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1、Manu facturi ngConsent: Change in the Labor Process un der Mono poly CapitalismMichael Burawoy童根兴:共识型工人的生产一一从新制度主义框架看布洛维的 制造共识; 李洁:重返生产的核心一一基于劳动过程理论的发展脉络阅读 生产政治; 闻翔、周潇:西方劳动过程理论与中国经验:一个批判性的述评 游正林:管理控制与工人反抗资本主义劳动过程研究中的有关文献述评 叶启政:从生产的政治经济学到消费的文化经济学1、Manufacturing Consent Reexamined Review by Robin Leid

2、ne2、Manufacturing the Ungendered Subject Review by Leslie Salzinger3、Review by Craig A. Zabala4、Review by Anthony Giddens5、Review by Paul Osterman6、Review by Allen W. Imershein7、Manufacturing Consent in the New Global Economy Review by Jennifer L. Pierce8、Burawoys Legacy Review by Steven Peter Valla

3、s9、Consent and Rational Choice Review by Robert F. Freeland10、From Manufacturing Consent to Global Ethnography -A Retrospective Examination Review by: Heidi Gottfried11、Beyond Burawoy-The Dialectics of Conflict and Consent on the Shop Floor Review by: Dan Clawson and Richard Fantasia12、The Anatomy o

4、f Work: A Review Essay Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process under Monopoly Capitalism by Michael Burawoy; Contested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century by Richard Edwards; Working for Capitalism by Richard M. Pfeffer; Case Studies on the Labor Process

5、 by Andrew Zimbalist Review by Craig Heron13、Structuralist Marxism and the Labor Process: Where Have the Dialectics Gone? A Theory of Capitalist Regulation by Michel Aglietta (阿格利耶塔);Manufacturing Consent by Michael Burawoy Review by David Gartman14、 【法】Ouvrage recense (Work identified ) by Craig A.

6、 Zabala(即工作确定,文章内容为英文)15、16、Betwee n the Labor Process and the State: The Changing Face of Factory Regimes Un der Advaneed Capitalism , Michael Burawoy17、The Soviet Transition from Socialism to Capitalism: Worker Control and Economic Bargaining in the Wood Industry , Michael Burawoy and Pavel Krotov18、Karl Marx and the Sata nic Mills: Factory Politics Un der Early Capitalism inEn gla nd,the United States, and Russia, Michael Burawoy19、From Capitalism to Capitalism via Socialism: The Odyssey of a Marxist Eth no grapher, 1975-1995, Michael Burawoy20、

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