpeciallyC. Especially D. Even1解析:nothing more than 相当于 only,意为“只不过”。答案:A2解析:后面的 the other driver 暗示我们,作者的朋友也是一位司机,他当时正开车行驶在一条没有铺油的单行山道上。答案:D3解析:另一辆车应开在前面,从后面的 the car ahead 可

21、以找到答案。before 不能用作副词,表示空间关系。答案:B4解析:前一辆车扬起了很多“灰尘”。本段末有提示。答案:A5解析:作者朋友的车现在正行驶在灰尘滚滚的没有铺油的山路上,所以可以推测,要开到最近的铺好了油的公路上还有一段很长的距离。paved 与前面的 unpaved 对应,比较符合语境。答案:C6解析:根据常识判断,汽车开在路边停下来,一般是停在比较“宽”的地方。答案:B7解析:这里描述了作者朋友当时的想法(内心的一种猜测),故用thinking。他认为那部汽车的发动机出了毛病。答案:D8解析:从后面的 But 可以判断,汽车并没有什么毛病。答案:C9解析:在余下的路程中,另一辆车

22、的司机要求作者朋友的车开前面,而他自己的车开后面,忍受吃灰之苦。put up with 是“忍受”之意,符合语境。而 do away with(废除), catch up with(赶上), go on with(继续)均与句意不合。答案:C10解析:empathy 是个人所具有的品质和能力,而不是一种行为(behavior)、方法(way)或技术(technique)。答案:D11解析:or 暗示填空处应选用 pain 的近义词,只有 unhappiness 符合语境。答案:A12解析:按常识判断,在饭店里应该是在“吃饭”。答案:A13解析:根据上下文语境可知此处表示意义转折,再根据句子结构

23、可知只有 but 符合要求。答案:B14解析:拧不开酒瓶盖,说明受伤的部位应该是手指头。答案:C15解析:momentarily 意为“一会儿,片刻”,指“他转过身有一会儿时间(目的是不让这位顾客看见他轻而易举地旋开了酒瓶盖)”,其他选项不符合句意。答案:C16解析:由下文可知“他这时又把旋松的瓶盖拧紧了”。答案:D17解析:他假装费了很大的劲却没有旋开瓶盖。答案:B18解析:作者是按事情发生的先后顺序来写的,这时已是故事的尾声,故用 Finally 。答案:B19解析:alike 在这里是副词,意为“相同地”。礼貌的另一个要素是要平等地对待每一个人,不管他的地位多高、多么重要。答案:A20解析:这里要选用程度状语来修饰,且含有转折的意思。故用 Even。答案:D

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