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1、小黄人Minions.小黄人在这个星球上生存得远比我们久远Minions have been on this planet far longer than we have.他们有很多名字They go by many names.戴夫 卡尔 保罗 麦克Dave, Carl, Paul, Mike.噢 这个是诺伯特Oh, that one is Norbert.他是个傻瓜Hes an idiot.他们每一个都与众不同 但他们都有相同的目标Theyre all different. But they all share the same goal.为他们所能找到的最卑鄙的人效力To serve t

2、he most despicable master they could find.老大BOSS!让他们的主人开心就是他们存活于世的终极意义Making their master happy was the tribes very reason for existence.但这并不意味着他们对生活没有其他热情But thats not to say that they didnt have other passions.- 快看 那是香蕉 - 让我过去- Look. Its a banana. - Move over.这是香蕉 哈哈哈哈Its a banana. Ha-hah-ha.扭一扭 舔

3、一舔 额Yum yum. Huh?找到一个主人很容易Finding a Boss was easy.但要长期跟着这个老板. 有点小问题But keeping a Boss. therein lies the problem噢哇Whoa!噢Oh.我是. 傻瓜 噢I am. oaf. Aw.不 对他们来说这不太容易Nope, it wasnt easy for these guys.但他们从不气馁But they never gave up.随着石器时代新物种陆续出现With the emergence of the stone age came the rise of a new species

4、.人类可跟恐龙大不一样Man was very different from the dinosaur.他更矮 更可怕 更聪明He was shorter, hairier and way, way smarter.小黄人们一直很崇拜这个男人 并尽心尽力服侍他The minions took an instant liking to Man and helped him as best they could.噢 不 不. 这儿 送你一个礼物Oh, no no. Here. A present.- 这个 - 是的 是的- This? - Yes yes yes.你可以用这来攻击它For hitt

5、ing. Ut-ut.啊噢Aw!可怜 太轻信他人 太过脆弱 也太过美味Poor man. So trusting, so fragile, so-so delicious.小黄人们对大老板的追求 使他们在大多历史时刻中走在文明中心及前沿Their quest for a boss put the minions front and center for some of the civilization most historic moments.古埃及人对他们许下重大诺言Ancient Egypt held great promise.好的Okay!但是并没有持续太久But it didnt

6、last long.嗯 噢Hmm. Oh.这样 才对Here. Yup.啊噢Aw!那段黑暗时代也很有趣The dark ages were actually fun times.他们的新主人喜欢深夜派对 白天沉睡Their new master had a tendency to party all night and sleep all day.咳咳 唔呼Ahem. Yoo-hoo.你们要干啥What are you doing?噢Oh.噢 最终派对草草结束Oh, eventually the party is over.阿呸Achoo.他们从一个魔鬼主人跳到另一个They bounce f

7、rom one evil master to another.但他们好像从没找到最合适的那个But they never seemed to find their perfect fit.有一个雇主对他们的失职相当不满One particular employer took their failure very very badly.小黄人们除了不停跑路别无他法The Minions had no other choice but to keep moving.而后 当所有的希望逐渐灰飞烟灭时And then, when all hopes seem lost.他们找到了避难所They fou

8、nd sanctuary.小黄人们安全了The Minions were safe.多年过去 小黄人们建立了自己的文明Years passed as the Minions forged their own civilization.他们确实为自己而活着They truly made a life for themselves.但有些事不太对劲But something just wasnt right.他们深感内心空虚 没有主人 就没有人生目标They felt empty inside. Without a master, they had no purpose.他们开始毫无目的地生活着T

9、hey became aimless沮丧抑郁and depressed.如果继续保持这样 小黄人们将走向死亡If this continue any longer, the Minions would perish.然而 这一切不会消失 因为有一只小黄人有个计划But all was not lost, for one Minion had a plan.他的名字叫做凯文His name was Kevin.对于跟其他小黄人分享想法 他很激动He was excited to share his idea with the tribe.他为此准备了很多天 很多周 甚至很多年Hed been p

10、reparing for days, weeks, months.现在 他准备好.But now he was ready.凯文将离开这个洞穴 他将回到外面的世界Kevin would leave the cave, go back to the outside world直到为所有小黄人找到最邪恶的大坏蛋 他才会回来and he would not return until he had found his tribe the biggest baddest villain deserved.但他需要帮助But he needed help.我 我 让我来Me! Me. Choose me.

11、鲍勃很想去 - 凯文Bob was eager to go. - Kevin?但凯文觉得 对于此次险途而言 他显然不够强壮But Kevin felt he was just not strong enough for the dangerous journey ahead.额 不 另外一个小黄人Uh no. One other Minion!我 选我Me. Choose me.我 选我 噢Me! Choose me! Aw.我Me!来吧 选我吧Come, choose me.幸运的是 有人站了出来Luckily someone stepped up.- 哈 - 斯图亚特 来吧- Huh? -

12、 Stuart! Come here.哈 我 我 噢 谢谢Huh. Me? Me? Oh, thank you.但老实说 斯图亚特对他的选择一无所知Truth be told. Stuart had no idea what he was chose for.哈 为 为什么Huh! Wh-Why?但他人的鼓舞让他很兴奋But was thrilled that people cheered for him.还要一个One more!我 我很强壮ME! I am strong.看看这See here.看到吧See!- 噢 - 噢- Oh. - Oh.额.好吧 还要一个Uh. okay. One

13、more.凯文 选我吧Kevin. Choose me.求你了 选我吧 凯文Please. Choose me, Kevin.- 来吧 到这来 - 耶 哈 哈- Come here. - Yeah! Ha ha.最终 鲍勃的动力与热情Eventually, Bobs energy and enthusiasm但主要还是缺少志愿者 改变了凯文的想法but mostly lack of other volunteers changed Kevins mind.- 库巴雅(棒棒哒) - 库巴雅- Kumbaya! - Kumbaya!库巴雅Kumbaya.大老板 大老板Big boss! Big b

14、oss!小黄人们纷纷告别The tribe said their farewells.凯文带给他们长久以来不曾拥有的东西Kevin had given them something they havent had in a long time.希望 - 凯文Hope. - Kevin.鲍勃 (大老板 大老板)Bob. (Big boss! Big boss!)嘿 托尼 祝你好运Hey. Tony, good luck to you.汤姆 保重Tom. Take care.还有 克里斯 回见And Chris. See you later.- 嘿 鲍勃 快过来 - 好啦好啦- Hey Bob,

15、you coming. - Yes, yes.大老板 大老板Big boss! Big boss!拜拜Bye bye.凯文感觉很自豪 他将成为解救小黄人的英雄Kevin felt pride. He was going to be the one to save his tribe.斯图亚特感觉 饿了Stuart felt, hungry mostly.他将成为吃掉香蕉的吃货He was going to be the one to eat this banana.- 以及鲍勃 - 噢- And Bob - Oh.鲍勃有些害怕前方的旅途Bob was frightened of the jou

16、rney ahead.而后他们启程了And they were off.启程 去寻找新老板Off, to find their new boss.纽约 1968New York 1968- 噢 看看那个 - 喔哇- Oh, look at that one. - Whoa!喔哇 看看那个Whoa. Look at that one.- 和平 - 用爱感化 反对战争- Peace! - Make love, not war!希望世界和平Peace to the world.商店即将关门The store is now closing.- 嘿 你要干嘛 - 抱歉 让一让 让一让- Hey, wha

17、t are you doing? - Excuse me. Excuse me.- 鲍勃 你在哪呢 - 别碰它- Bob, where you? - Get away from that.噢 凯文Oh, Kevin.欢迎回到约会大作战And welcome back to the Dating Game.好了 珍妮弗 做出你的决定吧Well Jennifer. Have you decided三位绅士 你要选谁约会呢which of these 3 gentlemen, youll go on a date with?- 鲍勃吗 - 耶 鲍勃加油- Is it Bob? - Yeah. Go

18、Bob.- 凯文 - 看啊 是凯文- Kevin. - Look, its Kevin.- 又或是斯图亚特 - 噢 哟 斯图亚特- Or will it be Stuart? - Oh. Yo, Stuart.老天啊 这太难了 他们都听起来好萌啊Gosh. This is so hard. They all sounded so cute.我觉得我会跟.I think Im going to go with.V. N. C.V. N. C.欢迎收看最高机密 恶棍网络电视台Youre watching the top secret Villain Network Channel.如果你敢告密 我

19、们绝不放过你If you tell anyone, well find you.受恶棍联盟资助Sponsored by Villain-Con.连续89年 世界各地犯罪分子的盛大集结已经吹响For 89 years straight. The biggest gathering of criminals anywhere.尊敬的恶棍们将为出席嘉宾做演讲Attend guest lectures from esteem villains.与地下组织联系Make contacts in the underworld community.与此同时 这也史无前例And, for the first t

20、ime anywhere,斯嘉丽杀人狂Scarlet Overkill !邪恶 太邪恶了Evil. So evil.- 犯罪天才 - 嘿 女孩儿们准备赚钱啦- Criminal genius. - Hey. Girls got to make a living.- 闪边 先生 - 让路让路- Move aside, men. - Make way.- 这个小镇上有个新的坏蛋 - 抱歉- Theres a new bad man in town. - Excuse me.并且那个坏蛋是个女人And that man is a woman.- 坏蛋们还没准备好 - 真是血腥火热- Crime is

21、nt ready. - Its red hot.这周就来恶棍联盟吧Get to Villain-Con this weekend.就在佛罗里达州 奥兰多 波因茨大道545号Only at 545 Points Avenue, Orlando, Florida.犯罪什么的 最好玩了 嘿嘿嘿So much fun, its a crime. Heh-heh-heh.- 恶棍联盟 奥兰多 - 啊呼 - 哈哈哈- Villain-Con, Orlando. - Woo hoo. - Ha-ha-ha.噢 是啊 可远了Oh yeah, far out.欢迎来到维恩 兄弟Welcome to Wayne,

22、 buddy.噢 沃尔特 你看 这些可爱的小怪物们也要去奥兰多Oh, Walter look. These adorable little freaks are heading to Orlando too.是啊 我看到了 你好 我叫沃尔特朱尼尔Yeah, I see that. Hey, Walter Junior.- 发生了什么 - 缇娜 - 嗨- Whats happening? - Tina. - Hi.佩吉 你说我们送他们一程怎么样Pinkie. What do you say we give these fellows a ride?- 新朋友 - 都到纳尔逊快递车上来吧- New

23、 friends. - All aboard the Nelson Express.你 独眼侠 你坐我旁边吧You, one eye, Youre sitting next to me.真高兴我们先其他怪人一步 让你们搭了便车Glad we came along before some weirdos picked you up.谁想吃苹果片Who wants apple slices?噢 你也来一个吧Oh, you too.成长为一个.男孩需要点能量Growing of a. boy like.creatures need their strength.好哇Yeah.谢谢啦Thanks, m

24、an.好了 有人想下车活动活动吗Alright. Who needs to stretch their legs?- 好诶 - 我 我 我-Yeah! - Me me me.你在这等等 我很快就回来You wait right here. Well be right back.好的 纳尔逊 我们一起来Okay, Nelsons. Lets do this.快跑 走 走 走Go. Go go go.好吧好吧 又出发啦Okey dokey, on the road again.老爸 有人跟上来了 都怪我触发了警报Dad, we got company. Its because I tripped

25、the alarm.- 我真是弱爆了 - 嘿- I stink. - Hey.我们都失误了 小甜心 你还有的学呢We all make mistakes, sugar plum. Youre still learning.噢哇 什么Whoa. What!- 你爸是对的 缇娜 - 装弹- Your fathers right, Tina. - Reload.- 毕竟罗马不是一日建成的 - 装弹- He wasnt this good at being evil overnight. - Reload.轮到你了Your time is coming.啊 这玩意儿坏了Ah, its jammed.哈

26、Huh?- 好吧 谁干的 - 是斯图亚特- Okay, who did that? - Its Stuart.- 但是 但是 - 真是太棒了- But but. - That was great.哈 哈 哈 谢谢Ha ha ha. Thank you.这样 哥们儿 能耽误几秒问个私人问题吗Say, fellows. Can I get personal for a second?你们为什么要去奥兰多Why are you going to Orlando?别这样 你可以告诉我 你要去恶棍联盟 对吗Come on, you can tell us, Youre going to Villain-

27、Con, arent you?好啦 你可以告诉我们 你是要去恶棍联盟 对吧Come on, you can tell us, Youre going to Villain-Con, arent you?是的 恶棍联盟Yes, Villain-Con.恶棍联盟Villain-Con.哇 车上有好多坏家伙Wow, so many bad guys in the car.- 多么有趣 - 我就知道- What fun. - I knew it.我就知道你是个大坏蛋 对吧 亲爱哒I knew you were villains. Didnt I, honey?世界真是太小了 希望我们不是竞争对手Wha

28、t a small world. Hope were not in rival gangs.嘿 嘿 嘿Heh heh heh.小不点 别这样Pinkie, dont.小家伙 嗯Baby, huh?等我们到奥兰多的时候 我要去找我最爱的恶棍给我的杂志签名When we get to Orlando, Im going to get my favorite villains to sign my magazine.毒魔相扑Dumo the Sumo.噢 凯文 你不会想为他效力的 他把他上一个侍从吃了Oh, Kevin! You dont want to work for him. He ate h

29、is last henchman.弗兰基鱼唇 他住在海里Frankie Fishlips. He lives in the ocean.嗯Uh.- 你能在水里呼吸么 - 还成吧- Can you breathe under water? - So so.哇 哇 哇 快看她 斯嘉丽杀人狂Oh oh oh. Look at her, Scarlet Overkill.最霸气的超级坏蛋 前所未有The coolest supervillain, like ever.她入行的时候只是个小女孩 烈性饮料 猪尾巴She started out as your average little girl. Br

30、acers, pig tails.但是 当她13岁的时候 她创建了一个犯罪王国But, by the time she was 13, She built a criminal empire.如果我是小黄人 这就是我追随的目标If I was a Minion, thats who I would work for.- 我们到啦 美丽的奥兰多 - 耶 我们到啦- Here we are, a beautiful Orlando. - Yeah, were here!嘿 兄弟们 看着Hey gang, watch this.欢迎来到诱饵店 有什么可以帮您的么Welcome to the bait

31、 shop, how can I help you?恩 嗨Yeah, hi.我们来这里找 犯罪什么的 最好玩了We are here for so much fun, Its a crime,哇噢 耶Woo-hoo. Yeh!我们到恶棍联盟了 我们真的到恶棍联盟了Were at Villain-Con. Were at Villain-Con!好的 我们到了Alright, here we go.恩 就是这里啦 我想告诉你 并且我真的觉得Well, this is it. I want to tell you and I really I mean this.我非常欣赏你在后座时 对警察放的那

32、一枪 真心的Im really appreciate what you did back there with the cops. Really.爸爸 是弗兰基鱼唇Dad! Its Frankie Fishlips.- 在这里我都能闻到他的味道 - 小家伙 去拿我的相机- I can smell him from here! - Junior, get my camera.祝你们好运 孩子们Good luck in there, boys.希望你们能够在这找到你们想要的I hope you find what you are looking for.- 好的 再见 - 再见- Yeah, by

33、e. - Bye.- 这就是恶棍联盟啦 - 哈哈- And here comes Villain-Con! - Ha ha.- 耶 - 恶棍联盟 - 呀吼- Yeah! - Villain-Con. - Ya-hoo.有什么犯罪天赋么Any evil talents?不错Not bad.你呢 有什么犯罪天赋么What about you? Any evil talents?你好 啦啦啦啦啦啦 嗯Hello. La la la. La la la. Eh?这既不是犯罪 也不是特长Thats not evil, or a talent.哈喽 啦啊 哈哈Hello! Laa! Ha ha.不算么No

34、?对不起 但是我已经不再招人了Im sorry, but Im not looking for any more servants.因为我 弗拉克斯教授Because I, Professor Flux,发明了世界上第一台时光机have invented the worlds first Time machine,每次我去往未来 我都把未来的我带来帮我Every time I visit the future, I bring my future self back to help me.你好Hello.这边这个是谁啊 两周后的弗拉克斯教授么Whos that over there, Prof

35、essor Flux from 2 weeks from now?如你所见 我并不需要帮手As you can see, I dont need any help.啊 玩大了 兄弟们 我们把原始的那个杀了Oh. Way to go, guys. We killed the original.- 啊 - 哇- Huh! - Aw!该死Shit.恶棍联盟 我来介绍下我们的关键发言人Villain-Con, I present our keynote speaker.斯嘉丽杀人狂 世界上第一个女性超级坏蛋Scarlet Overkill. The worlds first female superv

36、illain.现在在第8大厅Appearing right now in Hall 8.你准备好了么Are you ready?来了 斯嘉丽杀人狂Go. Scarlet Overkill.哈Ha.当坏人的感觉是不是棒呆了Doesnt it feel so good to be bad?- 斯嘉丽 斯嘉丽 - 呼 呼 呼- Scarlet. Scarlet. - Hu-hu-hu.哈 哈 哈Ha-ha-ha.哇哦 谢谢Wow. Thank you.非常感谢Thank you so much.好了 嘘 嘘 嘘Okay. Shh shh shh.我入行的时候 有人说女人永远无法像男人一样抢银行 好吧

37、When I started out, people said a woman could never rob a bank as well as a man. Well.时代变了Times changed.我爱你 斯嘉丽I love you, Scarlet!看看这些不同的脸 我们是如此与众不同Look at all those faces out there, we are all so different.但是我们有一点是相同的But we have one thing in common.我们都有鳍足We were born with flippers.不是吗 只有我吗No? Just

38、 me?好吧Okay.我们都志向远大 并且愿意竭尽全力实现梦想We have big dreams, and we will do anything to make them come true.你们当中有人想过要为最厉害的超级坏蛋工作吗Have any of you ever dreamt of working for the greatest supervillain of all time?呵呵呵 那么Heh-heh-heh. Well.如果我说 我正在找一个新的侍从呢What if I were to tell you, that I am looking for a new henc

39、hman!我相信你们之中必定有人 有潜力为我服务I truly believe somewhere out there is a villain with the potential to serve greatness.- 并且这可能是你们当中的任何一个人 - 哇- And it could be any of you. - Whoa.但是我们不要自欺欺人了Although lets not kid ourselves.真正适合这个工作的人是凯文 和他的小黄人们Truly the man for this job are Kevin and his Minions.有着10倍的坏水和前卫的形

40、象10 times the evil and half the package.我满怀敬畏Im just in awe.让我们听到为凯文欢呼的声音 他拯救了小黄人Lets hear it for Kevin. He saved his tribe!凯文 凯文Kevin! Kevin!- 凯文 凯文 凯 - 嘿 凯文 嘿- Kevin Kevin Kev. - Hey, Kevin. Hey.嗷Aw.那么 我们该怎么做呢So. How should we do this?额 噢Hmm. Oh.你们都看到这个小玩意儿了吧You see this tiny little trinket?那么 从我手

41、中拿到它 你就得到了这份工作Well, just take it from my hand and you got the job.小菜一碟 这简直太容易了No big deal, its almost too simple.恩 呃 呃Eh heh heh.噢 拜托 不要害怕 拿到石头 工作手到擒来Oh, come on, dont be afraid. Just take the stone and get that job.- 拜托 - 噢 好吧- Come on. - Oh, okay.- 这份工作是我的 - 啊- That job is my. - Uhf.现在 对我温柔一点噢Now,

42、 go easy on me.呵呵呵Heh-heh-heh-啊Aw!我爱这身打扮哟Love the costume.啊Ha!太帅了So cool!就没有其他人了么Is no one good enough?鲍勃Bob!嘿 呀Hi ya!嗷Awk.难道我的演讲没有调动大家的Didnt my speech inspired anyone积极性来证明他们的价值么to rise up and prove themselves worthy?这么多坏蛋 我却还拿着这个小熊All these villains, and yet I still have the- bear.这个小熊 为什么我拿着的是小熊啊

43、Stuffed bear. Why am I holding a bear?- 噢 - 谁拿了那个红宝石- Oh. - Who has the ruby?哇 你 你是谁Wow. Who-Who are you?我 穿着闪亮牛仔裤的骑士My. knights in shiny denim.- 我是凯文 这是斯图尔特 - 哟 - 这是鲍勃- Im Kevin. This is Stuart. - Yo. - And Bob.- 小黄人 - 这太难以置信了- Minions! - That was incredible.看呐 赢得这场竞争的最终人选Behold, the last creatures

44、 you expect to win the day.获胜者出现了The emerged victorious.在座的每个人 这是我的新侍从Everyone, meet my new henchmen.小黄人The Minions!- 库巴雅 哈 哈 - 库巴雅- Kumbaya! Ha ha! - Kumbaya!库巴雅Kumbaya!嘿 我认识他们 我载他们来的这里Hey! I know those guys. I gave them a ride here.哇噢 吼 吼 吼Woo. Hoo-hoo-hoo.系好安全带噢 孩子们 下一站 英格兰Buckle up, boys. Next s

45、top, England.哈喽 嘿 凯文Hello. Hey, Kevin.呃 跟老板一起 去英格兰Eh. With Boss, in England.喔 呃 哈喽 凯文 你 你刚刚说 英格兰Oh. Uh.hello Kevin. Did-Did you say England.恩哼 老板 对Uh-huh. The boss, yes.斯嘉丽杀人狂 噢Scarlet Overkill. Ah.哈喽 哈喽Hello. Hello?澳 他挂了 哈喽Oh. He hung up. Hello.哇噢Wow.来吧孩子 到这来Here we go. Come here.顺便 我真的很喜欢你的小熊By th

46、e way. I really like your bear.- 赫布 我亲爱的 - 你知道我在- Herb, my baby. - You know I am.你去哪了? 还是那么坏?How did it go? Were you evil?- 太坏了 - 喔- So evil. - Oh!一只小鸟今天把这个丢了过来A little bird dropped this off today.图上是我 我就是这个“H”Its me, Im the H.而且 也没有什么鸟 也是我Also, theres no birds. Also me.赫布 说正经的Herb, seriously.我想把那个威

47、廉莎士比亚挖出来I want to dig up that William Shakespeare,好让他看看什么才叫写作so he can see what true writing is.我喜欢这个礼物I love it.它能博得你欢心是因为 我爱你That works because I love you.恩 我也爱你Well, I love you too.孩子们 过来这边Boys. Could you come here please?见过我相公 赫布 发明家 天才 狐狸Meet my husband, Herb. Inventor, super genius, fox.赫布 这些是

48、我们的新成员Herb, these are the new recruits.凯文 斯图尔特 还有那个小可爱鲍勃Kevin, Stuart and that cute little one is Bob.好极了 你们真是又迷你又黄得不行 我知道Right on. You guys are crazy little and way yellow, and I digged that.好可爱哟 亲Sweet, man.- 哇 - 房子好漂亮- Wow. - Cool house.我知道 漂亮吧I know, right?只是一些我偷的东西 填一下屋子的空处Just a few thing I st

49、ole to help fill the void.来看看我的罐子吧Checking out my can?我们把这个偷来只是因为We stole that because finally终于有人把我喜欢的汤做成了油画someone expressed my love of soup in painting form.- 哇 - 喔- Wow. - Woo.好了 听着 我们该来谈谈工作了Okay, listen up. It is time to get down to business.你知道这是谁么Do you know who this is?呃 洛杉矶蟑螂么Uh. La cockroa

50、ch?这是伊丽莎白女王 英格兰的统治者This is Queen Elizabeth, ruler of England.我爱英格兰 他们的音乐 流行I love England. Their music, the fashion.我很认真地考虑要不要哪天推翻它Im seriously thinking about overthrowing it someday.不管咋样 这个满脸苍白的女人监视着它Anyway. This pale drinking water oversees it all.我是她的铁杆粉丝 非常尊敬她的工作Im her biggest fan, loved her wor

51、k.并且 我真的真的超级想要她的王冠And I really really really want her crown.把皇冠偷来 你所有的梦想都能实现Stealing the crown and all your dreams come true.尊敬Respect!权利Power!36500:36:36,250 - 00:36:38,059、芭娜娜(香蕉)Banana!芭娜娜Banana!哈 亨利Huh, Henry!不 喔 噢 不No. Oh oh, no.不要距离太近噢 孩儿们Dont get too close, boys.这件东西完成的时候 会是我的终极武器 但是When its

52、completed, it will be my ultimate weapon. But.现在 它有辐射泄漏 我知道你无法相信Right now, its leaking radiation. Like you would not believe.所以 你们是来拿你们的装备的So youre here for gear.- 鲍勃 罗伯特 博比我的孩子 - 嗯- Bob, Robert, Bobby my boy. - Yes?你获得我最新的延展衣You get my far out stretch suit.凯文 凯沃 凯文七世Kevin, Kevo, Seventh Kevin.你有幸成为

53、熔岩灯枪的拥有者You are the proud owner of my Lava Lamp gun.这玩意能射出真正的火山岩浆This baby shoots actual lava.很酷 对不对Pretty cool, right?最后 斯图 斯图尔特 斯图超人 斯图彼德And finally, Stu, Stu-art, Stuperman, Pitstu.我给你最酷的发明 或许是最酷的I got you the coolest invention, probably ever.催眠帽Hypno hat!你可以用它催眠任何人You can use it to hypnotize any

54、one.任何人Anyone!喔 你们看起来真棒Oh, you look so great.我就像一个自豪的妈妈 有三个干劲十足 充满邪恶的儿子I feel like a proud mama with three dashing evil sons.呃 斯嘉丽 斯嘉丽Uh. Scarlet. Scarlet.不 不 不要说了 我听不懂No, no, dont say anything, I wouldnt understand.今天对你们来说是个大日子 已经很晚了 你们一定累了Its getting late, you had a big day. You must be exhausted.

55、哇 他弹力可真强Wow. He can sure bounce.好了 可能我要讲个睡前故事才能使他们安静下来Well, maybe Ill settle them down with a bedtime story.鲍勃 这听起来怎么样How does that sound, Bob?鲍勃 鲍勃 鲍勃Bob? Bob? Bob!喔 睡前故事Oh.Bedtime story?这个主意棒极了That, is a groovy idea,我去拿些饼干和热牛奶 那一定会很有趣Ill go get some cookies and warm milk. This is going to be so fu

56、n!睡前故事And the bedtime story.噢 是的 我想到了一个非常非常棒的睡前故事Oh, yes, Ive got a really really good bedtime borey.很久很久以前 有三只小猪Once upon a time there were three little pigs.在那个命中注定的日子里 他们遇到一只大坏狼One fateful day, the pigs encountered a big bad wolf,这只狼给要给他们一个惊喜who had a wonderful surprise for them他给三只小猪和他们的朋友提供了一个工

57、作 那就是为她工作The wolf offered the three pigs and all their friends a job working for her.每个人都很开心Everyone would be so happy.而三只小猪所要做的是 去偷一个王冠All the three little pigs had to do was just steal one little crown.这只美丽的狼自小就非常渴望得到王冠That the beautiful wolf had wanted ever since she was a penniless little street

58、 cub.她被人抛弃 身无分文 无人关爱Unloved and abandoned.而王冠能代表她是一个公主But that crown would mean she was a princess.每个人都爱公主And everybody loves the princess.所以 狼让小猪们去偷王冠So, the wolf sent the pigs to get that crown.但是小猪们没有准备好迎接挑战But the little pigs werent up to the challenge.他们任务失败了They failed their mission.所以狼暴跳如雷So

59、the wolf huffed and puffed然后把三只小猪炸飞地球and she blew them off the face of the earth.结束了The End.小猪猪们 祝你们明天夺冠顺利Good luck getting the crown tomorrow, little pigs.我知道你们不会让我失望的I know you wont disappoint me.伦敦塔Tower of London伦敦塔 伦敦Tower of London - LONDON你好 三张票Hello. Three please.没有成年人陪伴 你们不能进去You are not al

60、lowed to enter without an adult.滚开 小流氓Scram, hooligans.请问 几张票How many tickets, please?麻烦三张Three, please.一张 一张One please.One.- 亲爱的 祝你游览愉快 - 谢谢- Enjoy yourself, love. - Thank you.喂 你们在这干什么Hey! What are you doing here?这是禁区This is a restricted area!举起双手Hands in the air!让我来Let me do it.别动Stop that!后退Get

61、back!那么So.你们是为女王的王冠而来 是吗You came for the queens crown, did you?好吧 你们必须先过我这关Well, youre gonna have to get through me.王冠的守护者The keeper! Of the crown.你认为嘲笑老人很有趣 是不是You think its funny to mock the elderly, do ya?我已经在这待了几十年Ive been up here for decades.就是在等那些想偷女王王冠的人Just waiting for someone to try and ste

62、al the queens treasure.好吧 我来Okay. Me will do it.你在说什么 我不在乎What are you saying? And I dont care!嘿嘿 哈哈哈Hee hee. Ha ha ha.噢不 你不能Oh no, you dont.闪开Get out of the way.大家好Hello.大家好Hello.- 拦住那些家伙 - 抓住他- Stop the bloke! - Stop him, men!- 抓他的腿 - 抓住- To the legs. - Freeze.噢 疯了Aw. Manic.凯文Kevin!警官 女王被绑架了The Queens been kidnapped, Sgt.天哪Blimey!- 怎么回事 - 你好- Whats going on? - Hello.绅士是不会偷女士的王冠的Gentlemen do not steal ladies crowns!噢 不不不Oh, no no no.噢噢 天哪Oh-Oh dear!你个流氓 抓住他们You scoundrel. After them!那个家伙 站住Stop the blighter!站住Sto

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