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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上欢乐美语Program 1 Happy Birthday 生日快乐 Program 2 A Great Idea 好主意 Program 3 Music Under the Stars 露天音乐会 Program 4 Two for the Road 结伴同行 Program 5 Driving Lessons 驾驶课 Program 6 Power of the Press 报纸显神通 Program 7 A Country Fair 集市探奇 Program 8 Write for the Job 求职信 Program 9 A Woolly Adventure

2、顾客至上 Program 10 The Heart of Country Music 乡村音乐胜地 Program 11 After-school Activities 课余活动 Program 13 Take Me Out to the Ball Game 棒赛记趣 Program 14 New Orleans: A Mix of Cultures 文化熔炉 Program 15 A House Call 出诊记 Program 16 Washington,D.C, the Nations Captial 首府之行 Program 17 A Picinc Indoors 室内野餐 Progr

3、am 18 Go West, Young Man 西部览胜 Program 19 Just Like the Old Days 旧梦重温 Program 20 The Spirit of the West Program 21 A Computer Does the Job 电脑助诊 Program 22 The Ways of the Navojos 印第安民俗 Program 23 Music! Music! Music! 音乐启蒙 Program 24 A Newspaper Deadline 初试锋芒 Program 25 A Day on the Farm 农场一日 Program

4、26 A Surprise Party 惊喜派对 Program 27 Moving In 近邻胜远亲 Program 28 Just the Two of us 你我度今宵 Program 29 I Mean To 无心之失 Program 30 A Song From Long Ago 旧曲难忘 Program 31 Recycling Program 32 A Getaway Vacation 如愿以偿 Program 33 Its a Deal 一言为定 Program 34 The Great Northwest 西北奇观 Program 35 Ethnic Food 风味菜肴 Pr

5、ogram 36 Riverdale Day 小镇公益日 Program 37 On the Nature Trail 走向大自然1 Happy Birthday生日快乐 INTRODUCTION TO ACT I Welcome to TUNING IN THE U.S.A. Today of the Stewart family. The Stewarts are having a birthday party for Richard, one of the three Stewart children. Today is Richards thirtieth birthday. RICH

6、ARDS MOTHER Ellen, his wife Marilyn, and his brother Robbie are all there. His grandfather is there, too. There is a cake. There is singing. And there are presents, including an unusual present from Richards grandfather. ACT I The family sings “ Happy Birthday” to Richard. Richard: Thanks, everyday.

7、 Robbie: Hey, Im hungry, Richard, Lets cut the cake. Richard: Hold on a minute, Robbie. Maybe we should wait for Dad to get home. What do you think, Mom? Ellen: Oh, Richard. You know your father. He may stay late at the hospital. Richard: Ah, the life of a busy doctor. Robbie: Go ahead. Cut the cake

8、. Ellen: Sure, Richard. We can save a piece for Dad. Grandpa: So, Richard, how does it feel to be thirty years old? Some of us cant remember! Richard: Ill be honest, Grandpa. Being thirty feels the same as twenty-nine. He laughs. Well, maybe better! Grandpa: Listen to an old-timer. It gets better an

9、d better! Ellen: Your grandfather is right. It does get better. Look, you have an exciting photography project ahead. Richard: And I have Marilyn, my beautiful wife. Marilyn: Ah-ha-ha! Phillip: He enters. Hello. Im home. All: Hi, Dad. Philip: Am I in time? Richard: Yes. Ellen: Just in time. Philip:

10、Hi, Ellen. They kiss. Ellen: Perfect timing, Philip. Were cutting this beautiful chocolate cake. Philip: Sorry Im late, Richard. There was a lot to do at the hospital. Richard: Oh, come on, Dad, Were just glad you made it. Philip: Of course I made it. A son only turns thirty years old once. Hey! Tha

11、t is a beautiful cake. Richard: Here you go, Dad. A big piece. Philip: Mmm. He laughs. This tastes great. Wow! Who made this? Richard: The wife of the birthday boy. Philip: Mmmm. Marilyn. Marilyn: Thanks you, Philip. Grandpa: I think its time to give Richard his birthday presents. May I begin? Ellen

12、: Of course. Philip: Sure. Grandpa: Richard, soon you will be traveling around America. Youll have lots of time alone. And I think you will love this. He gives Richard a birthday present. Richard: A harmonica? Thanks, Grandpa. But I dont really know how to play the harmonica. Grandpa: No? Well, let

13、me show you. INTRODUCTION TO ACT II This time on TUNING IN THE U.S.A., we join the Stewart family again at Richards thirtieth birthday party. In our last story, Grandpa Stewart gave Richard the gift of a harmonica. And as this story begins, Grandpa is teaching Richard to play it. During the party, a

14、nother member of the family calls from Chicago. And after the phone call, Richards wife Marilyn gives him another special present. ACT II Grandpa plays “ Happy Birthday” on the harmonica. Richard: That sounds great, Grandpa. May I try? Grandpa: Of course you can try it, Richard. Its your harmonica.

15、Marilyn: Go ahead, honey. Give it a try. Grandpa: Yes. Ellen: Go on. Richard: He clears his throat. Here it goes. He tries to play” Happy Birthday” on the harmonica Ellen joins in on the piano. They laugh. Thanks for the help on the piano, Mon! I need time to practice. Robbie: Lots of time, Id say.

16、Ellen: All right, Robbie. Hell soon learn to play well. We Stewarts have a good ear for music. And , Richard, you will have a lot of practice time on the road. Richard: If you say so, Mom. Youre the music teacher. Grandpa: Where are you going on your trip, Richard? Do you know yet? Richard: Not exac

17、tly. My book will need photographs from all over the United States. Grandpa: But America is a big country. Where will you start? Richard: Im going south. The telephone rings. Richard: Telephone, Ill get it. Ellen: Its probably your sister Susan. Richard: He picks up the receiver. Hello. Susan: Happy

18、 birthday, big brother. Richard: Hey, thanks, Susan. Where are you? Susan: Im in Chicago. At the toy makers convention. Richard: Are you having fun? 2 A Great Idea 好主意NTRODUCTION TO ACT IToday onin the U.S.A., Were in New York City, at the office of the American toymakers. Susan Stewart has a meetin

19、g with Mr. Martinez, the president of the association. She tells him about her new idea. She wants to start a program to give toys to children in hospitals. But she needs help. She wants toy companies to give the toys. Maybe Mr. Martinez will offer Susan his help.Act IReceptionist speaking into the

20、telephone Receptionist=R, Susan=SR: National Toy Association. May I help you? One moment, please. She pushes a button on the telephone. Theres a call for Mr. Donahue on line one. to Susan Hello. May I help you?S: Good Morning. Yes. My name is Susan, and Im here to see Mr. Martinez.R: I see you have

21、an 11:30 appointment.S: Im a little early.R: Please have a seat. Ill call him. He may be able to see you now. She speaks into the telephone. Susan Stewart is here to see you Fine. Ill send her in. She hangs up the phone. Hell see you now. His office is the first door on the left.S: Thank you. She wa

22、lks to Mr. Martinezs office. Hello, Its me.M: Come in, come in, Susan. Its good to see you again. Please sit down.S: Im glad you had time to see me.M: For you, I always have time. What can I do for you?S: Well, I have aidea. I want you to hear about it.M: Oh?S: Yes. There are thousands of children i

23、n hospitals across the country. Some of them are very sick. And they are spending monthsand in bed.M: Oh, I know about children in hospitals.S: Form your own experience?M: Yes. My nephew was in a hospital with cancer. He was 5 years old.S: Oh, dear! Im sorry to hear that.M: Oh, hes better now. Thank

24、. But the poor child spent 8 months in bed.S: And he uncle brought toys to him, right?M: Yes, and he loves them. They were his friends, his world, his life.S: Then youre going to love my plan. I want to ask toy companies to give toys to hospitals.M: Do you think thewill want to help?S: Yes, I think

25、so. Its good. And, of course, everyone loves children.M: You know, it might work. But whos going to organize the program?S: I am. Ill contact all the childrens hospitals in the country. And my volunteer helper will contact all the toy.M: Thats a lot work.S: I have a computer. And I hope to have a ve

26、ry good helper, a very important, powerful, and intelligent man.M: Ahem! .Also very busy.S: Oh, remember your little nephew.M: Yes, of course. Im gladly help.S: Great! Now, how about letting me buy you lunch.M: Well, since youre buying, I am hungry. Lets go.INTRODUCTION TO ACT IIThis time on TUNING

27、IN THE U.S.A., we join Susan Stewart at Riverdale Hospital. Her father, Dr. Philip Stewart,there as a childrens doctor, a pediatrician. Susan tells her father and his young patient Jimmy, about her new idea-giving toys to children in hospitals. Shes excited because Mr. Martinez, the president of the

28、 American toymakers association, is going to help her. Dr. Stewart loves her idea, and he offers some helpful suggestions.Act IISusan=Su, Nurse=Nu, Philip=Ph, Jimmy=JiS: Excuse me, nurse?N: May I help you?S: Im looking for my father, Dr. Stewart.N: Hes down the hall in room two oh two.Susan walks do

29、wn the hall to that room.S: Hello? May I come in?P: Susan! Of course! Come in. Meet Jimmy Kronski.S: Hello, Jimmy. How are you today?J: sadly Fine.Su: Well, you dont sound very happy.Ph: After three weeks in this bed, hes, well, a little unhappy.Su: Why is he here? Nothing serious, I hope.Ph: No, no

30、t really. A broken leg with someproblems. But hes OK. Next week hes going home. Right, Jimmy?Ji: I hope so.Su: Do you like tigers, Jimmy?Ji: Yes, I do. I love to see them at the zoo.Su: Well, I have one here for you. And this one doesnt bite.Ji: Wow! A toy tiger! Thank you.Su: Oh, its my pleasure.Ph

31、: How nice, Susan. Where did you get it?Su: I had a wonderful meeting with the president of the American toymakers association, Mr. Martinez.Ph: And he gave you thisanimal?Su: Dad! He gave me a thousand stuffed animals.Ji: A thousand? Wow!Su: Were working together on a marvelous project.Ph: Oh?Susan

32、: Were asking toy manufacturers to give toys to children in hospitals.Ji: Like me!Susan: Right! But I have a problem.Philip: A problem?Su: I have to contact all the childrens hospitals in the country. Hundreds of them. I cant them all on the telephone, and Im afraid that letters will go to the wrong

33、 people.Ph: Is that all?Su: No. We also need to find volunteers to distribute the toys. We can give the toys to them, and they can give them to the children.Ph: Well, I have an idea. Send a letter to our professional magazine, American Hospital magazine. Explain your idea. Tell them you need local v

34、olunteers. Maybe theyll write a short article with your name, address, and phone number.Su: Perfect! Thanks for the great idea!Ph: Dont mention it. The great idea was yours. Im just trying to help. In fact Id like to help by organizing the program here at Riverdale Hospital.Ji: What about me? I want

35、 to help, too.Ph: Ok. You can be my assistant.Ji: Wow!Su: And youre the best Dad in the world.3 Music Under the Stars 露天音乐会TO ACT IToday onIN THE U.S.A., we are with Robbie and Richard Stewart at their familys home in Riverdale, New York. Robbie is waiting for Alexandra. She is only in theStates for

36、 a year. She is an exchange student from Greece. Alexandra arrives with hercousin Andreas. Hes visiting the United States. Robbie, Alexandra, and Andreas decide to go to a concert. But they have no way to get there. None of them can drive.ACT IRichard: Hey, Robbie!Robbie: Oh, hi, Richard. What time

37、is it?Richard: Umm. Its twenty after four. Hey, how do you like my tape recorder?Robbie: It has good sound. I found a great tape. Listen to this one. He plays a tape.Richard: Yeah, not bad.Robbie: What time is it?Richard: You just asked me that. Now its twenty-one minutes after four. Expecting someb

38、ody?Robbie: Yes. Alexandra is coming over.Richard: Hey, I think I see her walking up the sidewalk right now.Robbie: She is? Alexandra? Are you kidding?Richard leaves the room. The doorbell rings. Robbie answers the door. Alexandra and Andreas arethere.Robbie: Hello, Alexander.Alexander: Hi, Robby.Ro

39、: Good to see you, come on in.Alexander: I want you to see somebody. This is my cousin Andrews. He is visiting from Greece. Andrews, this is my friend, Robbie.Ro: Im glad to meet you, Andreas.Andrews: The pleasure is mine.Al: Whats this?Ro: Richard has a new tape recorder. Im listening to tapes.Al:

40、Oh. You should hear Andreass new tape. He has it with him.Ro: Oh, good. I want to hear it. They listen to the tapeRo: Andrews, this is a great band.Al: Theyre playing at Long Island University. Tonight, Andreas wants to go.AN: Why dont we all go?Ro: I dont think we can go.Al: Why not?Ro: The buses s

41、top running early. And the concert may run late.An: Ah! We do have a problem. We need someone to drive us.Ri: He enters. Hey, Rob, thats a great sound. Hi, Alexandra. How are you?AL: Hi, Richard. This is my cousin Andrews.Ri: Nice to meet you, Andrews. Say, thats a band. I like it. Yeah, I like it a

42、 lot.RO, Al, An: You do?Ro: Uh Sit down, Richard. Join us. You say you like this band? Well, you have a chance to go to one of their live concerts.Al: With us!Ro: Tonight!Ri: Thanks. But, Robbie, Why do you want your big brother to go along?Ro: Well, you have the car.Ri: Aha!INTRODUCTION TO ACT IITh

43、is time on TUNING IN THE U.S.A., Robbie Stewart, his friend Alexandra Pappas, and her cousin Andreas are going to hear a favorite rock-and-roll band. Robbies brother Richard drives them there. Its an outdoor concert. They will be listening to the music under the night stars.ACT IIRichard: OK. Were h

44、ere. We were lucky to find a place to park.Robbie: Its so crowded. A lot of people must like this band.Richard: And I never heard of this band before today!Robbie: Of course not, Richard. Its rock-and-roll. Youre too oldRichard: Thats not true. I listened to rock-and-roll all the time. I mean, great

45、 rock-and-roll.Robbie: Hey, theres a good topic for a school paper:“Hit Songs of the Stone Age.”He laughs.Richard: All right, little brother. Did you bring something to sit on, like a blanket?Robbie: Its right here, Richard.Richard: Alexandra, you have the food.Alexandra:chicken, potato salad, slice

46、d tomatoes, and.Richard: Then lets go! Let the good times roll!Alexandra: Let the good times roll?Richard: Its a line from a great old rock-and-roll song.Andreas: From nineteen sixty.Richard: Hey, Youre right! Good for you, Andreas! How did you know that?Andreas: I like music.Richard: You can say th

47、at again! You sure do.Andreas: I went to an outdoor concert in Massachusetts. At the end, they let a hundred balloons sail to the sky. It was beautiful.Richard: Andreas, how many concerts do you go to? You went here. You went there. He laughs. Dont you do anything else?Andreas: I love music.Robbie:

48、All kinds of music?Andreas: I dont love all kinds, but I am interested in all kinds. Back in Greece, at the university, I have a radio show.Richard: What is the name of your show?Andreas: “Music from Around the World.”Richard: You know, there are many different kinds of music in the United States. T

49、heres jazz from New Orleans. And theres country music from Nashville. Do you know about Nashville?Andreas: Of course. And theres rock-and-roll.They hear the band beginning to playAndreas: It sounds like they are starting. Lets hurry.Al: I never went to an outdoor concert before. Where do we sit?Ri:

50、We spread out the blanket and sit under the stars. Its nice.They walk to the concert area.Ri: This looks like a good place.An: Yes, I can see the stage.Ri: Here we are. Theres plenty of room for the blanket.Al: Richard, is that blanket big enough for the four of us to sit on?Ri: I think so. Well jus

51、t have to sit close together.Ro: Thats OK. Here, Alexandra. You should sit next to me.4 Two for the Road 结伴同行INTRODUCTIN TO ACT IToday onIN THE U.S.A., were outside the Stewarts house. Grandpa Stewart isRichard to prepare his car for a long trip. It will be a working trip, a chance for Richard to ta

52、ke photographs for his book FAMILY, U.S.A. Its a book about theStates. Grandpa repairs the radio in Richards old car. At the same time, Richard is packing the trunk of his car. Alexandra, the Stewarts young friend from Greece, soon arrives. And she brings some interesting news.ACT IGrandpa: Hows it

53、going, Richard? Can you fit it all in the trunk?Richard: Uh, I think so, Grandpa. Hows the radio?Grandpa: I think I can fix it. He tries. Oh! That did it. A wire was loose.Richard: Hey, good job. He puts on loud music. Hear that, Grandpa? The old radiobeautifully.Grandpa: Beautifully?Richard: Well,

54、lets say it works. Sorry about that. You can change it.Grandpa: He selects amusic station. Oh, I know this music! Your grandmother loved this piano piece.Richard: Uh, the packing is done! Thats- Oh, no! Heres my tent.Grandpa: You forgot to pack it?Richard: Yup.Grandpa: You must take your tent. Then

55、you can sleep anywhere. Dont worry. Well find room for it. Im good at packing cars. I traveled a lot in my business. There. See? The tent fits in the corner.Richard: Youre great, Grandpa. Thanks. For a while, it looked like I had a real problem.Alexandra: She enters. Hi! What problem are you talking

56、 about?Richard: Oh, hey there, Alexandra! Where did you come from?Alexandra: I came from the train station. Hi, Mr. Stewart.Grandpa: Hello, Alexandra.Alexandra: Whats the problem?Richard: No problem. Grandpa solved it. He fit all my things in the trunk of my car.Alexandra: Oh, youre leaving on your

57、trip. What are you taking with you?Richard: Im taking cameras, a tent, a sleeping bag, clothes to wear, my new tape recorderGrandpa: And your new harmonica.Richard: Its right here in my pocket. See? He plays the harmonica for a moment. They all laugh. By the way, Alexandra, what were you doing at th

58、e train station?Alexandra: Saying good-bye to my cousin Andreas. Hes taking the train to Nashville.Richard: Nashville, Tennessee?Alexandra: Yes. His train comes in about a half an hour.Richard: But I will be going to Nashville! He should travel with me!Alexandra: You can give him a ride?Richard: I w

59、ould love to travel with someone. Cmon, Grandpa. Alexandra! Lets hurry to the station and find Andreas. We dont have a minute to lose.Grandpa: Climb in, Alexandra! Lets go!TO ACT IIThis time on TUNING IN THE U.S.A., Richard and Grandpa Stewart and Alexandra Pappas are hurrying to the train station.

60、Alexandras cousin Andreas is there, waiting for a train to take him to Nashville, Tennessee. By chance, Richard is also planning a trip to Nashville. And instead of traveling by himself, Richard wants to offer Andreas a ride in his car. Richard, Grandpa, and Alexandra hurry to the train station. But

61、 there is a lot of traffic. The train is coming very soon. Will Andreas still be at the station?ACT IIAlexandra: I think were going to miss the train. Must we go this slowly?Richard: Yes, we must. As they say,” Its better to be safe than sorry.”Alexandra: What does that mean?Richard: Itwe dont want

62、to have an accident.Grandpa: Richard, I think you missed the turn.Richard: No, Grandpa. There are still four or five blocks to go. Then we have to turn right.Grandpa: Doesnt Ellen always turn next to the school?Richard: Sometimes, Grandpa. But thats a slow way to go. Were in a hurry.Al: Oh no! Theres another traff

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