高中英语人教版选修6学业分层测评4 Word版含解析精修版

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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)学业分层测评(四).单句语法填空1She worked so hard that (eventual) she suffered from a serious headache.2The company has (transform) from a family business into a state operation.3A bus (convey) passengers from the train to the boat.4Our country has plenty of oil, theirs has none.5Among all the subje

2、cts in school,my brother is interested in physics particular.6Joe is now making a (translate)of a very important paper.7Its a big company and it has (branch) all over the country.8With nothing (do),I went out for a walk.9Lets hurry so that we can finish the work before time runs 10The reason he didn

3、t attend the meeting was that he was badly ill.【答案】1.eventually2.been transformed 3.conveys4.while5.in6.translation7.branches8.to do9.out10.why.单句改错1The report from the meeting doesnt make sense of. 2Is there anything for particular in todays newspaper? 3Colors like red convey about a sense of energ

4、y and strength. 4The reason for the party is because its Sues birthday.【导学号:33100034】 5Our class made up of 60 students,of whom two fifths are girls. 【答案】1.去掉of2.forin3.去掉about4.becausethat5.made前加is.阅读理解(2015吉林东北师大附中高二模拟)A few years ago, pop poets such as Murray Lachlan Young began to set poetry to

5、 rock music with some surprising results.People thought that poetry was the new rock n roll.However, despite the brief popularity of a few pop poets, poetry and pop music didnt seem to mix.But are they really so different? If you look back at the origins of poetry, there is a strong connection betwe

6、en poems and popular music.In Greek mythology, for example, the Muse (女神) Erato is pictured with a lyre (里拉琴) in her hand, and looks just like the ancestor of the modern rock star with his electric guitar.In addition, the poets Shelley and Byron were as famous in the nineteenth century as the pop st

7、ars of today.But despite their common origins, there are many differences between poetry and pop music.Pop songs are always written for a public performance, whereas poetry often isnt.And the lyrics in pop songs sometimes have less rhythm than those in poetry.This is because the music provides the r

8、hythm rather than the words.Pop lyrics are also simpler and often keep on saying the same thing.This repetition works well in a performance and means that pop songs are easier for people to sing and learn by heart.Both songs and poems tell a story or talk about feelings.Songs in particular deal with

9、 the different stages in a relationship, such as falling in love or breaking up.The words and ideas in songs are usually easier to understand than those in “serious” poetry.However, talented performers like Paul McCartney, or newer stars like Robbe Williams, often give simple songs more expression w

10、hen they perform them.And some of the best lines from pop lyrics are as beautiful as poetry.So although pop music and poetry have many differences, they do have one important thing in common: the power to make us think about how we feel.1What did Murray Lachlan Young do a few years ago?AHe had poems

11、 and rock music combined.BHe surprised people with his beautiful style of writing.CHe wrote beautiful music for some famous poems.DHe invented a new kind of poem for his fans.【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第一句话可知答案:A few years ago,pop poets such as Murray Lachlan Young began to set poetry to rock music with some su

12、rprising results 可知几年后Murray Lachlan Young将诗歌和音乐连接在一起。故选A。【答案】A2According to the article, the difference between poetry and pop songs is that Athere is more rhythm in pop songs than poetryBpop songs are more difficult to understand than poetryCsome words in pop songs are repeated over and over again

13、Dpop songs are not always performed before audience【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句话: Pop lyrics are also simpler and often keep on saying the same thing.This repetition works well in a performance and means that pop songs are easier for people to sing and learn by heart.流行音乐中有些字会反复重复,而诗歌不会。【答案】C3According to Pa

14、ragraph 4, which of the following statements is TRUE?ASongs and poems are equally beautiful.BThe main theme of songs is about relationship.CSongs tell stories but poems tell about feelings.DSongs and poems express a similar message.【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第四段的第一句话Both songs and poems tell a story or talk abou

15、t feelings可知两者谈论的都是感情或故事,故都是谈论的同一种东西,故D正确。【答案】D4What does the writer say about talented performers today?AThey look at poetry to find ideas for their songs.BThey think their songs are more serious than poetry.CThey give songs more meaning when they sing them.DThey consider themselves to be more popu

16、lar than poets.【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段倒数第二句话: However,talented performers like Paul McCartney,or newer stars like Robbe williams,often give simple songs more expression when they perform them.可知有天赋的表演者给简单的歌曲更多的意义。故选C项。【答案】C.完形填空(2016山东新泰高二模拟)A wave and a smile seems such a small thing to offer high school s

17、tudents, but they noticed, and they figured out a way to thank Tinney Davidson. 1 in the window of their living room, she and her husband Ken began to 2 at students walking to and from Highland Secondary School.Elderly people are mostly invisible to teenagers, 3 these young people found they could n

18、ot resist returning such 4 smiles and waves.They began 5 for the Davidsons as they passed by their house.Most were 6 with waving, but a few stopped to introduce themselves.One of them, Ginger Long, brought her a cupcake, and some of the students began visiting.When Ken died, Tinney 7 her daily smile

19、.She also knitted hats, sold them to passersby, and gave the 8 to the hospital.She began knitting the 9 when her granddaughter was going through 10 treatments, hoping they would 11 the girl if she lost her hair.She kept knitting them when her 12 survived the cancer, selling them to passersby and don

20、ating the money to the hospital.Students were touched by her warmth and 13 As Valentines Day 2014 neared, they decided to 14 the 84yearold at a school assembly(集会)They made a video for her, painted a banner and made Valentines Day cards.They 15 brought in the chair she always sits in.The teary David

21、son was 16 Her smiles had brightened the day for students passing by her 17 One person, one small gesture.The effect is 18 The students will remember her friendliness.One day they will pass the 19 on their children.Some will be 20 to do something for others because of it.It takes so little to have a

22、n impact.1A.PaintingBSittingCChattingDBegging【解析】一对老夫妇坐在(sitting)的窗户旁,开始对学生挥手。【答案】B2A.waveBsmileClaughDshout【解析】根据后面的句子these young people found they could not resist returning such 4 smiles and waves.判断wave恰当。【答案】A3A.andBsoCbutDor【解析】前后句子在逻辑上为转折关系,所以用but。【答案】C4A.falseBnaturalCforcedDfriendly【解析】这是一种

23、善意的挥手与微笑,判断“友好(friendly)”恰当。【答案】D5A.watchingBsearchingCmakingDcaring【解析】路过他们的房子时,学生们开始留心(watch for)这对老人。【答案】A6A.tiredBcontentCpatientDdisappointed【解析】别人善意的行为人们通常不会反感,判断“满意”恰当。【答案】B7A.doubtedBbenefitedCcontinuedDquitted【解析】在丈夫去世后,Tinney继续(continue)每天的微笑。【答案】C8A.commentBchanceCyardDmoney【解析】前面语境谈到sold

24、 them to passersby判断“把钱给医院”。【答案】D9A.vestsBglovesChatsDsweaters【解析】根据后面语境hoping they would 11 the girl if she lost her hair.判断hat(帽子)贴切。【答案】C10A.boneBmentalCskinDcancer【解析】根据后面的句子She kept knitting them when her 12 survived the cancer可知“她孙女经历了癌症的治疗”。【答案】D11A.cheerBrecoverCpayDgreet【解析】怕孙女因为化疗头发没了,所以给她

25、织帽子,希望能够让她高兴。【答案】A12A.husbandBsoninlawCgrandsonDgranddaughter【解析】前面提到her granddaughter was going through 10 treatments由此可知。【答案】D13A.reputationBeffortCgenerosityDselflessness【解析】把卖帽子的钱捐给医院,这是一种慷慨,判断C项恰当。【答案】C14A.treatBringCcomfortDhonor【解析】学生们给老人制作了视频,做了情人节卡片。判断“对她表示敬意”恰当。【答案】D15A.evenBstillCeverDyet

26、【解析】用even表示关系上的递进。【答案】A16A.amazedBhappyCshyDconfused【解析】根据后面语境Her smiles had brightened the day for students passing by her 17 判断“高兴”恰当。【答案】B17A.houseBcarCstoreDpassage【解析】前面语境谈到她总是坐在客厅的窗户向学生挥手、微笑,判断与house有关。【答案】A18A.temporaryBlastingCchangeableDdifferent【解析】根据后面语境The students will remember her friendliness.One day they will pass the 19 on their children.判断“影响是持久的”。【答案】B19A.humourBcourageCstoryDmoral【解析】把老人的故事讲给孩子们,判断story恰当。【答案】C20A.forbiddenBpermittedCforcedDinspired【解析】根据后面语境It takes so little to have an impact.判断“会激励一些人为别人做些事情”。【答案】D版权所有:高考资源网()

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