2016届英语总复习专题 (书面表达 ①提纲类)

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《2016届英语总复习专题 (书面表达 ①提纲类)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016届英语总复习专题 (书面表达 ①提纲类)(9页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、 英语总复习专题过关训练:A一家英语报社举行英语征文活动,主题是“我的高中生活”。请你根据以下要点写一篇英语短文。 1校园生活; 2收获; 3感谢。 注意:1词数100左右; 2能够适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头语已为你写好。High school is a golden time in ones life with great fun and fond memories. B 假设你是高三学生李华,你和表弟王强即将参加2016年的高考,在考前的100天,请你结合自己的学习、生活,用英语给表弟写一封建议信。要点包括: 1努力学习; 2调整心态; 3锻炼身体; 4其他方面。 注意:1词数1

2、00左右; 2能够适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Wang Qiang,How are you doing recently? C假如你是李华,是一位正在英国实行为期一年学习的交换生,因故需向就读学校请假,现请给你的老师 Mr. Smith写一封信,内容包括: 1请假的时间; 2请假的理由; 3对所缺课程的处理方法。 注意:1词数100左右; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。Dear Mr. Smith, Yours respectfully, Li HuaD 假如你是新华中学的学生李华。最近你在英语课的某

3、个单元中学习了一些关于急救的知识,感觉很有用,想建议学校提供专门的急救课程,以便学生了解更多相关知识。于是,你给校长写了一封信。要点如下: 1急救课程有用; 2需要开课的原因; 3你的建议。 注意:1词数100左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Mr. President,Our class has been studying a unit on first aid. E 假如你是李华,目前正在一所外国语学校读高中。最近一段时间你比较关注美国文化,尤其对美国的节日感兴趣。请你给你的美国网友Tom写一封电子邮件,询问关于感恩节的一些情况。内

4、容要点如下: 1介绍自己的近况; 2询问关于感恩节的一些情况(起源、庆祝的时间和方式等); 3表示感谢。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Tom,Thanks for your e-mail last time. Yours,Li Hua强化训练:A假如你是育才中学的一名英国交换生Tom。为了放松心情、结交朋友并了解中国的风土人情,你计划这个假期去云南大理、丽江旅游。请根据以下要点写一篇博文寻找中国学生作为旅游伙伴: 1时间:2月21日2月26日; 2对旅伴的要求; 3联系方式:电话13012345678;电子邮箱

5、tommy1999. 注意:1词数100左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Im Tom, a British exchange student at Yucai High School. Look forward to meeting you !B请以“What I Consider Important in Life”为题,写一篇作文,作文必须包括以下内容: 1你认为什么是生活中最重要的东西; 2你为什么认为它重要。 注意:1词数100左右; 2开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。What I Consider Important in LifeTher

6、e is no doubt that different people have different goals in their life, and they may have various answers to this question. C 近日,你们班就“学校每天清晨开展冬季跑操活动”进行了一次讨论。请根据以下内容,给学校英文报编辑写一篇短文: 支持(大部分):增强体质;磨炼意志;放松自我 反对(少数):单调;天气寒冷;学业繁重 你的观点: 注意:1词数100左右(开头已写好,不计入总词数); 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Recently our class had a hea

7、ted discussion about the Winter Morning Jogging Activity in our school. D假定你是李华,近期将到英国参加为期三周的语言培训课程。食宿被安排在 5th Avenue 的 Friendship Hotel。请给你的英国朋友 John 写一封信,让他去酒店咨询以下相关信息。1住宿费用;2住宿条件;3优惠条件。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear John,Im very glad to tell you that I will come to your city

8、 for a three-week language training course. Im looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li HuaE最近,某英语交流学习论坛提出一个话题“Should square dancing be forbidden?”并邀请网友参与讨论。你打算参加,请根据以下内容写一篇发言稿。 内容包括: 1广场舞的现状; 2表明你的观点; 3给出理由。 注意:词数100左右。 参考答案过关训练:AHigh school is a golden time in ones life with great fun and fond memor

9、ies. In the school, my school friends and I work hard together. Ill never forget those days when we enjoyed ourselves in all kinds of activities, such as the sports meeting, Science Week and Art Festival. Meanwhile, we have developed our abilities and harvested valuable friendships. More importantly

10、, I am lucky to have met many lovely teachers, who teach me not only how to study, but also how to be a good person in society. As a student of Senior 3, it wont take long before I graduate. Id like to express my gratitude to my teachers and parents, with whose help Ive grown up, benefited a lot and

11、 made great progress in every way.BDear Wang Qiang,How are you doing recently? Im writing to give you some suggestions on study and life. For Senior 3 students, time is precious. It is high time that we took effective measures to live our life to the fullest.First of all, I highly propose we make th

12、e most of the time in class, following our teachers. Besides, we tend to get anxious with time going by. Take it easy. Its OK. More importantly, just as an old saying goes, “Health is wealth.” Thats why we have to spend some time exercising regularly. Tired as we feel, we are lucky and happy with so

13、 many teachers, friends, and our parents standing behind us. We may ask them for help whenever we need it.Do you like my advice? I hope we will graduate from high school without regret and be admitted to our ideal universities. Wish you success. Yours, Li HuaCDear Mr. Smith,I would like to know if I

14、 could ask for a leave from Dec. 29th to 31st.On my way home yesterday, I got caught in the heavy rain and went wet totally. Whats worse, I found myself having a fever this morning and I went to the clinic for immediate treatment, only to be advised to stay in bed for three days. To support my reque

15、st, a sick leave certificate by the doctor is enclosed here. As for the missed lessons during my absence, Ill try to make them up as soon as I come back.I would appreciate it if I could get your permission. Yours respectfully, Li HuaDDear Mr. President,Our class has been studying a unit on first aid

16、. It has been very useful because we have learnt about what to do to help someone who has had an accident.We would like to have a course on first aid, because it would give information about many more situations. It would also give us the chance to practice first-aid treatments.I suggest that the sc

17、hool should organize a first aid course. We think such a course in the school is a necessary part of our education and will make us more useful members of our society. Perhaps we will even save someones life one day.Best regards! Yours sincerely, Li HuaEDear Tom,Thanks for your e-mail last time. Id

18、like to tell you that I am now focusing my attention on American culture, especially American festivals.When it comes to American festivals, what attracts me most is Thanksgiving Day. Since I have never spent the festival in America in person, I know little about it. I would appreciate it greatly if

19、 you can tell me something about it. My questions are as follows: How did it come into being? How and when do people celebrate it? Whats its significance? I hope you can give me assistance in this problem and thank you in advance. Best wishes ! Yours, Li Hua强化训练:AIm Tom, a British exchange student a

20、t Yucai High School. I am planning to take a six-day tour of Dali and Lijiang, Yunnan Province, starting from February 21.Id like to find an outgoing and enthusiastic companion from a Chinese high school, who has a good knowledge of Chinese culture, especially about Yunnan local minorities. Besides,

21、 it would be nice if you have some experience in traveling. Above all, your good command of English will make sure free communication between us can happen. I sincerely hope we can relax, enjoy ourselves, make friends as well as improve our cross-cultural communication skills during this experience.

22、If anyone is interested, please contact me at 13012345678 or send an e-mail to tommy1999.Look forward to meeting you!BWhat I Consider Important in LifeThere is no doubt that different people have different goals in their life, and they may have various answers to this question. My opinion is that th

23、e most important thing in my life is health.First of all, life is short for everyone. Without good health, we wont have enough time to accomplish what we plan to do. We are entering a new century, blessed with new opportunities and faced with challenges. Without a healthy body, how can we catch up w

24、ith the rapidly changing world? Meanwhile, when we have got wealth and fame but without a healthy body, we will suffer from pains caused by certain illnesses all day long. Therefore, wealth means nothing in this case. Beyond any doubt, health is more important than wealth.To conclude, I personally b

25、elieve a healthy life is the source of happiness. Lets join hands to make our life healthier, both in body and mind.CRecently our class had a heated discussion about the Winter Morning Jogging Activity in our school. Opinions are divided on this topic.Most students are in favor of this activity. The

26、y believe that the activity in winter cannot only help improve physical health but develop a strong will. Besides, its a good way to relieve stress. On the other hand, a minority of the students are opposed to it. They think the activity is too dull. In addition, there is so much heavy study and its

27、 so cold outside that they would rather stay in the classroom to study.As far as Im concerned, I support the activity because it benefits us greatly. The modern society requires many qualities of us, so bookworms cant keep up with the times any longer.DDear John,Im very glad to tell you that I will

28、come to your city for a three-week language training course. I was told that my accommodations will be arranged in Friendship Hotel on 5th Avenue. Now I am writing to ask you to inquire some detailed information about it.When you go to the reception desk of Friendship Hotel, youd better help me ask

29、the following three pieces of information. First, accommodation fees are what I want to know so that I can bring enough money. Second, I also want to know if single rooms have good conditions, such as hot showers, Wi-Fi and computers. Besides, as to the discount for students, I take it seriously, so

30、 you need to inquire in detail.Im looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li HuaEShould square dancing be forbidden?In recent years, square dancing has been becoming increasingly popular in cities. Many people have a habit of dancing to music with others. However, the loud noise disturbs the people wh

31、o live around the square. Should square dancing be forbidden?I think square dancing is of great benefit, and it shouldnt be forbidden. Here are the reasons. First of all, dancing is a good way to take exercise, which can help people to build themselves up. It also provides a chance for people to communicate with each other. Besides, the square is a good place for people to work out.At the same time, the people living near the square have the right to live in peace. Therefore, I suggest the time when people dance on the square should be limited.

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