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1、 小学六年级英语科水平测试题(60分钟)Name_Class_Number_ Mark_Listening听力部分45%一、 Listen and tick. 听录音,在括号里打“”(每题1.5分,共15分)1.( )close( )class2.( )dress( )draw3.( )grass( )glass4.( )mouth( )mouse5.( )night( )right6.( )bear( )pear7.( )drink( )drank8.( )flute( )fruit9.( )rode( )wrote10.( )great( )grade【参考答案及评分标准】:(每题1.5分

2、)1.( )close( )class2.( )dress( )draw3.( )grass( )glass4.( )mouth( )mouse5.( )night( )right6.( )bear( )pear7.( )drink( )drank8.( )flute( )fruit9.( )rode( )wrote10.( )great( )grade【听力材料】:1. class 2. draw 3. grass 4. mouse 5.night 6. bear 7. drink 8. flute 9. wrote 10. great【考点】:通过听单词选择,检测学生对各单元语音部分的掌握

3、,音近词的读音区分。二、 Listen and choose. 听对话,将图片编号填在括号内。(每题1.5分,共9分)( )1. A B( )2.A B( )3.A B( )4. A B( )5. A B( )6.A B【参考答案及评分标准】:1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. B(每题1.5分)【听力材料】:1. Why is he excited? Because he won he football game.2. Did he play the piano in music class yesterday? No, he play the violin.3. Can

4、 you turn on the light, please? Sure. Ill turn it on right now.4. What did your brother do last night? He studied in his room.5. What happened? I forgot my homework. I couldnt find it.6. How are you? Im very tired, because I stayed up late last night.【考点】:通过听对话选图,检测学生对所学的重点词语及句型的理解和使用水平及读图水平。三、 List

5、en and tick. 听短文,在表格内打“”。(共7.5分)scaredtiredhappysadexcitedPeterMaryMrs. Smith【参考答案及评分标准】:(每“”1.5分,全打“”不给分,多打一个扣0.5分)scaredtiredhappysadexcitedPeterMaryMrs. Smith【听力材料】:Last weekend, Peter had a bad day, because he heard a noise, he was scared and sad. Mary had a lucky day, because she played tennis

6、with her friends, at last she won the game, she was excited. Mrs. Smith had a busy day. She cleaned up the house all day. She was tired but she was happy, because her house is very clean now. 【考点】:通过听短文勾出相关信息,检测学生对文段的综合理解能力,抓住关键有用信息的能力。四、 Listen and choose. 听短文,选择最佳答案。(每题1.5分,共6分)( ) 1. It was _ tod

7、ay.A. cloudy and windy B. sunny and rainy C. rainy and cold( ) 2. Sandy visited _ last weekend. A. her friend B. the Great Wall C. her relatives( )3. Jane cooked_ with Sandy.A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( )4. They ate some noodles with_.A. eggs B. vegetables C. Both A and B【参考答案及评分标准】:1. C 2. B 3.

8、 B 4. C(每题1.5分)【听力材料】:It was rainy and cold today. Jane stayed at home. Her friend Sandy came to visit her. Sandy visited the Great Wall last weekend and she took some photos there. She showed her photos to Jane and talked about her trip. “ It was wonderful”, she said.Janes parents were not at home.

9、 So at lunch time, Jane and Sandy cooked lunch together. They cooked some noodles with vegetables and eggs. They ate up the noodles. They felt very happy. 【考点】:通过听短文选择答案,检测学生对文段的综合理解能力,针对每道选择题的内容抓住关键有用信息并做出正确的选择的能力。五、 Listen and judge. 听短文,判断对( T )错( F )。(每题1.5分,共7.5分)( ) 1. Bill usually plays the p

10、iano on Saturdays.( )2. Bills father usually cleans up the house on Saturdays( )3. Bills mother felt very well yesterday.( )4. Bill helped his father wash the car yesterday.( )5. Bills sister stayed in bed yesterday.【参考答案及评分标准】:1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F(每题1.5分)【听力材料】:Hello, my name is Bill. On Saturd

11、ays, I usually play the piano. My father usually reads the newspaper and then washes his car. My mother usually cleans up the house. Yesterday was Saturday. But my mother was in bed. She was sick. My father did the housework. He cleaned up the house and took out the trash. I helped him wash the car.

12、 What did my sister do? She stayed with my mother and helped her take some medicine. What a good girl! 【考点】:通过听短文选择答案,检测学生对文段的综合理解能力,针对每道判断题的内容抓住关键有用信息并做出正确的判断的能力。Reading & Writing读写部分50%六、Read and write.选出能替代划线部分的单词获词组。(每题3分,共12分)upset , the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, tired, read

13、 some books, scared, last Sunday, got a kitten, next week, this morning, made models, tonight1. He rode a bike yesterday afternoon.A._ B._ C._2. Im going to read some books tomorrow.A._ B._ C._3. She is sad because she got a poor grade.A._ B._ C._4. Mr. Li went to the park last night.A._ B._ C._【参考答

14、案】: 1.read some books, got a kitten, made models 2.the day after tomorrow, next week , tonight 3.upset, scared, tired 4.the day before yesterday, last Sunday, this morning【考点】 :考查单词,区分将来时态的的时间与过去时态的时间。这是小学阶段必须掌握的。七、Choose the best answer.选择最佳答案。(每题1分,共4分)( )1. Helen Keller was born in _in _.A. Engla

15、nd,1880 B. America,1880 C. Australia,1880( )2. _is a Chinese musical instrument.A. Erhu B. Piano C. Violin( )3. Hua Mulan was a _.A. boy B. girl C. writer( )4. The Eiffel Tower is in _.A. China B. Egypt C. France八、Read, choose and write.从方框内选词填空。(每空1.5分,共15分)【参考答案】: 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C) 【考点】 :小学生需要掌

16、握一定的中西文化背景知识。1.Read and choose.阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,把对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母标号写在相应的横线上。A. Is it far from here? B. You are welcome.C. What day is it today? D. Where is the shopping centre?E. How can I get there ? F. What s the date today? G. Is it near here?A:_B:Its March 8th .A:Oh, its Womens Day

17、. I want to buy a new dress for my mother in the shopping centre._B:Its in front of the post office.A: _B:Yes . Its only 5 minutes walk.A: _B:Go straight for 3 minutes. Then turn left at the bookstore.A:Thank you.B: _【参考答案】: F D G E B【考点】 :小学生必须掌握的问路交际用语。多一个答案,让学生掌握near与far的用法2. 用下列词的适当形式填空。came sta

18、yed went born excitedA: Hello. Where did you _?B: In America.A: Where did you go last Sunday?B: I _ to the Great Wall of China.A: Where did you stay?B: I _ in a hotel.A: Are you_?B:Yes.A: When did you come back?A: I _ back home next week. 【参考答案】: born went stayed excited came【考点】 :让小学生在交际用于中掌握过去式的用法

19、。九、Read and write.看图,完成对话。(每题1分,共4分)1. . Why_ they _? 2. . What_ to Ben? Because he stayed up late. He_ a cold. 3. Wheres the train station? 4. Where is he going to stay? Its _ _the shopping mall. He is going to _ in a _.【参考答案】: 1.are tired 2.happened had/got/caught 3. across from 4. stay hotel)【考点】

20、 :考查学生的单词与在句子中的运用。七. Reading. 阅读短文,完成相关阅读任务。(每题1.5分,共15分) (一)Read and choose.阅读短文,选择正确选项。 On a very hot day, a hungry fox went into a vineyard looking for food. The grapes were heavy and ripe, hanging in beautiful purple clusters on the tree. “Oh!” He said, “I must taste those grapes.” So he made a

21、jump, but he could not reach them.“I must try again,” he said, and this time he jumped higher than the first time. But the grapes were still out of his reach.After the third jump, quite tired out, he said: “Who wants grapes like those? Anyone can see they are as sour as green lemons.” He tried to co

22、mfort himself by saying so. ( )1. What does “vineyard” mean in the first paragraph?A. 葡萄园 B. 饭店 C. 花园( )2. What are the grapes like?A. ugly and ripe B. purple and small C. heavy and ripe ( )3. The fox _ to try to reach to grapes.A. jumped once B. jumped twice C. jumped three times ( )4. The green le

23、mons are _.A. tasty B. sour C. sweet ( )5. Does the fox like those grapes?A. We dont know. B. No. C. Yes. (二)Read and judge. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) Can You Tell Me?A father asks his son “How many letters are there in the Alphabet (字母表)?”“I dont know,”says his son. His father says, “You dont know? You are

24、in school for many years and you dont know how many letters are there in the Alphabet?”He is very angry.His son says, “No. But let me ask you a question, Dad. You often go to the post office, please tell me how many letters are there in the post office?”( )1. From the story, we know the son is good

25、at English.( )2.The son studies at school over (超过) one year.( )3.The father gets angry because his son is not polite (有礼貌) to him.( )4. The sun knows how many letters there are in the Alphabet.( )5. There are twenty-six letters in the Alphabet.【考点】重点考查学生对文段的理解,能根据文段意思进行正确的选择或判断。【参考答案】(一) 1. A 2. C

26、3. C 4. B 5. C (二)1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T【评分标准】每小题2分,对一题得2分。八. Writing.书面表达。(任选一个题目,不少于5个句子,共5分)( ) 1. 小朋友,你们家准备了哪些年货,请用英语“We bought . It was/They were.yuan.来简单介绍介绍你们买的年货及其价格。( )2. 小朋友,很快,你就成为一名中学生了,你有什么新的计划呢?请以My Plan 为题写一段话。_【考点】重点考查学生对一般过去时和一般将来时句子的熟练运用,能正确地表达生活中的需求。【参考答案】1. Before Spring Festiv

27、al, My father, my mother and I went the the supermarket. We bought some chocolate. It was 163 yuan . We bought some cookies. They were 198 yuan. We bought some drinks. They were 68 yuan. We bought some fruits. They were 88 yuan. We were happy.2. I will have a new plan. I will buy some new books. I will buy some new stationery. I will do sports every day. I will make some new friends. I will study hard.【评分标准】写对一句话得1分。出卷人(六年级组全体老师: 梁玉平 黄明秀 张艳梅 )

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