高中英语人教版 必修2教师用书:unit 2 SectionⅣ GrammarWriting Word版含答案

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1、 精品资料一般将来时的被动语态Section_Grammar_&_Writing一、基本结构shall/willbe过去分词。shall用于第一人称,will 用于各种人称。一般将来时被动语态的各种句式如下:1肯定式:shall/willbe过去分词This work will be finished at once.这项工作将马上完成。The building will be built next month.这栋大厦将在下个月开工。2否定式:wont/shantbe过去分词He will not be punished for it.他将不会为此受到惩罚。3一般疑问式:Will/Shall

2、主语be过去分词?Will the house be painted again next month?下个月这所房子将重刷吗?4特殊疑问式:特殊疑问词shall/will主语be过去分词其他?Where will the cinema be built?将在哪里建电影院?When will the work be finished?什么时候能完成这项工作?二、基本用法一般将来时态的被动语态强调根据计划或安排将要发生的被动性动作。More trees will be planted here next year.明年这里会种更多的树。The famous paintings will be d

3、isplayed in that exhibition hall next week.这些名画下周将在那个展览厅展出。1(辽宁高考改编)We are confident that the environment will_be_improved (improve) by our further efforts to reduce pollution.(湖南高考改编)In the near future, more advances in the robot technology will_be_made (make) by scientists. 三、一般将来时的其他常见的被动语态形式1be

4、to be done(1)表示按计划或安排将要发生的被动动作。The book is to be published next year.这本书将在明年出版。(2)表示“应该被做”,意思相当于should be done,可用来征求对方意见。What is to be done next? 下一步该怎么办?(3)表示“必须被做”,意思相当于must be done或have to be done。Your homework is to be handed in before Thursday.你的家庭作业要在星期四前上交。2be going to be done常用来表示按计划或安排将要发生的

5、被动动作。The old library is going to be pulled down tomorrow.这座旧图书馆明天将被拆除。3will/shall get过去分词表示一种动作,有时用来表示意想不到的、突然的或偶然发生的情况。多用于口语。The computer will get repaired by him.他会修理这台电脑的。四、注意的几个问题1在时间、条件状语从句中,应使用现在时表示将来时。同样,应使用现在时的被动语态表示将来时的被动语态。He says he will leave the company if he is punished for this.他说如果因为

6、这件事而受到惩罚,他将离开公司。If Im given more time, I am sure Ill do it better.如果给我更多的时间,我相信我会做得更好。2(湖南高考改编)Do you have any problems if you are_offered (offer) this job?Well, Im thinking about the salary .2短语动词变被动语态时不能漏掉介词或副词。The little girl will be taken care of by the old man.这个小女孩将由这个老人照顾。3含有双宾语的主动句变为被动语态时,应根

7、据需要将其中的一个宾语变成被动句的主语,另一个宾语保留不变。My mother will give me a shirt as a birthday present.I will be given a shirt (by my mother) as a birthday present.我的妈妈将给我一件衬衣作为生日礼物。Well ask him to help you tomorrow.He will be asked to help you (by us) tomorrow.明天我们让他来帮助你。.用所给动词的适当形式填空1When the car factory is_completed

8、 (complete), it will bring more jobs to our city.2Some new computers will_be_sent (send) back to the factory to be repaired tomorrow.3Hundreds of jobs will_be_lost (lose) if the factory closes.4I will_not_be_allowed (not allow) to enter my school if I dont get off my bike at the school gate.5The pro

9、blem will_be_solved (solve) if you really understand it and find the right method.6These difficulties are about to_be_overcome (overcome)7The water will be further polluted unless some measures are_taken (take)8There is no doubt that we shall/will_be_punished (punish) if we break the law.句型转换(把主动语态改

10、为被动语态)1I shall give you the book tomorrow.You will_be_given the book tomorrow.The book will_be_given_to_you tomorrow.2We shall discuss the question at the next meeting.The question will_be_discussed at the next meeting (by us)3The chairman will ask us to attend the meeting.We shall_be_asked to atten

11、d the meeting (by the chairman)4He will soon decide when we shall have the meeting.When we shall have the meeting will_soon_be_decided.5We are to repair the machine tomorrow.The machine is_to_be_repaired_(by_us) tomorrow.兴趣爱好类说明文假如你叫李华,某英语报社准备在你所在城市举办英语夏令营,开设的课程有街舞(the street dance)、烹饪(cooking)、中国功夫

12、(kung fu)、护理(nursing)等。你想发电子邮件报名参加其中一门课程。内容包括:1你感兴趣的课程;2你期望从这门课程中学到什么;3为什么想学这些内容。注意:1.词数100左右,格式已给出;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Editor,_Yours,Li HuaDear Editor,Having learned from the newspaper that you will hold the English summer camp in our city,I cannot wait to apply to attend one of your courses.Of th

13、e courses youve provided, the course about nursing appeals to me most, as I have always dreamed of becoming a nurse since my childhood.To begin with, I hope to gain a little more knowledge of nursing so that it can help me major in nursing when I attend college. Additionally, learning more about nur

14、sing can help to take good care of my parents, who have been devoted to caring for me as I grow up.Nursing is a difficult task in itself, which takes a lot of patience and skills. So I hope that I can learn some basic knowledge of nursing by taking advantage of this chance.Hope to hear from you pret

15、ty soon.Yours,Li Hua,第一段:开头点题,表明写信目的。第二至四段:期望从这门课程中学到什么;为什么想学这些内容。第五段:再次表明自己的诚意,希望得到答复。亮点一:句中appeal to, dream of以及句中take care of, be devoted to, care for, grow up高级词汇的使用得当,使文章增色不少。亮点二:句中现在分词的完成时作状语, that 引导的宾语从句以及句中Additionally作过渡词,动名词作主语,who引导的定语从句的运用,使语言表达自然流畅,显示了作者的语言功底。如何写兴趣爱好类说明文描写自己或他人最喜欢的运动属于

16、兴趣爱好类文章,它实质上属于说明文,但在说明的过程中可以穿插记叙和议论。1首先确定主题,然后围绕主题展开说明;2列全要点,草拟提纲:先说明自己或他人最喜欢的事情,然后说明原因,中间可展开描写这种兴趣爱好带来的益处,最后作一个简单的总结;3要注意语言准确、简洁平实,做到表达清晰、条理清楚、层次分明;4注意把握时态,在这类写作中,各种时态可以兼用,但要把握好事情发生的时间和顺序;5按照要求确定好写作时的人称,一般情况下常用第一人称或第三人称。1开头部分:Of all the sports, I like . best. is my favorite sport.People all over th

17、e world like .If you ask me which sport I like best .Do you like sports?Which sport do you like best?Do you want to know which sport I like best?How much do you know about .?2陈述与主题相关的原因:I like . because .The reason why I like . is that .My favorite player is . I like him/her because .3陈述与主题相关的时间:Whe

18、n I was . years old .At the age of . I showed great interest in .I became interested in . when I was .I first learned to . at the age of .4陈述支持主题的相关内容:I often practice it .Whenever I have time .5结尾部分:I become more and more . by playing .I hope in the future I can .I really want to be . when I grow u

19、p.请根据以下要点,以“The Sport I Like Best”为题,写一篇短文。1乒乓球不仅是一种运动而且是一门艺术;2有人认为打乒乓球不用花力气,我却不这么认为;3打乒乓球时,你会发现球快速运动,运动员的动作也很美;4虽然我乒乓球打得不是很好,但我对这项运动很感兴趣,它能使我们强身健体。注意:1.可适当发挥,以使短文连贯、通顺;2短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。词数:100左右。The Sport I Like BestOf all the sports, I like table tennis best. _参考范文:The Sport I Like BestOf all the s

20、ports, I like table tennis best. I think it is not only a sport but also an art, because it is a game that needs strength and skill.Some people think that playing table tennis needs little strength, but I dont think so. When playing the table tennis, we should judge the direction of the ball, and hi

21、t it back with great strength so that we can win the game. So after one game you will be very tired if you have tried your best. However, as a kind of sport, I think it more like an art. In the game, you can often find the ball moving quickly, and the players movements are very beautiful.Though I cant play table tennis very well, I still show great interest in it. I think playing table tennis can build up our bodies, keep us healthy and train our brains.

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