【精品】高二英语人教版选修7习题:Unit 5 section 1 课时 Word版含答案

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1、人教版英语精品资料Unit 5 Section .单词拼写1Before you get the job,you need have a kind of_qualification_(资格)2He_recommended_(推荐) his friend as sales manager of the company.3If you cant find a ladder,use a strong chair as a_substitute_(替代物)4He refused to_acknowledge_(承认) being cheated.5To meet their_requirements_

2、(要求),the boss had to change his plan.6He usually is fully_occupied_(忙于) with business,so he has little time to play.7He often_drafts_(起草) speeches for his headmaster.8Your letter was a great_comfort_(安慰) to me.9There are several private_enterprises_(企业) in this area.10Mr.Smith left the_academic_(学术的

3、) world,and has taken a job in industry.完成句子1Well done!_Keep it up_(继续努力)and make even greater progress.2She tried_to fit in with_(与融合一起)them,but they took nothing of her.3He is_well qualified for_(有充分的资格)the work.4Our school sports meeting is still_in preparation_(准备中)5_As far as I am concerned_(就我

4、而言),I cant object to your marriage.6He was_occupying himself with_(忙于)an English story so that he didnt hear someone come in.7They had enough money to_live in comfort_(过得舒适)in their old age.8_It was the first time_(第一次)that I had done wrong.完形填空As is said in a famous American movie,Forrest Gump,“Lif

5、e is like a box of chocolates.You never know what youre gonna get.” By saying so,it means we never know what life has in store for us in the future.The story that happened_1.A_me proves another famous saying:“_2.B_may be an actual blessing.”When I was a junior in high school,my parents decided to mo

6、ve our family from Texas to Arizona._3.D_,I had two weeks to wrap up all of my business and move before school began.I had to_4.C_my first parttime job,my boyfriend and my best friend behind,and try to start a_5.C_life.I hated my parents for_6.B_my life.I was_7.D_when the first day of school came in

7、 Arizona.I could only think of my friends in Texas and how I wished I could be with them._8.D_,I felt that my life was over._9.A_,though,things got a little better.It was in my second period accounting class where I saw Chris,who_10.A_a deep impression on me.He was sitting just three seats away from

8、 me in the same row of class.Feeling I had _11.C_to lose,I picked up my_12.B_and talked to him.Only after a shorttime _13.A_ of small talk,we became friends.We enjoyed talking to each other in class.Chris was a sportsman on the school team and I was in the school band.In high school back that time,i

9、t was usually_14.C_in the eyes of the students that the two groups do not mix_15.A_.Our paths crossed occasionally at school functions;but for the most_16.B_,our friendship remained_17.D_the four classroom walls of accounting class.Chris was a very special person to me during such a _18.B_time in my

10、 life.And fortunately our relationship _19.C_after our graduation from high school.I now firmly believe that everything happens for a _20.D_.Had I not moved to Arizona,I would never have met Chrismy husband.文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者从德克萨斯州搬到亚利桑那州期间所经历的焦虑不安以及在此期间和Chris结成的友谊。1A.toBon Cwith Dat解析:考查的是介词的用法。固定

11、句型:sth.happen to sb.意为“某事发生到某人身上”。此处句意:发生在我身上的故事证明了另外一个俗语2A.danger Bmisfortune Cluck Dmove解析:考查的是名词词义辨析。根据下文第三段可知,作者不得不离开德克萨斯州,由此推知她认为这是一件不幸的事情,故正确答案为B。3A.However BNevertheless CBesides DTherefore解析:考查的是副词词义辨析。根据上文父母决定把家从德克萨斯搬到亚利桑那州,因此在开学前我有两周时间处理我的事情。however然而,nevertheless然而、不过,besides此外,therefore因

12、此,从句意可知前后句之间是因果关系,故正确答案为D。4A.quit Blose Cleave Dfind解析:考查的是动词词义辨析。根据第三段“.my parents decided to move our family from Texas to Arizona.”可知,作者要搬家,所以她得离开自己的第一份临时工作、男朋友和最好的朋友。leave.behind(丢下),故正确答案为C。5A.personal Bbitter Cnew Dcomfortable解析:考查的是形容词词义辨析。根据上文可知,作者一家要搬到另一个州,因此她是开始新的生活,故正确答案为C。6A.leading Brui

13、ning Cspending Dkilling解析:考查的是动词词义辨析。根据“hated”一词可知作者不愿意离开德克萨斯州,因此推断她认为自己原来的生活被毁了。7A.pleased Bexcited Ctired Dupset解析:考查的是形容词词义辨析。根据第三段末句“I hated my parents.”以及后句“I could only think of my friends in Texas and how I wished I could be with them.”推知作者不愿搬到这个新地方,故她在新学校里心情烦躁、不安。8A.In the end BTo my surpris

14、eCBy the way DFor a while解析:考查的是介词短语辨析。根据前句内容可知作者心情不好,因此推断有一段时间她认为生活没意思了,生命要结束了,be over“完了,结束了”,故正确答案为D。in the end最后;to my surprise让我惊讶的是;by the way顺便说;均不符合句意。9A.Eventually BSometimes COccasionally DImmediately解析:考查的是副词词义辨析。根据“though”推断前后句之间是转折关系,也就是事情有了转机,eventually“最终、最后”,强调事件发生的最后结果,故正确答案为A。10A.l

15、eft Bforced Cgave Dhad解析:考查的是动词词义辨析。从句意可知,Chris给我留下了深刻的印象,leave sb.a deep impression给某人留下深刻印象,其他选项不构成搭配,故正确答案为A。11A.something Banything Cnothing Deverything解析:考查的是代词词义辨析。固定短语:have nothing to lose意为“我没什么可以牵挂的了”。根据上文可知来到新学校,离开朋友的作者感觉生活毁了,生命也要结束了,所以无论做什么都无所谓了,故正确答案为C。12A.confidence Bcourage Cfaith Dide

16、al解析:考查的是名词词义辨析。 根据下文“.it was usually_14_in the eyes of the students that the two groups do not mix_15_.”可知,当时在学生们的眼中,这两群人之间是不能有交流的,所以她是鼓起勇气和男孩子说话,pick up ones courage意为“鼓起勇气”,其他选项不符合语境。13A.exchange Bchange Cintroduction Ddescription解析:考查的是名词词义辨析。作者主动和Chris说话,所以他们之间是语言之间的交流,exchange交换,change变化,intro

17、duction介绍,description描述,故正确答案为A。14A.said Bmade Cdemanded Durged解析:考查的是动词词义辨析。根据从句中的谓语动词“do not”可以推断该句属于虚拟语气,而demand后面的从句应该用should动词原形。should能省略,故正确答案为C。urge“敦促”,不符合语境,而其他两个选项没有这种用法。15A.socially Bgenerally Crandomly Dpassively解析:考查的是副词词义辨析。根据下文“.our friendship remained_17_ the four classroom walls of

18、 accounting class.”可知,他们的友谊只是在教室里面,在外面不敢交往,socially在社会上,社交上,故正确答案为A。generally通常,一般地,randomly随机地,passively被动地,均不符合语境。16A.time Bpart CplaceDsituation解析:考查的是名词词义辨析。固定短语:for the most part意为“多半,在极大程度上”。故正确答案为B。17A.with Boutside Cunder Dwithin解析:考查的是介词的用法。从上文可知作者和Chris在学校里不敢有交往,所以他们的友谊是在课堂上的,within意为“在之内”

19、,故正确答案为D。18A.relaxing Bdifficult Cpleasing Dshort解析:考查的是形容词词义辨析。从上文可知,作者在离开家乡来到亚利桑那州的期间感觉心情抑郁,很难融入到新的生活中,度过了一段艰难的时期,故正确答案为B。19A.stopped Bbroke Ccontinued Dseparated解析:考查的是动词词义辨析。根据句中“after our graduation from high school”,可知作者和Chris的友谊维持到毕业之后,continue继续,故正确答案为C。20A.chance Bopportunity Cresult Dreaso

20、n解析:考查的是名词词义辨析。根据后句可知,作者认为任何事情的发生都是有原因的,如果她没有搬到亚利桑那州,她就不会遇到她的丈夫Chris。.阅读理解The US airline industry is facing a new threat to its profitsheavier passengers, a report has found.According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,the average US adults put on ten pounds (4.5kg) of weight durin

21、g the 1990s.Transporting the extra weight cost airlines an extra $ 275 million in fuel costs in 2000,the report says.Earnings at airlines have already been under pressure due to the decreasing demand and a record increase in the price of crude oil(原油)In the US,a number of airlines have gone bust and

22、 others are struggling to survive in an even more competitive market place.While it is relatively easy to check the weight of a travelers luggage and charge those that burst limits,it is much harder to regulate a persons waistline.Some firms have toyed with the idea of (jokingly suggested) charging

23、overweight travelers for two seats,but it is not a practice that has taken off industrywide.Last year,the American Federal Aviation Administration increased the average passenger weight they use to calculate aircraft loads by ten pounds.Since then,crude oil prices have hit record levels,with many fi

24、rms responding by raising the fuel charge they add to ticket prices.The rising level of obesity(肥胖)in the US and in Europe has prompted government health campaigns and harsh criticism of a number of food firms.Restaurant chain McDonalds has taken the main force of the attack,and has in recent months

25、 reworked its menu to include healthier options,which has helped lift profits.As with fast food restaurants,timely adjustment may be the best solution presently for American airlines.The prediction by experts,however,is that humans are set to become bigger.文章大意:美国乘客平均体重增加导致航空公司利润下滑。1. The underlined

26、 phrase “gone bust” (Paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to“_C_”Abecome stronger Bgot bannedCfailed financially Dexpanded further解析:细节理解题。根据第二段In the US,a number of airlines have gone bust and others are struggling to survive in an even more competitive market place.可知,在美国,不少航空公司已经破产,剩下的在竞争更加激烈的市场环境中

27、为了生存苦苦挣扎。2The underlined word “those” (Paragraph 2) most probably refers to _B_.Aoverweight travelers Boverloaded luggageCtravelers waistlines Dextra large seats解析:细节理解题。根据第二段While it is relatively easy to check the weight of a travelers luggage and charge those that burst limits,it is much harder t

28、o regulate a persons waistline.可知,检查乘客的行李重量并对超重部分收费相对比较容易,但想要控制乘客的腰围就困难多了,故应该选B。3What measures did many American airlines take in response to the record increase in the price of crude oil last year?_B_AThey increased the average passenger weight when calculating aircraft loads.BThey brought up their

29、 ticket prices.CThey charged obese travelers for two seats.DThey overcharged travelers luggage.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段Since then,crude oil prices have hit record levels,with many firms responding by raising the fuel charge they add to ticket prices.可知,因为当时原油价格创下了历史新记录,作为应对措施,很多公司不得不提高机票价格中的燃料费用。4What does th

30、e last sentence of the passage imply?_A_AAirline profits in America will be under even greater pressure.BThe population of obese people will increase rapidly.CAmerican airlines will close down.DFast food restaurants will be forced to change their menus.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段The prediction by experts,howeve

31、r,is that humans are set to become bigger.可知,然而,据专家预测,人类注定会越来越胖,这会对航空公司的利润空间形成不断增加的压力。.七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Tips for the perfect selfie(自拍)You can take a selfie with a handheld digital camera or mobile phone and later share it on the Internet.So selfies have been especially po

32、pular over the years._1.C_Love them or hate them,selfies show no sign of stopping.After all,the selfie is the most important way to show off on holiday.Everyone has his own way to take the holiday selfies.How can you take the best holiday selfies?_2.G_Food chew styleWant to let everyone know how exc

33、iting your holiday food choices are?_3.F_You can also cut off a piece to show off whats inside.But dont have food hanging out of your mouth.Remember,food always looks best before being eaten.I am so adventurous styleRock climbing,hiking,surfing,or skiing?_4.D_Just let the natural settings make peopl

34、e go “wow”One commonly used gesture is spreading out an arm to show how thrilled you are.But remember that no one likes a sweaty selfie.I am cultured tourist style_5.A_You can also try an optical illusion(视错觉)by making it look like youre holding up the leaning tower of Pisa,touching the top of the E

35、iffel Tower,or picking the Sphinxs nose.AJust taking a selfie against a famous cultural site makes you look great.BSome people have no idea where to travel.CAccording to a recent survey,half of the interviewees admitted to taking a selfie while on holiday.DThese adventurous holiday moments are great for a selfie.EDifferent cultures have different characteristics of food.FHold up some food on your fork or chopsticks.GHere are some useful posing tips for you.

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