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1、五一劳动节英语演讲稿Music with the smell f cffee tgether in this rm pened t diffuse slwly verflwing f this space every crner.magnificent evening sunset in every ray f infiltratin such as cttn-like sftLane, and accrding t my In that big rattan chair, the entire bdy as if stuck in a chair in the. is at such an

2、afternn, such a lazy greedy f me t enjy the same t sme very lazy afternn. Thus, the thughts will start in this Taste is full f happy afternn start walking.轻舞and tune in every thread between Winstn cruising.This is a vacatin near the end f 51 days, which is at high schl thrugh the first 51. Lng vacat

3、in at a meeting with a finger tes cunting the passage f days, ne can nt help Mr. Zhu La peple at the rush time in sigh passes.We als have take a lng vacatin, it is als ur wrkers alslabr fficials wh are als mental, then we wuld mainly mental wrk, supplemented by the labr f labr f the tiling massesThe

4、 day befre yesterday Rumi see, she run length, when the fur-phase, as the head, the silent. The questin, why Meng said: yu lst. T read: t each ther, each ther.Remember that first day, tw, I still very wdenly, fr test scres, rankings d nt care, whenever Rumi at me befre the final eams after the budge

5、t at the tp f her r ask me a sense f when the pst-test, I always like a wd-like. think at that time, I like sleeping like a baby, I d nt knw hw much burdened with their wn hpes and aspiratins. until three days befre waking up frm a dream, like the general, did nt realize the seriusness f the situati

6、n.Are perhaps three days f the year, in the trment f me, lessns, therefre, it fishes in that vague pain in the grwn up, such as brn-like .While in asinally naughty, but als smewhat diminished, and n lnger indulge himself a mischief. Year where I think a lt, but als understand that a number f things,

7、 including f curse that was carrying the hpe and lk frward t. May be brught up nt nly mean age n the grwth f the meaning f this simple, but mre fcused n grwth and idelgically verflew it!I d nt knw by years time t learn t grw up, that price is nt t much, but I at least can be sure it is crrect.Think

8、high schl this year frm the secnd flr t the third flr, althugh it did nt cme this way, what initiative, but als it . At least that was their intentin t cme ut step by step, dwn-t-earth, and there is n infiltratin f misture, did nt add any hypcritical things. maybe there is n grwth that year, since I

9、 may be still sleeping t .That year I learned hw t grw up, as wrkers learned t use tls. And nw t cntinue t grw up, I find this piece f land in the Senir sectin f the rad leading t the ivry twer, then dwn int it, dwn . may be in the way I want t give up the beautiful scenery alng the way, may be leav

10、ing sme f the burden f want t discard smething, but all f her life in frnt f us happy, what d peple, this life can be fr their wn stre and hents itThe music stpped, diffuse think has stpped. The hrizn has been shruded in darkness, and all thught the end sng is als ff. At this vacatin after all will

11、be restred, and we will still be hard t wrk with.音乐随着咖啡的香味一起在这个房间里弥漫开来,慢慢地充溢着这个空间里的每一个角落.黄昏中那抹瑰丽的晚霞渗入每一缕如棉花般柔软的雨丝里,而我依在那大大的藤椅子,整个身体好像陷在了椅子中.就是在这样的一个午后,这样一个慵懒的我贪婪地享受着这个同样有些令人慵懒的午后。于是,思绪便开始在这充斥着幸福味道的午后开始散步,与旋律轻舞,在每缕云丝间游弋。这是个接近五一长假结束的日子,这是在高中里渡过的第一个五一节.长假在一次次拿着手指脚趾算日子中流逝了,不禁让人在朱老先生的匆匆中感叹光阴的流逝。我们也有放长假,那

12、我们也算是劳动者吗 耕者劳力也,官者脑力者也,那吾等岂非脑力劳作为主,劳力劳动为辅的劳苦大众。前日见旧友萌时,她飞奔而止,待到四目相视时,无语。问之,何故 萌曰:你瘦了.对曰:彼此,彼此.记得,初一,二时,我还是很木然,对于考试分数,排名并不在乎,每当萌在大考之后在我面前预算她的排名或问我考后之感时,我总跟个木头似的.想想那时,我就好像个熟睡的婴孩,不知自己背负着多少的企盼与希望.直到初三才像从梦中醒来一般,才意识到事态严重。也许是初三那一年里,在折腾中的我,受了点教训,于是,便在那丝丝隐约的痛中长大了,如蛹破茧化蝶般。在高中虽偶尔还会淘气,但也有点收敛,不再放纵自己胡闹了.那一年里我想了很多


14、一些东西,但这一切在一生的幸福面前又算什么呢 人,这一生能为自己储存幸福的时光又有多少呢?啪音乐停止了,漫想也中断了.天边已被夜色所笼罩,一切也曲终思断了.在这个假期过后,一切又会恢复,而我们仍旧会辛勤地劳作着。范文二May 1 is Internatinal Labr Day, wrking peple all ver the wrld This is ur wn hliday. Tday, we stand under the bright red flag with five stars, it shuld be and hw t celebrate this great Memry g

15、lrius hliday it?1886 May 1, the Gvernment f the United States deplyed a large number f the burgeis army and plice brutally suppressed the Chicag wrkers t imprve wrking cnditins and the struggle fr the assembly. This shws that fr the wrking class nt t say that the status f the wner, is t imprve the b

16、asic living cnditins will be subjected t bldy repressin. The May 1 Internatinal Labr Day, is designed t mbilize and unite the prletariat and wrking peple all ver the wrld, t fight fr their freedm, liberatin, fr the ultimate realizatin f the rights f the masters f unremitting struggle.Chinas prletari

17、at and the brad masses f wrking peple in China under the leadership f the Cmmunist Party, after arduus struggle, s that the masters f the dream becme a reality, the peple becme the masters f the state and sciety, enjy a wide range f demcratic rights in rder t master the spirit f int the great cause

18、f scialist cnstructin in the g. ur scialist mtherland is shwing a vigrus, full f vigrus activity, high-spirited attitude t stride int the net century.Us - as a crss-century generatin f builders and successrs, will be duty-bund t stir up the scialist mdernizatin cnstructin f the burden f pwer t the a

19、ttitude f wnership int the cnstructin f the hmeland t the great cause. As a secndary schl, frm an early age shuld establish a sense f wnership, interest in natinal affairs, lve fr their hmes, and fster lng-term aspiratins, the future f their wn destiny wibine t becme the ideal has a visin there is t

20、here is a nble ambitin quality peple. The feelings f ur labr t cultivate and develp wrk habits, Value labr, and actively take part in the activities f scial practice. f curse, the mst imprtant thing is t study hard scientific and cultural knwledge, a slid grasp the skill-building fr the future prspe

21、rity f ur cuntry and lay a gd fundatin! This is the 51 Internatinal Day f cmmemratin f the best.某月某日是国际劳动节,这是全世界劳动人民自己的节日。今天,我们站在鲜艳的五星红旗下,应该怎样纪念和庆祝这一伟大光辉的节日呢?1886年的某月某日,美国的资产阶级政府出动大批军队和警察,残酷地镇压了芝加哥工人因要求改善劳动条件而进行的集会斗争。这说明,工人阶级不要说争取主人的地位,就是要求改善基本的生活条件也会遭受到血腥的镇压。把五月一日定为国际劳动节,就是旨在动员并团结全世界无产阶级及劳动人民,为争取自身


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