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1、bend ones mind to潜心于,把心思集中于He couldnt bend his mind to his studies.他不能专心学习。spread out传播,传开,展开The news of shipwreck soon spread out widely.船只失事的消息很快就广泛地传开了。be in/out of tune with协调/不协调get even with跟某人扯平,算账,报复He cheated me, but Ill get even with him one day.他骗了我,有朝一日我 会报复他的。be wedded to献身于,致力于He is we

2、dded to his work.他专心致志于工作。a play on words 双关语经常锻炼对你的健康很有好处。be it true or not不管是否如此Be it true or not, we will see it ourselves.不论真假,我们要亲自看一下。in ones spare time 业余时间In his spare time,he engages himself in voluntary work.在业余时间,他从事志愿者工作。make up编造,构成,化妆,补足take my word for it相信我好了return to normal 恢复正常It w

3、as several days before the floodwater sank and life returned to normal.过了几天洪水才退,生活恢复了正常。be determined to do 决心做He was determined to do it even at the risk of being ridiculed. 他决定即使冒着被人嘲笑的危险也要做这件事。object to doing反对做某事I object to the plan on the ground that it is too expensive. 我反对该项计划,理由是花费太大。start f

4、rom scratch白手起家behind closed doors秘密地on paper字面上,理论上Could you put your ideas down on paper?你能把你的想法以书面形式写下来吗?in rags穿着破烂衣服It is better to be clothed in rags than to be clothed with shame. 宁穿一身破衣,不蒙一身耻辱。throw oneself at冲向,极力讨好Tom was throwing himself at your sister at the party.汤姆在晚会上极力向你妹妹讨好。act ones

5、 age举止要符合年龄Bobby cried when he broke his kite. Mother said:You are a big boynow. Act your age.波比弄坏了他的风筝,哭了起来。他妈妈说:“你已经是个大孩子了,就该像个大孩子样,别动不动就哭哭啼啼的。”take pride in以为自豪We take pride in the prosperity of our country.我们为我国的繁荣昌盛而感到自豪。glance at瞥见,浏览Have you got time for a glance at this report?你有没有时间浏览一下这份报告

6、?be intended for专为而设计的His remark was intended for me.他的话是冲我来的。be sad over因而悲伤She is still very sad over the death of her aunt.她对姑妈的死至今仍悲伤不已。raise an objection提出反对意见They have raised a formal objection in a court of law.他们已经在法院上提出正式的抗议。in this case既然这样You dont like your job. In this case why dont you

7、leave?你不喜欢这份工作,为什么不辞掉它呢?stand for代表,支持John always stands for what is right.约翰一贯支持正确的事情。make eyes at眉目传情,暗送秋波There is nothing for the French boys to do but make eyes at the girls. 那些法国少年无事可做,只是频频向女孩子眉目传情。get sth. across to sb.使明白The teacher could not get the point across to the students. 这位老师无法让学生了解重

8、点。have a preference for 偏爱,喜欢I have a strong preference for classical music.我特别喜爱古典音乐。fly into a rage 发怒I didnt expect him to fly into such a rage.没想到他会发这么大的火。be famous as.for 著名Rolling is famous as a writer for the stories of Harry Potter.罗琳作为一个作家因其哈利波特的故事而著名。cut off切断,阻碍,使分离,使隔绝He had a finger cut

9、 off by a machine while working. 他在工作时被机器切掉了 一个手指。take shape成形,出现The plan is beginning to take shape in my mind. 这个计划在我脑子里逐渐成形。Most of the comediansjokes involved a play on words.喜剧演员的笑话大多是一语双关。around the clock夜以继日地,连续一整天地knock out击倒,击昏Jack knocked his opponent out in the second round of the contest

10、.杰克在比赛的第二回合就把对方击倒了。flash back反射,倒叙,跳跃到以前某时His thoughts flashed back to the wedding day.他的思绪又回到了结婚的那一天。bear witness to 为.作证The bullet holes on the bridge bear witness to a period of history.桥上的累累弹痕,是一段历史的见证。be strict in sth./ with sb.对.要求严格 close the door on (to,against,upon)拒之门夕卜 If God were to clos

11、e the door on you, he would leave a window open.上帝为你关了这扇门,必会为你再开一扇窗。break into闯入,破门而入skip over跳过,略过in any case无论如何,不管怎样It may rain tomorrow, but we are going home in any case. 明天可能下雨,但不管怎样,我们打算回家去。to the bone到极点We need to cut our spending to the bone.我们需要大大降低支出。in a panic惊慌地She dropped to her knees

12、in a panic.她在惶恐中跪下。despite of 尽管Despite of her beauty, she lacks self- confidence.她虽然很漂亮,但是缺乏自信。put on weight 发胖He has put on weight since 1 last saw him.自从我上次见到他以来,他又长胖了。under arrest 被捕He is placed under arrest for attempted burglary.他因蓄意盗劫而被逮捕。make history创造历史It is the masses who make history.是群众创

13、造历史。be too much for过分,承受不了So many good ideas! Its too much for me to absorb all at once.这么多好主意!太多了,很难一下完全吸收。be dressed in 穿着All the students must be dressed in their school uniform on Monday.星期一所有的学生都必须穿校服。against a rainy day 未雨绸缪地We all need some savings against a rainy day.我们都需要储蓄一些钱以备不时之需。give叩停止

14、,放弃,自首Never give up on your dream.永远也别放弃你的梦想。abide by履行,遵守If you join this group, you must abide by its rules.如果你要加入这个组,你就必须遵守其章程。by any chance 万一, 也许If by any chance you need my help, please dont hesitate to turn to me.万一你需要我的帮助,请尽管打电话给我。call somebody names骂某人settle a quairel 解决争端Even an upright of

15、ficial finds it hard to settle a family quarrel.清官难断家务事。a hard nut难对付的家伙,棘手的问题This is really a hard nut to crack.他就是个刺儿头,别理他!break down损坏,(健康等)垮掉Our car broke down and we had to draw it to a garage.我们的车坏了,不得不把它拖到修车厂去。shed tears 流泪If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.如果你因失

16、去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。take off脱下,起飞,匆匆离开compared with (to)和相比Life is compared to a voyage.人生好比航海。call for提倡,号召,要求get at接近,理解,暗示I can not get at this authors meaning.我不理解这位作者的意思。debate with somebody about something 和某人为某事争论Did I tell you my idea of challenging Griffith to debate with me in public about

17、our two policies?我告诉你没有,我想让格里菲思与我就我们俩的政策进行公开辩论?lose control of 失去控制You shouldnt have lost control of your temper on such an occasion.你不应该在这种场合发脾气。send forth发出,派出,长出As spring approaches,the trees begin to send forth tender buds.春天一近,树上长出了嫩叶。mess up弄糟Mother warned us not to mess up the room.母亲警告我们不要把房

18、间弄得乱七八糟。follow叩后续行动,继续You should follow up your phone call with an email or a letter.你打完电 话后,还应该发电子邮件或者去一封信。run into偶尔碰见,遭遇(困难等)I ran into Bob yesterday on main street.昨天我在大街上偶然遇到了鲍勃。off duty下了班(的),不在值班Only one doctor is on duty today the other doctor is off duty.今天只有一个医生值班,另一位医生下班了。send in呈报,递送,提交b

19、e meant to be被认为是Youre meant to be impolite if you dont take off your shoes when you enter a Hindu temple.当你进入印度教寺庙时,如果不脱鞋,是不礼貌的。struggle against和斗争come as no surprise毫不奇怪all but几乎,差不多,除了.都The ship-wrecked people were rescued all but one.船只失事遇难者除一人之外全部获救。be of great value 很有价值Regular exercise is of great value to your health.

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