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1、广西工学院鹿山学院毕业论文题目:祥林嫂与苔丝性格的对比系 别:外国语言文学系专业班级:科英L082姓 名: 涂珊学 号: 20082197指导教师:黄锦华职 称:教授二O 二年 月 日AcknowledgementsThrough my preparation for the writing of this thesis, I have received kind help and valuable instructions and suggestions from many people. My hearty thanks first go as to my teacher and supe

2、rvisor, Mr. Huang Jinhua. He has given me the most valuable instructions and referential material before and during my actual writing, and has spent much precious time reading and revising the manuscript of this thesis every time. Deeply impressed by his kindness and strict style, I believe his infl

3、uence upon me will be everlasting.In addition, my second thanks go as to my parents who give me a lot of support.Lastly, I would like to thank my lovely roommates. Without their help, I can not finish this thesis on time.AbstractThis thesis analyzes and compares the character of Xianglins wife who i

4、s the heroine of LXun sshort story “ theblessing a”nd Tess who is the heroine of the critical and realistic writer Hardy slong novel “ Tessof the DUrbervilles E”ve.n though they were oppressed by the same feudal thoughts, XiangLing s wife was relatively spineless while Tess was braver to fight again

5、st feudal society. In addition, the thesis also explores their destinies and survival concepts in different social background, which can help readers, have a better understanding of the content and theme of the two works.Keywords : XiangLin s wife, Tess, character, comparison.摘要分析比较了鲁迅短篇小说祝福中的女主人公祥林

6、嫂与英国 19 世纪批判现实主义作家哈代的长篇小说德伯家的苔丝中的女主人公苔丝的性格。虽然同样受尽封建主义的压迫,但是祥林嫂相较而言较为软弱,而苔丝却勇于抗争封建社会。此外,文章还探讨了她们命运的共性,以及不同制度下中西方女 性生存观念的差异,使读者能更好地理解两部作品的内涵和主题。关键词:祥林嫂 苔丝 性格 比较ContentsAcknowledgements错. 误 !未定义书签。Abstract i.i摘要 iiiContents i.v1. Introduction 错. 误!未定义书签。1.1 The social background 21.2 The family backgro

7、und 32. A comparison of their character 42.1 Industrious XiangLin s wife and kind Tess4.2.2 Two unchaste women5.2.3 The coward giving in to adversity and the rebel fighting bravely 7.3. A social tragedy and a human tragedy1.0.4. Summary 1.2.5. Conclusion 1.3.Bibliography 1.4.A Comparison between Xia

8、ngLins wife and Tess1. IntroductionMr. Lu Xun in China and Mr. Hardy in Britain both are great realistic novelists. Lu Xun and Hardy regarded human nature and social conflicts as a realistic foundation of tragedy art. In th“e the blessing a”nd the “Tess of the DUrbervilles two wr”ite,rs both have sh

9、aped two women s images successfully, and those two Chinese and western women have not only a lot of common points in their character but also many differences. According to the shackles of feudal ethical code imposed on women, XiangLin s wife showed her taming and subservience. However, facing patr

10、iarchal tradition and Christian concept, Tess proposed her questions and rebellion. This totally different reaction also reflects different features between Chinese and western culture.Tess of the DUrbervilles is a masterpiece created by Thomas Hardy who is a famous novelist and poet in Britain. It

11、is universally acknowledged that this novel is also one of the Hardy s most outstanding works. Tess in the novel has deeply touched the hearts of countless readers, which is not only owing to that people have higher thinking of standard of traditional virtues, but also becausethe heroine has all the

12、 good quality and great power in her deep soul which make her become one of the most affecting women image. With the background of capitalist development hitting individual peasant economy in Britain, the article reflects a rural girl s short and tragic life truly.Through describing the tragic life

13、sufferance of XiangLin s wife, the novel The Blessing reflects social conflicts in China after the XinHai revolution, reveals profoundly ravage and persecution to workwomen by landed class, demonstrates the androphagous quality of feudal ethical code, and points out the necessity of struggling again

14、st feudalism utterly. XiangLin s wife was a poor peasant woman who suffered from squeezeof feudal ethics. After her husbands death, the cruel mother-in-law decided to sell her out. Thus, she was forced to flee to Lu town, and then became a helper suffering a lot of disdain and mistreatment in home o

15、f Lu Si master. However, she was grabbed by her mother-in-law soon and was sold to marry with a peasant He . He Lao liu is a simple and honest farmer, and soon they have a son named A Mao. Eventually, XiangLin s wife lived in a stable life. However, the destiny is changeable. With suffering so much

16、ruin imposed by landlord both from the physical and the mental, He Lao liu died soon with grief. Not long, their son A Mao was eaten by wolves. Subjecting to such double blows, XiangLin s wife felt disappointed and despondent just like losing her soul. But, people said she was guilty of having remar

17、ried and she should donate threshold to expiate her sins, or she would suffer in the “underworld”. With undergoing all conceivable hardships, XiangLins wife accumulated enough money to donate the threshold but still could not get rid of peoples discrimination. At last, she begged along streets, and

18、then on the New Years Eve, she died in the streets with the sound of firecrackers. In the bloody and weeping accusation, the article gives a strong whip to the suffering of the working people in old society, especially to the feudal ethical code. Through describing the tragic life of XiangLin s wife

19、, the article also expresses theauthors sympathy towards oppressedwomen in old society and his ruthless exposure of the feudal ethics and feudal ideas.1.1 The social backgroundXiangLin s wife and Tess both were working women in rural areas. XiangLin s wife was the rural working woman who lived in Ch

20、inese village located in south river in the early 20th century when the XinHai revolution broke out.After the XinHai revolution, even though the imperial regime had been overthrown, the political system was replaced by the landlord classesbureaucratic and warlord rule. Therefore, the basis of feudal

21、 society hadnt been completely destroyed. The majority of Chinese people, especially farmers were becoming more and more impoverished. They lived in a hunger and cold life, and the religious concept and feudal ethical code were still spiritual pressure in the heads of the Chinese people. Through des

22、cribing the tragic life sufferance of XiangLin s wife, the novel The Blessing reflects social conflicts in China after the XinHai revolution, reveals profoundly ravage and persecution to workwomen by landlord class, demonstrates the androphagous quality of feudal ethical code, and points out the nec

23、essity of struggling against feudalism utterly. Tess was a rural girl who lived in the agricultural area of southwest England in the late 19th century. In the mid-19th century, British industrial civilization of capitalism penetrated to the countryside, and Hardys hometown was also subjected to a st

24、rong impact. The patriarchal society system of his hometown disintegrated rapidly, thus, in the aspect of economy, individual farmers were driven to miserable life with unemployment and poverty. In the Tess of the DUrbervilles , Hardy described the whole picture of the impact towards villages create

25、d byindustrial civilization of that time. And then, the author treated the Tess family as a microcosm of individual farmers at that time to present profoundly peoples pain and misery in the struggle of material adversity.1.2 The family BackgroundWhen she was a girl, XiangLin s wife became others chi

26、ld bride. However, she didnt expect that her husband who was ten or more years younger than her died of illness, and then her mother-in-law sold her out to her husbands brother for exchanging bride in deep and old forest. In comparison, Tesss parent had seven children. Her father was a drunk and ver

27、y irresponsible, and her family had no house, no possessions, even the only horse they depended on had died after a not long time. In order to support the whole familys life, Tess went to find her origin, but suffered others insulting. And then, she was forced to be the mistress of her enemy just fo

28、r the survival of her family. The poverty life and troubled destiny experience indicated that XiangLins wife and Tess were bound to have the same miserable ending.2. A comparison of their character2.1 Industrious XiangLin s wife and kind TessIn Mr. Lu Xuns novel The Blessing, the article shaped Xian

29、gLin s wife as a typical rural working woman in old China who was industrious and simple while under the greatest pressure of feudal ethical code. In old society, feudal ethical code oppressed women a lot. When XiangLin s wife came to Master Lu Si family at first, Lu Xun described her with the follo

30、wing sentences: she looked very suitable, though, with big strong feet and hands; her hair was tied with white bands. She wore a black skirt, blue jacket and pale green bodice, and was about twenty-six, with a pale skin but rosy cheeks. Even though Lu Xun didnt use a lot of words to describe XiangLi

31、ns wife, his few strokes had showed us a very clean, fresh and cool,simple and healthy rural woman whose image was very prominent and vivid. XiangLin s wife obeyed the dictating of parents and words of matchmakers. Therefore, she got married with Xiang Lin who was ten years younger than her and live

32、d depending on gathering firewood. As the first daughter-in-law, XiangLin s wife was nothing but just a horse bought from market and can speak in the eyes of her mother-in-law. XiangLin s wife had a very strong and big hands and feet. She did not lazy at all, and she always tried her best to work ev

33、en though it was very hard to do. It can be said that XiangLin s wife was more industrious than an industrious man. XiangLins wife enjoyed the happiness of labor work, and she lived in the happiness of being industrious. However, it was unfortunate that Xiang Lin had died within a not long time, and

34、 almost at the same time, XiangLin s wife was becoming the inauspicious widow and got a sin of dirty and unclean.In Hardy s writing, beautiful Tess was described as a microcosm of rural women who were tied deeply by feudal ethical code as well as unfair social and legal constrains in the late period

35、 of Victorian England. Tesss beauty was astonishing. She looked really beautiful and dignified. Her mouth was just like a pretty flower, and her eyes were very big and gentle. From her appearance of a 16-year-old, people still can see Tesss different image in different stages of her childhood. Tess

36、grew up in a family with a lot of hardship and difficulties. Her parents hold a kind of shiftless attitude towards daily life. Tesss father was a type of so-called “loose bones”people in local area. He was not like casual workers who were accustomed to the regular labor. And he always drunk a lot to

37、 be too faint to go anywhere, even to the market place. On the other hand, Tesss mother just devoted herself to washing clothes all day long. Tess once had gone to village school, and her academic performance was on the top of her class. However, owing to her poverty family, Tess was forced to leave

38、 school. Then she went to neighbors farmland to help make hay and get in the crops, or help to milk a cow and make butter. Eventually, the burden of family supporting had increasingly been taken by young Tesss shoulder. One day, when Tess took her fathesr place driving to deliver things, she collide

39、d and killed the family s only livelihood that is, the old horse which pulled a cart. In order to maintain the family s life, Tess had to obey her mother s arrangement to go to find a replacement in the rich Arrack hsome. Unexpectedly, because of Tess lack of life experience, she was cheated by Arra

40、ck and lost her virginity. In another word, a woman was possessedby an inappropriate man. Therefore, Tess almost became an unclean and complex woman all of a sudden from a pure and innocent girl in this way.2.2 Two unchaste womenWhether XiangLin s wife who was a widow or Tess who was no longer a vir

41、gin, they both were tied cruelly by feudal ethical code and feudal patriarchal social system, even though they lived in different times; they had different cultures and customs; they used different languages; they belonged to two completely different social systems of two countries respectively. In

42、comparison with the character before being a widow or losing virginity, they faced a chasm that was not bridgeable. Thus, the tragedy of their life had begun since then. XiangLin s wife lived in the semi-feudal and semi-colonial old China, in which rural labor women were shackled by feudal ethical c

43、ode that advocated the three obedience and four virtues imposed on women. Their marriage required “single-mindedness”and “one girl can not be married with two husbands ”in addition to listening to dictates of parents and words of matchmakers, or they would be“unclean and dirty”and tarnish social cus

44、toms. At this circumstance, they would also suffer people s contempt and social abandonment.Tess lived in a British village in which the tentacles of capitalism had not extended there yet, so the feudal ethical code and traditional Christian doctrine in feudal times still shackled people s thought s

45、eriously. At that time, British women treated tameness, timid conformist, obedience to all rules,resigning to adversity and religious belief as virtues. In their mind, marriage was a prize for people who have good virtues from god, and the bride needed to be a virgin. XiangLins wife with her hair ty

46、ing some white bands and a pale skin but rosy cheeks came to Master Lu Si home to be a helper. In the eyes of Master Lu Si, even though people like XiangLin s wife seemed to be very miserable, they also tarnished social customs. They can be a helper, but there was no place for them in the worship be

47、cause they were too dirty that ancestors would not eat their food. Master Lu Si was a representative figure who promoted the feudal ethical code. He hated and looked down upon XiangLin s wife who was an unfortunate widow, and cursed her as “absurd”. However, when he had seen the performance of Xiang

48、Lin s wife labor, he thought she had great energy and power regardless of her culinary skill, while she was just pleasing to the eye, and she can not do more in worship. In order to possess the labor of XiangLin s wife, Master Lu Si pressed her to stay to be a helper. Thus, in the end of a year, Xia

49、ngLin s wife took all the work by herself, such as sweeping dust, washing floors, killing chickens, slaughtering geese, and cooking the blessing ceremony thoroughly.However, XiangLin s wife just intended to live with such law-abiding and supporting independence. Therefore, her corners of the mouth h

50、ad some smile and her face become whiter and fatter. When XiangLin s wife who was widowed again and had lost her child appearedin Lus family, her hair was still tied with white bands. Her face was sallow,her skin was pale, her cheeks had lost redness, eyes had tear stains and vision was not so spiri

51、tual than before. The changes of XiangLin s wife were caused by her mother-in-law. In order to raise money for another sons marriage, her mother-in-law even tied up XiangLins wife who was in widowhood and forced her to be sold to others, which had pushed down XiangLin s wife who was treated as a slo

52、ppy and unfortunate person into a more miserable abyss. It also added tragic color to the grieved life of XiangLin s wife. In the Semi-feudal and semi-colonial China, social laws kept a blind eye to the violence of her mother-in-law. However, feudal ethical code let the victim XiangLin s wife to bea

53、r the big sin of marrying two husbands for a woman. Despite the time of ancestors worship in the winter solstice had come and XiangLin wisfe had done more to contribute herself, the shouting of Mrs. Lu Si, that is “just put it down! XiangLin wsife ”, made XiangLin wsife draw back her hand which was

54、ready to get the cup just like being hurt by hot pillar. At the same time, her face changed into dark. To some extent, the shouting was the cruelest bondageof feudal ethical code towards XiangLin wsife. It was the abandon of feudal society towards her that had made XiangLin wsife lost her own indepe

55、ndent life. She was expelled from the Lus family. She told people about her misery story again and again. However, in the eyes of secularity, her sorrow had already becomeboring waste.The priest s son Angle loved Tess a lot. However, on their wedding night, when the innocent Tess confessed his past

56、in front of Angle, Angle immediately felt that the very pure, young and beautiful rural girl Tess whose face had been marked with girl s purity and nobleness in his heart became a yokelish woman who pretended to be innocent and was guilty in reality. All of this made Angle breed an aversion mood to

57、Tess in the heart and also made his firing love towards Tess become ashes. Angle can not accept Tess who had some stains and even despised her for she had become others woman. In order to maintain the dignity of the Victorian feudal ethics and the feudal Christian doctrine, Angle abandoned Tess, and

58、 then he went to Brazil all by himself. Even though Tess was lack of life experience, she felt that she had been treated unfairly when she thought about felling on this adversity. When Innocent Tess suffered from violence, the feudal ethical code of the Victorian era not only tolerated the real and

59、evil criminal, but also put on the cloak of the priest for him. The poor Tess was seen as an immoral, unchaste and sinful woman suffering from cold abandonment of the feudal society.2.3 The coward giving in to adversity and the rebel fighting bravelyXiangLin wsife and Tess were both trying to get ri

60、d of the suffering, and to seek a new hope of life. When widowed for the first time, XiangLin wsife fled her husband s family to go out to work. On the other hand, Tess gave birth to an illegitimate child and left her home to strange land. All that the two women had done showed us that they struggle

61、d to make efforts to fight against adversity. But the two women were different in their awareness and attitude of the tragic fate, and their resistant ways also varied a lot.XiangLin wsife lived in the Chinese feudal society. The feudal ethics required that women must abide by the the three obedienc

62、es and four virtues (Confucian ethics) imposed on women. XiangLin wsife had entirely seen feudal ethics guidelines as her standard of behavior. In other words, she absolutely obeyed the feudal ethical code. She valued social evaluation towards her and focused on her own reputation and integrity. Whe

63、n the mother-in-law of XiangLin wsife forced her to remarry with others, she fought against it and almost died of hitting the incense table. However, this action of XiangLin wsife was not out of fighting against the forced marriage or maintaining the independence of her own personality but out of th

64、e firm maintenance of the feudal honor etiquette. This action is deeply sad and painful. XiangLin wsife had lost her husband twice, but she never wanted to pursue a happy marriage and love. She just tried to do everything possible to maintain the section and to hold her husband and son. With physica

65、lly and mentally tormented, XiangLin wsife suffered unfortunate fate again and again. But, she never thought of that the community is not fair and she still acknowledged the reasonability of social treatment towards her and believed that she was an unclean person with guilty. The whole life of XiangLin wsife was trying to comply with the feudal ethical code and making efforts to the preservation of reputation and integrity. Ultimately, she went to destroy rapidly owing to the lost of reputation and integrity. In t

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