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1、初中英语面试试讲稿篇一:2016江西教师招聘面试初中英语试讲稿: What were you doing when the UFO arrived 2016江西教师招聘面试初中英语试讲稿: What were you doing when the UFO arrived -易公教育资料平台 Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? Good morning, dear judges. Im the No.6 candidate applying for Middle School English teacher. My title is:

2、 What should I do? Now Ill begin my presentation. Warming up/Lead-in Good afternoon, my friends! How are you today? I am happy to hear that. What did you do at the weekend? Is there any volunteer who wants to share with us? Okay, Lily! Thank you! Lily said that she flew a beautiful kite with her fat

3、her. And how about you, Jason? Interesting! Jason said that he went hiking with his friends. Wow! It seems that most of you spent a very colorful weekend at home or at outdoors. So, I believe that you will be more energetic in studying. Why not starting our todays lesson? At the very beginning, you

4、will hear a record. When you are listening, you should write down some places, okay? Now, are you ready? Lets start! Times up! Now, please tell me the places you hear from the conversations. Just put your hands up and then tell your answer! The most, the winner! All right, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen

5、. Any else? Actually, we still have library, Barber shop. Well done! You are good listener. Presentation I will write the places down on the blackboard. “Bathroom, bedroom, library, kitchen, barber shop” Please read after me carefully! Okay, I will play the radio again, but this time you have to fin

6、ish another different task. Open your book and turn to page 18, part 1a. You should match the statements with the people in the picture. Understand? Great! Lets listen to the tape! All right, the tape is over. Now, it is your turn to finish these 6 questions. Okay, I believe you have finished. Just

7、tell me your answer! Great, you are very clever! Okay, then, lets move to the part 1b. Last term, we learnt present progressive tense. As we all know, the structure of present progressive tense is: is/are + doing. If you want to describe something that happened during a period of time in the past, w

8、e can use the structure: was/were + doing. Justchange is/are into was/were. It is easy, isnt 江西教师招聘面试试讲稿it? Okay, after knowing this structure, lets come back to part 1b. Please finish this exercise, okay? Times up! Lets check the answer. Great! I think you have grasped this knowledge. Practice Fill

9、 in the blanks with the words in the box. 1. Mary is_ her little sister. 2. My sister is_ time with Aunt,Helen. 3. Frank is_ his grandmother. 4. My parents are_ at home. 5. And Im going_. Consolidation Okay, guys. After finishing these 5 multiple choice exercise, please turn back to part 1c. We shou

10、ld make conversations according to the pattern in the book! A: What was he doing when the UFO arrived? B: He was sleeping late when it arrived. Okay, now it is your time! I will divide all of you into 6 groups. Each group has to present your conversations after a short discussion. Times up! Now, ple

11、ase show your conversations one by one. Summary All right! Finally, lets check what we have learnt today. This time, I would like you to summarize. Okay, how about Jean, Michael and Robert? Please do a summary one by one. First, please Jean. ?. Okay, todays lesson, we learn 4 new words. They are: be

12、droom, bathroom, library, barber shop. And we also some basic ideas about past progressive tense. Next lesson, we will go closer to it. So, please do revision after school/ Homework Okay, lastly, please finish page 32-33 of the exercise book after school. Lets call it a day, good-bye! 江西教师招聘面试试讲稿篇二:

13、最新改革2013年12月份下半年初中英语面试成功经验 面试过程 中英文说课稿 面试问答题资料汇总详解-中学英语 2013年12月份下半年初中英语面试成功经验 面试过程 中英文说课稿 面试问答题资料汇总 一2012年9月中学英语教师资格证面试详细过程 我是2012年9月份进行的教师资格证的面试,因为大纲进行了改版,变成了讲课而非试讲!很多人都不知道是怎么回事,面试前,我在网上也没有查到相关信息,迷 迷糊糊的就去了。现在我已经通过了面试,所以想把大致流程告诉大家,给大家做一个参考。 我报的是初中英语,湖北地区的。英语讲课要求全英文!其面试流程如下: 一、电脑抽题 首先你会在电脑上抽题,题目来自于课

14、本,有各种题型(对话,阅读,词汇等)。抽题时有两个题目,二选一。题目选好后会打印出来,上面有讲课包含的方面。 大纲上会告诉你选用哪个年级的课本,你可以先借来熟悉一下。初中英语选择的是人教版八年级的课本。 二、书写教案 给你十分钟,写教案。题目下面有讲课的要求,你的教案按照要求来写就可以了。讲英语对话中的三个要求是:将题目中的英文读一遍;要讲生词;要突出重点,达到 教学效果。 你要先熟悉教案怎么写,可在网上搜一下。特别提醒:书以及参考资料是可以带进去的!我当时就是不知道没有带进去,挺后悔的。所以你可以带一份教案样本 进去!也可以带上参考课本! 三、正式讲课 十分钟之后你拿着教案去指定教室,进入教

15、室,以下是讲课过程:。 首先,老师会问你两个问题,中文回答。比如我被问到: 1.有一个学生写作业特别慢怎么办? 2.对“亲其师,信其道”的理解。 如果老师的问题,你没有听清楚,可以多问一下,不要紧的,老师挺好的。 对于怎么办的问题,一般都是先要分析原因,然后再来对症下药。 对于理解性的题目,就得看自己的理解了。当时我并没有听过“亲其师,信其道”,然后我很诚实的告诉了老师我不是很清楚,然后再谈了我的理解。 其次,你就开始按照你的教案讲课程。讲课的时候,要兼顾题目下面的要求。讲课十五分钟,尽量控制好时间,超过了时间老师会打断你的,你就不能完成课程的讲解了。 最后,课程讲完之后,五分钟的问答时间。老

16、师会问你有关课程方面的问题,英文回答,挺简单的。然后就结束了。 2013年1月21日中学英语教师资格证面试详细过程 我是2013年1月21日进行的教师资格证的面试,因为大纲进行了改版,变成了讲课! 我报的是浙江省的初中英语,英语讲课要求全英文!其面试流程如下: 一、在学校(浙江师范大学,金华地区)规定的考试楼外等候考试,因为是抽到下午12:15-12:30进入候考室的,所以下午11点45分的时候就可以在外面等候了, 尽量早些过去,因为要排队入场的,在场外需要注意的是,提前记住自己照片下面的页码, 因为后面每进入一个教室都要在自己照片处签名的。 二、进入到候考室之后,先找到自己照片然后签字表示你

17、过来考试了,否则论缺考处理(交了将近300块钱不来考的人真的。),然后发你一个信封,关掉手机 装进去然后老师会过来订书机定起来。全部都弄好入座了之后,老师就会有一个大信封,里面装的就是抽签号码了,从A组到L组,一组1015个人的样子。我抽到F组还算中间,抽到L组的只能怪运气不好了。轮到你的时候估计都要快下午3点、4点的样子了。 三、然后就是自己拿资料在那看了,这段时间就是你自己复习或者脑海里回忆你所储备的教学知识了。或者你觉得不想看只是来打个酱油的话,那么你也可以和周围的 同学聊天地聊南北聊人生都可以。 四、论到你的时候,老师会叫轮到哪一组了,然后排队上楼到抽题室,按位置坐好之后,一个一个上去

18、,报准考证的末6位数字,然后电脑随机抽取题目,有听力,语 法,词汇,阅读,口语之类的,题目来自于中学或者高中的课本 , 是二选一的,题目选好后会打印出来,上面有讲课包含的方面。选一个自己把握比较大点的的好点,多数人都选的是阅读或者词汇。Ps.我抽到的是词汇和口语,但是口语的题目都没看老师就刷一下到词汇题目了,问我你选哪个,没办法只能选词汇了。 五、书写教案 然后到另外一个备课室,给你十分钟,写教案。题目下面有讲课的要求,你的教案按照要求来写就可以了。一般是课题,教学目标,教学困(难)点、教学过程四个方 框。 讲英语词汇中的5个要求是: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 将题目中的英文读一遍; 要讲

19、标黑体的三个生词 突出重点,达到教学效果。 要体现词汇教学的手段 全英文试讲 六、正式讲课 十分钟之后你拿着教案去指定教室,进入教室,以下是讲课过程:。 首先,老师会问你两个问题,中文回答。比如我被问到: 1.有家长向校长反映你的教学水平不高,你该如何去做? 2.如果有学生和任课老师在课堂上发生冲突,你作为班主任该如何去做?(如果老师的问题,你没有听清楚,可以多问一下,不要紧的,老师挺好的,一般老师人都会 重复一遍问题) 然后每个问题有5分钟的时间给你思考。然后作答,个人建议,说完答案之后,再加一句,我的回答完毕,谢谢。 其次,你就开始按照你的教案讲课程。讲课的时候,要兼顾题目下面的要求。 讲

20、课十分钟,尽量控制好时间,超过了时间老师会打断你的,你就不能完成课程的讲解了。 最后,课程讲完之后,五分钟的问答时间。老师会问你有关课程方面的问题,英文回答,挺简单的。然后就结束了。记得擦黑板(我因为一时脑子短路就直接走了出去, 没擦了估计是要扣分的) 二 中英文说课讲课流程 新目标初二英语 Unit 1 How often do you exercise ? 说课Unit1 Good morning , Ladies and gentlemen : Im Bob. My topic is Unit 1 How often do you exercise ? Section A from Ju

21、nior English For China Students Book (Grade 8). I hope you can enjoy my presentation. First , The language goal in this unit is to make students talk about how often do you do things . Through this unit , students must master some new words and phras e and the grammar point-Adverbs of frequency . Th

22、ere are some structures are also important , likeWhat do you usually do on weekends ?How often do you read English books? What does she /he do on weekends ? And so on . I may use some cards , pictures and a tape recorder to help my teaching. In my teaching plan , I mainly divide my teaching process

23、into 3 periods. The first Period(1a-1c) The first Period is from 1a to 1c in page 1. Teaching aims are name of activities in the pictures and Adverbs of frequency . Through this class , I hope the writing skill , Listening skill , Communicative competence of students' will be developed. OK , Let

24、's get in the teaching procedure: Step 1. Greet the class I will introduce myself briefly and talk about something the students did in summer vacation . T :First Ill introduce myself . Ill be your English teacher this term. I hope well get along very well. Im not only your teacher, but I can be

25、your friends. We ll be happy together. OK , I want to know what did you do in the summer vacation ,did you have some interesting stories? Did you have travelling ? Did you have shopping ? Did you have eating many delicious food ? Did you have doing homework or reading books? Did you have doing some

26、exercise? Let's share together. After the students answering . Now lets begin our class. This class well learn Unit1. How often do you exercise? Please open books at page 1. Step 2 . Teaching the Section A 1a in Page1 First look at the picture. I will ask a few students to say what they see in i

27、n the pictures. Like - T: What are they doing ? (Each picture shows what a person does on weekends. Help the students to answer) Then let students name each activity. Ask them to repeat each one. a. The girl is shopping. b.Another girl is reading. c.This boy isexercising d.The boy is watching TV. e.

28、These girls are skateboarding. Then ask students to list all the activities in the pictures. Then ask the students who finishes first to write the answers on the board. At last , check the answers on the board and ask students to correct their own activities. (1. Look at the picture (学生识图). 2. Name

29、each activity .T: What are they doing ? They are shopping /reading /exercising /watching TV /skateboarding . (Help the students to answer ) 3. Write the activities on the lin 4. Check the answers on the blackboard .Correct their own activities . 5. Practise reading .) Step 3 . Teaching the Section A

30、 1c in Page 1 First I will ask two students to read the dialogue in the picture.What do you do on weekends?I often go to the movies. Now work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture. For example. What does she/he do on weedends ? She /He is often watching TV. 1.Fi

31、rst ,Focus on the conversation in the box 2. Let students practise reading . 3. Then go into the Pairwork : Use the activities in pictures to make new conversations Step 4 . Teaching the Section A 1b in Page 1 1. First read these adverbs and explain : always , usually , often , sometimes , hardly ev

32、er , never , explain them How often多久一次Hardly adv.几乎不;几乎没有 Ever adv.曾;曾经 2. Play the tape twice . let students write the letters on the line. 3. Then check the answer Step 5 . Make summary of this class. Watching TV ,skateboarding , reading , shopping , exercising always , usually , often , never ,

33、hardly ever , sometimes This class weve learnt some names of activities: watching TV, reading, skateboarding , exercising , shopping. And we also leant some adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never. Step 6. Give homework to students Today 's homework is : keep

34、 a weekend dairy showing what you do on weekend . (You can write down what you have do from the time you get up until you go to sleep.) Next class ,we will learn 2a to 2c , please preview it . Ok , class is over , see you The second Period(2a-2c) The second Period is from 2a to 2c and the grammar fo

35、cus in page 2. Teaching aims are name of activities in the pictures and Adverbs of frequency . This part is also useful to students' Writing skill , Listening skill, Communicative competence and also Reading skill. OK , Let's get in the teaching procedure : Step 1. Greet the class Step 2. Le

36、arn some new words Now please look at the list of activities and read after me. Wacth TV Exercise ? 1. Let students read the activities and the answers of “how often ?sentences” 2. Let students practise reading . Step 3. Teaching the Section A 2a in Page 2 In 2a students should know the activities t

37、hey hear . First ,Play the tape , students only listen . Play the tape for the second time , let the students number the activities .After they heard from the tape , Let one student read his/her answer . Play the ta pe the third time .Check the answers . Step 4. Teaching the Section A 2b in Page 2 I

38、n 2b students should know the answers of how often Cheng does the activities. First ,Play the tape , let the students match Cheng's activities with the number of times he does them . Let one student read his/her answer . Play the tape again .Ch eck the answers Notice : In this part ,we should pa

39、y attention to how often引起的特殊疑问句及回答. Now please look at the chart in Activity 2a again: The headingHow often? Ever day Once a weekTwice a weekThree times a week Once a month Twice a month Match them with correct activity according the tape Step 5. Teaching the Section A 2c in Page 2First ask a stude

40、nt to read the list of activities to the class : Watch TV , Surf the Internet , Read English books, Go to the movies , Exercise Let them practice reading . Then tell me how often do these activities : You can write your answers under the list of How often After filling the chart ,check the answer an

41、d let them do pairwork to make conversations . 1. Focus on the conversation . 2. Read the activities in the left box . 3. Fill in the chart . 4. check the answer5. Pairwork: Make conversations . Step 6. Teaching the Section A Grammar Focus in Page 2 Explain how often引起的特殊疑问句及回答. Let them Practise re

42、ading : Let students read the questions and answers . Step 7 . Make summary of this class. This class weve leant some adverbs of frequency: every day, once a week, once a month, twice a month. And we leant to talk about how often people do things. Step 8. Give homework to students Today 's homew

43、ork is : 1. Copy the new words. 2. Review Section A 1a-2c Next class ,we will learn 3a to 4 in page 3 , please preview it . Ok , class is over , see you The third Period(3-4) The third Period is from 3a to 4 in page 3. Teaching aims are Adverbs of frequency and how often sentence and the answer. Rea

44、ding and writing skills is important in this lesson. OK , Let's get in the teaching procedure: Step 1. Greet the class and check the homework Step 2. Teach some new words of this period Show the new words on the screen and teach students how to read , explain them and ask them to repeat Step 3.

45、Teach the Part 3 of section A in page 3 Now please open your books at page 3. Look at 3 first. 1. First Call students' attention to the survey :Make sure the Students understand the chart . T: What activity do ninety-five percent of Green High students do every day ? Students answer .(If necessa

46、ry , give them help .) 2. Then look at the information in the green box with Students . 3. Let the students read the article . 4. Then let them look at the survey and fill in the blanks in the article . 5. Next I read it to the class and explain s (Ill read each line of the survey to you.) 6. Check

47、the answers . 7. Let them practise reading . Step 4 . Begin the Group work in page 3 1. Put a question : What can you do improve your English? 2. Let students think of more things they can do to improve your English and write them here . 3. Ask several Students each question . Read English books Sin

48、g English songswatch English movies How often do you do the things? (Collect the answers on the blackboard. ) 4. See: Who is the best English students in the class Step 5 . Make a free discussion ( if time is enough ) Ask students to talk about how often their family members do things. For example,

49、My mother cooks dinner every day. We eat in a restaurant once a week. My father goes to the United States once a year. ? Step 6 . Make summary of this class. This class weve read a magazine article and done an exercise. I hope you can study hard and to be good students. Step 7. Give homework to stud

50、ents Today 's homework is : 1.Revise and copy the new words . 2.Prepare for Section B. (If time isnt enough, leave the exercises of workbook as homework.) Next class ,we will learn section B in page 4 , please preview it . Ok , class is over , see youThats all . Thanks for listen my presentation

51、 . 八年级英语新目标上unit 7说课稿 Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A(1a-3a)说课稿 说教材 (一)教学内容分析: 本课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(人民教育出版社)八年级上册第七单元How do you make a banana milk shake?第一课时。本单元中心话题是学 习询问和描述一种食物的制作过程,本课时学习“询问和描述香蕉奶昔和水果沙拉制作过程。主要语言结构为:祈使句的运用; How many /How much引导的特 殊疑问句。通过本课的学习进一步培养学生的跨文化意识和综合语言运用能

52、力。 本单元分为Section A 、Section B.和Self check 三部分. Section A 提供了本单元教学的基本词汇和语言结构,并通过简单的语言活动进行操练和巩固,Section B 是学生在掌握了Section A的基础知识后的拓展和延伸。 (二)教学目标: 1.知识与能力: 1).语言知识目标:通过学习使学生掌握并能熟练运用四会三会词语和句型。 Words: milk shake, yogurt, watermelon, ingredient, blender, teaspoon, peel ,pour, finally. Sentences: How many ?/

53、 How much? do we need ? 2)语言技能目标:能运用所学词汇句型描述奶昔、水果沙拉等食物制作过程,能在真实情景中熟练运用。 2.过程与方法:通过听说读写等任务型活动,熟练应用所学单词和动词词组,掌握描述过程, 听从指令。 3情感态度与价值观: 通过创设人文情景,学生身临其境感受和体验,使语言学以致用,激发学生的学习积极性。体会在活动中学习英语的乐趣。培养学生乐于与他人合作的精神及爱 生活和爱做家务的好习惯。4.文化意识目标:了解西方人的饮食文化。 5.学习策略目标:通过学习,使学生在一定程度上形成自主学习、探究学习、合作学习的习惯,有效交际、用英语思维的能力。 (三)、依据

54、新课程标准及本单元总目标确定本课的教学重点为: 重点:学习制作奶昔所需的相关词汇和句型。 难点:学会制作奶昔、沙拉并描述其过程。 二、学情分析: 本课教学对象为八年级的学生。这一阶段的学生思维能力发展较快,自我意识增强,在情感方面能进行自我教育。好奇心强,喜欢探索新鲜的事物,喜欢动手参 与,也喜欢竞赛。经过一年的新课程理念的熏陶及实践,有了初步的自主、合作、探究、实践的能力。 因此我将此课设计为活动课,并引入竞争机制,满足学生学习需要,同时利用预习指导既培养了学生的学习策略,也降低了学习难度,为新课的顺利开展打下伏笔。 三、教法 1英语课程标准强调课程从学生的学习兴趣,生活经验和认知水平出发,

55、倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的 综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。加德纳的多元智能理论强调教育的目的是真正理解并学以致用。 基于上述理论和英语课程标准对4级学生的要求及学生的心理特点和认知发展规律,结合任务型语言教学模式,采用多元智能理论的教学设计策略,通过对fruit 的头脑风暴,句型的练习,听力的训练及制作奶昔的示范,让学生为完成任务获得必需的知识、能力、信息和文化理解,最后小组合作完成水果沙拉的制作并描述其过程,实现了任务目标、感受到成功。 2.教学手段: 运

56、用多媒体辅助教学,我将本课所需要的动画、录音、图片、文字、图表和音乐制成CAI课件,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设 情景,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。如形象的动画向学生展示制作奶昔的全过程,信息传输数量多、速度快、质量高,取得良好的教学效果。 3.游戏辅助教学。如在教学过程的第七环节,我教学生make faces来操练First ?next .then ?finally.极大程度的调动了学生的学习积极性,从而熟练掌握了本课的知 识点。 四、学法指导 英语课程标准把“培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立自信心,培养良好学习习惯和形成有效策略,发展自主学习和合作精神”放在

57、了首位。依据课改的精神,我 从以下几个方面对学生进行学法指导。 1、学习方法的指导培养学生观察力,想象力,记忆力以及思维能力。用生动的课件调动学生的感官进行听说读写的训练。 2、学习积极性的调动 设置真实情境制作水果沙拉,为完成任务(描述食物制作过程)服务。把课堂变成有声有色的舞台,让学生乐学、会学到创学。 3、学习能力的培养 通过连贯的听说读写,游戏,竞赛等,培养学生的交际能力,发展他们的思维能力。 4、学习策略的指导 在课堂活动中把学生分成六人小组的学习小组,让他们围绕着课堂任务分工合作,在活动中相互探讨、相互交流、相互合作,从而获得知识、技 能和情感体验,发展他们的能力。 五、教学程序:

58、 Step 1 Warm up and lead in. Get the students to enjoy a piece of flash show. Greedy monkey . Step 2 Revision Show pictures and review the names of some fruit. T: Do you like fruit? What kind of fruit do you like? What is your favorite drink? Today we are going to learn a new kind of drink-a banana

59、milk shake . Do you want to know how to make it? 设计意图:采用兴趣型教学策略,多媒体呈现水果,激发学生探索的动机和愿望。通过头脑风暴唤醒学生的言语智能,既检查学生的预习效果,培养学生自我学习的能力 也培养了学生的发散思维能力。以旧引新为新课内容铺垫。 Step3 .Presentation(while-task) T:Lets see how to make a banana milk shake. What ingredients do we need? Teach ingredient /yogurt? What tools do we n

60、eed? Teach blender / turn on/cut up? 1.Peel three bananas 2.Cut up the bananas. 3.Put the bananas and ice cream in the blender. 4.Pour the milk in the blender. 5.Turn on the blender 6.Drink the milk shake. 设计意图:形象生动的动画展示制作过程,初步感知新知。 Step4 Practice 1a. Write down the words. 1b. Listen and number. 设计意

61、图:本环节是教材安排的任务型听力活动,目的是让学生在听音时抓住关键词,培养学生边听边做笔记的学习策略。 Step5. Presentation Pairwork:T: Tell your partners how to make a banana milk shake or strawberry milk shake . You can use these words: “ first, next, then and finally”. 设计意图:由香蕉奶昔的制作拓展到其它奶昔制作同时介绍表示顺序的副词,培养学生创新精神,进行探究学习。 Step 6 Play a game. How to m

62、ake your friends laugh? Practice First?next ?then? finally? 设计意图:采用TPR全身反应教学法,全方位的运动,全感官的参与使记忆更加顺畅。这样的活动能使学生在轻松活泼的气氛中学习和掌握知识。 Step 7.Presentation 1.Show the picture and say: We are going to talk about fruit salad. Do you like it ? To make fruit salad, what do we need ? 2.Listening practice Discuss w

63、ith the Ss “ What ingredients do we need ?” and “how many or how much”, then have a listening practice of 2a. and then 2b. . 设计意图:由水果沙拉的制作复习how many 和how much 的用法。强化重点,攻破难点。 3. Groupwork .Have a competition of making fruit salad. Work in groups and make their own fruit salad and report . 学生通过亲手制作并汇报

64、过程,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,体现了任务型的教学模式,使学生在用中学,学中用。 Step 8. Sum up在学生尽情地参与活动后再让学生反思本节课的语法焦点,反思环节是培养学生的反思能力和问题意识,也是培养学生反省智能和元认知的重要途径。 Step9. Homework : Write a recipe for your favorite fruit salad . 2)Write a process. How do you make instant noodles? 3) Cook your favorite food or dish for your family. And tell the feeling tomorrow. Chose one or two pieces of homework.目的是让学生能真正灵活运用所学内容,这是对所学知识更深层次的拓展和升华,在整体感知的基础上对重点内容进行深入探究操练进而升华,达到自由运用所学语言 的目

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