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1、HITACHI日立牌电刨PLANERP20SE使用说明书Handling instructions使用前务请详加阅读Read through carefully and understand these instructions before use.79Bti#Planing刨平Beveling斜削Rabbeting刨槽Tapering尖削Knob捏手Scale刻度盘Mark符号Oeginning of cutting operation切削起点End of cutting operation切削终点Box wrench套筒板手Blade holder刀架Carbide blade (Dou

2、ble edged blade type)炭化刃(双刃教)BoltSet plate (B)定位板(B)Machine screw机用螺钉Turned surface转动面Set plate (A)定位板(A)Set gauge定位规Wall surface b墙面bFlat portion of the cutter block刀刃座的平坦部份Groove槽Blade (Resharpenable blade type)刀刃(可反复曆锋型)Cutter block刀刃座Wall surface a墙面aWear limit熠损极限No. of carbon brush碇刷号3作业上的一般注意

3、事项警告!当使用电动工具时,为了滅少造成火灾.电击 和人身伤書,必须时刻連守基本注意事项.以及 下述操作注意事项。在操作本机之前.请通读本说明书,并予以妥善安全操作注意事项:1. 工作场所应打扫干净,淸理妥当.杂乱无章将导 致爭故。2. 确保妥适的作业环境。电动工具不可任英风吹雨 打。不得在潮湿的地方作业。工作场所需保持充 分的亮度。请勿在有可能造成火灾或爆炸的地方 使用电动工具。3. 谨防触电爭故。应避免身体同大地或接地表面不 可让访客触摸电动工典或延伸线缆接触(例如: 管道、散热器、炉灶、冰箱等)4. 不可让孩童靠近工作场所。与作业无关的访客也 必须保持安全距离。5. 不使用的电动工具应存

4、放到干燥而孩童伸手不及 的高处.并加锁保管。6. 不得使劲用力推压。电动工具希按设计条件才能 有效而安全地工作,绝不可勉强。7. 妥选使用工具。不可用小型工具或附件去干朿 活。不可用于規定外的作业。举例说用圆锯进 行伐木打枝或原木锯切作业。8. 工作时衣服穿戴要合适。不要让松散的衣角和宝 石类卷入转动部份。屋外作业时,最好手戴橡胶 手套.脚穿防滑胶鞋。同时要戴上能够罩笼长发 的工作帽。9. 绝大多数的电动工具作业时均需厳安全眼镜。进行粉尘飞扬的切削作业时,需戴防尘面罩。10. 连接除尘设备如果提供连击除尘和集尘的设备,请确认是否已 经连接好并且使用正常。11. 不要命说线捉起取动工具,也不得拉

5、扯啦线从电 源插座拆除插头。电线需从热源和油液隔开,并 避免与锐利的边缘接尅。12. 作业以安全第一为原则。工件要用夹具或台钳卡 紧。这样做,比用手按圧更为可靠.也能够让双 手专心操作。13. 作业时解步要站稳.身体姿势要保持平衡。14. 工具应维护妥善,经常保持锋利清洁才能充分 发挥性能,落实作业安全的要求。应按规定加注 润滑脂更换附件。线缆应定期检查,如发现损 伤应即委托专业性的服务单位加以修复。延伸电 缆如有损伤应予更换。手柄要保持干煥.并防止 沾附油脂类。15不使用时,维修帕以及更换附件(如:刀具.钻 头、锯具尊)之前,都必须拆卸电源捕头才行。16. 开动前务必把调整用键和扳手类拆除下

6、来。这一 点与安全有关。应养成习惯.严格迴守。17. 谨防谋开动。摘头一摘上电源插座,指头就不可 随便接縱电源开关。描接电源之前,应先确认: 开关是否切斷。18. 屋外延伸线缆的使用。屋外作业时,必须使用专 用的延伸线缆。19. 保持高度警觉,充分拿握悄况,以正常的判断力 从舉作业o疲惫时切不可开动电动工具。20. 检査损坏部件。在继续使用电动工具之前,应详 细检査各部零件以及防护装置有无按坏,以便判 断具能否正常工作,能否发挥正常效能。检查转 动部份的对准、空转、各零件有无异常.安装是 否妥善以及其它足以给工作带来不良彫响的情 况。如防护以及其它零件损伤了。除非本说明书中已 有记载否则应即委

7、托服务中心进行妥善修理或更 换。开关一发现缺陷,应即委托服务中心加以更 换。如开关不能正常地接通或切断,绝不可使用 该电动工具。21. 警告使用非本说明书中的推荐的附件可能有发生人身 损害的危险。22. 本工具必须委托有资格的维修人员进行维修。 本电动工具满足相关的安全要求。维修必须由专 业人员使用纯正配件来进行。否则有可能会给用 户造成人身损害。使用电刨时应注意事项O请勿在刀片朝上的状态下使用电刨(作为胖止型 电刨)。电压(按地区)*(110Vt 115V, 120V, 127V, 220Vt 230V, 240V)输人功率*570W*切削宽度82mm最大切削深度1mm$址(不含线缆)2.5

8、kg空载转速5000/分*当须改变地区时应检査产品上的铭牌。标准附件刨平方法1. 套简板手(刨刃锁定用)12. 定位规(刃高调幣用)13. 导板(带止动螺丝)14. 刃幽组件(用于反复聘锋墩刀刃)1标准附件可能不预先通告而径予更改。选购附件(分开销售)1. 灰尘收集适配器选购附件可能不预先通告而径予更改。O刨平木板与面板(图1-4) o作业之前1. 电源确认所使用的电源与产品名牌上标示的规格是否 相符。2. 电源开关确认电源开关是否切断。若电激开关接通.则摘 头栩入电源栩座时电动工具将出其不意地立刻转 动,从而招致严重事故3. 延伸线缆:若作业场所移到离开电源的地点,应使用容at足 够、铠装合

9、适的廷伸线缆.并且要尽可能地短些。4. 应事前备妥适于进行刨工.坚牢稳定的木制工作 台架。工作台架稳定性差,可能导致危险,因此 设置时必须检査地面是否坚牢稳定,并有足够的 平坦度。1. 调节刃深:(1)按图5上箭头指示方向(醮时针方向)转动旋钮, 直到三角指标对准于度盘上的希望刃深刻度线。 度盘上的刻度线以竜米为单位。(2)可在41*米的范围内调节刃深。2. 表面平刨粗刨以较大的刃深和合适的速度进行作业,所以 刨周能够顺利地从电刨排出。但为了获得平滑的 表面.还必须以较小的刃深和更低的速度进行精 刨。3. 刨削的起点和终点:首先如图6所示,把电刨的舸底那放在工作上, 并使电刨保持水平状态。继而

10、接通电源开关.徐 徐操作电刨.把它推向工作前端。在刨削的第1阶 段、必需稳固地按压电刨的前半部,而在接近终 点时,则应如图7所示,按压电刨的后半部。 进行作业时,自始至终.电刨都必需一宜保持平 直。4. 刨完后应注意車项:刨完后,用一手提吊电刨时,切不可让创刃触及 身体的任一部份.也不可使刨刃过度靠近身体。 如果忽略了这一点,可能导致严重的伤害事故, 应十分注意。炭化刃之装卸和刀刃高度之调 整(适用于双刃型)1. 炭化刃的拆卸:(1)如图8所示.用附带的套筒扳手松开刀架。(2)如图9所示,用附带的套简扳手将炭化刃拆下。5#注意O注意.拆卸时勿伤着您的手指。注意O注意.拆卸时勿伤着您的手指。#2

11、.刀刃的安装:燦化刃的安装:#注意O在安装前请彻底擦除炭化刃上积存着的碎 屑O(1)如图10所示,抬起定位板将新的埃化刃插入刀刃 座与定位板(B)之间。 如图门所示.使新的烘化刃在定位板(B)上移动 并将其装上,使刀刃端会从刀刃座端伸出lmm。(3)如图12所示.更换刀刃兜毕后.请拧紧刀架上的 螺栓。(4)将刀刃座向上转动,用叵样方法设置瓦他面。2. 调整炭化刃之高度:注意O若上述操作结束之后.炭化刃之高度不够精 确.则请执行下述操作)(1)如图13所示,用套筒扳手松开用于固定刀刃座的 3根螺栓并将其拆下。(2)如图14所示.拆下化刃之后,按筒头所示方向滑 动定位板(B)并将其拆下。(3)松开

12、固定炭化刃,定位板(A)和定位板(B)的 2颗螺钉。如图15、16所示.请一面将炭化刃缘调至定位规 的墙面a. 面将定位板(A)的转动面按至墙面 b0然后紧拧2颗螺钉固定之。如图17、18所示,将安装在定位板(B)上的定 位板(A)的转动部份橋人位刀刃座平坦部份的槽 中。(6)如图19所示,将刀架置于已完成组件之上,并用 3个螺栓固定之。务请拧累螺栓。对反侧的炭化刃 也请按相同方法进行。刀刃的装卸及刀刃高度之调整 (适用于反复磨锋型刀刃)1. 刀刃的拆卸:(1)如图13所示,用附带的套筒扳手松开用于固定刀 刃的3个螺栓并卸下刀架。(2)如图14所示.按箭头方向滑动刀刃并将其卸下。注遠O在安装前

13、,请彻底擦除刀刃上附看的碎屑。(1)将安装在刀刃上的定位板(A)的转动部份描入位 于刀刃座平坦部份的槽中(见图17, 20) o安上 刀刃,使刀刃的两面均从刀刃座的边缘伸出约 lmm (见图21) o(2)如图22所示,将刀架置于已完成的组件之上,并 用3根螺栓固定之。务请拧緊螺栓。(3)向上转动刀刃座.对其反测也请按相同方法进行 设置。3.刀刃高度的调整:(1)松开固定刀刃和定位板(A)的2颗螺钉。(2)请一面将刀刃缘调至定位观的坡面a, 面将定位 板(A)的转动面按至墙面b。然后.拧紧2颗螺 钉固定之(见图15, 23) o研磨可反复磨锋的刀刃为方便起见,建议您使用附带的刃磨组件。1. 使

14、用刃磨组件如图24所示.可将两片刀刃安在刃憶组件上并确 保刃以相同的角度研磨。如图25所示,在研磨 时,请调整刀刃的位置以使两者的另缘同时与磨 石相接融。2. 刀刃磨锋间隔磨锋刀刃的间隔一依所切割的木材类型和切割深 度而异。但每当切割500米木材之后,通常锋利度 就会受到影响。3. 磨石在使用水磨石之前,请先将其在水中充分浸泡。 因为这种质石可能会在研磨作业中磨损。有必要 时.请随时将嚴石表面磨平。维护和检查1.刀刃的检查继续便用迟钝或损坏的刀刃将会导致切JR效率的 降低及马达的超载。视需要经常曆锋或更换刀 刃。72. 操作:注意:前底座、后底座和切削控制捏手经过精密加工, 以确保高精度。如果

15、这些部件受到粗暴的处理或 过度的机械冲击.可能会影响稱度,降低切削效 果。处理这些部件必须待别小心。3. 检查安装螺钉要经常检査安装螺钉是否紧固妥善。若发现织钉 松了,应立即垂新扭紧,否则会导严虫的事故。4. 检查碳刷(图26)电动机上的碳刷是一种消耗品,其磨耗程度一旦 超出了 “曆耗极限円电动机将发生障碍。因 此,磨耗了的碳刷应即更换新件。此外,碳刷必 须常保持干净状态,这样才能在刷握里自由滑 动。5. 更换碳刷:卸卜片盖之后请使用带槽螺丝起子拆下制遍。 然后您就可方便地用弹簧来更换碳刷。6. 电动机的维护:电动机绕线是电动工具的心脏部。应仔细检査有 无损伤,是否被油液或水沾湿。注:为求改进

16、,本手册所我規格可能不预先通告而 径予更改。#GENERAL O PERATIO NAL PRECAUTIO NSWARNING! When using electric tools, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal injury, including the followi ng.Read all these in structi ons before operat ing this product and sa

17、ve these in structi ons.For safe operati ons:1. Keep work area clea n. Cluttered areas and ben ches in vite injuries.2. Con sider work area environment. Do not expose power tools to rain. Do not use power tools in damp or wet locati ons. Keep work area well lit. Do not use power tools where there is

18、 risk to cause fire or explosi on.3. Guard aga inst electric shock. Avoid body con tact with earthed or groun ded surfaces. (e.g. pipes, radiators, ran ges, refrigerators).4. Keep childre n away. Do not let visitors touch the tool or exte nsion cord. All visitors should be kept away from work area.5

19、. Store idle tools. When not in use, tools should be stored in a dry, high or locked up place, out of reach of childre n.6. Do not force the tool. It will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was inten ded.7. Use the right tool. Do not force small tools or attachme nts to do the job

20、of a heavy duty tool. Do not use tools for purposes not inten ded; for example, do not use circular saw to cut tree limbs or logs.8. Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothi ng or jewellery, they can be caught in moving parts. Rubber gloves and non -skid footwear are recom- men ded whe n work ing ou

21、tdoors. Wear protect ing hair coveri ng to contain long hair.9. Use eye protecti on. Also use face or dust mask if the cutting operation is dusty.10. Connect dust extract ion equipme nt.If devices are provided for the conn ecti on of dust extracti on and collecti on facilities en sure these are conn

22、 ected and properly used.11. Do not abuse the cord. Never carry the tool by the cord or yank it to disc onnect it from the receptacle. Keep the cord away from heat, oil and sharp edges.12. Secure work. Use clamps or a vise to hold the work. It is safer than using your hand and it frees both hands to

23、 operate tool.13. Do not overreach. Keep proper foot ing and balance at all times.14. Maintain tools with care. Keep cutt ing tools sharp and clea n for better and safer performa nce. Follow instructions for lubrication and changing accessories. Inspect tool cords periodically and if damaged, have i

24、t repaired by authorized service cen ter. I nspect exte nsion cords periodically and replace, if damaged. Keep han dles dry, clea n, and free from oil and grease.15. Disc onnect tools. When not in use, before servicing, and whe n cha nging accessories such as blades, bits and cutters.16. Remove adju

25、st ing keys and wren ches. Form the habit of check ing to see that keys and adjusti ng wren ches are removed from the tool before tur n- ing it on.17. Avoid unintentional starting. Do not carry a plugged-i n tool with a fin ger on the switch. En sure switch is of whe n plugg ing in.18. Use outdoor e

26、xte nsion leads. When tool is used outdoors, use only exte nsion cords inten ded for outdoor use.19. Stay alert. Watch what you are doing. Use common sen se. Do not operate tool whe n you are tired.20. Check damaged parts. Before further use of the tool, a guard or other part that is damaged should

27、be carefully checked to determ ine that it will operate properly and perform its inten ded function. Check for alignment of moving parts, free running of moving parts, breakage of parts, moun ti ng and any other con diti ons that may affect its operati on. A guard or other part that is damaged shoul

28、d be properly repaired or replaced by an authorized service cen ter uni ess otherwisein dicated in this han dli ng in structi ons. Have defective switches replaced by an authorized service cen ter. Do not use the tool if the switch does not turn it on and off.21. Warni ngThe use of any accessory or

29、attachme nt, other tha n those recomme nded in this han dli ng in struc- tions, may prese nt a risk of pers onal injury.Have your tool repaired by a qualified pers on. This electric tool is in accorda nce with the releva nt safety requireme nts. Repairs should only be carried out by qualified person

30、s using original spare parts. Otherwise this may result in con siderable dan ger to the user.9PRECAUTIO NS ON USING PLANER? Do not use the Planer with the blades facing upward (as stati onary type pla ner).SPECIFICATIONSVoltage (by areas)*(110V, 115V, 120V, 127V, 220V, 230V, 240V)Power In put570W*Cu

31、tti ng Width82mmMax. Cutti ng Depth1mmWeight (without cord and guide)2.5kgNo-Load Speed15000/minBe sure to check the n ameplate on product as it is subject to cha nge by areas.#STANDARD ACCESSO RIESPLANING PRO CEDURES#1. Box Wrench (for securing cutter blade) 12. Set Gauge (for adjusting cutter heig

32、ht) 13. Guide (with set screw) 14. Blade Sharpening Assy(for Resharpe nable Blade Type) 1Sta ndard accessories are subject to cha nge without notice.OPTIO NAL ACCESSO RIES (sold separately)1. Dust collecti on adapterOpti onal accessories are subject to cha nge without notice.APPLICATIONSPla ning var

33、ious woode n pla nks and pan els. (See Fig. 1-4 )PRIOR TO O PERATIO N1. Power sourceEn sure that the power source to be utilized conforms to the power requireme nts specified on the product n ameplate.2. Power switchEn sure that the power switch is in the OFF positi on. If the plug is conn ected to

34、a receptacle while the power switch is in the ON positi on, the power tool will start operati ng immediately, which could cause a serious accide nt.3. Extension cordWhen the work area is removed from the power source, use an exte nsion cord of sufficie nt thick ness and rated capacity. The exte nsio

35、n cord should be kept as short as practicable.4. Prepare a stable woode n workbe nch suitable for planing operation. As a poorly balanced workbench creates a hazard, en sure it is securely positi oned on firm, level ground.1. Adjusti ng the cutter depth:(1) Tur n the knob in the directi on in dicate

36、d by thearrow in Fig. 5 (clockwise), until the triangular mark is alig ned with the desired cutt ing depth on the scale. The scale un it is graduated in millimeters.(2) The cutting depth can be adjusted within a range of 0-1mm.2. Surface cutt ingRough cutt ing should be accomplished at large cutt in

37、g depths and at a suitable speed so that shavi ngs are smoothly ejected from the machi ne. To ensure a smoothly finished surface, finish cutting should be accomplished at small cutt ing depths and at low feedi ng speed.3. Beginning and ending the cutting operation:As shown inFig. 6 , place the front

38、 base of thepla ner on the material and support the pla ner horiz on tally. Turn ON the power switch, and slowly operate the pla ner toward the lead ing edge of the material. Firmly depress the front half of the pla ner at the first stage of cutt ing, as show n inFig. 7depress the rear half of the p

39、la ner at the end of the cutt ing operati on. The pla ner must always be kept flat throughout the entire cutting operation.4. Precaution after finishing the planing operation: When the pla ner is suspe nded with one hand after finishing the planing operation, ensure that the cutt ing blades (base) o

40、f the pla ner do not con tact or come too n ear your body. Failure to do so could result in serious injury.CARBIDE BLADE ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY AND ADJUSTMENT O F CUTTER BLADE HEIGHT (FO R DO UBLE EDGED BLADE TYPE)1. Carbide blade disassembly:(1) As shown in Fig. 8 , loosen the blade holder with t

41、he attached box wren ch.(2) As shown in Fig. 9 , remove the carbide blade by slidi ng it with the attached box wren ch.CAUTION? Be careful not to injure your han ds.2. Carbide blade assembly:CAUTION? Prior to assembly, thoroughly wipe off all swarf accumulated on the carbide blade. As shown in Fig.

42、10 , lift set plate (B) and insert the new carbide blade betwee n cutter block and set plate (B).(2) As shown in Fig. 11 , mount the new carbide blade by slidi ng it on the set plate (B) so that the bladetip projects by 1mm from the end of the cutter block.(3) As shown in Fig. 12 , fix the bolts at

43、the blade holder after blade replaceme nt has bee n completed.(4) Turn the cutter block over, and set the other side in the same manner.3. Adjustme nt of carbide blade height:CAUTION? If the carbide blade s heights are in accurate afterabove procedures have bee n completed, carry out the procedures

44、described below.(1) As shown in Fig. 13 , use the box wrench to loosen the three bolts used to retain the carbide blade, and remove the blade holder.(2) As shown in Fig. 14 , after removing the carbide blade, slide set plate (B) in the directi on in dicatedby the arrow to disassemble set plate (B).(

45、3) Loosen the 2 screws holding on the carbide blade and set plate (A), set plate (B).(4) As shown in Fig. 15, 16, press the turned surfaceof set plate (A) to the wall surface b while adjust ingthe carbide blade edge to the wall surface a of the set gauge. Then, tighten them with the 2 screws.(5) As

46、shown in Fig. 17, 18 , insert a turned portion of set plate (A) attached to set plate (B) into a grooveon the flat portion of the cutter block.(6) As shown in Fig. 19 , place the blade holder on the completed assembly and faste n it with the three bolts. En sure that the bolts are securely tighte ne

47、d. Follow the same procedures for the opposite side carbide blade.BLADE ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY AND ADJUSTMENT O F BLADE HEIGHT (FO R RESHARPENABLE BLADE TYPE)1. Blade disassembly:(1) As shown in Fig. 13 , use the accessory box wrench to loose n the three bolts used to reta in the blade,and remove

48、the blade holder.(2) As show n in Fig. 14 , slide the blade in the directi on in dicated by the arrow to disassemble the blade.CAUTION? Be careful not to injure your han ds.2. Blade assembly:CAUTION? Prior to assembly, thoroughly wipe off all swarf accumulated on the blade.(1) Insert a turned portio

49、n of set plate (A) attached to the blade into a groove on the flat portion of the cutter block. ( Fig. 17, 20)Set the blade so that both sides of the blade protrude from the width of the cutter block by about 1 mm (Fig. 21 )(2) Place the blade holder on the completed assembly, as shown in Fig. 22 ,

50、and fasten it with the three bolts. En sure that the bolts are securely tighte ned.(3) Turn the cutter block over, and set the opposite side in the same manner.3. Adjustment of blade height:(1) Loosen the 2 screws holding on the blade and set plate (A).(2) Press the turned surface of set plate (A) t

51、o the wallsurface b while adjust ing the blade edge to the wall surface a of the set gauge. Then, tighte n them with the 2 screws. ( Fig. 15, 23)SHARPENING THE RESHARPENABLE BLADESUse of the accessory Blade Sharpe ning Assy is recom- men ded for convenien ce.1. Use of Blade Sharpe ning AssyAs shown

52、inFig. 24 , two blades can be mountedon the blade sharpe ning assy to en sure that the blade tips are ground at uni form an gles. During grinding, adjust the position of the blades so that their edges simulta neously con tact the dress ing stone as shown inFig. 25 .2. Blade sharpe ning in tervalsBla

53、de sharpe ning in tervals depe nd on the type of wood being cut and the cutt ing depth. However, sharpe ning should gen erally be effected after each 500 meters of cutt ing operati on.3. Dress ing StoneWhen a water dress ing stone is available, use it after dipping it sufficiently in water since suc

54、h a dressing stone may be worn during grinding works, flatte n the upper surface of the dress ing stone as ofte n as n ecessary.MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIO N1. In spect ing the blades:Con ti nued use of dull or damaged blades will result in reduced cutt ing efficie ncy and may cause over- loadi ng of

55、the motor. Sharpe n or replace the blades as ofte n as n ecessary.2. HandlingCAUTION? The front base, rear base, and cutt ing depth con trol knob are precisely machi ned to obta in specifically high precisi on. If these parts are roughly han dled or subjected to heavy mecha ni cal impact, it may cau

56、se deteriorated precisi on and reduced cutt ing performa nce. These parts must be han dled with particular care.3. In spect ing the moun ti ng screws:Regularly inspect all mounting screws and ensure that they are properly tightened. Should any of the screws be loose, retighte n them immediately. Fai

57、lure to do so could result in serious hazard.4. In spect ing the carb on brushes (Fig. 26)The motor employs carb on brushes which are consumable parts. Since an excessively worn carb on brush can result in motor trouble, replace the carb on brushes with new ones havi ng the same carb on brush No. sh

58、own in the figure when it becomes worn to or near the“wear limit ” .In addition, always11keep carb on brushes clea n and en sure that they slide freely withi n the brush holders.5. Replaci ng carb on brushes:After removi ng the chip cover, use a slotted screwdriver to disassemble the brush caps. The

59、 carb on brushes can then be easily removed with the spring.6. Maintenance of the motorThe motor unit winding is the veryheart ” of thepower tool.Exercise due care to en sure the winding does not become damaged an d/or wet with oil or water.NOTEDue to HITACHI con ti nuing program of research and dev

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