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1、高职高专学生英语听力自主学习的研究 学 院 : 外 国 语 学 院 学 号:2007110039 姓 名 : 郭 瑛 联 系 方 式 : E ? mail :rzguoying126单位代码 10445 学 号 2007110039 分 类 号 H319 研究生类别 同等学力硕 士 学 位 论 文论 文 题目 A Study of Autonomous Learning in English Listening Comprehension of VocationalCollege Students 高职高专学生英语听力自主学习 的研究 学 科 专业 名 称 课 程与 教 学论 ( 英语 ) 申

2、 请 人姓名 郭 瑛 指 导 教 师 蒋 斌 副教授 论 文 提交 时 间 2012 年 3 月 20 日A Study of Autonomous Learning in English Listening Comprehension of Vocational College Students By Guo Ying Under the Supervision of Associate Professor Jiang BinSubmitted to College of Foreign Language Teaching In Candidacy for the Degree of Mas

3、ter of Education Shandong Normal University Jinan, Shandong ChinaMarch, 2012独 创 声 明本 人 声 明 所 呈 交 的 学 位 论 文 是 本 人 在 导 师 指 导 下 进 行 的 研 究 工 作 及 取 得 的 研 究 成果。 据我所知, 除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外, 论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果, 也不包含为获得 (注: 如没有其他需要特别声明的, 本栏可空) 或其他教育机构的学位或证书使用过的材料。 与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。学位论文

4、作者签名:学 位 论 文 版 权 使 用 授 权 书本 学 位 论 文 作 者 完 全 了 解 学校 有 关 保 留 、 使 用 学 位 论 文 的 规 定 , 有 权 保 留 并向国 家 有 关 部 门 或 机 构 送 交 论 文 的 复 印 件 和 磁 盘 , 允 许 论 文 被 查 阅 和 借 阅 。 本 人 授 权 学校 可 以 将 学 位 论 文 的 全 部 或 部 分 内 容 编 入 有 关 数 据 库 进 行 检 索 , 可 以 采 用 影 印 、 缩 印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书) 学位论文作者签名: 导师签字:签字日期:20 年

5、月日 签字日期 :20年山东师范大学硕士学位论文 Contents Abstract ? ? ? ? ? I 摘 要 ? ? ? ? ? III List of Abbreviations ? ? ? ? V List of Tables ? ? ? ? VI Chapter One Introduction ? ? ? ? 1 1.1 Background of the Study ? ? ? 1 1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study ? ? ? 3 1.3 Organization of the Thesis ? ? ? 4 Chapter T

6、wo Literature Review ? ? ? 6 2.1 Autonomous Learning ? ? ? ? 6 2.1.1 The Definition of Autonomous Learning ? ? 6 2.1.2 The Research and Development of Autonomous Learning ? 7 2.2 Autonomous Learning and English Listening Learning ? ? 10 2.2.1 The Present Status of Listening Learning ? ? 10 2.2.2 His

7、tory and Present Status of English Listening Autonomous Learning in China ? ? ? ? 10 2.3 Listening Strategies ? ? ? ? 11 Chapter Three Methodology ? ? ? ? 14 3.1 Research Questions ? ? ? ? 14 3.2 Subjects ? ? ? ? 14 3.3 Instruments ? ? ? ? 15 3.3.1 Questionnaire ? ? ? ? 15 3.3.2 Listening test ? ? ?

8、 ? 17 3.3.3 Interview ? ? ? ? 17 3.4 Experimental Procedures ? ? ? 18 3.5 Teachers Instruction in the Experiment Process ? ? 18 3.5.1 Learner Training ? ? ? 19 3.5.2 Metacognitive Strategy Training ? ? ? 20 3.5.3 Recommending Some Listening Resources to the Students ? 20 3.6 Data Collection ? ? ? ?

9、22 Chapter Four Results and Discussion ? ? ? 23 4.1 Data Analysis ? ? ? ? 23 4.1.1 Analysis of Questionnaire 1 ? ? ? 23 4.1.2 Analysis of Questionnaire 2 ? ? ? 29 4.1.3 Analysis of the Listening Tests ? ? ? 34 4.1.4 Results of the Interview ? ? ? 35I 山东师范大学硕士学位论文 4.2 Results of the Study ? ? ? ? 36

10、Chapter Five Pedagogical Implications and Suggestions ? ? 38 5.1 Pedagogical Implications ? ? ? 38 5.2 Suggestions for Teaching ? ? ? 39 5.2.1 Promoting the Awareness of AL ? ? ? 39 5.2.2 Helping Students Build up Self-confidence ? ? 42 5.2.3 Changing Students Learning Styles ? ? 43 5.2.4 Arousing S

11、tudents Interest in Listening ? ? 43 5.2.5 Changing Teachers Beliefs about Teaching ? ? 44 5.2.6 Changing Teachers Beliefs about Their Roles ? ? 44 Chapter Six Conclusion ? ? ? ? 47 6.1 Limitations and Suggestions ? ? ? 47 6.1.1 Limitations of the Study ? ? ? 47 6.1.2 Suggestions for Future Study ?

12、? ? 48 6.2 Summary of the Study ? ? ? 48 Bibliography ? ? ? ? 50 Appendix ? ? ? ? 55 Appendix ? ? ? ? 57 Appendix ? ? ? ? 59 Appendix ? ? ? ? 60 Appendix ? ? ? ? 64 Acknowledgements ? ? ? ? 67 Published Papers ? ? ? ? 68 II 山东师范大学硕士学位论文 Abstract Since Henri Holec put forward the concept of learner a

13、utonomy in 1980s, it has been widely accepted in the field of language teaching. Under the influence of humanistic psychology, cognitive learning theory and constructivism theory, autonomous learning has gained momentum, and the cultivation of students autonomous learning ability has become the cons

14、ensus of many educators and researchers in the field of foreign language teachingThe shift of teaching mode from being teacher-centered to being learner-centered calls for learners responsibilities for their own learning Listening ranks first among the four basic skills listening, speaking, reading

15、and writing of language learning. With the development of globalization, international communication becomes more and more frequent. As one of the most frequently used forms of language skills, listening plays a very important role in our daily communication as well as in the educational process. No

16、wadays, with the rapid development of higher education, the number of students greatly increased. And there generally exist the problems of large classes but the less class hours in college English teaching of vocational colleges. The cultivation of students autonomous learning ability in listening

17、has become the top priority. Audio, video and the development of computer technology and the popularization of the Internet, together with the research on learning strategies, all these make the implementation of autonomous learning possible This thesis first introduces the definition of autonomous

18、learning and the related research at home and abroad as well as the relevant research on autonomous learning in listening comprehension at home and abroad. Then some listening leaning strategies are introduced. On this basis, we carried out the empirical studies on the cultivation of autonomous list

19、ening learning ability of vocational college studentsThe teaching experiment in this thesis lasts one term and the subjects involved are the students of two classes who major in numerical control in grade 2009 of Rizhao PolytechnicThe author explored the effect of autonomous learning ability on Engl

20、ish listening comprehension. The experiment combined the questionnaires, listening tests, interview as the instruments. The author proceeds with training on metacognitive strategy to the experimentalI 山东师范大学硕士学位论文 class while for the control class, the author does not have special training and super

21、visionMixed methods of both quantitative and qualitative research were put into use. The software of SPSS17.0.was also introduced for the data analysis obtained from the questionnaires and listening testsThe results of the experiment show that under the guidance of the concept of autonomous learning

22、, the listening scores of experimental class students who were given a period of learning strategies training have raised significantly compared with that of the control class. Students autonomous learning ability strengthens. They can develop and implement learning programs, monitor their own learn

23、ing process, and evaluate their learning resultsTeacher plays a better role than before who becomes the guider, the coordinator, the resource provider in students learning process. Thus it can be seen that its necessary and effective to cultivate students autonomous learning ability in English liste

24、ning study in vocational collegesAlthough the experiment has achieved the anticipated effect, there are still some limitations. This experiment was conducted only in one vocational college, and there is a particularly large gender gap in the major of NC, which consists of more boys and scarce girls,

25、 so the experiment failed to consider more girls. Only one learning strategy, metacognitive strategy, was adopted in the strategy training and the time duration of the experiment was not so satisfactory. The author hope above-mentioned problems should be solved in further studies. Its the best to ad

26、opt more samples from different vocational colleges to make the data more representative. In addition, more learning strategies like cognitive strategies and social/affective strategies should be applied for training and the students may get greater progress if the training time lasts longer. The au

27、thor hopes this study can provide some help for students English listening learning in vocational colleges Key words: autonomous learning, listening comprehension, vocational college students II 山东师范大学硕士学位论文 摘 要 自从 20 世纪 80 年代 Henri Holec 正式提 出“学习者自主”这一概念以来,外语学习中的自主性就成为一个被广泛关注的话题。 在人本主义心理学、 认知学习理论和建

28、构主义理论的影响下,培养学生自主学习能力成为 30 年来外语教学界许多教育工作者和 研 究 人 员 的 共 识 。 教 学 模 式 从 以 “ 教 师 为 中 心 ” 转 化 为 “ 以 学 生 为 中 心 ” , 要 求 学 习者对自己的学习担负起责任。 在 语 言 学 习 的 听 、 说 、 读 、 写 等 几 项 基 本 技 能 中 , “ 听 ” 居 于 首 位 。 随 着 全 球 化的发展, 国际交流变得越来越频繁, 在这个过程中, 作为一种最基本的交流形式, “听”起到非 常重要的作用。 目前, 高等教育迅猛发展, 学生人数骤增, 高职高专 大学英语 教学中普遍存在班级大、 课时少

29、的问题。 培养学生英语听力自主学习的能力已经成为当务之急。 录音、 录像和计算机技术的发展以及因特网的不断普及, 再加上对学习策略的研究,使听力自主学习的实施具有可能性。 本文首先讨论了自主学习的定义和国内外的相关研究以及有关听力自主学习国内外的相关研究情况, 并介绍了听力学习的策略。 在此基础上 , 我们对高职高专 学生听力自主学习能力的培养进行了实证性研究。 教学实验历时一个学期,以日照职业技术学院2009级数控专业两个 自然班级为研究对象, 探讨了自主学习能力对英语听力理解能力的影响。 本实验以问卷调查、 听力测试及访谈为工具。 对于实验班, 作者进行了听力元认知策略的培训。 对于对照班

30、, 作 者不再进行特殊的培训及监督。本实验采用定量与定性研究相结合的方法,并使用 SPSS 17.0 来进行调查问卷和听力测试的数据分析。 实 验 结 果 表 明 在 自 主 学 习 理 念 的 指 导 下 , 通 过 一 定 的 学 习 策 略 培 训 , 实 验 班 学 生的听力成绩与对照班的相比, 得到了显著提高; 学生的自主学习能力增强, 能够制定并实施学习计划, 对自己的学习过程进行监控, 并对自己的学习成果进行评 价; 教师变为学生学习过程中的指导者、 协调者、 资源提供者等, 发挥了更好的作用。 由此可见, 在高职高专学生的英语听力学习中,培养他们的自主学习能力是必要的,也是有效

31、的。 虽 然 本 实 验 取 得 了 一 定 的 成 果 并 达 到 了 预 期 的 效 果 , 但 还 存 在 一 定 的 局 限 性 : 本实验只是在日照职业技术学院进行; 作者所教的数控专业, 因为专业原因, 男女生比例相差较大; 本研究中作者在学生的学习策略培训中只采用了元认知策略, 没有进行其他III 山东师范大学硕士学位论文 策略的训练, 并且培训时间仅为一个学期。 希望以后的研究中能解决上述问题, 在多所高职高专院校中多采集些样本, 使数据更具有代表性。 另外, 还可 以对学生进行其他的学习策略培训, 如认知策略, 情感策略, 并适当加长培训时间, 使学生的自主学习能 力进一步得

32、到提高。希望本研究能够给高职高专学生的英语听力学习提供一定的帮助。关键词: 高 职高专学生;自主学习;听力; 元认知策略IV 山东师范大学硕士学位论文 List of Abbreviations AL: autonomous listening NC: Numerical Control PRETCO: Practical English Test for CollegeSPSS: Statistical Product and Service Solutions VCS: Vocational College StudentsV 山东师范大学硕士学位论文 List of Tables Tab

33、le 3.1: A Brief Introduction of Questionnaire Items16 Table 3.2: Usage of Metacognitive Strategy.16 Table 4.1: The subjects beliefs on their language learning motivation24 Table 4.2: The subjects understanding and learning behaviors on study plans25 Table 4.3: The subjects attitudes towards learning

34、 methods and strategies.26 Table 4.4: The subjects understanding of teachers responsibility.27 Table 4.5: The subjects self-monitoring and learning results27 Table 4.6: The subjects beliefs and behaviors towards out-of-class learning.28 Table 4.7: Comparison of the employment of metacognitive strate

35、gy of these two classes.30 Table 4.8: Results of questionnaire of planning strategy before and after training.31 Table 4.9: Results of questionnaire of monitoring strategy before and after training.32 Table 4.10: Results of questionnaires of evaluation strategy before and after training33 Table 4.11

36、: Comparison of listening performances in pre-test.35 Table 4.12: Comparison of listening performances in post-test35VI 山东师范大学硕士学位论文 Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study With the development of globalization, international communication becomes more and more frequent. Listening is a

37、fundamental skill in the process of communication. Additionally, listening also plays a vital role in second language learning Rubin 1994 as well as in the process of theoretical construction of foreign language acquisition Asher 1977. Rivers 1981 holds that listening is used more than the other ski

38、lls in language in our daily life. Brett 1997 said that listening is a key skill in foreign language learning and has a higher position in language acquisition. Students will first learn “listening” in the process of learning a foreign language. It is hard to carry on the communication without liste

39、ning which provides a good channel for the listeners to receive the input information. So learners should not ignore or deny the function and importance of listening in language learningWe learn language is for communication. As one of the most frequently used forms of language skills, listening pla

40、ys a very important role in our daily communication as well as in the educational process. People always put listening comprehension ability the first place of the five basic skills in English learning. According to Feyten1991, in peoples daily language communication activities, about 45 percent of

41、time is used for listening, 30 percent is used for speaking, while 16 percent and 9 percent are respectively for reading and writingTo a great extent, the acquisition of listening ability is the basis of further studying a foreign language. It is thus clear that listening is vital in language learni

42、ng. In sharp contrast with the importance of listening, most students are poor at listening comprehension, which becomes a serious obstacle to their language learning and communication activitiesThe concept of autonomous learning came into the domain of education philosophy, which is an important research subject after the reflection and exploration to th

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