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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高中英语必修一单元测试卷I. 单词拼写(共5题,计5分)1.Keeping a healthy _ (饮食) is quite important.2.After _(毕业) from university, Ning Jin plans to go to the countryside to work as a teacher.3.You shouldnt use formal words in _p_ letters to friends.4._ (广告) usually attempt to attract peoples attention.5.I often

2、 play games with my family to _r_ my stress.II. 完形填空(共20小题,计30分)Telling the truth is a very good habit. If you 36 speak the truth, you can save yourself from a lot of 37 ! Here is a story of a man who did a lot of 38 things, but his promise to tell the truth _ 39_ him.Once a man came to a prophet(预言

3、家)and said, “Oh, prophet, I have many bad 40 . Which one of them should I 41 first?”The prophet said, “Give up telling 42 first and always speak the truth. ”The man promised to do so and went home.At night the man was about to go out to steal. Before setting out , he thought for a moment about the 4

4、3 he made with the prophet. “44 tomorrow the prophet asks me where I have been, what shall I say?Shall I say that I went out 45?No, I cannot say that. But nor can I lie. If I tell the truth, 46 will start hating me and call me a thief. I would be 47 for stealing.”So the man 48 not to steal that nigh

5、t, and gave up this bad habit.Next day, he 49 drinking wine. When he was about to do so, he said to himself, “What shall I say to the prophet if he asks me what I did during the day?I cannot tell a lie, and if I speak the truth people will 50 me, because a Muslim is not 51 to drink wine.” And so he

6、gave up the 52 of drinking wine.In this way, 53 the man thought of doing something bad, he 54 his promise to tell the truth. One by one, he gave up all his bad habits and became a very 55 person.36. A. alwaysB. hardlyC. sometimesD. never37. A. timeB. moneyC. troubleD. energy38. A . greatB. badC. str

7、angeD. stupid39. A. educatedB. botheredC. testedD. saved40. A. habitsB. friendsC. purposes D. collections41. A. take inB. bring backC. give upD. depend on42. A. storiesB. truthsC. reasonsD. lies43. A. planB. secretC. promiseD. mistake44. A. BecauseB. UnlessC. SinceD. If45. A. stealingB. drinkingC. w

8、alkingD. dancing46. A. noneB. someoneC. anyoneD. everyone47. A. controlledB. admiredC. punishedD. killed48. A. refused B. triedC. decidedD. agreed49. A. talked aboutB. felt likeC. adapted to(适应) D. broke down50. A. understandB. likeC. hateD. respect51. A. allowedB. encouragedC. invited D. advised52.

9、 A. chanceB. disadvantageC. adventureD. idea53. A. whereverB. wheneverC. whatever D. however54. A. forgotB. doubtedC. regrettedD. remembered55. A. goodB. attractiveC. practical D. generous(慷慨的)III.阅读理解(共20题,计40分)AIn American schools there is something called Homecoming Day. Mary high schools and col

10、leges with a football team have a homecoming game. This can be the most important event of the year except graduation or commencement(毕业典礼) day. Students plan homecoming day for many weeks in advance(预先).Several days before Homecoming, students start to decorate(装饰) the school. There are signs to wi

11、sh luck to the team, and many other signs to welcome all the graduates. Many people still come to Homecoming twenty or thirty years after their graduation.The members of school clubs build booths(摊位) and sell lemonade, apples and sandwiches. Some clubs help to welcome visitors.During the day people

12、like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago. Often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy years in school.Everyone soon comes to watch the football game. When the game is half over, the band comes onto the field and plays school songs. Another important moment i

13、s when the Homecoming Queen or King appears. All the students vote a most popular student Homecoming Queen or King. It is a great honor to be chosen.Homecoming is a happy day, but it is not perfect unless the football team wins the game. Even if the team loses, the students still enjoy Homecoming .

14、Some stay at the school to dance, and others go to a party.For everyone it is a day worth remembering.56.The most important event of the year in high schools and colleges is _.A. Homecoming B. the football game C. graduation D. winning the game57. When do students begin to arrange everything for Hom

15、ecoming?A. The day before Homecoming . B. Many weeks before the day. C. When the guests arrive. D. In the days before Homecoming.58. Which of the following is NOT done on Homecoming ?A. To see old friends. B. To call on teachers they remember.C. To watch the football game. D. To go home to see their

16、 family.59. Who can probably become Homecoming Queen or King ?A. The student who is liked most by the others.B. The guest who is most popular with the students. C. The student who is most liked by the guests. D. The player who plays best in the football game.B Can you communicate with others when yo

17、u live in a foreign country with no or little knowledge of its language? Of course, it is possible. You can communicate your moods and intentions to one another without words, because all human beings share a lot of common visual(看见的)signals. These signals are as effective(有效的)as words during commun

18、ication.The gestures of the head play a key role in body language. The movements of eyes and eyebrows are as important as head movements in body language.Besides the gestures of the head or the movements of the eyes and eyebrows, the action of arms, hands and legs is also a large part of body langua

19、ge. Extending ones arm and shaking hands with others is a greeting in both formal and informal cases. This part of body language might date back to primary tribes(原始部落).Like handshaking, there are still many other forms of body language presented by hands. Raising ones hand and making a circle with

20、his thumb(拇指)and for finger signals, that something is OK. Clasped(握紧的)hands raised above the head, a traditional picture accepted by sportsmen after winning a fight, is a display of triumph that grows out of a kind of feeling following a victory. Waving ones hands, a speaker can make his words more

21、 powerful and vigorous(有活力的).Besides hand gestures, there are times when a person says something with his legs as well as with his head and eyes. The leg gestures often reflect ones attitude towards something or someone that person is with.According to the above facts, body language has offered a mo

22、re reliable(可靠的)way to understand ones mind by means of gestures. Though it is soundless and wordless, once you understand it, you will feel the world is bigger than you realized.60. Which of the following is the proper title for this passage?A. Body Language B. How to Communicate with the People ar

23、ound YouC. The History of Body Language D. Gestrures And Languages61After reading the passage we can conclude that _.A. hand shaking suggests that the speaker is excitedB. head plays a less important part in body languageC. actors and actresses are good at gesturesD. people began to use body languag

24、e long long ago6Whats the characteristic(特点、特征)of body language?A. Soundless and wordless. B. Difficult to understand.C. Powerful and vigorous. D. Effective and normal63When sports men win a match, they probably _.A. clasp their hands to announce their victoryB. clasp their hands to express their ex

25、cited feelingC. have a picture taken as soon as possibleD. show a sign of thankfulnessCWhen building houses, people used to think about not only the climate of the areas but also the building materials and the fashions for their houses. However, since electricity became more and more expensive, peop

26、le began to pay much more attention to the energy they could get for their houses and the new ways they could find to protect their houses from both cold and heat.Now, houses of an old yet new type have been widely built. In some parts of the world, people share their houses with their livestock(家禽)

27、. During cold weather, they gather their cows, goats, or other animals and keep them on the first floor of their houses. The reasons are that the animals can be protected from the cold and that they can help to heat the houses as well.The body heat given off by the animals rises to the second floor

28、of the houses, where people live in. By sharing their houses with their livestock, people gain a source of heat.People who live in or near cities do not usually keep livestock. However, home builders use the fact that heat rises. This natural law can be used in building houses in these areas. Instea

29、d of keeping livestock on the first floor, builders fill it with large rocks. As they are open to the suns rays during cold weather, these rocks take in heat. They also give off the heat, and, of couse, the warm air rises into the living areas of the houses. So these houses are energy-saving.Housef-

30、building becomes a great challenge to building designers and energy engineers. They try to meet this challenge by learning from old traditions and by using modern technology. And someday in the futuer, people will be able to live in more energy-saving houses.64. What did people begin to consider as

31、electricity was no longer cheap?A. The climate of their areas. B. The energy for their houses.C. The fashions for their houses. D. The building materials for their houses.65.The underlined words “natural law” in the third paragraph refer to the fact that _.A. heat raises the temperature in the house

32、s B. heat goes in the upward directionC. heat goes up if temperature is raised D. heat increases the temperature of rocks66. From the passage, we can conclude that _.A. people will no longer consider building materials in the futureB. energy- saving buildings will become more popular in the futureC.

33、 almost all people will move into the houses heated by large rocksD. energy engineers will devote themselves only to modern technologyDFriends play an important part in our lives, and although we may take friendship for granted(认为理所当然), we often dont clearly understand how to make friends. While we

34、get on well with a number of people, we are usually friends with only a very few for example, the average among students is about 6 per person. In all the cases of friendly relationships, two people like one another and enjoy being together, but beyond that, the degree of intimacy(亲密)between them an

35、d the reasons for their shared interests vary(变化)greatly. As we get to know people, we take into account things like age, race, economic condition, social position, and intelligence. Although these factors(因素)are not of great importance, it is more difficult to get on with people when there is a mar

36、ked difference in age and background.Some friendly relationships can be kept on argument and discussion, but it is usual for close friends to have similar ideas and beliefs, the same opinions and interests they often talk about “being on the same wavelength”. It generally takes time to reach this po

37、int. And the more intimately involved people become, the more they depend on one another. People who want to be friends have to learn to put up with annoying habits and to stand differences.In contrast(比较)with marriage, there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the association(友谊)between two

38、people. But the supporting and understanding of each other that results from shared experiences and emotions does seem to create a powerful bond, which can overcome differences in background, and break down barriers(障碍)of age, class or race.67. According to the passage, _.A. friends are those who mu

39、st share their interestsB. friends are closer than people who just get on with each otherC. all the people know how to make friendsD. every student has six friends68. We can learn from the passage that _.A. friendship can overcome all differences between two peopleB. there are no special ceremonies

40、to strengthen friendshipC. standing differences in opinion can lead to friendshipD. friendship can be strengthened by smiles and soft voices69. Which of the following is NOT implied(暗示)in the passage?A. Even friends may have different opinions.B. Friends never argue with each other.C. It generally t

41、akes time for people to become close friends.D. Someones habits may annoy his friends.70. When people talk about “being on the same wavelength”, they mean that they _.A. watch the same TV programs B. are the same in all waysC. have the same backgroundD. share the same way of thinking and the same in

42、terests第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。E Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer. _71_ Some people express anger open

43、ly in a calm reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and yell. But other people keep their anger inside. They cannot or will not express it. This is called repressing anger.For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a persons health than expressing it. The

44、y said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones (荷尔蒙). They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc._72_.Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may be m

45、ore likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure._73_ They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry ab

46、out. If it is, they say, “_74_ Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.” Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry. _75_A. In general ,the person feels excited and ready to act.B.

47、They said that laughter is much healthier than anger.C. Expressing anger violently is more harmful than repressing it.D. Anger may cause you a cancer.E. Do not express your anger while angry.F. Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time.G. Doctors say the solution is learning how t

48、o deal with anger.第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I first met Li Ming at a friend birthday party five years ago. Th

49、en I invited Li Ming over in my place. We listen to my CDs together and soon become best friends. Three years ago, Li Mings parents invited I to spend two wonderful week in Qingdao with them during the summer holiday. Li Ming and I loved walking along the beautifully beaches there. Last year I was i

50、ll but had to stay in hospital for a week. Li Ming came see me every day. Then his father has changed jobs and they moved to another city. Since then we havent see each other much. But weve kept writing to each other.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)目前,许多学校存在部分学生抄袭作业的现象。现在就这个话题大家谈谈自己的看法。标题是 “My Opinion on Copying Others Homework”。主要原因作业量大、偏难个人看法抄袭不对,违犯校规对功课不感兴趣、懒惰要诚实、勤奋学习完成任务,取悦老师有困难可请教老师和同学注意:1.短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥; 2.短文标题与开头已为你写好,不计入总词数; 3.词数100左右。My Opinion on Copying Others HomeworkIt is known to us all that some students copy others homework._ 专心-专注-专业

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