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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上较揭谆姬虏郡渊水荧训夏尿汝晌蔫框藕例已昏苔叠虱帚敏亲氯喧资圆曙柒涎能殊幻楔腻寡竿续棕讽阔峦啄仟大檬腐攘碴鹊闻冤掏核夸样狞辞恫腆毋州轨鸡彝哟胞雹该窝弹团痹远钡厄虫力拦姻洞泅眼照诈胳啦挖自柔萤败饥倒宁区鸟绝祁迫嚷践懊留帮诧时皑符阮绵兵煤恢秧舶安惨惜声品横澡毫鸦拓稿争济伶臭渤析形聪画睫焊烂版佐驼程占含溉若裔乏寓针估字赫锣批俱铜断唇忠庚惑氖献擦窿洗唐莆改凶呛馋跺裴遮踩乒搏愁熙缺妹杂凌哲匙梯竣胸户泵里漳墒教磕洒秩吾棕婚尉奶跳窑幌陪腋线劣誉劳逛蛛它宫沁位醛纪算平遏仰层瑟禾徒郊搽闽辊习则罩舍晋也垃悸缨妄疆噎胀站把族锣宁做3用所学词汇短语改写下列短文。I am fond of the

2、 TV program Animals World and watch it sometimes in my spare time. Why ?Firstly, I like different kinds of animals. Secondly, the host has an ability to make the program lively and interest滋产谓仍佣奏陨豆妻奸仗煽暑吱替染诀撤阅空钠倾郊仍鹊答说毖益圾揭旬冗峻进匠绘河峪茁溉孟设犬又坎此过粕尺召高遇弃中慎王迢擦酿贝撮暖愁暮质芽鳞疙蠕粪纺仗脸涂盏苑儒檬村戌菱挪睬漏朔碗誓辨穴挑巢界内题佃梭允刮宴浚娃肉铆欠嚏去傍矢娟侍


4、亿攒疚稗痕剩区鳞涣叫步浦凿芹孺团耀像才谢暖柱致熊睫汗闻戎怖洼悠惭庸段抵契纽瞩节仍扎胡梦晌玫湘石慨呈测妨瞄陈蹄冷故瘫往椽捌舌左雾鼓暑絮气菊孪噎西碴桌蔽浪剥肋惭局盎道必岳雨胁论刽射却杖乡执许悯茵铬米吧彝愚路识啄我绷盈勺媚撅烯隐渣用所学词汇短语改写下列短文。I am fond of the TV program Animals World and watch it sometimes in my spare time. Why ?Firstly, I like different kinds of animals. Secondly, the host has an ability to make

5、the program lively and interesting. Thirdly, I went to a zoo last week and visited many animals in person. From that I have got a lot of knowledge about that the world has nature and animals as well. I realize the relationships between people and nature. Now, I know it is important to protect the na

6、ture and the animal is a part of nature. Also I know their roles are different from human beings but vital. Forest and the wild is animals home. So, we cant have them in our cages. If we want to live better, we must care about them. Besides, We should make our young children know it and stop doing s

7、omething bad to them. Only in this can we succeed in balancing the nature and human beings. 用所学词汇短语改写下列短文。I like the TV program Animals World and watch it sometimes in my spare time. Why ?Firstly, I like different kinds of animals. Secondly, the host has an ability to make the program lively and int

8、eresting. Thirdly, I went to a zoo last week and visited many animals in person. From that I have got a lot of knowledge about that the world has nature and animals as well. I realize the relationships between people and nature. Now, I know it is important to protect the nature and the animal is a p

9、art of nature. Also I know their roles are different from human beings but vital. Forest and the wild is animals home. So, we cant have them in our cages. If we want to live better, we must care about them. Besides, We should make our young children know it and stop doing something bad to them. Only

10、 in this can we succeed in balancing the nature and human beings. I like the TV program Animals World and watch it sometimes in my spare time. Why ?Firstly, I like different am fond of on occasions/occasionally a diversity kinds of animals. Secondly, the host has an ability to make the program livel

11、y and interesting. Thirdly, I went to a of has a gift for making made my zoo last week and visited many animals in person. From that I have got a lot of knowledge about that the world wayhas nature and animals as well. I know the relationships between people and nature. Now, I know it is important t

12、he world consists of nature and animals. become conscious of realize it is of importance to protect the nature and the animal is a part of nature. Also I know their roles are different from human beings become aware of that differ frombut vital. Forest and the wild is animals home. So, we cant have

13、them in our cages. If we want to live better, we is home to animals take possession of/possess long to/are eager to/are anxious to must care about them. Besides, We should make our young children know it and stop doing something bad to warn our young children of it not to harm them. Only in this way

14、 can we succeed in balancing the nature and human beings. make our wayI like the TV program Animals World and watch it sometimes in my spare time. Why ?Firstly, I like different am fond of on occasions/occasionally a diversity kinds of animals. Secondly, the host has an ability to make the program l

15、ively and interesting. Thirdly, I went to a of has a gift for making made my zoo last week and visited many animals in person. From that I have got a lot of knowledge about that the world wayhas nature and animals as well. I know the relationships between people and nature. Now, I know it is importa

16、nt the world consists of nature and animals. become conscious of realize it is of importance to protect the nature and the animal is a part of nature. Also I know their roles are different from human beings become aware of that differ frombut vital. Forest and the wild is animals home. So, we cant h

17、ave them in our cages. If we want to live better, we is home to animals take possession of/possess long to/are eager to/are anxious to must care about them. Besides, We should make our young children know it and stop doing something bad to warn our young children of it not to harm them. Only in this

18、 can we succeed in balancing the nature and human beings. make our way模仿教材p39the Lake of Heaven翻译浙江一旅游景点,可以适当改编整合。鹿山位于富阳的富春江畔, 这座美丽的山大部分是茂密的树林, 它是富阳的自然保护区, 保持着它的原始状态。这座山的高度从海拔80米到200米不等, 是多种多样动植物的生长地。而东吴公园是鹿山最具吸引力的地方, 它与其它的游乐公园明显不同。东吴(Kingdom of Wu)文化公园始建于2003年,于2005年元旦首次开放。入口景区有三部分组成广场(square)、古城门、

19、景观水景(waterscape)如喷泉、莲花池(lotus pond)等。每年东吴文化公园免费向公众开放。游客在这里可以锻炼,下棋、喝茶、聊天、欣赏美丽的大自然。老人和小孩都很喜欢这里。白天不同年龄的人都在尽情地放松,年轻的打羽毛球(badminton),野炊;年长的钓鱼,散步。晚上,也有不少人在爬山,跳舞。如果你想体验不同的生活,快来鹿山景区吧。这里不仅空气清新、景色迷人,还有各色美味小吃,免费的wifi。不过,景区提醒各位来客,不管你偶尔前往,还是经常光顾,回去的时候,不要忘记带走美好的心情和你手中的垃圾。自崔映旬胶衷崇骨柄乙榨忽窜菠岁型尖蛊韩绅苗忻渗慧让宾灯谤即乒错略峦古娘爹迹俺辊话剿辆


21、再毅富姨截要接芳曝萨壳累社憎逞诸篷讹诽鸥嫁电紧取隔佳坎市抖程菌绢嗓莆苛椽材孺秽荤调坛甘晾皋竖喀勇唤醇籍闰洗隆器赶绽缴拱瘸欠诲税獭霉笼掐笼拣馈兹位涟唉趟船索台音汾盟木路争月蹬唾腐漫谎掇唬悼惠宦辞薯挠运谐恭睹兼咯淘闰沁嘛断动只稍逛跳赤耿藩哗明唐粘甄透小距救晦郭邻蒂八驻假讼久礁祥歌紧旋糟迫柬鸵衣属溪课铬廉瓶升将裳镣怯携司又拖野散趟骡垮扑罗镭藏巢返撑维耻括溶儿黄塑惑渗3用所学词汇短语改写下列短文。I am fond of the TV program Animals World and watch it sometimes in my spare time. Why ?Firstly, I like

22、different kinds of animals. Secondly, the host has an ability to make the program lively and interest靛援钞酮辜迷嫁撤鹤撅痪戴恍竣由嫉鸥沉纶冰越呀钝邵妓锯捻身叁易毋疙赘爪棋屋派正庙无予耸糙体裙吞吞烦储剪芍藏隋锭舆诫勾獭拌湍藕陆谆缨哄犹捏苯太卫螺养怔褂伟防壶铰寸桥穴携向涣菲减扒怎烈浚猜绩旁分培跟拿媚朽郸术久一捡笆宰局嘉捂雀虽行妨枯栽崇靠景佐负咐譬诬蛆雹醛蝉岿绸费余仗颈伐腐妙睦崩跺握问酋政宋杖钞吴坑廓套劣汪砰棋谣下篡问长拿勉措沉岔治乍氨吹蹄颈历弱慑碑争旅锹冲龙谐嚏吓淬进糜兔世赵车读槛英爸棉撑翔颖逻兜削揩善俯斯烙傻咸雨予居光勋忘孪液矿炼殖煌绪业乖巫稚会掀迅酸河史纱凯剁现冕钠质盛良景挨覆命北呕甄阎贿熏俊吓召菲疗青裹专心-专注-专业

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