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1、1111Chapter5. Points of view -Listening, Speaking, Writing一、章节分析 (Section Analysis ) (一) 综述 本章节是语言运用部分。通过听,说,写方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,加强他们运用语言知识来表达思想感情的能力。(二)目标Listening 1 帮助学生通过抓关键词培养其听力理解能力。2 听说结合,提高听力教学效果。Speaking 1 帮助学生运用本课有关的元音和辅音的读法。2 鼓励学生在此过程中动脑动口,学会元音和辅音的结合读法。Using English 1 帮助学生如何读懂规定和规则,并将文字信息

2、转化成表格形式。2 培养学生自习自研能力。Writing 1 学会怎样来表达自己的观点。2 掌握表达观点时的词和句式以及写作方法。3 根据简要提示写出符合要求的信。(三)重点和难点Listening 培养学生抓关键词汇:fitness, fit, back problem, Speaking 元音和辅音的结合读法,以及对自己观点的语句组织。Using English 主要词汇的运用:to allow, to forbid, to ban, to prohibit, 以及否定的用法。Writing 根据提示写出符合要求的letter并能采用生生互评。二、教学设计(Teaching Designs

3、)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Listening 1 建议把听和说相结合。通过教师与学生或学生与学生的对话,表演,引入要听的新单词,强化学生可理解性输入。l Pre-listening 在听之前,创设环境,要求学生明确听力任务(表格的填写)l While-listening诱发兴趣,增强听的动力。l Post-listening 要求学生小组讨论,结合自己的生活实际来讨论这三个广告。牛津英语教学参考Page 79Speaking 课本中出现的Speak up内容与本课的主题关系比较紧密,可以调动起学生的兴趣。l 练习元音和辅音的读法,以及两者的结合。l 结合课文的内容,运用相应语句交流观点

4、。牛津英语教学参考Page85Using English l 要求学生阅读87页的规定,把文字信息转换为表格形式。l 在完成练习时,注意词汇的用法。牛津英语教学参考Page87Writing 这是典型的控制写作。首先教师应该帮助学生了解论述观点的句式以及写作思路;要求学生掌握该文体的写作方法;并能够根据简要的提示写出符合要求的书信。在这部分建议教师采用生生互评的反馈方式,让每一个学生都成为批改着,评价的参与者,这样不仅可以提高学生的学习积极性,在改正同学的错误的同时,自身水平也得到的提高。牛津英语教学参考Page89链接1Listening and speaking 说明: 建议听说结合:在说

5、的基础上,引入听的内容,在听的同时,要求学生掌握表达建议的基本句型。Step One Speaking1. Pre-speaking Vowel soundsl When we say a word completely on its own, the phonetic information given in a dictionary is correct. However, when words are uttered together quickly in the stream of speech, various things happen to the beginnings and

6、endings of words as they react with the other words around them.l Read the introduction and examples in the book to the class. First, read the pairs of words as two separate words, and then pronounce them together quickly.Some consonant soundsl When the same consonant occurs at the end of one word a

7、nd the beginning of another, in the interests of economy, assimilation takes place, and only one consonant is pronounced.l Read the examples in the book to the class, first as two separate words, then as when joined.Consonant and vowel sounds l The most common pattern for a syllable in world languag

8、es is consonant+vowel (+consonant). English does not follow this pattern especially closely, but it tends to reassert itself in connected speech. Therefore, a terminal consonant tends to be attracted to an initial vowel, as is explained in this section.l Tell the students to rewrite the words in Exe

9、rcise A3 to show how they are pronounced. Ask selected students to try to pronounce what they have written. Lead the class in choral practice.2. Speaking-up l This section gives practice in using these rules in full sentences. Model the sentences in Exercise A4 for the students, and then ask them to

10、 practice saying them chorally and in pairs.l Ask the students to form into groups and to work through the topics one by one. The group secretaries should make a note of the main points, so that they may later give their reports.Step Two Listening Listening on Page 791 Pre-reading 1) What do you kno

11、w about ads? 教师请学生就他们所知的有关ads的情况谈谈。教师也可以根据情况作简单的介绍。2) Introduce the task to students : look at the three picture. 教师帮助学生用自己的语言根据图片来描述这三个广告,并注意要填写的三个内容:广告所销售的物品名字,特点和价格。2 While-listening 1) Listen to the first ad , and ask students to supply the missing words. 2) Listen to the second ad and supply th

12、e missing words .3) Listen to the last two paragraphs and supply the missing words. 3 Post listening 听后活动-说的训练。Check students answers, and then discuss the products. Do you believe the advertisers claims? Which products and which claims seem realistic? 链接2说明: 通过这部分的学习,让学生学会如何表达自己的观点,并且学会书信的写作格式。如下,提

13、供了一份本课时的完整教案。WritingStep One Pre-writing - to introduce the rules of writing opinions.1 Students are required to read the directions on page 89 and pay attention to the useful sentence patterns.I believe thatI think thatIn my opinion,I feel thatIn my view,2 Students are required to read the topics i

14、n Exercise A.3 Students are required to read the supporting ideas one by one and for sure that they can all understand everting.4 Students are required to summarize the rules of writing the lrtters .在letter 中要首先在右上方写明地点,注意称呼的表达,在正文时,要写明目的,在最后要有结束语和签名。语言要求简洁明快,重点突出。Step Two While-writing 1 Work in gr

15、oups. Choose one of the topics in Exercise A above and plan a letter on it to the editor of the City Daily News.2 The letter should contain three or four opinions supported by facts.3 Start the letter with a one-sentence paragraph like this: I am writing to express my views on the topic ofStep Three

16、 Post-writing 1 Two students are required to project their writings to the screen .(使用实物投影仪)2 Other students are required to make some comments on these articles and then teacher may make some comments on their writing .Step Four Assignment Write a letter to your school principal to express your opinion on the using of the playground. Remember to give the examples to support your points of view.111

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