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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一个地图题的开头:The map about the development of the village sufficiently illustrates the way of progress of this area. In this map, we can find four main sectors and two main roads intersected with one railway and one motor way. It seems the overall development of this village has strong conn

2、ection with the construction of roads.雅思小作文地图题词汇Part 1:表时间流程图和地图题中都可能涉及时间表达。流程题中,使用较多的是过程时长的表述,而地图题的时间使用则体现为地理变迁的时间变化。一般在方位选址图题中较少出现。确切的时间指引,既增加文章的自然和连贯度,也能体现行文的精确性。常见表示时间的词:专心-专注-专业in few hours几小时during the period of 在期间after 10 days 10天后fromto 从到between and 在之间over theyear period在一个年期间5 years befo

3、re 5年前a decade earlier几十年前from that moment on从那时起after a while一会since自从since then自从finally最后over the subsequent years近连续几年例句:The process lasts for up to 7 days and the products are finally distributed to customers.Part 2:表空间空间表达地图题出现概率较高,但流程图也偶尔出现。空间应该是地图题解题关键和主要特点。许多考生容易误把地图题的空间位置写成上下左右位置,这是失分点非常大的

4、地方。朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家们提示烤鸭,空间表达时需要注意区分:在空间状语里,in表内部,on表接壤,to表分开。常用的空间词:lies 靠近is located 坐落is situated in 位于across 交叉parallel 平行intersect 交点on the side of the 面on both sides of 两边just off 靠近on the opposite side 在另一边on the border 在边缘上center/middle/central area 中间near/next to/close to/adjacent to 靠近例句:It l

5、ies 450 kilometers from the nearest city, which is on the north side of the KK mountain.Part 3:表顺序表顺序的使用在流程图中是典型,表顺序的关联词能够使描述的流程更加清晰,结构条理明显。就如我们常用的产品安装说明一样,标明了1、2、3、4步,简洁明了。常见的表顺序的连词如下:开始:first of all, initially, to begin with, in the first place, first, the first stage involves , during, in the fir

6、st place, Firstly?其次:second, then, next, also, in the second stage, following this/that, afterwards the first (reason) is, Secondly然后:after that, at the same time, in the meantime, meanwhile, prior to, until, in the third stage, in addition, at the same time, from that moment on, once when最终:finally

7、, lastly, in the final stage, in the end, Thirdly例句:First the fruit is picked from trees by hand. It is then transported to the cannery by large trucks.A. 地图变化词变大:enlargedextendedincreasedsoarby halfrisendoubled, tripled变小:droppedreduceddecreasedgrownfallenhalved消失:disappearedremovedno more here建成:B

8、ecomes transformedreconstructedredevelopedcompleted and openedadded to the libraryconverted intochanged intoturned over toreplaced /substitutedgives way tonewly-built builtestablishset upconstructedThe following diagraph shows the structure of? The picture illustrates? It mainly consists of.? It wor

9、ks as follows? It always involves following steps.? The whole procedure can be divided in.stages.?地图题第一段句型This report compares how _ developed and changed since _/ between _ and _.The two maps illustrate the difference of _ between _ and _.表示A位于A is located A is situated A is just off the road to A在

10、通向某地的路边上A is right at the center of A在的正中央表示A靠近或紧挨着BA is next to BA is close to BA is adjacent to B表示A位于B的某一面公里处A is located/situated kilometers to the east/west/south/north of B.表示A在B的某个角上A is located on the east/west/north/south corner of B表示道路/河流通向某处The road runs from to The river flows from to 表

11、示A与B一路之隔A is right across from B表示A在B的对面A is opposite B表示建筑物的布局: layout表示建筑物周边的环境:the surroundings表示A占据了某个空间: A occupies表示在某处新建造了AA is newly built inA is newly constructed inA is newly established in表示A被改造成了BA is turned into BA is transformed into BA is replaced by B表示A被移除A is removedA has goneA is

12、taken down from 表示A的面积缩小/扩大了The size of A is reduced/expanded.A was expanded to twice its size.The size of A almost doubled. A经历了(某种变化): A experienced/witnessed/saw起初:At first/Initially/In the beginning/Originally,接下来:Then/Next/After that/In the following stage/In the next period/In the subsequent p

13、eriod/Afterwards,在这个阶段:At this point/In this phase/In this stage,最终:Finally/Eventually/In the end,地图题的5个常用句式(前三个句子为主,后面的句子为连接和点缀) 句式1:located/situated/sited/built/constructed+地点 1. ,一块湿地(wetland)在湖的西南面。 A wetland is located to the southeast of the lack. 句式2:地点+with+地点+方位 2. 这个地区有一个很大的树林,在南面有一个农场。 Th

14、is region has large woodland with a farm to the south. 句式3:there be 句型 3. 东南角有两个学校。 There are two schools on the south-eastern corner of the area.句式4:使用while, but 和and连接的句子 4. 城市的北面有一个山, 而南面有一个湖 A mountain is located to the north of the city, while there is a river to the south. 句式5: 倒装句 5. 河的南面有个博物

15、馆。 To the south of the river was a library. 句式6:使用名词性从句(譬如说it should be noted that, it is worth noting that, it is noticeable that, we can see that, it is clear that, one significant change is that) 6. 值得注意的是这个图书馆在东侧有一长列的会议室。 It is noticeable that the library has a row of meeting rooms on the easter

16、n side.分析近几年IELTS Writing出现过的地图题,我们可以把地图题分为两大类:一类,静态选址题;一类,动态变迁题。静态选址题,这种题型要求考生对建筑物不同地址的利弊进行比较,多数静态选址题是在两个地址之间的比较,多于两个地址之间的比较会出现的较少。例 2:二。静态选址题的解题技巧1.时态解决小作文,我们首要的一个步骤就是明确全文要用的时态。一般而言,静态选址类的题目当中如果没有明确表示过去时间点的标识词,使用一般现在时或是用would/could/might等表示假设的虚拟语气形式。2.主体段建议各位考生按照不同的地址来划分主体段,需要比较几处地址就分成几个主体段,然后具体去写

17、每个地址的利与弊。3.开头和结尾静态选址的开头和数据类图型一样改写题目就可以,结尾只需要说明不同地址各自都有优缺点,可以不去选择一个较好的地址。4.重点词汇和句型在地图题当中,考生必须熟练掌握词汇和句型:(1)方位词东east 东北 north-east西west 东南 south-east北north 西北 north-west南south 西南 north-west(2)坐落/位于A is locatedA is situatedA lies (3)介词的使用A在B内的东部A is located in the east side of B(4)A在距离B东部.。的公里A is locat

18、ed kilometers to the east of B(5)A在B的东部角落A is located at the east corner of B(6)A在B的东部边缘A is located on the east edge of B(7)紧邻/对面/朝向A is next to/is close to/is adjacent to/A is in the proximity to BA is opposite BA faces east/A faces towards the east(8)沿着河流/道路along with river/roadalongside the rive

19、r/road(9)道路通向/河流流向The road/river runs fromto5.例文讲解(例1,C5-3)通过基础词汇和句型的讲解,我们以地址s1为例,描述出s1的准确位置,同时客观分析s1作为建立超市地址的优缺点。The first potential1 location (S1)is outside the town itself and is sited just off2 the main road to the town of Hindon, lying 12 kms to the north-west.3 This site is in the countryside

20、and so would be able to 4 accommodate a lot of car parking. This would make it accessible to5 shoppers from both Hindon and Garlson who could travel by car. As it is also close to6 the railway line linking the two towns to Cransdon(25 km to the south-east), a potentially large number of shoppers wou

21、ld also be able to7 travel by train。三. 动态变迁题的解题技巧1.时态动态变迁题的开头段改写原题用一般现在时,主体段根据图形来决定。如果题目当中有明确表示过去和现在时间标志的词,我们按照图形使用不同的时态。如图所示,例3: The maps show the changes of a small village from 1995 to present。 很显然,在描述第一幅图,有明确的过去时标识词,1995,我们使用一般过去时;在描述第二幅图,存在明确的现在时标识词,present,使用一般现在时。2.主体段落开头段即改写原题,结尾段概括某个地理区域是如何

22、发展变化的。动态选址题通常按照时间顺序划分主体段。题目出现几个年代就分成几个主体段来写,每段写其中一个历史阶段,具体描述两个年代的变化和不同之处。如果有多个年代变化阶段,可以考虑把合并变化阶段来写主体段。3.重点词汇和句型动态变迁题,除了需要掌握上述静态选址题当中表述方位,位置,朝向等重点词汇之外,还需要掌握以下词汇,(1)某处兴建了AA is built inA is contracted inA is established in(2)某处增建了AA is added toAn addition is made to , which is A(3)A被B替代/A改造成BA is turne

23、d into/is transformed into BA is converted into B(4)A被搬走A is removed/demolished from(5)A的面积缩小了/A的面积扩大了The size of A is reduced to (only half of/one third of the original size)A is expanded (to twice its size)=The size of A almost doubled。(6)A向方向延长A extends (eastward/westward/southward)4.例文讲解(例 3)开头同

24、数据型图标文章一样,对题目做简单的改写:The maps reveal the alterations of the village of Soton over the period from 1995 to present。主体段首先,我们需要对第一幅图片进行细节的描述。从总体上说,村庄被分成了两部分。按照从南到北的角度,去描述村庄里面具体存在的建筑物。In the first picture8 , the village was divided into9 three parts by two major roads. In the southern part, there was10 a

25、 fishing port on the sea, and a fish market, which was near the port, was just located at the south side 11 of the major road. Opposite to12 the market, there was a block of shops sitting on the other side of the road. East of the shops, a hotel and a cafe were built at the joint 13 of the two major

26、 roads. The northwest part14 was basically a residential area, and some of the houses were surrounded by15 a rectangular road. In addition, a farmland of great acreage occupied the northeast corner16 , while a forest park of similar size was established17 on the south of the farmland。第三段,我们要做的是把“对比”

27、做到极致:两幅图的不同,村庄所发生的变化。每句话做到言之有物,言之有理。考生需要清晰的有条理的指出:消失的建筑物,被替代的建筑物,新建的建筑物等。In the second picture, the village has changed a lot.18The fishing port has gone and the fish market is replaced by19 a block of apartments. Several restaurants also take up the place of 20 the shops on the road side. Moreover,

28、 a car park is newly built21 no the east of the hotel. In addition, the housing area becomes larger and a branch road is built from the rectangular road to the west. Finally, a sports field for tennis and golf occupied22 the place of previous farmland the forest park。结尾段,考生仅需重申村庄有变化的事实即可。To conclude

29、, these years have witnessed rapid development in the village of Soton。最后,总结一下小作文地图题的写作要点。第一,分清地图题的类型,是静态选址题还是动态变迁题;第二,明确文章使用的时态;第三,有条理的组织主体段的内容;最后,掌握题型的重点词汇和句型,有效的把每个方位,每个地址描述清楚。必须强调的是,地图题的中心思想依然不变,即对比。不论是对比不同的地址优缺点还是对比某地随时间发生的变化。potential 潜在的,可能的be sited 位于主干道的旁边lying 是lie的现在分词形式would 表可能,能够同义替换:表可能,能够靠近,临近表可能,能够这段主要阐述第一幅地图带给我们的信息be divided into 被分成几部分there be 某处有某物be located at 位于.。opposite to 。的对面be built 被建立at the joint 在交叉口处于西北地区的是.。be surrounded by 被包围occupy 占据occupy the northeast corner 处于东北角be established 被建立本段的中心句be replaced by 被替代take up the place of 被替代被新建的建筑物占据(新建的建筑物)

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