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1、浅谈进出口国际贸易付款模式操作 The Basic Concept of Favorable Leverage on Supply-Demand Power in International Trade A Guide to Importing and Exporting ICC Rules的理解和审单的技巧是国际贸易环节中, 所有付款模式里头的一个基础点。银行(国际结算)价值的体现在 于理解和判断交易的强弱势以“导引“客户并执行最适合的付款交易模式与条件以协助客户达成三个目标 : Developing good understanding of ICC Rules is the starti

2、ng point of leveraging various payment methods in international trade, and achieving client 3 objectives to optimize trade flow : o 操作费用的成本控制 Operating banking Fee Cost Control o 应收账款的加速回流 Accelerating Trade Payment Conversion Cycles o 交易风险的有效降低 Minimizing Trade Transaction Risk International Trade

3、Settlement Methods Leverage 1 Cash In Advance / Advanced Payment 预付款 2 Financial Stand-by SBLC/Bank Guarantee 融资型保函 3 TT + SBLC/Payment Guarantee 银行付款保证函 4 Commercial LC 商业信用证 5 DA Purchase against BA, Avalisation / Co-Acceptance 托收买断 6 Controlled Disbursement (Escrow) Trade 贸易托管账户 7 OA + Factoring

4、/ Insurance 保理& 保险 8 Supply Chain 供应链 Greg Wang Citibank, China Trade Product Management Global Transaction Services, GTS 1 Depending on the power and elasticity of supply and demand, there are several ways exporters can receive payment when selling products abroad. Listed in order from most sec

5、ure for the exporter to the least secure, they are : 1. Cash In Advance 预付款 ? 买方说款项已付,卖方迟未收到款时,请对方提供其银行“已经发出”的汇款报文(MT103,MT202)。 国际间的汇款1天足已,其主要的转账模式有3种 BOOK TRANSFER, CHIP 与FEDWIRE(美国境内),无论何种模式其转账都是几秒钟的事情,除非汇款资料有误。教育客人看懂银行汇款单 : 汇款时间,ISN, 无须天天等候,苦苦追我行。Most international payments can be effected withi

6、n 24 hours regardless of payment routing channels (BOOK TRANSFER, CHIPS or FEDWIRE), unless payment instruction are faulty. Remittance details are outlined in SWIFT MT103/202. ? 一般买方会要求卖方开立预付款保证函 ;预付款保证函格式分有利息与无利息。买方可要求卖方开立有利息条款的预付款保证行业函 ,买方可开立无利息条款的预付款保证函,端看哪方业务人员清楚游戏规则。 Many exporters request cash

7、-in-advance to avoid credit risk or risk of non-payment. There can be interest charge on advance payment bond, if any。 Depending on the ability of sales to negotiate favorable payment terms, importers can either charge or waive interest on advance payment bonds, as specified in the commercial contra

8、ct. 含利息预付款保证函格式参考Sample Advance Payment Bond / Repayment Bond with Interest: 优点:出口商 1). 30% 预付货款购买原物料 cost down, 2). 或可反应30%的现金收入, 降低财报上的应收帐款, 3). 降低30% 的due date payment risk。 Advantages of Cash-in-Advance: 1) Up to 30% partial payment by the importer before the ownership of the goods is transferre

9、d to support the procurement of materials the exporter is relieved of liquidity needs; 2) Converts accounts receivable into cash better balance sheet management 3) Reduces collection/ non-payment risk by 30% ? 预付款和预付款保证可和贸易托管帐户(第七项)结合运用 Cash in advance, Advance Bond can be used in conjunction with T

10、rade Escrow/Controlled Disbursement (Payment Methods 7) 2 2. Financial Stand-by SBLC / 融资型保函 SBLC ? 早期外商进入中国投资设厂, 技术合资多半利用此类保函。进、出口贸易中, 部分技术导向的强势出口商/制造商也会要求买方经其往来银行发融资型保函SBLC (SBLC之受益人为出口商指定的融资银行, 而出口商/受益人为Borrower), 指定的融资银行收此SBLC, 即可据此给予出口商融资以采购原物料,垫付制造成本或增加产能。 届出货买方付款予出口商后, 出口商再还款予融资银行。Financial S

11、BLCs are commonly used in international trade transactions. Exporters/ manufacturers of high-tech or sought-after products often request financial SBLC as a form of facility extension. The beneficiary of a financial SBLC is the bank that represents the exporter who in turn becomes a borrower should

12、he/ she choose to finance the instrument to obtain pre-export financing. Post-export, upon receipt of payment from the importer, the exporter pays back the loan to the finance provider, the beneficiary of the SBLC/BG. 融资型保函格式参考 Sample Financial SBLC FinancialGuarantee.doc Note : paper base Financial

13、 SBLC/BG is a warning sign of fraud ? 操作技巧 :事前与花旗(融资)银行确认开证银行债信评等,越好的开证行债信评级可以与花 旗银行议得比较好的融资利率。Tips on using a financial SBLC : Prior to the issuance of a financial SBLC, the exporter/beneficiary should confirm the credit rating of the issuing bank with finance provider(s), Citibank, for seeking a l

14、ower interest rate. ? 其它保函应注意事项 ? 国际投标,履约保函 o 跨国保函的开立,召标方常要求是由当地银行开立的保函, 这并不表示中国地区厂商一定要由中国地区银行开立“反担保”保函予当地银行再转开予召标方(受益人)。 换个模式,可由中国地区银行开立保函直接发予当地的外资银行或当地rated bank加付保兑后直接通知受益人也达到相同效果。保兑的作法远较转开来的简单,快速,手续费便宜(转开费用=转开手续费+额度费; 保兑费用=额度费)。 ? 诈骗警示讯号 : 3 3. 付银行款保证函 (备用信用证)/ TT + Payment Guarantee & DA ?

15、TT + Payment Guarantee 出口商与买方贸易为OA /T.T交易, 出口商为相对强势, 出口商为确保收款无虞, 可要求买方由其往来银行开立记帐付款保证的银行付款保函SBLC/Payment Guarantee来承担买方的1).倒帐,与2).拖款风险。 Sales on OA/ TT terms, exporters can request SBLCs/ BGs (Payment Guarantee) from the buyer to cover off default or late payment risks. 就买方资不抵债,倒帐拖款的风险而言, 记帐付款保证的银行付款

16、保函SBLC/BG 提供予出口商的安全 系数高於一般保理(Factoring) & 保险(Insurance) 和商业信用证。所谓的买方资信风险 (Credit Risk) 也 就是买方的资不抵债(Insolvency), 简言之, 如果买方没倒闭, 且不愿意付款或迟延付款, 即便出口商 承做了Factoring & AR Insurance, 支付了相关费用, 获得的保障”相对”也是有限 :Payment Guarantee is a more efficient way than Factoring/Credit Insurance/ Commercial LC to ma

17、nage against the risk of buyer insolvency, late payment or non-payment. If the buyer did not go bankrupt (insolvency event) but had no intention to make payment, Factoring/ AR Insurance would only offer limited protection against protracted default. ? Commercial Dispute Verification商纠认定 ? Factoring/

18、Credit Insurance has a prolonged confirmation/ processing time up to 160 days保理& 保险的缓冲/调查期, 长达 160 天 ? Document irregularities risk associated with Credit Insurance存在后期保险索赔单证不符的保单风险 记帐付款保证的SBLC, 是由买方的往来银行开立对卖方的独立付款承诺, 如卖方依约出货, 而买方未履约付款, 那麼, 卖方仅须备妥汇票和/或声明书(Statement), 于付款到期日后经Citibank, China 向开证行

19、求偿,开证行必须于收到求偿指示后五-七个工作日内付款,即便买方到期未付款是起因于卖方/出口商货币品质量纠纷,在付款保函下一旦卖方提出索赔,实际操作中买方向当地法院申请禁支付令, 禁止开证行付款的机会有限(买方申请签发禁止支付令时间长,代价高)。付款保含可有效压缩买方恶意拒付的意图,留给卖方更大的议价回旋空间。Payment Guarantee, on the other hand, are an independent contractual obligation between the Applicant and the Beneficiary. If post-export, the bu

20、yer did not pay as agreed in the contract, the seller could, after payment due date, send a written demand or telex/SWIFT statement (“Claim”) via correspondent bank to the issuing bank bearing the Payment Guarantee number and stating that there is the event of default of contract on the part of the

21、buyer, and request for reimbursement. The issuing bank, upon receipt of the demand claim, must undertake to pay the seller/beneficiary within 5-7 banking days, even if the payment overdue was caused by faulty goods/ quality issues arising from the seller/beneficiary. The chance leaves for buyer to a

22、pply Court Injunction is limited within the short buffer period days. 4 操作基本概念 : ? 付款保函惯例遵循国际商会(ICC)ISP98 / UCP600 / URDG o 保函遵循的惯例,美系银行采用ISP98(International Standby Practices),非美系银行多采用URDG (Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantee), 折中可采用UCP600。开进美国地区的保函名称应用SBLC (Standby Letter of Credit), 别用Guarantee 字眼

23、自找麻烦, 因在美国Guarantee是保险公司专营业务, 银行不得经营。什么叫Standby LC ? 简而言之,就是开证银行对受益人开出的某项承诺站在一旁STANDBY其进口商/申请人到期未履约的潜在义务。Payment Guarantees are ruled by either ISP98 (for US banks) or URDG (for non US banks), whilst UCP600 is a compromise of the two. Therefore, Guarantee/SBLC issued to the US should be called SBLC

24、as Guarantees in the US are associated with Insurance business not banking, may not be accepted by the bank. SBLC, by its definition, is a payment obligation to the beneficiary against stipulated documents that usually refer to a default or non-performance by the counterparty. o 不论名称为何, Letter of Co

25、mfort, Letter of Guarantee, Bank Guarantee, Letter of Support, Bond, 还是Undertaking.只要是遵循ISP98的国际惯例游戏规则,它就是SBLC。SBLC 和Bank Guarantee 并无不同,差异在于保函遵循的游戏规则,银行付款主,次顺位。 Regardless of the title, Letter of Comfort, Letter of Guarantee, Letter of Support,Bond or Undertaking, its called SBLC as long as the ins

26、trument is ruled by ISP98. There are no fundamental differentials between SBLCs and Bank Guarantees. ? 付款保函如遵循开证行当地法律,出口商可要求加入独立性条款(Independent Clause) o 类似条款 : The Guarantee sets forth the full terms of our undertaking and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended or amplified by r

27、eference to any document or instrument referred to herein or to which the Guarantee relates and shall not be deemed to incorporate by reference any such document or instrument. ? 付款保函的出口商/受益人索赔,其被开证行据付(unpaid)机会趋近于零,保函多是这么写的: With a Payment Guarantee, the main principle is “pay first, argue later”.

28、From beneficiarys point of view, it is a better form of security as it states : “Funds under the Guarantee/SBLC are available to you against your sight draft(s) drawn on us, mentioning thereon our Guarantee No. . Each such draft must be accompanied by your signed written statement that the Applicant

29、 has failed to fulfill the contractual obligations of contract no. dated for effecting payment within xx days after the invoice ”。, 意思是只要买方到期应付未付,那么受益人只要提示一张汇票/声明书,或电报索赔 ( tested telex / authenticated SWIFT), 这样写着:“Applicant has failed to fulfill the contractual obligations for effecting payment aga

30、inst your Guarantee/SBLC no. 5 xxxxxx”, 受益人很容易就可以自开证行索赔到应收账款。只要保函号码没打错,声明书连Applicant的公司具体名字都可不必写,开征行基本上是付款付定了除非开证行倒闭。 在保函项下的索赔只要汇票/声明书或电报索赔,什么packing list, invoice, B/L, Insurance, certificate of Origin, Inspection Certificate, 和各式各样的Certificate都免了 ! ? 付款保函的开证费一般多由买方承担,但也“可由”卖方吸收,如同市场上的保理 / 保险费用都是由卖

31、方承担 : o 从买方成本角度考量,付款保函金额的开立是平均余额的概念而非总合同的金额(商业信用证)。商业信用证收费不足一季算一季,付款保函是以年收费(买方国外开证手续费多半高于中国的标准价0.15%p.q.)。一般而言,短天期的付款条件有利于付款保函的操作,买卖双方省却了额外的承兑费、开证行单据手续费、交单银行出口议付单据手续费。SBLC issuance fees can be absorbed by either the applicant or the beneficiary, whereas Factoring and Credit Insurance premiums are bo

32、rne by the seller. SBLCs are issued on an average outstanding balance basis not the entire contract amount. Cost is generally lower than that of commercial LCs, which charges a minimum quarterly fee. Sight LCs or LCs with short tenors are easier to deal with and do normally not incur negotiation/doc

33、s handling commission/fee. Tips: - Payment Guarantee to be subjected in accordance with ICCs rules, ISP98/ USP600/ URDG - Payment Guarantee must be issued in accordance with applicable laws and include independent clauses where appropriate o Clause similar : The Guarantee/SBLC sets forth the full te

34、rms of our undertaking and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended or amplified by reference to any document or instrument referred to herein or to which the Guarantee relates and shall not be deemed to incorporate by reference any such document or instrument. - The beneficiary of

35、 a Payment Guarantee is unconditionally guaranteed to receive payment - Payment Guarantee issuance fees can be paid by either the applicant or the beneficiary, whereas Factoring and Credit Insurance premiums are paid by the seller - Payment Guarantee amount is issued on an average outstanding balanc

36、e basis not the entire contract amount. Cost is generally lower than that of commercial LCs, and than factoring, if payment tenor is 60 90 days less. 付款保函(Payment Guarantee +T.T)的国际贸易付款模式将出口商的应收账款保障拉到了最高的程度。国际贸易首要之务是 “Money In My Pocket First” 出口商顺利收到款项后,潜在的商业纠纷由合同下规范的民法再留与买卖双方商议。Payment Guarantee 6

37、 provides exporters with the most effective payment protection. The resolution of potential commercial disputes is subject to national legislation. 除了降低交易风险与成本外, 出口商可将保函项下应收帐款让与保函让度予Citibank 买断应收帐款,以提前收汇,加速现金流,改善财报(off-balance management)。Apart from reducing transaction costs and risks by using Paym

38、ent Guarantee, exporters can also sell receivables without recourse under a Payment Guarantee to accelerate cash conversion cycles and improve balance-sheet management. ? 付款保函项下的应收账款买断 AR Purchase / Finance under Payment Guarantee o 转让模式 Transfer Mode i. 付款保函受益人为花旗银行. Beneficiary of the payment guar

39、antee (PG) shall be Citibank China ii. 应收账款让渡于花旗银行 ARs are assigned to Citibank o 让渡模式 Assignment Mode i. 付款保函受益人为出口商,让渡于花旗银行,开证行同意 Beneficiary of payment guarantee is exporter ; assigns PG to Citibank ii. 付款保函项下款项让渡于花旗银行 Proceeds of the PG are assigned to Citibank iii. 应收账款让渡于花旗银行 ARs are assigned

40、to Citibank iv. 出口商的保函索赔授权书 Letter of Attorney 产品特性 / Features : o 从银行的角度而言,对争取出口商业务 TT + Payment Guarantee是攻击性较强的产品 , Winner Takes All o 对争取进口商业务,只要是卖方强势且相对密集进口的交易形态,TT + Payment Guarantee是很好的Defensive Approach, 带进Cash Flow Revenue, Winner Takes All o 银行付款保函格式参考 : Payment Guarantee Sample 7 ? Payme

41、nt Guarantee + DA : 相较于TT + Payment Guarantee, DA + Payment Guarantee 此种交易模式项下的应收账款 买断带来的好处为银行自身: ? 无需评估出口商的履约风险(no contingent facility is required) i. 确认进口国为国际汇票本票统一公约(日内瓦协议)会员国 Legal Opinion Required i. 花旗银行为汇票的善意持票人 Bona Fide Holder ii. 买方应收账款让渡与花旗银行 Perfect AR Assignment iii. 付款承诺函(Payment Under

42、taking)的格式确认 ? 高达100%的应收账款买断 up to 100% AR Purchase / Finance ? 相对简化的银行内部操作流程 Streamlined internal processing Note : 部分非洲地区国家的买方倾向于使用Payment guarantee + DA而不采用单纯托收项下的买断(汇票 保证Draft Avalisation under DA,第六项 )主要考量是当地汇票保证的税费费率较高所致。African nations tend to use Payment Guarantee + DA instead of a simply “D

43、A Avalisation” in view of high taxation on drafts. 8 4. 商业信用证 / Commercial LC 信用证的操作,出口商的往来银行若仅仅是审审单,找找软条款,安排快递公司寄交单据这种次层次的服务,不用四大行与外资行,乡村城市银行足已。 商业信用证为国际贸易付款模式中相对比较复杂但也是比较有趣的一个产品,银行的专业导引非常重要。切入客户出口信用证的业务不在于价格竞争也不在于对UCP600的钻营,而在于了解掌握各个买方市场/国家的信用证特性及其形成的原因,并提供客户相应的解决之道。Most banks provide basic LC rel

44、ated services such as Export Bills Checking and Courier. The key differentiators is the banks capability / ability to understand the country-specific LCs flow / feature / bugs and to provide relevant solutions, which is complex yet more intriguing. 一般银行告诉客户那是海外银行扣费.两手一滩;导引客户信用证路径的能力 “似乎“也力有未逮,这就是我们的

45、机会。信用证业务跟我们海外network无关,这是银行国际结算业务能力之所在,也是有趣之处 : ? 避免非洲,拉美的“转开信用证“ o 基于降低内部作业成本与增加外部收益考虑,越来越多的开证行外包进口开证业务予第三者银行。转开信用证由于第三者银行介入,一般会对出口商增加约1/3-1/2 的额外银行手续费支出。Due to cost considerations, more and more banks outsourcing LC issuance business to a third parties. Re-Issuance involves more 2 banks and impose

46、s additional bank fees / charges to the beneficiary ? 协助出口商避免 (客户业务人员,买卖合同)Good negotiation states from business contracts AfricaTradeLC.doc ? 排除中东、非洲、拉美信用证中常见多余不必要的通汇银行介入 Reduce the number of intermediary banks, often see in LCs from the Middle East, Africa and LATAM. ? 协助出口商排除 (客户业务人员,买卖合同) LATAML

47、CSolution.doc ? 苏联地区信用证开证行的债信评估为首要 Be Watchful of the credit rating of LC issuing Bank in Russia o 在国际贸易中若不相信交易对手就把其银行拉进来当垫被, 对方银行的债信当然重要,这是国际贸易的基本概念。全球银行的债信评估尤其是高风险国家,请客户(出口商)提供其交易对手(买方)的往来银行名单做债信评比,导引对方到比较好的银行交易,不仅仅交易风险低,交易费用也低。资质好的交易对手往往会有很多的往来银行配合, 反之, 若对方只有一家债信比较低的往来银行可供选择,这是交易环结中应注意的买方债信风险警示讯号

48、。International LC, Import / Export LC replaces buyer risk with that of the issuing bank. It is in the 9 beneficiarys interest to compare the credit rating of LC issuing banks to lower transaction risk and cost. ? 导引出口商 (债信评比,融资买断成本比较)Exporters will be capitalized on the credit rating information of

49、Citibanks correspondent banks worldwide. ? 上述发展中国家开来即期信用证的快速收款与风险归避操作技巧 Payment acceleration and risk mitigation tactics under sight LCs from the above mentioned developing nations Reimbursement Arrangement for sight LCs o Reimbursement Arrangement for Sight LC 即期信用证偿付条款的安排。 常见日本厂商要求即期信用证加入偿付条款允许电索(

50、TT reimbursement allowed), 偿付条款不仅加快收款速度4-5天, 重要的是利用NY偿付行的出口当地分行当 出口押汇行可大大降低单位据被开证行据付的风险。出口苏联,非洲,第三世界等地区善用此操作技巧不必花钱保兑。把NY尝付行拉进来当垫被,不用花钱保 险无须花钱福费庭,经济实惠又安全。.Japanese manufacturers often request reimbursement clause in LC to accelerate payment collection and reduce non-payment risk by having a local rei

51、mbursing banks branch as Presenting Bank, especially when exporting to Russia, Africa and some developing countries, it is economic to introduce a reimbursing bank for sight LC. Skill for Sellers sales to test buyer over the sales contract is important. o B/L Consignment Arrangement 提单收货人安排 针对新的买方和发

52、展中国家之客户,善用全套提单收货人为开证行的安排,以降低信用证单据之拒付风险。提货担保是开征行基于开证申请人的要求,在货到后签发与船公司的提货担保,开证行承诺船公司于收到提示银行提示的全套正本提单后提供其全套正本提单,抵消对应的提货担保。一旦开证申请人凭借开证行签发的提货担保提货后,开证行难以拒付提示银行提交的信用证单据: 1、若开证行执意拒付单据, 出口商要求退单,开证行将无单可退, 因开证行承诺船公司提交正本提单,以抵消其签发的提货担保 2、若开证银行无法拒付单据,则开证行须于五个银行工作日内承付信用证款项 Full set B/L consigned to Issuing Bank ar

53、rangement is suitable for exporting new buyers and or those developing countries/areas transaction to mitigate potential non-payment risk arising from the discrepant bills Shipping Guarantee : i. In summary, its an undertaking that Issuing Bank issues to the benefit of Shipping Company, at the reque

54、st of Applicant, to release Applicant the imported goods. And Issuing Bank guarantees Shipping 10 Company to furnish them the original B/L right after the receipt of LC docs from Presenting Bank. ii. Once the goods are retrieved by the Applicant against the Shipping Guarantee issued by the LC Issuin

55、g Bank, the LC Issuing Bank would risk to un-pay the export bills presented by the Presenting Bank : a. IF the Issuing Bank send out an unpaid notice i. Seller may request for returning the full set docs, including B/L, yet, the goods had been released by Shipping Company to Applicant under Shipping

56、 Guarantee for which Issuing Bank guarantees to furnish Shipping Company “Original” B/L. Issuing Bank would fail to furnish Shipping Company an Original B/L if the Seller requests for returning the docs due to unpaid by the LC Issuing Bank. Issuing Bank would then put themselves in a dilemma situati

57、on. b. IF Issuing Bank fails to send out unpaid notice i. Issuing Bank shall honor the claim according to UCP rules. 上述Reimbursement B/L Consignment 的结合运用可为出口商带来较低 的交易风险,不必保兑,不必福费庭,也不必保险花冤枉钱。 ? 协助出口商测试买方 ? 开证银行片面加入条款、更改路径导致出口商银行费用增加,解决方式: o 开证行开立信用证片面加入其海外分行充当尝付银行,限制议付行,指定融资行 ,名堂很多其实就是巧立名目多向出口商(受益人)

58、向收费; 印度银行限制议付其在新加坡分行就可以多坑出口商0.2%手续费, 韩国银行限制议付/偿付在其全球的分行这现像往往是开证行其海外新设立了分行,业务不多,总行要求各分行支援其海外新分行业务。The root problem concerning LC issuing banks unilaterally adding terms and conditions to the LC and making changes to the chosen LC routing channels is that the issuing bank and its overseas branches can

59、 charge additional fees to the beneficiary. This can be avoided by negotiating better LC terms with importer at the help of the beneficiary bank. o 开证行限制议付信用证在某外资行,出口商被扒了两成皮, 反正出口商从来也不吭,不坑白不坑。 ? 协助客户降低海外银行不必要的手续费 11 ? 其他地区一般商业信用证 o 开证银行扣款名不符实 Unreasonable charges by the Issuing bank 信用证说 : “all bank

60、ing charges outside Issuing Bank are for the account of beneficiary”顶多USD30电报费外加USD65-75 的Payment Commission, 开证 行付款时硬扣了出口商USD150 200, 反正出口商从来也不吭。 o 买卖合同与信用证条款的效益极大化 Sales contract and LC terms optimization i. 金流(惯例)、讯息流(合同民法)、物流(物权)的操作 ii. 三流的不同层次操作为银行贯穿国际贸易付款模式的精华之所在,可以有效协助客户最大效益化其交易的风险 Better int

61、egration of physical, information and financial flows to maximize the interest of the beneficiary. ? 出口商业信用证CHERRY PICK的操作 Selective Approach ? 往来银行全球开证银行债信评比资讯的利用 Capitalize on the credit rating information of Citis correspondent banks worldwide. ? 请查询贸易产品经理 check Trade Product Manager Notes: ? Avo

62、id Re-Issuance Letters of Credit (LC is re-issued by another bank) from Africa and LATAM ? Reduce the number of intermediary banks, often seen in LCs from the Middle East, Africa and LATAM ? Be mindful of the credit rating of LC issuing banks in Russia ? Payment acceleration and risk mitigation tact

63、ics under Sight LCs from developing nations ? How to address concerns over LC issuing bank(s) unilaterally adding terms and conditions to the LC and making changes to the chosen LC routing channels ? Sales contract and LC terms optimization ? Capitalize on the credit rating information of Citis corr

64、espondent banks worldwide 国际进出口贸易谈判的第一线往往是公司业务/商务人员,一般业务人员对公司自身产品了解甚深,但对 国际贸易付款模式(Trade Payment Methods)尤其是商业信用证的理解多半承袭前手(前手跳槽),一 知半解。据我行辅导国内上市公司和跨国企业业务人员的国际贸易付款模式训练课程发现,大部分的业 务人员并不清楚基本的贸易付款模式/信用证游戏规则。 12 Corporate sales team is at the forefront of international trade. Their understanding of most-co

65、mmonly used trade payment methods is critical to the successful conclusion of both domestic and cross-border transactions. Our experience shows that most corporate sales people have limited knowledge of how to use various trade payment methods/mechanisms to the advantage of their businesses. 操作技巧 : ? 出口商 :信用证条款简化,简化再简化 (即期、远期) 花旗进口商 :信用证条款复杂,复杂再复杂(即期、远期) ? 金流(惯例)、讯息流(合同民法)、物流(物权)的操作 Tips: ? Exporters:simplify LC term

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