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1、基于HibernateStruts框架的实习系统 外文翻译 作者: 日期:16 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途外文资料: Based on Hibernate, Struts2 framework internship systemIn order to improve their professional quality, professional practice and skills to improve the quality of employment in the construction of the National Higher Education, the university

2、 attaches great importance to students practical ability training, graduates internship, internship and employment integration of the working mechanism, the use ofnetwork platform throughout the internships work process of scientific management, internships for students of the data collection, stati

3、stical analysis will become more standardized, science, to better protect the effectiveness and quality of student internships, research and developmentinternships management system running on the network, is imperative。 文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络个人收集整理,勿做商业用途This project is the use the Hibernate and Struts2 f

4、ramework of platform technology, database using mysql5.0 the server uses Tomcat6.0 to use MyEclipse9。0 development environment, it highlights a technology platform consists of a series of knowledge platforms and technology platform, whichpowerful, seamless integration with the Windows platform. The

5、project makes extensive use of current mainstream Web2.0 technology, AJAX without refreshing the page and rich client technology, not only inherited the original B / S structure of the application system deployment on customer requirements, post-maintenance costs and other advantages , but also give

6、 full play to the WEB2。0 technology, refresh the page and rich client technology, customer interface will be more abundant, the customer experience will be more pleasant。 本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途Extensive application of information technology to promote the rapid development of the world e

7、conomy and the information society, information technology, human getting into the present world development trend. Information technology in education is an important part of the social information, it refers to the pioneering and efficient use of modern information technology in the field of educa

8、tion, education, information resources, information society specific organization and management in the field of education to achieve this The series of processes。 University as an institution of higher education to the development of socio-economic services for the industrial sector to train all ki

9、nds of labor for the mission。 University social services main task is to regional and industry technology applied and highly skilled personnel training and development, technological innovation, promotion and service, implementation of advanced culture propagation and radiation, the school into the

10、area of technical skills training center , new technology research and development center for the promotion of learning social center in the region, has a distinct regional and industry characteristics. The main task of colleges and universities to develop advanced applications and technical personn

11、el, information technology is the only way to achieve leapfrog development of the school. University information system refers to colleges and universities according to their own development needs, the use of advanced information technology to build a digital campus, so as to improve management effi

12、ciency, enhance the quality of teaching, the promotion of scientific research and teaching and research, improve service levels, and promote the process of modernization of education。本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途Guide the establishment of enterprises receiving college students internship system

13、, strengthen production practice and social practice of students, colleges and universities to ensure that at least half the students in the enterprise and employer internship。 Higher internships, students complete basic courses, some of the specialized courses and practical teaching school in pract

14、ical courses later, is an important way to improve the students practical skills through internships, you can give students a clear positioning, contact the professional work in practice, and enhance the professional skills, the exercise of the integrated use of the basic theory to independently ana

15、lyze and solve practical problems, to improve the practical ability to lay a foundation for the future took to the community。 internships education will and decision-making has become the countrys human resources training internships to college to effectively promote the work and study, to learn to

16、do an important form of one personnel training mode, but also the training of highly skilled talent is one important way.本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络Actual business can concentrate accept a certain number of students, while providing students learn professional counterparts in the positions of s

17、mall enterprises, which resulted in student internships relatively decentralized enterprise, the Office of Academic Affairs, Department of the Ministry of the College Leadershiptraditional graduate students, teacher and even teachers themselves are very difficult to understand the students to the di

18、stricts in which realtime conditions in which enterprises, internships, etc., cause great difficulties to the guidance and management, resulting in internships not achieve the desired effect.practice management systems, stand-alone or LAN-based, you can not take advantage of the Internets powerful a

19、bility to transfer information, and therefore function more to stay in the intern information the static management with passive reflect almost impossible to achieve dynamic real-time internmanagement can not practice quality control。 The intern practice management system for the teachers guidance a

20、nd help。文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Student internships regional distribution, industry distribution, job distribution of faculty, student employment plays a very important role in guiding, but this information is not timely collection collation and analysis; internships, graduate design documentati

21、on of the process, data collection scattered, is not conducive to scientific and standardized management. Colleges and universities in the process of implementation of the practice of internships, the prevalence of insufficient communication and coordination with the students, student management is

22、not in place, intern laissezfaire, internships achieving the desired effects; based student management fundamentally determines the overall quality of students directly affect the distribution and its subsequent development of the students, but also affect the future development of colleges and univ

23、ersities, therefore, the the development college student management information system is an important issue。 Student internships network management is to adapt to the requirements of the times。 The use of the internship network management system can effectively strengthen the flexible management of

24、 the students, managers and students can communicate and understand the school policies and related systems in a timely manner through the network to obtain the appropriate information, save a lot of time and improve work efficiency. The internship network management system is an indispensable part

25、of a university, it is essential for decision makers and managers of the school.本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络Student information management system is an important component of the campus management system。 It is designed for students work, and strive to meet the work of the various needs of stude

26、nts. The system is designed to give full consideration to all aspects of student management, highly targeted, and strive for the work of the student workers to provide more convenient auxiliary tools and instruments. Online and a variety of CD-ROM for sale can be seen all kinds of student management

27、 system, some of these systems function is too simple, can not be fully applicable to the school application; others too complicated, too much trouble to use。 In addition, each school has its own characteristics and circumstances. Therefore, we realized that it is necessary to develop a student info

28、rmation management system for our own characteristics and circumstances. The topics to explore a new mode of management in the modern information environment new college internship, to change the traditional complex and inefficient labor management, by MyEclipse9.0 development platform, the use of J

29、SP technology, MySQL5。0 technology to develop a Webbasedsoftware practice management system, to achieve the internship Teaching Practice in network management, improve efficiency and management level. The user-friendly interface, easy to operate, feature-rich, performance optimization to meet the fu

30、nctional requirements of the practice management requirements.文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途The successful development and application of the system will change the traditional college internship management status, is of great significance to improve the level of practice management:First, establi

31、sh a student-centered, to impart knowledge, build capacity, improve the quality of the coordinated development of educational philosophy and practice the concept of culture as the core competency, helping to train students practical ability and creative ability of practice teaching system.Secondly,

32、there is conducive to promoting information technology in education, speed up the college of information technology, network construction, and give full play to the integration of modern information technology, interactivity, controlling the path of the digital, networked.Last greatly improve work e

33、fficiency, solve the problem of the open laboratory management increased workload, teacher, college leaders and authorities to further strengthen the monitoring of experimental teaching。 Efficient operation of the establishment of a modern management mechanism, and comprehensively improve the level

34、of practice management, improve decision support environment。系统分析:Interviews, reading materials, field trips and other methods, the main line of the business processes of the College, as a unit, to various departments carried out a detailed survey on the colleges business processes, information flow

35、; summarize, organize the College of existing information flow; masteruser demand functions of each subsystem, information needs and requirements。Detailed design: to determine the operation of the business logic and business entities to achieve the function of the operation;Logical database design:

36、Based on the system design of the business entity, the business entity database;Preparation of the information management system for workflow specific code, especially in key technologies specific preparation and improvement of the code. The establishment of a modern, integrated information manageme

37、nt system. Set up a complete college student information management system, the formation of a unified data stream of data, truly data input once, use many times to ensure consistency。The scope of management of the information management system covers the student information management, teacher mana

38、gement, internship management practice performance management, application practice management system, correspondence management and other aspects of management and business operations. The management student category contains the existing college students.After intensive research, improve the manag

39、ement system, a clear workflow, standardized job files based on the development of internships, the system uses JSP technology, Web2.0 technologies, AJAX without refreshing the technology, not only inherited the B/ S structure of the application system original deployment on customer requirements, p

40、ostmaintenance costs and other advantages, give full play to WEB2。0 technology, without refreshing the page, and rich client technology, the richer customer interface, customer experiencemore enjoyable. The system interface is clear, functional area clear, user menus and buttons to select the approp

41、riate function module, simple operation, improve the online help system in a relatively short period of time to help users master the use of methods.个人收集整理,勿做商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a web development technology for creating interac

42、tive web applications, AJAX framework, refresh the current page through the Web server to get the user data, reducing the number of network traffic speed up the system response speed, to enhance the user interface experienceThe purpose of the feasibility study is to minimize the cost in the shortest

43、 possible time to determine whether the problem can be resolved. To achieve this aim, you have to analyze the pros and cons of several possible solutions, in order to determine the size of the original system and target is realistic, after the completion of the system benefits large enough to warran

44、t the degree of investment and development of this system。Therefore, the feasibility study is essentially a greatly compressed simplify the system analysis and design process, which is at a higher level, more abstract system analysis and design process.本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Just a computer s

45、ystem running hardware environment can do server software environment can install Windows system MySQL database. For colleges and universities are small costs. This system is economically feasible。Practice management system with a user-friendly interface, easy to use, easy to maintain, simple and ea

46、sy to operate user, the user simply skilled to operate the computer, and this system uses a simple understanding can be used to facilitate, and the use of this system can greatly reduce management burden。 Therefore, the development of this system is feasible using the operational aspects。Requirement

47、s analysis is an important stage of software design, his accuracy and integrity is directly related to the future of the entire software design and development process goes smoothly or not, his basic task is to accurately answer this question what must be done to”. It should be noted that in the req

48、uirements analysis phase, our task is not to determine how the system do its job, but to determine what must be done, the target system is complete, accurate, clear and specific requirements.文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途Based on B / S of college students in the practice management system based on

49、 the colleges existing highspeed campus network-based system for college students practice administration trivial, complex study design。The goal of the system is a class information, students personal information in school management and maintenance functions. Students through this system query capa

50、bilities of the personal information。 The overall mission of the system the systematic student information management, networking, standardization and automation. The functional requirements of the system, including the Office of Academic Affairs of the features demand, faculty functional requiremen

51、ts, the school instructor functional requirements and corporate instructor functional requirements, students demand function of five parts。本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途System administrator privileges, the student information, the practice of unified management, functional requirements are as fo

52、llows: the student information browsing, add, modify, delete; teacher information browse, add, modify, delete; Internship browse, add, modify, delete, etc。; information to add, modify permissions; released internship tasks and deal with the internship。The school instructor guided students basic info

53、rmation management, and student information and student internships marking and query information and individual guidance。 Internship instructor management, and student information query and Practice Grade correcting the basic information of the students.Students to use this system to make the infor

54、mation relating to itself login and change your password, apply for an internship, and with the school guidance teacher exchanges and upload weekly internship, internship application, mission statement, internship summary, download documents, view notifications and school policies。The system is modu

55、lar in structure, the divided and design of each module to follow the principle of high cohesion and low coupling。 The respective submodule is called by the main module, a relatively independent function of each submodule is completed, each sub-module can be developed independently, tests and modifi

56、cations, and finally combined into the whole system, so the system has good scalability. Database is organized, dynamically store large amounts of data associated with the convenience of multiuser access to computer software and hardware system composed of voluntary; his important difference with th

57、e file system is full sharing of data, cross access, with a high degree of independence of the application . The database is the core and foundation of information systems。 The various parts of an information system ability to work closely together, and how to combine the key in the database. The da

58、tabase so that only reasonable and logical design and physical design in order to develop a sound and efficient information systems。个人收集整理,勿做商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途At present, the research practice management system in the information management function more perfect, to meet the needs of the day-to-d

59、ay management, implementation, testing and maintenance of the system, yet to be further mature and perfect。 As the bearer of the higher education information, student information management system construction shoulder the sacred mission of digital information management college students during coll

60、ege。 The development of information technology to change the Management of University Students, enhance school efficiency, the school to meet the challenges of the era of knowledge economy and the only way invincible, but also the inevitable trend of development of the college student management.文档为

61、个人收集整理,来源于网络本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途外文翻译: 基于Hibernate、Struts2框架的实习系统 在国家高校教育建设中,为了提高学生的职业素质、专业实践能力和技能, 提高就业质量,各高校十分重视学生的实际能力培养,采用学生毕业实习、实习与就业一体化的工作机制,利用网络平台对整个实习工作过程进行科学管理,对学生的实习各项数据的收集、统计与分析等工作将更加规范、科学,更好地保障学生实习的效果和质量,研究和开发一个运行在网络上的实习管理系统,已势在必行. 本项目运用Hibernate和Struts2框架平台技术,数据库采用MySQL5。0,服务器采用Tomcat6。0,使用

62、MyEclipse9.0开发环境,它是重点推介的一项技术平台,包含一系列的知识平台和技术平台,它具有功能强大、与 Windows平台无缝结合等优点。该项目大量使用了目前主流的 WEB2。0技术、AJAX无刷新页面和富客户端技术后,不但继承 B/S结构的应用系统原有的部署简单、对客户要求低、后期维护费用少等优势,更把 WEB2。0技术、无刷新页面和富客户端等技术充分发挥,客户界面将会更加丰富,客户体验将会更加愉快。 信息技术的广泛应用推动了世界经济的快速发展,人类逐步走进信息化的社会,信息化成为当今世界发展潮流。教育信息化是社会信息化的重要组成部分,它是指现代信息技术在教育领域的应用、教育信息资




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