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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上状语从句1. 手机的使用和交通事故有很强的联系,因为很多人习惯地在开车时打电话。The use of mobile phone has a strong correlation with traffic accidents, as many people habitually talk on the phone during driving.2. 网络博物馆能克服这个限制,因为参观者能把展品的图片放大来观察细节Online museum can overcome this constraint, because visitors can magnify picture

2、s of exhibits to observe the details. 3. 真实的博物馆很重要,因为它们能提醒人们保护文化遗产。Real museums are of significance, because they remind people to protect cultural heritage4. 一旦真实的博物馆被拆除,当地人的文化身份迟早会被侵蚀。 Once real museums are demolished, the cultural identity of local people will be eroded sooner or later.5. 方便的国际旅行

3、使商人能调查不同国家的商业环境,所以他们能把产品,服务和就业机会带到这些国家。Convenient international travel enables business people to investigate different countries commercial environment, so they can bring products, services and job opportunities to these countries.6. 大量的老房子应该被拆除,因为他们阻碍了城市的发展。A large number of obsolete buildings sho

4、uld be demolished as they have retarded the development of cities7. 当国家的经济不发达时,为了发展经济,环境恶化是一个不可避免的后果When countries are not economically developed, environmental degradation is an inevitable consequence for achieving their economic targets8. 尽管英语对全球化做出了巨大贡献,但是它被认为是文化多样性消失的罪魁祸首。Although English makes

5、great contribution to globalization, it is considered a culprit of the loss of cultural diversity.9. 生产力的发展,以及技术革新,已经大大降低了生产成本,所以很多产品,包括袋装食品和家庭用品,变得越来越便宜。The improvement of productivity, as well as technological innovation, has reduced the cost of production substantially, so products ,including pac

6、kaged foods and household products,are increasingly affordable.10. 年轻夫妇希望他们的孩子在城市环境中接受高质量的教育,这样他们才能打破贫穷的循环。Young couples expect their children to receive quality education in urban settings, so they can break the cycle of poverty. 11. 如果人们能正确分类垃圾,很多塑料和玻璃产品就能被回收利用。 If people classify garbage correctl

7、y, many glass and plastic products will be recycled and reused. 12. 只要有网络和电脑,学生就能登录在线课堂。 As long as there is a computer with internet access, students can log into online classes. 名词性从句1. 有人怀疑(It is suspected that )使用手机最终会增加得癌症的风险It is suspected that the use of mobile phones will eventually increase

8、 the risk of developing cancers 2. 很多手机使用者认为手机加强了他们的社交网络而不是孤立他们。Numerous cell phone users think that mobile phone have enhanced their social networks rather than isolating them3. 另外一个优点是是,有了网络,手机使用者能够读新闻,浏览广告,收集商业信息,查看天气预报。Another advantage is that with internet access, mobile phone users are able t

9、o read news, browse advertisements, collect business information and check weather forecasts. 4. 网络博物馆的另一个好处是它们24小时开放,并且免费One advantage of the online museums is that they are open around the clock and provide free admission5. 虚拟博物馆让人们更好地了解展览品,不用担心参观者会意外打破那些珍贵的文物。A virtual museum allows people to gai

10、n an understanding of exhibits without having to worry that visitors accidentally break those precious relics.6. 核心问题是是否经济发展必须以环境为代价才能达到。 The central question is whether economic development has to be achieved at environments expense.7. 关注这个问题是怎样发生,并且怎样解决它是至关重要的。It is of great significance to focus

11、on how this problem has happened and how to solve this problem. 定语从句1. 更多的对资源的需求导致了广泛的砍伐森林和采矿,这是土壤流失的主要原因。The stronger demand for resources leads to extensive logging and mining, which are the main causes of soil erosion2. 沉迷于快餐的人更容易遭受肥胖和其他饮食相关的健康问题。People who are obsessed with fast food are more li

12、kely to suffer from obesity and other diet-related health problems. 3. 在那些经济发展还处于初级阶段的国家,经济发展严重依赖开采自然资源。In countries whose economies are still in the early stages, economic development relies heavily on exploiting natural resources. 6. 学生最终会进入社会,在这里男性和女性一起工作,生活。 Student will eventually enter society

13、 where men and women work and live together. 7. 我们生活在一个信息可以及时分享的世界。We live in a world where information can be shared immediately. 8. 还有一些帮助培养孩子健康生活方式的广告,比如运动产品和户外活动产品的广告。 There are also advertisements which help to promote healthy lifestyles among children, such as TV commercials for sports product

14、s and outdoor activities products.混搭句:1. 可以理解的是人们不大可能互相走访,因为手机让他们在任何时候都能沟通。It is understandable that people are less likely to visit each other, as the cell phone allows them to communicate whenever they want.2. 比如,商人可以在手机中储存客户或者商业伙伴的联系方式,不用担心当他们的社交网络扩大时候,他们可能不记得所有的信息。For instance, business people c

15、an store their customers and business partners contact details in their mobile phones without having to fear that they cannot remember all the information when their social networks are enlarging. 3. 一个无法逃避的事实是商业领域有如此多的不确定因素,以至于一些雇佣了上千个员工的公司也有可能随时破产。The inescapable fact is that the business world ha

16、s so many unforeseen factors that even those companies which recruit tens of thousands of workers can go bankrupt anytime. 4. 除此之外,技术发展如此之快,以至于很多人无法及时地升级他们的技术来满足雇主的最新要求,这导致了很多上班族强烈的不安全感。In addition, technology has developed so rapidly that many people fail to upgrade their skills in a timely manner

17、to meet employers renewed requirements,which results in a strong sense of insecurity of many employees. 5. 从事体育锻炼的学生能持续地保持健康的体重和生活方式,这在当前的世界特别重要,在这里更多的年轻人习惯于静止的活动,比如打游戏和上网。Students who engage in physical activity can constantly maintain a healthy weight and keep a healthy lifestyle, which is particu

18、larly important in our current society where more young people are used to sedentary activities, such as playing video games and surfing on the Internet.6. 并且,定期锻炼的学生通常有一个积极的生活态度,这使他们能轻松面对压力。Furthermore, students who exercise habitually normally have a positive attitude to life, which enables them t

19、o cope with stress easily. 7. 比如, 孩子会尽力避免有攻击性的行为和粗话,如果他们意识到这些行为不大可能被其他人接受。For example, children will do their best to avoid aggressive behaviour and foul language, if they realise that those acts are not likely to be accepted by other people. 8. 可以合理地认为规则能够阻止孩子去做可能毁掉他们生活的错事It is reasonable to think

20、that rules can prevent children from committing some wrongdoings which can destroy their lives. 9. 有时候规则可能不会有一个积极的效果,如果制定这些严格规则的父母过度强调孩子的顺从。Sometimes rules may not have a positive influence on children, if those parents who establish the strict rules overemphasise childrens obedience.10. 对于那些由于工作经常搬

21、家的父母来说,寄宿学校是一个理想的环境,在这里孩子们能被老师照顾和监管。For those parents who frequently relocate due to their work assignments, the boarding school can be an ideal environment where children are supported and monitored by tecahers. 11. 显而易见,许多来自农村的人把城市看作一个他们更容易找到高薪工作的诱人的地方。It is apparent that many people from rural co

22、mmunities regard the city as an inviting place where they are more likely to find well-paid jobs.12. 博物馆是一个国家旅游业的重要组成部分,因为他们每年吸引上百万的国外和本地的游客,这是一个虚拟博物馆不能实现的功能。Museums are an important component of a countrys tourist industry because they attract millions of tourists from abroad as well as locally eve

23、ry year, which is a function that cannot be fulfilled by any virtual museum. 13. 如果政府不支付基本的医疗,大量的穷人就会遭受疾病的痛苦,得不到合适的治疗,这是不公平和不人道的。 If governments do not pay for the basic health care, a large number of disadvantaged people would suffer from diseases without receiving proper treatment, which is unfair

24、 and inhuman. 14. 没有老板的监督,一些缺乏自律的员工可能会虚度时间,这意味着工作的质量和效率得不到保证。 Without supervision of the boss, employees who lack self-discipline are likely to be idle, which means that the quality and efficiency of work cannot be guaranteed. 15. 学习大范围课程的学生能从不同的角度看待问题,因为不同的科目培养不同的思维方式。Students who study a wide range of courses are able to view problems from different perspectives, because various subjects cultivate different thinking modes.专心-专注-专业

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