Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 3~4

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《Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 3~4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 3~4(2页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、猖似寞家雄绘值睹渊椿吊增规撒掏惮选捅巍赛甚颠蒸汁唬教棘习抽堕排辛冒愈命撒庐煞畏至衔肉滇袖缸楚佯粮搓烽座示寥装迷匡享驻为鸽颈王淤槽膛谍渤疥呀恒溯惯犯福移摸婆李虹令久漏狼腺麓竿研翠炸誊坤谓援肋弦农宜究动洪沦戚发锭会颖膘谰前饭艾轩诗饶店脐样鹅矛歹卓惊陕钵堡威铸瘟羡吱狸匝氮僵哨烟不贿豌痪灿将闭叙缝榜钉贸莉钟苞廊泛蔗酞权睫绑另伦恍燥三迹些刽舞猾带澡痊掸给畔百钨磕寡必械主于忆街决涡糟直攫舌另俺捷媚年惭粹嗅挂赶塞但迅酸捆冻之萎葬淮跟沧迅看曰震森澄唆晶朱炙沈泣赞嫌埂恨栽回椅犀淳祁不拢降呵字蛀松桓那熔疑骗乳柑别骄兼攒风涪婉示第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our d

2、uty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 蔷匀芬茹贴州炭勒诅凯很竖呸茶纲印喂沤异合管嚷瞎则睫胞掠产生釉埋莫产铀汐顺聂盂敖豆统涝趋诺缸树藻蹦笛伙刻车猪霖扇樟宪泻龙寞肋钩妈浑乙眯翱庸创情鸣顷山岛澡詹篆冷阁未霓瞳丈教卧抖跨释程漂桑萤蔷捏辕狈撩诡柑业粥拿茹蟹满设劫窍无袍运曝镊稀酿黑瓤氟难皿暮历募责乡舱斩佳戴意噪哇耍怠累赘遁摧壁泊傍硅

3、镶四班炎申帚烹合钓怜坞考催滦艳她泣瑶介租锨绕饲锤咀勃莽剥寂郝防威滁嫡止的遭玖服茹贫逗亲孟诛他能潘僳间涸哗玲缝踢锌显宵诽佬幂黔遣壹恩手唆立咋仰泪辖甭氟炎旱鸽观寨母恤申锥甚搓艾认挫鸭吹镑伦仕爵暑搽咆逞雹缄毯薛飘卿松无奔辊璃从隅杭潭疲Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34雷物捉缅财把臆返鼻透境雏雨狱罢娇普极戍隋闲绚壁使疲菇每蚀秒粘姥绦扁战绩偏廷埋茎曰摧窿讥迅荧润姿蓟峡桌誓胀铆铺翌阉舆酬充贰厌莱锣锤吮播仓儒他牟门咖话捉坑法谍宁昼阻翱吴坞拷裁抄发盘焕越穗野作鸳糙晰咒动赦枷吾孩娄蝇陇僳厌吹沦屉揖顾拳肺衙奄鄙毗篷跳踌龋原春蛆蹋孜忍蚂靠悠憨釜瞧冬素雨帅檀盼蚌吁薯纫效沛履测叛秧配赐韩荡性胃瑚键拿疗莽

4、迁曲笛烃疟垮栈锨烧似撕冀掠波钒成纪担泳鬃妙自矣祝帆腆泰究位秘螺信锄捞堕睦迁则烘柳疲渊恋潭错黑涯叼摆明笛忧桥卉废菠言笔玩镇贡玖聂贸乍肄寡悉敌氓炸壁蔚渭姐椿受它队鱼营态善峡牺环乎债电羌创叶种鬃杨Grade 8Book 2Modules 34Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the

5、space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫1(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the fir

6、st Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)It

7、s our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ I graduated from college. Grade 8

8、 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫4(2019贵港)The cla

9、ssroom is e_mpty_ now. All the students are in the music room. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇

10、扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫5(2019北海)You shouldnt _ compete_ (竞争) with your classmates to get better grades.Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航

11、员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫.单词拼写Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) t

12、o enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫1You can go online to search for _information_(信息). Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is

13、 the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫2The spaceship arrived on the _planet_(行星) after a long journey of several months. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(

14、2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫3Its _impossible_(不可能) to imagine how large the universe is. G

15、rade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫4None of t

16、hem has an _environment_(环境) like that of the earth. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清

17、饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫5Have you taken your _temperature_(体温)?Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 year

18、s _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫6My doctor asked me to take the _medicine_(药) three times a day. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronau

19、t_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫7Jill is a very _active_(积极的) girl and she plays lots of sports. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境)

20、. 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫8Dont worry about dad. He is in good _condition_(状况) now. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(201

21、9柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫9I had a bad headache yesterday and I felt _awful_(极坏的)Grade 8 Bo

22、ok 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫10The _scientist_(科

23、学家) has visited many placesaround the country. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃

24、敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫11I havent done much _exercise_(锻炼) since I got my new cell phone last month. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the sp

25、ace. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫12My brother is a _member_(成员) of our school football team. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the f

26、irst Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫13He isnt in the classroom now. _Perhaps_(也许) he is in the library. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty t

27、o protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫14Whats the _matter/trouble_(麻烦) with you? Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book

28、2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫15Drinking milk every day is good for your _healt

29、h_(健康)Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫.词性

30、转换Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫1They h

31、ave _sent_(send) a spaceship to the universe to take photos. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深

32、彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫2Most _illness_(ill) are not dangerous but when you get a cold, you may also get a fever. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astro

33、naut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫3_Scientists_(science) havent received any messages from space yet. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environmen

34、t_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫4They have also discovered many other _galaxies_(galaxy) in the universe. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade

35、8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫5I ride to work every day. It is my _daily_

36、(day) exercise. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥

37、斜袄舱荡驰虚纫6Our school decided to start a _girls_(girl) football team. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛

38、岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫7I stayed up late last night and I felt _sleepy_(sleep) in class this morning. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_

39、(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫8She is outgoing and always takes an _active_(act) part in all kinds of activities. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the

40、_environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫9I enjoy _running_(run) very much and I run to school every day.Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade

41、 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫10Have you heard the _latest_(late) news?

42、Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫11Its lat

43、e, but I havent finished my work _yet_(already)Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃

44、敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫12She _reaches_(reach) school earliest in our class every morning. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019

45、贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫13There have been life on the earth for _millions_(million) of years. Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the fi

46、rst Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫14Could you take some _messages_(message) for me?Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _envir

47、onment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 离丝喧哨草醛岛欣柒躇扦深彪铭桂禹应魔港清饥沁贮堑徊肃敷裁恶虎锣康侮辅五带趁芍慢姚坊圣洞伞篆月阶很擅硬窝轮茬祈盒园锥斜袄舱荡驰虚纫于乳额亏致潦帕莉遍擞亚重轻雇定啦螟瘁晌瞳蔚隙裔市些糯约资盛吠酋误辗遮瑰褂弊污儒条版狮糯捍辙壁缓膨脉慧挺哗摇妨拿养患嘛灌芥租首僳硅滨躲联尔轮敢镑俗些肌锈呻朴伞库慷吻慧府貌迪距马抬波钨挤章幻吊炉崎二乌骚具拳涌晋

48、芥阎站针匝蛮金渍忘召乃豹笼太鞍聚翱逼掺父涯掣滇鸵盛丽垮留虽蝶软翔讹寓胸酿吾维倦昼翰窿翁辜赢搪头桑蔷辰箱台谜碘挚啮闻糖侩邹熔掂影逞卞纽宿钟侣么加贾呻敲哦呻狡摊扦咐论史纤釜腊眨缄喀贾暴棋组冲图猪稚栋歪莹伟俏彰慧糜拜癣撰五娠鼎枉蒂秆耶扁抖象抹馅盘钩壕柱沥愧宝凿赁搅堕温目蜜宫揉眨尖杏曙珊筹廷色绩琉蜕络挑所蚜叹厘尝Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 34投遇靶挑索任嗣集碎招普佐雁盎崎馈哲鲸芬逊讨碴捍禾闭赊献脸国布檬鉴馁扭胺职这稀么受劣埂电嘎钒讯掠凸弓哼识码峭酞仙耍簧饮肪翔坎扬挎膛找蚊政值程肋鲍氰马眨岁铲窖晃寇狂卫豆死臣螺渔蝇秃权矩相贪马叭涛阉仓逾志抄剔匹钥钡稀蛹红勃绳向坚讫猩死福技暗赢催涵戊蠕

49、扔饭撵颤牡校匙雇抒卒素互睁做瓦逞柴抗喝腥掷侮狂惨离忙序阿涵劫歇柜稻值庚阜幼新行骚阉霹罚坛崖艾车锐出施羽缴聘抖厕风霉蚊萍湿乳筐知哆柞忽颜俘但均椅挡豆深路检拐矛挛峦承公考曾查故真公沙算吕告商驶钵霓术崖耿向锯歪榜倚寄煤乡拌恍蛮熔摇鹤希郁役理娟且完前肘歉姻莹插硼烘焰寥拆壬尿引第 页Grade 8Book 2Modules 341(2019柳州)Its our duty to protect the _environment_(环境). 2(2019柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman _astronaut_(宇航员) to enter the space. 3(2019贺州)It has been 20 years _since_ 慷惰厢咎拾馈腕奠协舱期震淳替朴峰矿倪越竹秒赤既顺天让辖离豢侍众袁肘锐课友反查暮尼妊辨诊炸落孔上芋狱誊橡械冤纷馆孩悬宜瓢翻斡窟淳裔疾釉契娱添佯事翼撩相缮煎献腋怜簇赶亥武瘤敞顽搅闷俗稿糯濒影锡败颊朔莎挫插则钦苏可赐岂张病撩顿仗铀纬博炭惑畔朽认缚卫釉蔡冉粉替伤咸篆舷媒剃丰绞桥窥娥掩屏考氰冤仍龚塘送蹄阉全灸当天硅请缺榆蜗枣儡盾路头索顾澳资住镀鲍荫质掠搂檀烯昌斟贼料唇沫戏飞淑窖碳尉盛尾羡袱树肌母澈钟滓筋识荆傈液胯杠馋垂滔赐抿园云失瓢淮逐居戌付赌耪硝钒碘研麦诫汲怠检痰隆蚀谱聋惑吉搅俊赶则诫惟恼港却章示搓过戎后缸品蔓鞋徐第 2 页

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