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1、BritainUnit 1 & unit 21. The full name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The island of Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland and Wales. 2. UK=Great Britain + Northern Ireland3. Great Britain =England +Scotland + Wales 4. London is the largest

2、city located in the south of the country. It is dominant in Britain in all sorts of ways. It is the culture and business center and the headquarters of the vast majority of Britains big companies. It is not only the financial center of the nation, but also one of the three major international financ

3、ial centers in the world.5. Anglo-SaxonsThey were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down in England from the 5th century. They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders of England6. The capital of each country :England: LondonScotland: Edinburgh (Scotland is the second

4、largest of the four nations;Scotlands largest city is Glasgow.) Wales: Cardiff (In 1536, Wales was brought legally, administratively, and politically into the UK by an act of the British parliament.) Northern Ireland(often called Ulster): Belfast (the IRA: Irish Republican Army, 爱尔兰共和军,一个非官方半军事组织,19

5、19年正式成立。)5. In 1707 by agreement of the English and Scottish parliaments, Scotland joined the Union. 6. The four major invasions in the history of Great Britain : At first, England was occupied by Celtic people. Then in 43AD Britain was invaded by the Roman empire. Result: England and Wales became a

6、 part of the Roman empire for nearly 400 years. the Angle-Saxon invaded.Result: The land they lived became Angle-land,later changed into England, the language they spoken became English.the Vikings invaded.Result in a certain cultural divide between northerners and southerners in England, which can

7、be expressed as Saxon versus Dane. the Normans , William of Normandy invaded this country.Result: This marks the last time that an army from outside the British Isles succeeded in invading顺序Celts (E, S, I, 500BC) Roman (E, W, 43AD) Anglo-Saxon (E, 5century) Vikings (E, 8century) Norman (E, 11century

8、)推荐精选Unit 31、Britain is arguably the oldest representative democracy in the world.2、Divine right of kings : It was held that the sovereign derived his authority from God, not from his subjects. 3、Roundheads (圆颅党):Roundheadsthe Whigsthe Liberal Party Cavaliers (骑士派):Cavaliers the Toriesthe Conservati

9、ve party(保皇党)/Royalists4、Magna Carta (英国大宪章):Limit the kings ability to abuse his royal power. 5、The Bill of Rights :It was passed in 1689 to ensure that the King would never be able to ignore Parliament. ( William of Orange 时期) 6、the Great Council(大议会)7、The civil war:内战。为了保障议会的权力,议会圆颅党在克伦威尔(Oliver

10、Cromwell)的领导下,与支持查理一世的保皇党人之间发生了内战,议会派获胜。查理一世与1649年被处决。8、Cabinet(内阁):an organization the king or queen met regularly with a group of important Parliamentarians ensured good relations between Crown and Parliament; Prime minister( 总理,首相) The Prime Minister is the leader of his party in the House of Com

11、mons The Prime Minister Informs the Queen of government decisions The Prime Minister is the head of government The Prime Minister is the chief spokesman for the government.9、Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.英国既是一个代议民主制国家,有是一个君主立宪制国家。 10、MP(Members of Parliament

12、):a group members are from the Parliament. Some of them inherited the seat from their forefathers or been appointed by the sovereign. Others were elected by the people. Parliament 1、 The foundations of parliament are: to pass laws, to vote for taxation, to scrutinize government policy, administratio

13、n and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day.2、 Parliament is the supreme in the Britain state because it alone has the power to change the terms of the Constitution.3、 Strictly speaking, the parliament today consists of the Queen, the House of the Lords and the House of the Commons.T

14、he role of the monarchy1、 The queen, however, because she is non-political, belongs to everybody. Under the terms of the executive, an integral part of the legislature, head of the judiciary, commander in chief of the armed forces and “supreme governor” of the Church of England.2、 The queens most im

15、portant jobs: to represent Britain at home and abroad, to set standards of good citizenship and family life, is that of a confidante to the Prime Minister(the queen has had weekly(Tuesday) chats with Prime Minster)推荐精选3、 Windsor Castle温莎堡,一个王室住所The House of the Lords and the House of the Commons1、 T

16、he House of the Lords (上议院)The House of the Lords consists of the Lords Spiritual, who are the Archbishops and most prominent bishops of the Church of England: and the Lords Temporal, which refers to those lords who either have inherited the seat from their forefather or they have been appointed. Th

17、e lords mainly represent themselves instead of the interests of the public.2、 The House of the Commons (下议院)The House of the Commons is the real center of Britain political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives (members of parliament) make and debate policy. These MPs

18、are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.Unit 4General Elections1. The importance of general elections General elections are very importance in western democracy. According to the author, they provide opportunities for people to influenc

19、e future government policies and to replace those incompetent political leaders. 2. 英国通常每5年进行一次大选,在651个选区内选出651名议员。Lords (上议院议员,大多是世袭贵族)因在上议院中已有被封的席位,所以不能参加选举。3. The formation of the government 651 members of parliament are elected in the general election representing 651 constituencies in the UK. T

20、he party which holds a majority of those “seats” in parliament forms the government, with its party leader as the Prime Minister.4. The electoral campaignsBefore a general election, the political parties would start their electoral campaigns in order to make their ideologies and policies known to th

21、e public. The campaign involves advertisements in newspaper, door-to-door campaigning, postal deliveries of leaflets and “party electoral broadcasts” on the television. The parties also try to attack and criticize the opponents policies. Therefore, these campaigns sometimes can be quite aggressive a

22、nd critical.The political parties1. There are three major national parties: The Conservative party(保守党), the Labour party(工党) and Liberal Democrats(民主党)2. The Conservative Party: it is the party that spent most time in power. They protect the individuals right to acquire wealth and to spend it how t

23、hey choose, such as low taxes. They represent the interest of the businessman or the upper-class.The Labour Party: its the party created by the growing trade union movement at the end of the nineteenth century. They see the government should transfer wealth from richer to poorer by means of taxing t

24、he richer part of society and providing support to the poorer part of society.推荐精选 They represent the interest of the poorer or the middle-class.3.What are the differences between the Labour Party and the Conservative Party?Time: labourthe newest of these three parties; conservative the party spent

25、most time in powerEntity本质: laboura socialist party; conservativean individual partyEffort: labourtransfer wealth from richer to poorer by taxing the rich, meanwhile, provide social support for the poorer part of the society. Conservativeprotect the individuals right to acquire wealth and to spend i

26、t how they choose; advocate low tax.The origin of funds: labourlargely funded by trade union; conservationfunded by big companies.4. Please briefly describe the biggest difference between the British political system and the American political system.The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy,

27、the King is a symbol of Heads of State, and was the hereditary system. The cabinet Prime Minister leading the government and actually manage the country. The lower House and upper House of the equivalent of United States House of representatives and the Senate.The United States is Republican State;

28、the President is the head of State, elected once every four years. The State Council, led by the Secretary of State to the President. Congress is composed by the House of Representatives and the senator. Unit 51. Relative decline of the UK economyThe UK has experienced an economic decline since 1945

29、. But this is a relative decline rather than an absolute one. Britain is wealthier and more productive than it was in 1945, but since other countries developed more rapidly, it has slid from being the second largest economy to being the sixth.The reason for its relative decline :the country had gone

30、 heavily into debt in order to finance the warthe era of empire was overLarge military expensesOutdated industries and less-competitive productsA lack of close relationship between industry and banks2. “The city”“The city” refers to the historic area at the center of London. It is one of the biggest

31、 financial centers in the world with the greatest concentration of banks, insurance companies and businesses dealing in commodities. At the heart of the city is the London Stock Exchange.3. The division of British industries:Primary industries (mining industry 矿业)Secondary industries (steel industry

32、钢铁业)Tertiary industries (insurance 保险, the selling of goods)推荐精选3. The aerospace industry in the UKThe UKs aerospace industry is the third-largest in the world, producing the full range of aerospace products from civil and military aircrafts to missiles, satellites and jet engines. It produces 2% of

33、 the UK national output, accounting for 8% of manufactured export goods.Unit 71. The purpose of the British education system:1 provide children with literacy and the other basic skills 2 socialize children3 children are taught practical skills4 learn the rules and values5 participate in the communit

34、y6 Contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy. 2. The influence of the church on schooling:l Education was voluntary and many of the schools that existed were set up by churches.l religious education was the only subject l Daily prayers and singing hymns is still a regul

35、ar part of school life3. The National Curriculum:l All children throughout the country must study the following subjects: English, mathematics, science, religious education, history, geography, technology, music, art, physical education, and a modern foreign language. l All children throughout the c

36、ountry must pass national tests and schools.l All teachers are told what to teach and their schools are now ranked according to how well they perform this task. 4. State school:93% of pupils receive free education from the public sector.5. Independent schools(public schools/ private schools):Indepen

37、dent schools are not part of the national education system. These school are restricted to the students whose parents are comparatively rich.Eton schoolWinchester College6. Comprehensive school:Entrance exams were abolished废除.Such schools provide a general education. Pupils can study everything from

38、 academic subjects like literature and sciences, to more practical subjects like cooking and carpentry.7. Grammar school:推荐精选Those who show academic potential are admitted to the grammar schools where the emphasis is on advanced academic work rather than the more general curriculum of the comprehens

39、ive schools and expect many of their pupils to go on to universities. (The examination called “the 11-plus”)8.GCSE:General Certificate of Secondary Education (at about age 16) 中学毕业证书9. GCEA:General Certificate of Education-Advanced (A-level, advanced level) 高级水平测试结业证书 10. GNVQs:General National Voca

40、tional Qualifications 国家专业资格证书11. The universities in Britain:12. British universities are public bodies,except one university, the University of Buckingham. (So far, the UK has only one privately funded university, the University of Buckingham. (神学院)13. The Open University:The Open University offer

41、s a non-traditional route for people to take university level courses and receive a university degree, through textbooks, TV and radio broadcasts, correspondence, videos, residential schools and a network of study centres.14. Children are legally to attend school from 5 (4 in Northern Ireland) to 16

42、.15. The two oldest universities in Britain are Oxford and Cambridge.Unit 81. The permanent members of the UN Security Council:The Soviet Union, the United States, China, France, UK2. The foundations of Britains foreign policy:The contemporary foreign policy of the UK is greatly influenced by its im

43、perial history and also by its geopolitical traits. As Britain lost its empire so recently, Britain policy-makers frequently forget that Britain is not as influential as it used to be in the world affairs. Another decisive influence upon the way Britain handles its external affairs is geopolitical a

44、ttitude to Europe.3. The making of Britains foreign policy:(p128)4. The relationship between Britain and the EU (P128)The decision joined the EEC (psychological, natural, and controversial) The UK has always been less enthusiastic about giving up its national sovereignty to a European government.5.

45、The commonwealth: 推荐精选Britain is also a member of the Commonwealth, a voluntary association of states.There are 50 members of the Commonwealth which is made up mostly of former British colonies.6. NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization ) : Protect member states against aggressionThe purpose of NA

46、TO provide a foundation for security in Europe Provide a forum for transatlantic defence cooperation 7. Special relationship with US:During World War Two, the two countries were closely allied and continued to work together closely in the postwar years, because they had many things in common about t

47、he past and the world situation. Even today, Britain and American policy-makers share the general ideas in many respects. However, Britains “special relationship” with the United States has gone through many ups and downs. The British are beginning to realize that their own foreign policy actions ca

48、n be limited by the United States. But both sides have worked hard to maintain the “special relationship”8. Independent nuclear weapons capability:Britain is a traditional sea power.Unit 91. The division of British media: (降序排列)1 TV2 Newspaper (In Britain, most advertising is carried in newspapers)3

49、 Radio 4 Magazine2. The functions of the British media:1 Entertainment2 Provide British people with information about political and social issues3 Provide weather reports4 Carry advertising5 Used for educational purposes6 Provide a forum for people to write letters or phone in to express their views

50、 or seek advice7 Help Britain engender national culture3. Oldest newspaper:The worlds oldest national newspaper: The Observer(观察家报)The British oldest daily newspaper: The Times(泰晤士报)The very names of British newspapers-The Times, The Observer, The Guardian(卫报,被认为是英国的左翼报纸)still suggest that the funct

51、ion of the paper is to offer the electorate objective reports about what is happening in the country推荐精选4. Papers issued internationally:The Financial Times(金融时报)is printed in Frankfurt, France, Hong Kong, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Tokyo and Madrid. (Daily) Telegraph / the News of the World)5. Qualit

52、y press and gutter press:The Daily Telegraph 电讯报读者在政治问题上比较保守 The Times Quality press The Sun gutter press(低级趣味报) The Guardian 6. Fleet street:It is also known as the Street of Shame7. BBC:The full name is Britain Broadcasting Corporation. It was founded in 1926 as a public service radio and later mo

53、ved into television. It has been Britains main public service broadcaster. It currently has two TV channels. BBC1specializes in shows with a broad appeal while BBC2 supplies viewers with documentaries and shows aimed at particular c social groups. The BBC also provides the World Service which broadc

54、asts in English and 42 other languages throughout the world. Unit 101. Sports born in Britain:Cricket, football, lawn tennis, golf, rugby FA Cup :( Football Association Cup)2. Football Violent sport Gentle sport3. Tennis WimbledonWimbledon is where the worlds best players gather to compete on grass

55、courts. It is one of the major events of the British sporting calendar and probably the most famous tennis event in the world. (温布尔登,是伦敦的一个郊区,是世界上最优秀的网球手聚会,进行草地比赛的场所。) 4. Cricket:Cricket was one of the very first team sports in Britain to have organized rules and to be played according to the same r

56、ules nationally.5. Golf:The game of golf was invented by the Scottish.推荐精选6. Horse sports: Flat racingl Horse racing steeplechase(障碍比赛) The Grand National is the worlds most famous steeplechase. (一年一度在利物浦举行的全国越野障碍赛马。) The Royal Ascot(皇家阿斯科特赛马会):(the biggest social event associated with horse racing

57、is the Royal Ascot.)People usually dress up and show off their fashionable cloth and elaborate hats for the social eventl Equestrianism (马术),sports which can involve riding skills such as show jumping and carriage driving, as well as speed. l Hunting 7. Three traditions of Christmas :( P163)l the Ch

58、ristmas Pantomime (圣诞节期间演出的话剧)l the Queens Christmas messagel The Boxing Day(节礼日): Traditionally, it was on Boxing Day that people gave Christmas gifts or money to their staff or servants.8. Religious holiday: Easter(复活节) Crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ Christmas9. National Holidays:-Qu

59、eens BirthdayTrooping the Colour around Buckingham Palace(每年女王生日之际在白金汉宫前举行的盛大检阅庆祝活动)10. Holidays in the 4 nations:l England: Bonfire Night sometimes called Guy Fawkes Night- celebrated in the early autumn,l Northern Ireland: Battle of the Boyne (July 12) St Patricks Day (March 17) Orange Marchesl Sc

60、otland: Hogmanay除夕 (12.31) Burns Supper (1.25):Each year Scottish people all over the world celebrate their most beloved national poet, Robert Burns.罗伯特.朋斯 Halloween万圣节前夕 (10.31)l Wales: The Eisteddfod: festival of music making and poetry推荐精选补充:UK Foreign relationship, England, Scotland, Wales relat

61、ionship. Part 1The general direction of Britains policy is decided by the Prime Minister and Cabinet.4.The British foreign policy makers retain very conservative and traditional views of Britains role as a world power and point to many foreign policy decisions.What greatly influence the contemporary

62、 foreign policy of the UK?The contemporary foreign policy of the UK is greatly influenced by its imperial history its geopolitical traits and also by its relationship with the United States. 8. Did UK want to participate in the EU at the beginning? Why?(1)No. l UK didnt want to decentralize its nati

63、onal freedom;l It was not sure what the EC is and what it will become.l Yes.l The UK has always been interested in encouraging free trade between countries and is therefore very supportive of the EU as a free trade area.Britain liked to regard the EU as a place where economic cooperation is possible and where a flow of trained personnel and goods are possibleBritain and the EU Britain joined the European Economic Community in 1973 whi

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