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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上文章开头1. 我们可以在开头段写:People have different views about whether individuals can contribute significantly to environmental protection. Although governments and large companies are crucial in addressing conservation issues, the role played by individuals is just as important,if not more so.2.

2、Mention A and what comes to mind is B,其中A一般是与事物有关的品质或者特点,B是事物本身。举个例子:(1)Mentionpoverty reductionand what comes to mind isChina, where more than 500 million people have been lifted out of poverty in the past three decades.(2)Mentioninnovative thinkingand what comes to mind isSteve Jobs, a man who was

3、 ahead of his time and who reshaped the IT industry.3.4. Ask . how best to ., and the chances are that . 是一个可以借鉴的解决方案类话题开头句型。其中 (the) chances are . 等同于 it is likely .例如可以说:Ask a teacher how best to improve students academic performance, and the chances are (that) they will recommend spending more ti

4、me in studying.Ask parents how best to promote childrens physical well-being, and the chances are (that) they will recommend doing more outdoor activities.引入较有争议的话题1. Controversy arises when2. This has raised concerns over the disappearance of some languages and triggered debates about whether gover

5、nments should save them.表明赞成某事物的态度/观点1. Sth has the potential to change the world for the better and should therefore be welcomed as a positive development.2. It is therefore an exciting development, the effects of which will be felt far and wide.3. Sth will stand the test of time for a number of re

6、asons.4. In my view, the rise in one-person households could have positive consequences for individuals and society as a whole.5. Although mans venture into space is costly and often risky, the benefits it brings are enormous, justifying huge amounts of space funding.(可用于开头/结尾)6.揭示现象/问题(常用于开头)1. The

7、 growing popularity of convenience food in recent years has led some to argue that such food will take the place of traditional food and its preparation. However, I believe traditional food will survive and thrive, because it plays an indispensable part in our lives.一个完整的开头模板2. For decades, it has b

8、een common practice for rich countries to give aid to their poor counterparts. However, in recent years there has been a growing belief that international aid could be harmful to the recipients. I agree that giving aid to poor countries could do more harm than good.3. There is much talk aboutthough

9、feware doing much about itfall into this less populated camp. 例如:(1) There is much talk about poverty reduction around the globe, though few countries are doing much about it. China falls into this less populated camp, where more than 500 million people were lifted out of poverty in the past 30 year

10、s, a remarkable achievement in human history.(2) There is much talk about innovation among tech firm bosses, though few are doing much about it. Elon Musk falls into this less populated camp. By launching a series of programs such as Tesla electric cars and Space X rockets, he demonstrates how innov

11、ative thinking and bold risk-taking can thrive in todays world.4. has been much heralded in recent years. 用于形容某一现象被人们广泛关注和赞扬。例如:(1) The rise in remote working / sharing economy has been much heralded in recent years.(2) The widespread use of artificial intelligence has been much heralded in recent y

12、ears.5. It is now nearly axiomatic that 含义是“几乎是不言自明的”,例如:It is now nearly axiomatic that China will surpass the U.S. to become the worlds largest economy.6. 人们对某事物(例如变化、趋势等)持有不同的看法:Opinion is still divided over whetheris a cause for concern or a chance for 其中a cause for concern是一个固定搭配,含义是“令人担忧的事物”举个

13、例子:Opinion is still divided over whether genetically modified foods are a cause for concern or a chance for humanity to fight world hunger and poverty7. 以上三句可以连着用8. 人们对褒贬不一:has received mixed reviews from(crritics)9. 人们对某事有不同看法:Opinions differ about whetheris good or bad.Boosters point to(its advant

14、ages).But others fear that10. Opinion is divided as to whether governments should use public money to support creative artists.11. Worries about potential bias in AI systems have emerged in a wide range of areas, from criminal justice to insurance. In recruitment, too12. something is easy to decry b

15、ut hard to prevent,它可以用于说明某些不好的现象(比如环境污染、食品安全、交通堵塞等)很容易批评,但很难阻止。举个例子:Traffic congestion in big citiesis easy to decry but hard to prevent. As household income rises, a growing number of city dwellers are willing and able to afford private cars, which will cause more traffic problems in the foreseeab

16、le future.13. “公众对于的担忧在加强”,例如:After a series of vaccine scandals, public concern over vaccine safety is picking up.14. something has the power to inflame passions,含义是“某事(通常是有争议的事件)能够激起人们强烈的感情”,比如:Whether animals should be used in medical research has been debated for decades and the topic stillhas t

17、he power to inflame passions, with animal rights activists claiming that humans have no right to use the suffering of others to seek benefits.15. Much ink has been spilled about improving public security since the tragic stampede in Shanghai on New Years Eve.16. “被讨论得最多的,街头巷议的”,我们可以说:Alibaba has bec

18、ome the most talked-about firm in China as it filed for IPO in US.17. 要表达“XX成为热议的话题”,我们还可以说 sth has become the talk of the town, the talk of the town 同样是一个短语,表示“街头巷议的话题”除了上面两种说法之外,还有以下几种表达:1.sth is in the spotlight/limelight2.sth is in the public eye3.sbs name is on everyones lips18. Much thought is

19、 being given these days to. 这个句型来表达“目前人们对有很多思考”。要表达“目前人们对城市疑难问题诸如交通拥挤和烟雾有很多思考”,可以说 Much thought is being given these days to urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog.19. Concerns over the pace of progresscame to the forein February.二月份,领英业务发展的速度成为人们关注的对象,其中 concerns / issues come to the fo

20、re . 这个句型的含义是“引起了人们的关注”20. . have reinforced existing concerns among . that . 这个句型,它的含义是“加深了对的担忧”,例如可以说:The soaring house prices in Chinas first-tier citieshave reinforced existing concerns amongyoung migrant workersthatthey will not be able to afford themselves a house.21. There has been controvers

21、y surrounding genetically modified crops since their introduction decades ago. Critics argue that such technology could pose environmental and health hazards, while proponents maintain the benefits brought by genetically modified foods far outweigh their potential risks.22. Has been a hit with 受到了的热

22、捧23. Cities around the world are struggling to deal with increased levels of congestion and pollution.24. The rising popularity of online education in recent years has triggered debate about the impact it may have.25. The role of members of society in environmental protection has been the subject of

23、 intense debate.26. In rich countries peoples lives are getting longer, a trend that can have huge implications for society as a whole, mostly for the worse.27. XX remains a highly charged issue. 也可以用来表达“某话题充满争议”28. XX is a subject close to ones heart,以此来表达某人对于某话题(比如环境、教育、健康、平权等)很重视衔接词1. Needless to

24、 say,反对者观点1. However, some deem(认为) that 2. The main argument against genetically modified foods is that they could damage the environment and our health.3. The safe disposal of radioactive waste is also a headache as it requires special facilities. All these lead some to question the feasibility of

25、 this energy source.(下段开头however)4. The counter-argument, however, is that students should be restricted to subjects deemed useful by the job market.赞同者观点1. The argument in favor of government support for artists is that art projects can bring great economic and societal benefits.2. Advocates of cou

26、ld claim that3. Advocates of space research base their arguments on the benefits it can offer.使某问题更加突出1. 考场作文可以使用该句型来强调环境/交通/健康等问题,比如:(1) Global warming effects have beenthrown into sharp reliefby melting ice caps in the Arctic.(2) The increase in lung diseases among urban dwellersthrows into relief

27、air pollution caused by too many private cars.今昔比对(也可用于文章开头)1. 在科技和发展类题材中经常会涉及到对某一现象进行对比,例如互联网出现之前的生活与现在的生活的对比,过去的自然环境与现在的自然环境的对比,过去的家庭与现在的家庭的对比等等。Gone are the days whenpeople had to write letters to their friends and wait for weeks for a reply. Instant messaging servicesare on the rise and here to

28、stay, making it possible for us to communicate with others anytime, anywhere.2. 通过借鉴过去的情况来决定做某事。Any adjustments to pension liabilities should be justified by beliefs about the future and not bylooking in the rearview mirror to seewhat gilt yields used to be.Todays labor market is much more complicat

29、ed than in the past, as technological advances are destroying and creating jobs at an unprecedented rate. In light of this, it would be imprudent tolook in the rearview mirror to see what a so-called stable job used to be.段落开头(分论点提出)1. the argument thatrests chiefly on the fact that,该句型可以用在议论文的段落开头,

30、用来对分论点进行解释。The argument thathigher education should be made universally available rests chiefly on the fact thatdoing so is in societys best economic interests.2. The fact that also justifies the importance of 段落结尾1. All these factors combined explain the reason why urbanites are better off than the

31、ir rural counterparts.2. It is therefore wiser to allow university students to make decisions on their own.3. All of these make raising petrol prices across the board at best unfair, at worst futile.4. Such case reinforces the notion that individuals can make a difference.5. Simply put,简言之6. It is p

32、ragmatic and justifiable(务实且合理的), therefore, to make good use of these living things.段落衔接1. 我们写作的时候可以借鉴这种连接方式,具体方法是在上一个段落结尾句构造一个带有否定意味的句子,然后在下一段开头句采用“倒装+重复动词”的形式来实现衔接。这样讲可能有点抽象,举个具体例子:Some people think giving aid to poorer countries brings more negatives than positives. To what extent do you agree o

33、r disagree?如果你认为国际援助弊大于利,那么在论述的时候可以先简单说明一下国际援助可能带来的好处,然后再话锋一转,强调它的负面影响。中间的转折句就可以用上刚才的句式:(简单说明国际援助的好处)Given that international aid can offer so many benefits to poorer countries, it seems odd that anyone would evenquestion the justification for sending aid.However, question they do, and for good reas

34、on. Studies have identified a number of problems associated with foreign aid. Chief among them is corruption(论述国际援助的负面影响)观点站得住脚1. The argument that foreign visitors should pay more than locals for cultural and historical attractionsholds water, as the local population already pay money to these site

35、s through the tax system.观点站不住脚(否定某观点)1. Does not hold water2. something is entirely unfounded,它可以用来说明观点、消息、论证等没有根据,站不住脚。举个例子,有这样一道雅思作文题:Individuals can do nothing to protect the environment; only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?如果你想完全反对

36、题目中的观点,就可以说:The claim that only governments and large companies can protect the environmentis entirely unfounded. Individuals also play an important role in environmental protection.3. be open to doubt是一个固定表达,含义是“有待考证,值得怀疑”(1) Whether minority languages can survive in this increasingly globalized wo

37、rld isopen to doubt.(2) Whether international aid can have a positive impact on the recipient countries isopen to doubt4. To equate something with something is to.是一个很好用的句型,意为“将与等同,这样是”这个句型放在写作中可以增强论证效果。如:a) To equate happiness with material possessions such as houses and cars is to miss the true me

38、aning of life.b) To equate politics with something boring and barely relevant to ordinary life is to misunderstand it.5. at best.at worst 是一个很棒的句型,它可以用来表示“某件事往好里说充其量是.往坏里说是.”。这个句型通常用来表示否定含义,sth is at best A, at worst B, 其中A一般为中性词,B为偏否定含义的词语。6. fly in the face of something,这是一个议论文中较为常见的表达,意思是“与(人们认为合

39、理或正常的事情)背道而驰”,这种事情可以是指法律法规,也可以指传统、常识、逻辑等。举几个例子:(1) Staying up lateflies in the face ofhealthy living.(2) North Koreas nuclear testsfly in the face ofthe Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.(3) Some people argue that the demolition of old buildingsflies in the face ofcultural heritage preservation.7. Ju

40、mp the gun 可表示过早下定论8. does not make sense反对前面的观点,(从而提出自己的观点)1. Some people argue that the government should limit the number of cars on the road to reduce traffic congestion. However, studies reveal that the problem isnotthat there are too many cars,but rather thatthe public transport system is inef

41、ficient.2. The biggest winners all round are likely to be consumers, though witha number of caveats. Four stand out: market concentration, security, privacy and inequality.3. close scrutiny ofreveals that是一个常见的论证句型,它可以用来说明接下来要揭示的情况与之前人们认为的不同,借此引出新的观点。Some people argue that foreign tourists to cultur

42、al places and historical sites should be charged more than locals, as local people already pay to these sites through the tax system. However,close scrutiny of this claim reveals thatsuch an approach is at best short-sighted, at worst counterproductive.4. sth leaves much to be desired 是一种委婉的说法,它用于形容

43、某事物尚有许多需要改进之处,还不尽如人意。5. give the thumbs-down to sb/sth 即“对某人或某事不赞同”。例如可以说:Plans to build a nuclear reactor in this city have been given the thumbs-down by the urbanites.6. It is incorrect to say that.Rather,恰恰相反,而是7. It is true thatbut the reality is that8. At first glance increasing petrol prices s

44、eems able to discourage people from using their cars, thus reducing traffic and pollution.However, upon further reflection one would find that such measure is problematic.9. At first glance, higher prices for visitors from overseas seem reasonable, as most cultural and historic monuments are restore

45、d and maintained using government funding, meaning that local people already pay to these sites through the tax system. However, upon further reflection one would find that such an approach is at best short-sighted, at worst counterproductive.已经是一个完整的模板了10. While opting to remain home-based may save

46、 money and offer some convenience, adopting a different lifestyle yields more long-term benefits.11. As a matter of fact, it is the other way around反驳某观点1. rests onreasonable-sounding but largely groundless propositions. The first is thatA second argument is thatA third argument is that在分点论述中可以先对有争议

47、的观点进行解释,然后再依次反驳。举个例子,转基因食品安全性一直是一个备受争议的话题,如果你支持转基因食品,可以这样写:The aversion to genetically modified foodsrests ontworeasonable-sounding but largely groundless propositions. The first is that GM crops can develop new substances that are harmful to humans. But there is no evidence for the claim and resear

48、ch has shown that GM foods are safe for consumption. A second argument is that engineering specific traits into select species threatens biodiversity by upsetting the natural balance. However, as long as scientists apply GM technology carefully and governments introduce strict safety regulations, su

49、ch a problem can be avoided.效果适得其反1. Some students use smartphones in the hope of improving their English, but they end up playing mobile games all day, whichdefeats the purpose of learning.承认对立观点的合理性1. Although doing a part-time job can offer certain benefits, those who oppose this practicehave hal

50、f a point.2. It is true that there is public concern over the safety of nuclear energy.3. Granted, there are problems arising from nuclear power, such as the disposal of radioactive waste and the danger of nuclear meltdown, but as technology advances, such problems can be resolved.(诚然段,用于倒数第二段)4. Gr

51、anted, a single lifestyle is not without its drawbacks.5. Admittedly, distance learning is not without disadvantages.诚然段结尾1. However, as technology advances, it is hard to imagine this situation will last for long.不能全盘否定,因噎废食1. The authorities should not throw the baby out with the bathwater when it

52、 comes to launching campaign against pornography on the Internet.提出解决方案1. Because . has no single solution, it must be fought on many fronts. 是一个我们可以借鉴的句型。它可以用来说明某问题并没有单一的解决方案,需要从几个方面入手来解决。比如可以说 Because air pollution / traffic congestion / racial discrimination. has no single solution, it must be fo

53、ught on many fronts. To start with.Secondly.Thirdly. 通过这样的框架对一个问题展开进行说明。2. “做某事没有捷径”,我们可以使用这个句型:There is no magic formula for sth / doing sth3. Think outside the box 跳出条条框框,不拘一格地思考4. something lends itself to something 是一个固定表达,含义是“适用于某事,对某事有帮助”,problems lend themselves to easy answers 即“对问题有简单的解决方案”

54、。在解决方案类话题中可以使用该短语,例如:(a) The environmental problems China now encounter hardly lend themselves to easy answers, as the hazardous smog blanketing the countrys north-east can attest.(b) The novels complex, imaginative style does not lend itself to translation.5. 要表达“只是手段而不是目的”,即something is not an end

55、 in itself,例如:Economic growth is a means,not an end in itself. The ultimate goal of growth should be to spread benefits to all levels of society.6. marry sth with sth 的用法很有意思,它的含义是“将两种不同的想法、设计、品位等结合在一起”,比如要表达“这种设计将传统元素和现代方法结合起来”,可以说 The design marries traditional elements with modern methods.7. 对某件事

56、要具体问题具体分析:should be considered on a case-by-case basis.8. As to housing problems, good urban planning and policy help9. Doling out housing subsidies and low-interest loan also lightens the burden of would-be home buyers.发放住房补贴和低息贷款也减轻了潜在购房者的负担10. Individuals for their part make contributions too.11.

57、 Problems attendant on overpopulation are numerous but not insolvable.12. Steps should be taken to develop the countryside.13. it is in local governments interests to(符合的利益) fund more schools and public training programs14. The living-standard gap between cities and the countryside can be bridged th

58、rough careful planning and continuous investment in education and basic infrastructure15. Governments should start to take action, for the benefit of both rural and urban residents.16. The problem of pollution could also be tackled by giving financial incentives to manufacturers of green vehicles, s

59、uch as electric cars, which have the advantage of zero emission, and the widespread use of them could reduce air pollution.17. do ones bit 尽自己的一份力量18. Another step is to encourage immigration.19. Automation also works20. Using robots to replace human workers goes a long way towards addressing this p

60、roblem.21. My view is that humans can employ animals for practical purposes, but should do so in moderation22. It was necessary first to arrive at that degree of sophistication where我们首先需要达到这样一种成熟的程度:23. should be a last resort, not a first line of defence. 即“应该作为最终手段,而不是首选对策”。可以和throw the baby out

61、with the bathwater配合使用!Advertisements can have a negative influence on children, and there is suggestion that advertising aimed at children should be banned altogether. In my view, however, this solution should bea last resort,not a first line of defence. If we ban all advertising targeting children

62、, we risk throwing the baby out with the bathwater.(平衡好A&B)既不能过于也不能过于1. Just as it would beunwise to promote economic growth at the expense of the environment,so it would beequally imprudent to preserve the environment to the exclusion of economic growth. The best approach, therefore, is to have an

63、environmentally sustainable economy.Just as it would be a mistake to underestimate the new Brazil, so it would be a mistake to gloss over its weaknesses.2. a trade-off between A and B 也是一个应用很广的句型。举两个例子:(1) In the face of serious pollution, many countries have to make a trade-off between economic gro

64、wth and environmental protection.(2) More and more office workers feel that they have to make a trade-off between their job and their family.3. In conclusion, the costs of restoring old buildings should be weighed against the cultural and economic benefits they bring about. Governments should strike a balance between the restoration of old buildings and regional development.4. redress the balance 修复平衡5. There be no preferential weighing of one or anotherof 两者

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