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1、解析包括:1. 原题2. 句意3. 解释(重在难点语法解题技巧)4. 拓展 (不留死角真正地全方位覆盖)同学们需要注意,这套解析看起来很多,却是不留死角地把所有能涉及到的考点(无论难易)全部囊括。老师相信,只要你把最新大市模拟试题都这样认真读一遍(请参看之前的盐城一模解析,明天是苏锡常镇二模单选解析),语法至此算是KO了。由于解析时间比较紧,本人学识粗浅,如果有不当的地方,望能制作。同时欢迎江苏各地英语老师加入飚记中学爱心群 264883904,共同切磋英语教学和交换第一手教学资源。第21题21. He hasnt got any hobbies _ you call watching TV

2、a hobby.A. when B. if C. unless D. since句意:她没有任何爱好除非你认为看电视是一种爱好的话。考生一定要注意unless的用法。一般来讲,unless从句可以用if . not . 替换;但有时候,unless从句意为but . if . 或except on condition that .,在这种意义上不可用if . not . 代替。例如:I couldnt get a grant unless I had five years teaching experience. (if I did not have .)Unless you had done

3、 it earlier, you would have failed. (If you had not done .)I shouldnt have gone to the door unless I had heard the bell. 要不是我听见门铃响,我是不会到门口去的。I couldnt have bought it unless(=except on condition that) I had bought enough money.另外,谨记:否定词till/ until/ unless/ before等这种结构意为“直到才”。例如:Draw not your bow till

4、/before your arrow is fixed. 箭搭好了才拉弓。You can never gain your aim,unless you work hard. 你只有努力工作才能达到目的。除了unless,选项里的when的特殊用法也是要关注的,如下:当时;考虑到How can you say you dont like somethingwhenyouve never even tried it!你连试都没试过,怎么能说不喜欢呢?You cant complain of being lonelywhenyou dont make any effort to meet peopl

5、e.你自己不主动去认识别人,又怎么能抱怨孤独呢?Why is she training to be a teacherwhenshe doesnt even like children?她既然连孩子都不喜欢,为甚么要去接受培训当老师呢?I dont suppose I can really call myself a vegetarianwhenI eat fish.因为我吃鱼,所以我觉得不能称自己为真正的素食主义者。尽管;可是;但是He says he hasnt got any moneywhenin fact hes got thousands of dollars in his acc

6、ount.他说自己一分钱也没有,可实际上他的银行帐户里有几千美元。I dont understand how he can say that everythings finewhenits so obvious that its not.我不明白他为甚么要说一切都很好,实际情况显然并非如此。第22题 22. With this New Year _ new challenges. -Sure. Global economy remains uncertain, and many countries continue to struggle.A. comes B. will come C. is

7、 coming D. come句意:伴随着新的一年而来的是新的挑战。是啊,全球经济不明朗,很多国家还在继续挣扎。考生看到with结构,一般先看是不是考查宾补结构,本题后面是考查谓语,明显不是。然后确定,介词短语放到前面前,一般考查倒装。本句正常语序是:New challenges come with this New Year.有考生可能要选C,而实际上在副词和介词短语引起的倒装句中一般用一般现在时代替进行时。例如:There comes the bus.车子来了。拓展:考生可能有个疑惑为什么介词短语放到前面要倒装?实际上这并不是规定的,而是出于修辞的需要。英语一般把重要信息放在最后。尤其是主

8、语较长,为使句子平衡或强调,倒装表语。例如:Through the door came an old French flower woman. 从前门进来一位卖花的法国老妪。In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. 门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有十一二把,五颜六色,大小不一。From near, then far comes the tragic sound of a flute. 远近有凄凉的笛声。Near the opening to a large forest lived a woodcutt

9、er with his wife. 通向一片大树林的空地附近,住着一位樵夫和他的妻子。There, in the west, lies the answer cloud has piled on cloud to form a ridge of white towers. 原来答案就在西边天际,云层重重叠叠,就像一排白塔。In the middle of all this sat my mother, now retired, and I. 如今已经退休的母亲和我就坐在这群人中间。第23.题23. It is reported that the Shanghai auto show stops

10、 using models. How about yours? -We will _.A. follow suit B. sink or swim togetherC. set eyes on it D. get to the bottom of it句意为:据报道上海车展停止用人模。你们的呢?我们将仿效的。Follow suit仿效(某人)。Sink or swim together一根绳上的蚂蚱,如唐顿庄园里的:I have a feeling we will sink or swim together. 恐怕我们是一根绳上的蚂蚱了。Set eyes on it第一次看见,注意到,如:Ev

11、eryone keeps talking about Patrick, but Ive never set eyes on the man.大家一直都在谈论派特利克,但我从来没见过这个人。get to the bottom of it找到起因;挖出祸根。第24题 24. Do you think he is the only person for the job? -Im not quite sure but hell prove _ to the task.A. equal B. essential C. special D. superior句意:你认为他是这个工作的唯一人选吗?我不确定,

12、但是他终会胜任这个任务。Equal(能力、勇气)胜任的,合适的,相当的;essential必须的;special特别的;superior优秀的。拓展:以上干扰项的词汇都可以在孙老师的飚记英语核心词汇220句查看,节选如下:1. essential:句子:Education, which is critical to intellectual development, has become an essential part of ones life.教育,对智力发展至关重要,已经成为人一生中的十分重要的组成部分。解释:essential sen.tl adjective& noun必要的,必不

13、可少的; 必需品;不可缺少的东西Water is essential for/to living things.水对于生物来说是不可或缺的。It is essential (that) our prices remain competitive.我们保持价格方面的竞争优势是至关重要的。Because I live in a remote village, I regard my car as an essential.因为我住在一个偏远的村子里,所以我把汽车看作必需品。He had acquired the skills essential to his later success in po

14、litics. 他获取了为后来在政坛上的成功所必需的种种技能。play an essential role/part in sthShe has always played an essential part in the smooth running of the business. 她总是在企业的顺利运作上起着极其重要的作用。注意下面各句里用 should 或虚拟现在式: It is essential that the change should be made. It is essential that the change be(不用is)made. It was essential

15、 that the change should be made. It was essential that the change be(不用was)made.类似的词有哪些?英语里有些形容词在意义上与情态或意愿有关,如essential(重要的,不可少的),important(重要的),necessary(必须),imperative(非常必要的),vital(生命攸关的),impossible(不可能的),appropriate(适当的),advisable(明智的),desirable(好的,所希望的),preferable(更好的)等等。当用先行词it充当主语而用它们充当表语时,则th

16、at从句的谓语动词或者用现在时虚拟式(在美国英语里),或者用should+动词原形(在英国英语里): It is vital that Mr Jones should receive this letter before this evening. 重要的是琼斯先生在今晚以前要收到这封信。 It is appropriate that this tax be abolished. 废止这条税收是适宜的。 2. special句子:English is indeed a very special language: not only does it have so many grammatica

17、l rules, but, annoyingly enough, there are also hundreds of exceptions to those rules, which one can master only through years of dedication and energy.英语确实是一门很特别的语言:它不仅有很多语法规则,而且很气人的是,有上千条语法规则例外的情况,只有经过投入多年的专注和精力后才能把握。(牛津高中英语读本 Book 3 P51)解释:specialspela. 特别的,专门的拓specially ad. 特别地;专门地specialist n.

18、专家;专门医师例This year, for example, more than 40 parks will offer special day and evening activities to excite your curiosity about nature and history. 例如今年,超过40个公园举办特别日和晚会活动来激发你们对自然和历史的兴趣。(2006 四川)The children can only stay up late on special occasions. 孩子们只有在特殊情况下才能睡得很晚。Lets all make a special effort

19、to welcome the visitors. 我们都来为欢迎参观者做更大的努力吧。According to specialists, our bodies send out more messages than we realize. 根据专家的说法,我们的身体发出比我们意识到的更多的信息。(2012 全国)3. superior句子:Instead, it is designed to persuade consumers that one companys product is superior to that of another company.相反,广告设计的用意是要说服消费者去

20、相信某家公司的产品比另一 家的好。superiorsjpra. 更胜一筹的 n. 上级,上司拓superiority n. 优越,高傲配be superior to 胜过,比好;不为所动屈服rise superior to超越;不为所影响例I feel that since you are my superior, it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do. 我感觉自从你当了我的领导后,让我告诉你要怎么做是很冒失的。(2005 上海) Though technically superior, their system was n

21、ever commercially successful. 虽然在技术水平上更胜一筹,但他们的系统从未获得商业上的成功。The new products are far superior to the old ones.这些新产品远远优于老产品。第25题25. As the dark horse, Chinas football team swept into the quarterfinals _ it is lost to host country Australia.A. as B. what C. that D. where句意:中国队作为黑马队一举进入四分之一决赛,这场比赛里,输给了

22、东道主澳大利亚队。由于空前是名词,再看下面选项,可以确定这是定语从句。因为名词后的从句98%都是定语从句(除非是同位语从句)。分析从句,主谓结构,不缺主语和宾语,因此从关系副词中选。而quarterfinals是表示地点的,故用where。拓展:我在飚记英语(微信公共号:biaojienglish)里已经具体讲解了定语从句的解法(三步六点法)。解题最简洁方法:1.SVO:确定是否为定语从句,然后确定先行词2.析从句:SV O A (从句里看SVO是否齐全,然后看状语A在否)3.缺S,O:用关系代词(that, which, whose, who, whom, as)缺A: 关系副词(when,

23、 where, why)说到底最关键:区别 v到底vt. 还是vi.?一些特别注意的考点:2.考查特殊的先行词对策:where是个大头,它指向的先行词可不只是江苏、徐州之类的地点名词,更多是situation, job五花八门,其次是when,要注意interval, period等。第26题 26. Flocks of customers joined Alibaba Singles Day, Hong Kong, the U.S. and Russia _ the top three outside.A. claimed B. to be claimed C. claiming D. be

24、ing claimed句意:成群的顾客加入了阿里巴巴的光棍节,香港、美国和俄罗斯成为(大陆)以外的前三甲。看选项,我们知道,这是考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词也要遵循“九字方针:找主干,析逻辑,看先后。”找主干:本句主干是前半句,因为joined是谓语;析逻辑:claim和三个地区的主被动关系,明显是这三个地区夺得前三名,主动关系,故用现成分词的主动形式。看先后:上两步答案已经出来了。拓展:本题实际上是考查独立主格结构:独立主格结构分词作状语时,如果其逻辑主语与整个句子的主语不一致时,需要独立主格结构。这种结构在句中多作伴随状语。亦可用来表示时间、原因、条件等。结构如下:主干(主语1+谓语+宾语)

25、,主语2+ doing/ having done/done (=having been done)有的语法专家认为,独立主格结构常常就是在前面省略了with,也有一定的道理。That being the case, wed better make some changes in the plan.Weather permitting, we will go out. The teacher having finished the lesson, the students left the classroom.如果你还想具体了解,如下:独立分词结构(一):“名词+分词”作状语我们常说的“独立主格

26、结构”的一种,叫作“独立分词结构”。这就类似于动名词的复合结构(如my doing)和不定式的复合结构(如for sb. to do)。请看例句:1Weather permitting, well be going fishing tomorrow.妙语点睛这里的分词短语weather permitting被称作“独立分词结构”,其中分词permitting的逻辑主语是weather,它和句子的主语we不一致,也即分词有了自己的独立主语。这个分词短语相当于一个条件状语从句,可以改写成If weather permits, .。精品译文如果天气允许的话,我们明天就去钓鱼。2All the mon

27、ey having been spent, we started looking for work.妙语点睛这里的分词短语all the money having been spent被称作“独立分词结构”,其中分词having been spent是分词的完成式。关于它的意义和用法,我们将在6.6节讨论。该分词的逻辑主语是all the money,它和句子的主语we不一致,也即分词有了自己的独立主语。这个分词短语相当于一个时间状语从句,可以改写成After all the money had been spent, .。精品译文钱全花光后,我们就开始找工作。3Nobody having a

28、ny more to say, the meeting was closed.妙语点睛这里的分词短语nobody having any more to say被称作“独立分词结构”,其中分词短语having no more to say的逻辑主语是nobody,它和句子的主语the meeting不一致,也即分词有了自己的独立主语。这个分词短语相当于一个原因状语从句,可以改写成Since nobody had any more to say, .。精品译文谁都无话可说了,会议就结束了。4The Chinese word for crisis is divided into two charac

29、ters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity.妙语点睛这里有两个并列的分词短语one meaning danger和the other meaning opportunity。其中分词短语meaning danger的逻辑主语是代词one,指代character;另一个分词短语meaning opportunity的逻辑主语是the other。它们和句子的主语the Chinese word for crisis不一致,也即分词有了自己的独立主语。这里的分词短语起补充说明前面句子的作用。精品译文中文中的“危机”分为两个字

30、,一个意味着“危险”,另一个意味着“机会”。独立分词结构(二):“with+名词+分词”作状语这里的分词短语“with+名词+分词”是在上述的分词短语“名词+分词”的基础上变化过来的,这里就是多了一个介词with。之所以如此强调这一结构以至于把它单独拿出来讨论,是因为它作状语所表达的意义与“名词+分词”这一结构所表达的意义有很大的不同。因此,我们需要知道何时该用“名词+分词”作状语,何时宜用“with+名词+分词”作状语。关于二者的差异,我们这里不作讨论讨论。仅举几例展示一下这个结构。请看例句:1A car roared past, with smoke pouring from the ex

31、haust.精品译文一辆小汽车“呼”地开了过去,排气管冒出一团团黑烟。2The old man often takes a walk after supper with his dog following him.精品译文这位老人经常在晚饭后出去散步,后面跟着他的宠物狗。【真题链接】【2014江苏】 His lecture_, a lively question-and-answer session followed.A. being given B. having givenC. to be givenD. having been given【解析】选D。a lively question-

32、and-answer session followed是一个完整的句子,本题的两部分之间缺少连词,所以逗号前面的不能是句子,只能是一个独立主格结构。名词his lecture与动词give之间构成被动关系,所以使用过去分词表示被动,排除B项。A项表示正在进行,C项不定式表示将要进行。都符合语义,D项having been done在做状语的时候相当于done。本句的独立主格结构His lecture having been given相当于After his lecture had been given。句意:他的演讲结束后,将是一个现场问答部分。故D正确。第27题 27. It might

33、have_ your notice but I am very busy at the moment.A. quit B. neglected C. escaped D. denied句意:你可能没有注意到,但是我当时太忙了。拓展:以上干扰项的词汇都可以在孙老师的飚记英语核心词汇220句查看,节选如下:Escapeescape sbs attention / notice逃过某人的注意; 被某人忽视Heescaped fromrealityby going to the cinema every afternoon.他每天下午都去电影院看电影,借此来逃避现实。Determined to be

34、his own master, Simmons quit in 1998 and started working freelance.西蒙斯一心要自己支配自己,于是在 1998 年辞去工作干起了自由职业neglectDull as a student may be, and difficult as a subject may seem to be at first sight, he will find the study become easier or at least less difficult, if he can hold on and does not neglect it.即

35、使学生不聪明,功课最初看起来很难,如果他能坚持不懈,努力去做的话,他就会感到学习越来越容易,至少不会那样难了。Neglectnglektn. 忽略,疏忽 v. 忽视,疏忽,疏漏 ignore例He was severely criticized for neglect of duty. 他因玩忽职守而受到严厉批评。No country can afford to neglect education. 任何国家都不容忽视教育。denyThere is no denying that part-time jobs are helpful to our sights and experience a

36、nd effectively further the student to a higher level in study.不可否认,兼职工作有助于我们开阔眼界和积累经验,有效地使学生进入到更高层次的学习。denydnav. 否认,否定,拒绝给予,节制例All of these pressures put teens in a terrible situation. The “solution” that some teens choose is to deny themselves all the time so as to keep temptation away. But soon, h

37、unger and food boredom lead to overeating. 所有这些压力都使青少年处于一种糟糕的处境之中。一些青少年所选择的“解决方案”就是一味地否定自我以拒绝诱惑。但很快,饥饿和厌倦将导致暴饮暴食。(2008 上海)第28题28. He abandoned teaching _ a career as musician.A. in favor of B. in terms of C. with regard to D. with reference to纯粹考查介词短语辨析。句意:为了把音乐作为自己的职业,他放弃了教学。In favor of喜爱;支持;in ter

38、ms of就而言;with regard to关于;with reference to关于。拓展:of构成的惯用短语:(看哪些不认识,就赶快查)catch sight of, catch/get hold of, at the risk of, in want of, in view of, in support of, in search of, in fear of, in quest of, in aid of, in/the face of, in favor of, for lack/want of, catch a glimpse of, in honour of, in/with

39、in sight of, in witness of, in praise of, in/the hope of, in anticipation of, in explanation of, on receipt of一收到(作状语),at the sight of, at the mention of, in receipt of收到(作表语),in defiance of, in appreciation ofin构成的惯用短语:in chorus 合唱in whispers 低语in full dress 盛装in disguise 假扮in mourning 穿丧服in white

40、穿白衣服in a rage 盛怒in a good/bad mood 心情好不好in a good/bad temper 脾气好坏in violation of 违反in a good/bad/ill humour 心情极佳不佳in anger 愤怒in high/low/poor spirits 情绪高昂低沉in hope 在希望中in despair 失望in fun 开玩笑in luck 幸运in comfort 在安乐中in trouble 处于困境in any event 无论如何in conclusion 总之in pain 在痛苦中in tears 流泪in alarm 惊惶in

41、 wonder 惊奇in astonishment/surprise 惊奇in horror 恐惧in fear 在恐惧中in a fog 困惑in safety 在安全中in need 在患难中in dilemma 进退维谷in debt 负债in good order 秩序良好in good condition 情况良好in good repair 情况良好in chores 混乱in confusion 零乱in ones way 妨碍in haste 匆忙in good/poor health 健康健康不佳in sickness 患病in a fever 发烧in fashion 流行

42、in vogue 流行in the air 传播in force 在施行中in operation 在施行in touch 联系in progress 在进行中in love 恋爱in public 公开地in session 在开会庭in use 在使用中in ruins 荒废in doubt 怀疑in secret 秘密地in earnest 认真地in the right 正确in the wrong 错误in print 在印制in black and white 白纸黑字in width 在宽度方面in length 在长度方面in hand 在进行中,在考察中in flower 开

43、花in shape 在形式上in rows 一排排in the bud 含苞待放hand in hand 手携手in broad daylight 在白昼in search of 寻求in miniature 小型的in large/small quantities 大小量的in pursuit of 追求in favour of 赞成in memory of 为纪念而in honour of 对表示敬意in reward for 作为的报酬in behalf of 为的利益in token of 作为的表示in revenge for 作为的报复in all proportions 按各种比

44、例in addition 另外in connection with和有关in brief 简单地说in due course 在适当时候in essence 本质上in fact 事实上in disrepute 声名狼藉in the event of 万一in general 一般来说lie in 在于in possession of 占有in short 总之in line with 按照in other words 换言之in opposition to 与相反in stock 有货in support of 支持in particular 特别是in part 部分地in terms o

45、f 用的术语,根据in turn 依次in respect to 关于in no time 马上in the eyes of 在看来in regard to 关于in the light of 根据in the interest(s) of 为了的利益in the open 在露天in the main 基本上in time 及时in all 总计in vain 徒劳in times 常常absorbed in 专心于engaged in 从事于immersed in 沉湎于indulged in 沉溺于in view of the fact that 鉴于这一事实in quest of 寻求

46、表示“关于、至于”的介词1in regard to, with regard to, regarding和as regardsin regard to和with regard to中的to为介词,不是不定式符号,to不可改用其他词。regarding后不可加to, as regards中的s不可省。例如:With/In regard to studying English, you should read widely and speak more.He spoke to me regarding his future.In my opinion, she is no artist at al

47、l as regards dancing.With regard to future oil supplies, the situation is uncertain. 关于未来石油供应问题,情况尚不确定。2concerning, respecting和touching这三个词都是正式用语,意义上相当于about, with regard to。concerning 还可同as连用,构成as concerning,也可以说as concerns。例如:He refused to answer questions concerning his private life.A lot of prob

48、lems arose respecting atmosphere pollution.As concerning/As concerns the reason of the failure, he refused to give any comment.He has a lot to say touching the education in the West.What is your opinion concerning the election? 你对于这次选举有何看法?Respecting your salary, we shall come to a decision later. 关

49、于你的薪水,我们晚些时候将做出决定。3with respect to, in respect of, with/ in reference to, in connection with和in the matter of这几个词通常可以换用。with respect to, with reference to中的to为介词;in the matter of后一般接具体的物件。例如:With/In reference to compiling the dictionary, Professor Smith has given us some advice.Its going to raise a

50、lot of problems with respect to air pollution.The refrigerator is good in respect of quality.He has everything he needs in the matter of food, clothes and other living necessities.This is especially true in respect of the Asian countries. 亚洲国家的情况尤其如此。With respect to your other proposals, I am not ab

51、le to give you our decision. 关于你的其他建议,我现在还无法告诉你我们的决定。He is senior to me in respect of service. 就工作年头来说,他比我资格老。The discussion with respect to the economic situation lasted for two days. 有关经济形势的讨论持续了两天。I have nothing to say with reference to your complaints. 对于你的抱怨我无话可说。She asked me many questions in

52、connection with life in Africa. 她问了我许多关于非洲生活的问题。The police are interviewing two men in connection with the robbery. 警察正在查问与抢劫案有关的两个人。4about, onabout和on均可表示“关于”。about多用于口语,随便提及,内容可能较笼统。on用于较正式的讨论,议论,所述题目或主题需详加阐发,如讲学、讲演、写作等。about常同下列动词连用:talk, know, tell, read, write, quarrel, argue, think, sing, hear

53、, speak, agree, disagree(不同意)等。on常同下列动词连用:comment(评议),debate(辩论),remark(评说), touch(论及),reflect(沉思),discourse(论述),enlarge(详述),dwell(详谈),ponder(默想),lecture(演讲)等。第29题 29. The frozen waterfall has attracted floods of tourists to _ the natural beauty.A. cherish B. admire C. observe D. discover句意:冻起来的瀑布吸引

54、了大量的游客来欣赏自然的美景。拓展:以上干扰项的词汇都可以在孙老师的飚记英语核心词汇220句查看,节选如下:1. cherish It seems to be a modern fashion that young people keep postponing their marriage. Perhaps the tendency would further deepen as contemporary people cherish life quality over marriage, a key element leading to the increase of divorce rat

55、e.年轻人现在都流行晚婚。由于现代人非常重视生活质量,认为它比婚姻更重要,因此很可能这一趋势将继续加深。这是离婚率提高的关键因素之一。2. admireShe has since been admired and remembered as a heroine struggling to make her dream come true.此后她就作为积极实现梦想的女英雄而受到人们的尊敬和怀念。(牛津高中英语读本 Book 4 P23)admiredma(r)v. 钦佩;羡慕;赞赏;欣赏谐音记忆:“我的妈呀”,好羡慕,好钦佩!例句精选:Iadmiredhimforhis determinatio

56、n.我很欣赏他那坚毅的性格。I reallyadmirepeople who can work in such difficult conditions.我实在是很钦佩那些能在如此艰苦的条件下工作的人。We stood for a few moments,admiringthe view.我们驻足了一会儿,欣赏美丽的景色。In recent years, hundreds of schools have carried out experiments with paying kids with cash for showing up or getting good grades. All sc

57、hool kids admire this trend. But it upsets adults. 近几年来,数百所学校开展了给表现好或得高分的学生奖励现金的实验。所有的学生都很羡慕这一趋向。但这却令成年人担心。(2010 广东)admirabledmrbla. 值得赞赏的,可钦佩的构admir(e)(v. 钦佩;羡慕)+ -able(形容词后缀)例I was trying to find an admirable job. 我当时正努力想找份令人羡慕的工作。(2012 四川)3. observeBy the time my boss, who was known to be the str

58、ictest, most demanding, most quick to fire inexperienced teachers, came into the classroom to observe me, the students exhibited very little good behavior to praise. (2013.浙江阅读D)我的上司,素以严格、苛刻和快速炒缺乏经验的老师的鱿鱼而闻名,走进教室观察我的时候,学生的行为很糟糕,无可称赞的地方。Observebzvv. 观察,监视,观测拓observation n. 观察;观察力observer n. 观察者配obser

59、ve on 谈论observe a rule 遵守规则observe the discipline 遵守纪律例I observed a number of intelligent children who were taken out of a special class and placed in a regular class. 我看到一些天才儿童被从特殊班里抽出来安排到了普通班。(2011 广东)People mustobservethe law. Nobody should be an exception.人们必须遵纪守法,谁都不应该例外。1observe(无意间注意到)的宾语后面的不

60、定式没有 to。例如:I observed him go out.但假使把 observe 改作被动语态,那不定式便该有 to。例如:He was observedtogo out.2下面两句意思略有不同:I observed himgoout.(我无意间注意到他出去。)I observed himgoingout.(我无意间注意到他正在出去。)第二句着重在那个人正在出去而恰巧被我看见。第30题:30. Do you know the story of Niulang and Zhinu? -Of course. Their love story was _ as an example for

61、 hundreds of years in China.A. taken up B. kept up C. picked up D. held up句意:你知道牛郎织女的故事吗?当然。他们的故事在中国作为榜样。各个选项短语的意思如下:拓展:以上部分干扰项的词汇都可以在本人的飚记英语核心词汇220句,节选如下:take up基本含义:拿到上面;拿起;举起【例解】1. Take care not to take up the hot coals with your bare hands. 注意不要光着手去捡那烧红的煤块.2. He took up the telephone recevier an

62、d asked for a number. 他拿 起电话,要一电话号码。【引申含义】(1)take up也可作“占去、占据时间、位置等”讲(to fill or use time,space),如:All his evenings were taken up with study. 他每天晚上的时间都用于学习。That big clock will have to go; it takes up too much space in the small hall.那只大钟得挪走,它在小 厅里占的地方太大了。(2)take up用作“接纳乘客”;“装载货物”是常见的用法。如: The bus stopped to take up passengers.公共汽车停下来让乘客上车。这时, take up=pick up。(3)take up可用作“开始从事(一种生意、一种职

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