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1、中医综合-中药学(二十二)(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section I Use of English(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower it is becoming mature. A man reaches the mature (1) of his reasoning powers and mental faculties (2) before the age of twenty-eight;a woman at eighteen. And then,

2、too, in the case of woman, it is the only reason of a sort-very mean in its (3) . That is why women remain children their whole life long; never seeing (4) but what is quite close to them, (5) fast to the present moment, taking appearance for (6) , and preferring (7) to matters of the first importan

3、ce. For it is (8) his reasoning faculty that man does not live in the present only, (9) the brute, but looks about him and considers the past and the future; and this is the origin of (10) , as well as that of care and anxiety which so many people (11) Both the advantages and the disadvantages, whic

4、h this (12) , are (13) in by the woman to a smaller extent because of her weaker power of reasoning. She may, in fact, be described as intellectually shortsighted, (14) , while she has an immediate understanding of what lies quite close to her, her field of (15) is narrow and does not reach to what

5、is (16) ; so that thingswhich are absent, or past, or to come, have much less effect upon women than upon men. This isthe reason why womenare inclined to be (17) and sometimes carry their desire to a (18) that borders upon madness. In their hearts, womenthink it is mens business to earn money and th

6、eirs to spend it-if possible during their husbands life, (19) , at any rate, after his death. The very factthat their husband hands them (20) his earnings for purposes of housekeeping strengthens them in this belief.(分数:10.00)(1) .A burden B drive C stage D move(分数:0.50 )A.B.C. VD.解析:.A barely B sca

7、rcely C rarely D hardly(分数:0.50 )A.B.C.D. V解析:.A dimensions B perspectives C indices D diameters(分数:0.50 )A. VB.C.D.解析:.A something B anything C everything D nothing(分数:0.50 )A.B. VC.D.解析:(5).A fastening B sticking C taking D seeing A.B. VC.D.解析:(6).A fancy B practice C reality D illusion A.分数: 0.50

8、 )分数: 0.50 )B.C. VD.解析:(7).A fragments B trifles C remains D substances A.分数: 0.50 )B. VC.D.解析:(8).Aat the mercy of B with regard to C inthe interestsof D by virtue of (分数:0.50 )A.B.C.D. V解析:(9) .A above B like C beside D includingA.B. VC.D.解析:(10) .A jealousy B generosity C identity D prudenceA.B.分

9、数: 0.50 )分数: 0.50 )C.D. V解析:(11).A advocate B demonstrate C exhibit D revealA.分数: 0.50 )B.C. VD.解析:(12).A concerns B relates C involves D retains A.分数: 0.50 )B.C. VD.解析:(13).A shared B joined C bound D hurried分数: 0.50 )B.C.D.解析:(14) .A before B because C unless D untilA.B. VC.D.解析:(15) .A sigh B vis

10、ion C reach D glanceA.B. V分数: 0.50 )分数: 0.50 )C.D.解析:(16).A obscure B invisible C remote D primitiveA.分数: 0.50 )B.C. VD.解析:(17).A extravagant B extreme C credible D wretched(分数: 0.50 )A. VB.C.D.解析:(18).A end B limit C span D lengthA.分数: 0.50 )B.C.D. V解析:(19).A but B for C though D whileA. V分数: 0.50

11、)B.C.D.解析:(20).A down B over C in D upA.B. V分数: 0.50 )C.D.解析:二、Section n Reading Comprehension (总题数:0,分数:0.00)Part A ( 总题数: 0,分数: 0.00)四、Text 1 ( 总题数: 1,分数: 10.00)People have good reason to care about the welfare of animals. Ever since the Enlightenment, their treatment has been seen as a measure of

12、 mankinds humanity. It is no coincidence that William Wilberforce and Sir ThomasFoxwell Buxton, two leaders of the movement to abolish the slave trade, helped found the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in the 1820s. An increasing number of people go further: mankind has a duty

13、not to cause pain to animals that have the capacity to suffer. Both views have led people gradually to extend treatment once reserved for mankind to other species.But wheneveryday lives are measured against such principles, they are fraught with contradictions. Those who would never dream of caging

14、their cats and dogs guzzle bacon and eggs from ghastly factory farms. The abattoir and the cattle truck are secret places safely hidden from the meat-eaters gaze and the childs story book. Plenty of people who denounce the fur-trade (much of which is from farmed animals) quite happily wear leather (

15、also from farmed animals).Perhaps the inconsistency is understandable. After hundreds of years of thinking about it, people cannot agree on a system of rights for each other, so the ground is bound to get shakier still when animals are included. The trouble is that confusion and contradiction open t

16、he way to the extremist. And because scientific research is remote from most peoples lives, it is particularly vulnerable to their campaigns.In fact, science should be the last target, wherever you draw the boundaries of animal welfare.For one thing, there is rarely an alternative to using animals i

17、n research. If there were, scientists would grasp it, because animal research is expensive and encircled by regulations. Animal research is also for a higher purpose than a full belly or an elegant outfit. The world needs new medicines and surgical procedures just as it needs the unknowable fruits o

18、f pure research. And science is, by and large, kind to its animals. The couple of million (mainly rats and mice)that die in Britains laboratoriesare far better looked- after and far more humanely killedthanthe billion or so (mainly chickens ) on Britainsfarms. Indeed, if Darley Oaks makes up its los

19、sof guinea pigs with turkeys or dairy cows, you can be fairly sure animal welfare in Britain has just taken a step backwards.(分数: 10.00 )(1) .The first paragraph is written to.A put forward sound reason to care about the welfare of animalsB emphasize the glory of the EnlightenmentC introduce the Roy

20、al Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsD provide background knowledge for the discussion to be expanded (分数: 2.00 )A.B.C.D. V解析: 考点解析 本题是一道文章结构和段落功能题,测试考生对全文的整体把握能力。本题的答案信息 来源在第二段首句,尤其是该句中的转折词“ But”(但是)。一般而言,如果英语原文第二段首句含有转折 词( 例如: but , how, ever , yet , nevertheless 等) ,这表明第一段的功能一般是“为第二

21、段的深入讨论 进行相关信息的铺垫”或者“与第二段所陈述的信启、进行对立对比”。由此可以推断本题的正确选项是 D“provide background knowledge for the discussion to be expanded” (为接下来展开的讨论提供背景知识 ) 。(2) .The inconsistency in our routine lives is defined by enumerating.A the deeds conducted by Sir Thomas Foxwell BuxtonB the people who condemn the fur-trade b

22、ut merrily wear leatherC the understanding of the ancient times concerning a system of rightsD the comprehension of the way to the extremist (分数: 2.00 )A.B. VC.D.解析:考点解析 这是一道细节题,测试考生对原文整体结构的把握能力,以及对原文中同义词替换的识 别能力。本题的答案信息在第二段的第一句和尾句。第一句概括:人们的日常生活充满矛盾;尾句对第一 句的概括进行具体解释和阐述: 谴责皮毛贸易的人们却穿着皮衣。 可见本题的正确选项是 B“

23、the people who condemn the fur- trade but merrily wear leather”( 指责皮毛贸易却身穿皮革的人们) 。(3).It can be inferred from the third paragraph that.A the publics ignorance of scientific research results in attacks on scienceB a measure of mankinds humanity is taken into accountC confusion and contradiction resul

24、t from vulnerable campaignsD the debate is bound to aggravate in the next decade (分数: 2.00 )A. VB.C.D.解析: 考点解析 这是一道细节题,测试考生对原文中因果关系的识别、重视以及理解能力。本题的答案 信息来源在第三段尾句,该句是一个因果关系句。其大意是:“因为科学研究远离大多数人的日常生活, 所以科学研究特别容易受到指责和攻击。 ”由此可以推断本题的正确选项是A“the publics ignorance ofscientific research results in attacks on s

25、cience”( 公众对于科学研究缺乏知识导致对于科学研究的指责和攻击 ) 。(4).With which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?A Even if they deplore the activitists use of intimidation and violence, animal lovers everywhere can sure rejoice today.B Science does not deserve to be the target of protests, wha

26、tever you think of animal rights.C Over the years something good has come from the campaign against the animal industry.D It is a sensible move that Darley Oaks makes up its loss of guinea pigs with turkeys or dairy cows. (分数: 2.00 )A.B. VC.D.解析:考点解析 本题是一道细节题,测试考生对原文段落主题句的理解能力。本题的答案信息在第四段 的首句,该句的大意是

27、:“实际上,无论人们对动物权利做出何种界定,科学应该是最不应受到指责和攻 击的目标”。由此可以推断本文作者可能会认同 B 选项的内容,即“ Science does not deserve to be the target of protests, whatever you think of animal rights.”( 科学不应成为指责的目标,无论人们对动物权利抱有何种想法或观点。 )(5).In the text, a comparison is made so as to.A abolish the slave tradeB elaborate a higher purpose of

28、 animal researchC warn that mankind has a duty not to cause pain to animalsD assert that science is, by and large, kind to its animals (分数: 2.00 )A.B. VC.解析: 考点解析 本题是一道细节题,测试考生识别理解原文中常见语言基本结构的能力。本题的答案信息来源在第四段的尾句,该句中的“ justas” (正如一样)所表达的恰恰是一种比较” (comparison)。第四段尾句的作用是对第四段倒数第二句进行进一步的具体解释和说明。因此,第四段尾句中含

29、有的比较 结构是来具体说明解释“动物研究的目的是一个更高的目的”(Animal research is for a higherpurpose )。故本题的正确选项是B elaborate a higher purpose of animal research”(阐述动物研究的更高目的。 )五、Text 2 ( 总题数: 1,分数: 10.00)A bite of a cookie containing peanuts could cause the airway to constrict fatally. Sharing a toy with another child who had ea

30、rlier eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich could raise a case of hives. A peanut butter cup dropped in a Halloween bag could contaminate the rest of the treats, posing an unknown risk.These are the scenarios that make your bone marrow turn cold according to L. Val Giddings, vice president for fo

31、od and agriculture of the Biotechnology Industry Organization. Besides representing the policy interests of food biotech companies in Washington, D. C., Giddings is the father of a four-year-old boy with a severe peanut allergy. Peanuts are only one of the most allergenic foods; estimates of the num

32、ber of people who experience a reaction to the beanshoveraround 2 percent of the population.Giddings says that peanuts are only one of several foods that biotechnologists are altering genetically in an attempt to eliminate the proteins that do great harm to some peoples immune systems. Although soy

33、allergies do not usually cause life-threatening reactions, the scientists are also targeting soybeans, which can be found in two thirds of all manufactured food, making the supermarket a minefield for people allergic to soy. Biotechnologists are focusing on wheat, too, and might soon expand their re

34、search to the rest of the big eight allergy-inducingfoods:tree nuts, milk, eggs, shellfish and fish.Last September, for example, Anthony J. Kinney, a crop genetics researcher at DuPont Experimental Station in Wilmington, Del., and his colleagues reported using a technique called RNAinterference (RNA

35、i) to silence the genes that encode p34, a protein responsible for causing 65 percent of all soybean allergies. RNAi exploits the mechanism that cells use to protect themselves against foreign genetic material; it causes a cell to destroy RNA transcribed from a given gene, effectively turning off th

36、e gene.Whether the public will accept food genetically modified to be low-allergen is still unknown.Courtney Chabot Dreyer, a spokesperson for Pioneer Hi-Bred International, a subsidiary of DuPont, says that the company will conduct studies to determine whether a promising market exists for low alle

37、rgen soy before developing the seeds for sale to farmers. She estimates that PioneerHi-Bred is seven years away from commercializing the altered soybeans.Doug Gurian-Sherman, scientific director of the biotechnology project at the Center for Sciencein the Public Interest a group that has advocated e

38、nhanced Food and Drug Administration oversight for genetically modified foodscomments that his organization would not oppose low-allergenfoods if they prove to be safe. But he wonders about identity preservation a term used in the food industry to describe the deliberate separation of genetically en

39、gineered and no nengineered products. A batch of nonengineered peanuts or soybeans might contaminate machinery reserved for low-allergen versions, he suggests, reducing the benefit of the gene-altered food. Such issuesof identity preservation could makelow-allergen genetically modified foods too cos

40、tly to produce, Chabot Dreyer admits. But, she says, its still too early to see if thats true. /(分数: 10.00 )(1) . According to the text, foods have been genetically altered to.A taste more deliciousB to cure peoples ineffectiveness in immune systemC to promote sales of peanutD to lower the chance to

41、 get allergy (分数: 2.00 )A.B.C.D. V解析: 考点 事实细节 解析 本文的前两段都在讲食品过敏的问题,对转基因只字未提,而文章的第一个问题问的却是转基因的 问题,那就说明转基因这个话题跟文章前两段有必然联系。倘若前两段的内容与转基因无关,那么就根本 没有存在的价值,不会被保留下来。所以这道题的解题思路:判断出问题不是主旨题,进而判断问题跟文 章前面部分内容相关,从而把过敏和转基因联系起来。如上所分析,我们初步判断出过敏与转基因技术之 间有联系后,就要找出是何种联系,由于文章的第一、二段未提及转基因,我们就从第三段开始找。第三段的第一句话就指出了:人们通过转基因技术

42、改造食品,从而降低过敏的风险。因此选项D是正确答案。 干扰项分析 选项 A、C 在文中都没有提及,况且这两个选项都仅仅局限于文中所举花生这个例子本身,并未上升到一定高度,因此容易被排除。选项B脱离了例子本身,具有一定的迷惑性。immune只在文中第三段出现一次,但第三段明确指出了转基因技术是通过去除一些让人类过敏的蛋白质,从而达到降低过敏 几率的效果,其目的不是治疗人类的免疫系统后文也再没有提及人类免疫系统,因此选项B可以排除。(2). What can be inferred about genetically modified foods from the text?A People do

43、 not accept any genetically modified foods.B All genetically modified foods will be of benefit to peoples health.C Genetically modified foods still have a long way to go.D Genetically modified foods will soon be sold in supermarkets.(分数: 2.00 )A.B.C. VD.解析: 考点 事实细节 解析 本题着重考查文中关于转基因食品的论述。由于文章的第一、二段主要

44、是列出现象和提出问题,并未展开讨论,文章的第三、四段又重在介绍转基因技术,也没有讨论,文章的第五、六两段则是论述转基 因技术面临的挑战,重点讨论。文章在第五、六段分别论述了转基因食品面临的两个挑战:其一,人们对 转基因食品的态度不可知,因此技术的市场化需要时间;其二,身份保留问题,即没有经过转基因处理的 食品是否会影响转基因食品。这两点都说明了目前转基因食品仍然不成熟。选项C符合题意,是正确答案。另外,第五段末中提到转基因技术要市场化至少需要七年时间,这也在某种程度上给了考生提示,也暗示 了答案应该是 C。 干扰项分析 尽管后面两段提到了转基因食品面临的挑战,但第五段第一句话就指出,人们对转基

45、因食品 的态度还不可知,因此很容易排除选项A。本文只是提到人们可以利用转基因食品降低食品过敏几率,而且连这一点都受到了挑战,文章并未提到所有转基因食品对人们健康有利,选项B属于典型的原意扩大,因此排除。选项D与文章第五段提到的至少需要七年才能让转基因种子出售之间存在明显的逻辑矛盾,因 此予以排除。(3). According to the text, which of the following statements is true?A Genetically modified foods have been supervised by the authority.B Genetically

46、modified foods have proved to be safe.C The nonengineered foods absolutely can be contaminated by the engineered foods.D The engineered foods are immediately profitable for the food companies.(分数: 2.00 )A. VB.C.解析: 考点 推理判断 解析 通读全文,我们把本题定位在最后两段的议论上。文章在最后一段第一句话提到“公共利益科学中心一贯要求食品与药品管理局加大对转基因食品的监控”,其中enh

47、anced(加大)一词就说明目前食品与药品管理局对转基因食品有监控措施,只不过公共利益科学中心认为这种监控力度不够,所以选项A是正确答案。 干扰项分析 文章只是提到了转基因食品面临的挑战,并没有明确指出转基因食品被证明安全或不安全, 选项B属于文章没有提到的内容,因此可以排除。虽然前面提到了转基因食品可以降低食品过敏几率,但 并不足以说明转基因食品被证明是安全的。文章最后一段所谓“身份保留问题”实际上就是关于非转基因 食品是否会污染转基因食品的讨论。关于这一问题有两种观点,第一种观点很容易看出来,DougGurian-Sherman 认为会存在污染,第二种观点就隐晦得多, Chabot Dre

48、yer 。认为这个问题也许会增加成 本,但最后一句话至关重要,“ it s still too early to see if thats true ”,其中 it 就是指是否污染的问题,显然后者对污染与否持怀疑态度。换句话说,对于这个问题人们还没有定论,所以选项C可以排除。至于选项 D,很多考生都容易想到新技术带来利益是很正常的,但千万不要忘了immediately(立刻) 这个单词。文章第五段提到要卖转基因种子给农民至少要等七年,言下之意,在搞清楚市场潜力之前, 转基因食品不会立刻上市,因此也就不会立刻带来利益,故排除D项。(4). From the text, we can know t

49、hat RNAi.A can deprive cells of certain mechanismB can protect cells against foreign genetic materialC can be effective on 34 kinds of genesD can cause soybean allergies (分数: 2.00 )A. VB.C.D.解析: 考点 事实细节 解析 我们很容易把它定位到第四段。第四段提到了人们对食物过敏主要是由于某些蛋白质引起,而转基因技术就是去除这些蛋白质,从而减低食品过敏的几率。RNAi技术实际上分为两步:第一,先破坏了细胞抗外来

50、基因的机制;第二,让细胞破坏掉从特定基因转录而来的RNA从而有效去掉该基因。因此选项A符合原文意思,是正确答案。干扰项分析本题难点在于原文相关句子比较复杂。选项B正好与原文意思相反,原文是要除去细胞抗外来干扰的机制而不是保护,如果保护了细胞,那又如何能改变基因呢?选项C属于典型的数字干扰,原文确 实提到了数字34,不过那是一种引起过敏反应的蛋白质的编号。选项D也正好与原文意思相反,RNAi技术的目的是降低过敏几率,而不是引起过敏,因此应当排除。(5). What is the authors attitude towards genetically modified foods?A Suppo

51、rtive. B Unbiased. C Partial. D Skeptical.(分数: 2.00 )A.B. VC.D.解析: 考点 观点态度 解析 文章的第一、二段提出现象和问题,第三、四段论述技术的细节,最后两段才是对技术的讨论和评 价。因此,要想明白作者的态度,我们只需关注最后两段。本文最后提出了转基因技术面临的两大挑战: 其一,由于不知人们对转基因食品是否接受,因此要一定时间才能推向市场;其二,身份保留问题。既有 人担忧,也有人提出该问题是否存在还言之过早。我们可以看出,作者重在论述转基因技术面临挑战的客 观事实,并没有明确表示褒贬,因此选项B符合题意。另外,考生还应当注意表示客

52、观的同义词:impartial 、 objective 、detached 等。干扰项分析选项C最容易排除,从某种意义上说,一般作者的态度不会是 partial “偏心的”、biased “有 偏见的” indifferent“漠不关心的,故首先排除C项。从文中我们不难看出,作者并未表示支持哪一派的观点。因此选项 A D也应当排除。答案为 B项。六、Text 3 (总题数:1,分数:10.00)Seven years ago, a group of female scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology produced a

53、 piece of research showing that senior women professors in the institutes school of science had lower salaries and received fewer resources for research than their male counterparts did.Discrimination against female scientists has cropped up elsewhere. Onestudy conducted in Sweden, of all placesshow

54、ed that female medical-research scientists had to be twice as good as men towin research grants. These pieces of work, though, were relatively small-scale. Now, a much larger study has found that discrimination plays a role in the pay gap between male and female scientists at British universities.Sa

55、ra Connolly, a researcher at the University of East Anglias school of economics, has been analyzing the results of a survey of over 7,000 scientists and she has just presented her findings at this years meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Norwich. She found that the

56、average pay gap between male and female academics working in science, engineering and technology is around 1,500 ($2,850) a year.That is not, of course, irrefutable proof of discrimination. An alternative hypothesis is thatthe courses of mens and womens lives mean the gap is caused by something else

57、; women takingcareer breaks to have children, for example, and thus rising more slowly through the hierarchy. Unfortunately for that idea, Dr. Connolly found that men are also likely to earn more within any given grade of the hierarchy. Male professors, for example, earn over 4,000 a year more thanf

58、emale ones.To prove the point beyond doubt, Dr. Connolly worked out how much of the overall pay differential was explained by differences such as seniority, experience and age, and how much was unexplained, and therefore suggestive of discrimination. Explicable differences amounted to 77%of the over

59、all pay gap between the sexes. That still left a substantial 23% gap in pay, which Dr. Connolly attributes to discrimination.Besides pay, her study also looked at the glass-ceiling effect namely that at all stages ofa womans career she is less likely than her male colleagues to be promoted. Between

60、postdoctoral and lecturer level, men are more likely to be promoted than women are, by a factor of between1.04 and 2.45. Such differences are bigger at higher grades, with the hardest move of all being for a woman to settle into a professorial chair.Of course, it might be that, at each grade, men do

61、 more work than women, to make themselves more eligible for promotion. But that explanation, too, seems to be wrong. Unlike the previous studies, Dr. Connollys compared the experience of scientists in universities with that of those in other sorts of laboratory. It turns out that female academic res

62、earchers face more barriers to promotion, and have a wider gap between their pay and that of their male counterparts, than do their sisters in industry or research institutes independent of universities. Private enterprise, in other words, delivers more equality than the supposedly egalitarian world of academia does.(分数:10.00)(1).The phrase cropped up in the first paragraph most probably means

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