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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Lesson 82 Monster or fish? 是妖还是鱼?【New words and expressions】(7)monster n. 怪物 sailor n. 海员sight v. 见到 creature n. 动物,生物peculiar adj. 奇怪的,不寻常的 shining adj. 闪闪发光的 oarfish n. 桨鱼一單詞講解: monster (1) n. 怪物a one-eyed monster獨眼怪物eg:A dragon is a fabulous monster . 龍是一個傳說中的怪物(2) 巨大物、(做形容詞) 巨大eg:Th

2、e spaceship was a real monster . 巨大的宇宙飛船a monster pumpkin 南瓜monstrous adj. 畸形的, 怪異的, 巨大的a monstrous iceberg 巨大的冰山monstrously adv. 、非常 sailor (1) n. 海员、水手eg:His father is a sailor .(2) 乘船的人 (與adj. 連用)a good sailor 不暈船的人 a bad sailor 暈船的人sail(同音詞sale) (1)n. 帆 put up a sail 揚帆(2) n.航行、航程 go for a sail

3、乘船去航行 eg:Its a forty-minute sail from Dove to Calais . 從多佛到加來需45分鐘的航行in full sail 以全速 ; set sail 啟航(3) v. 揚帆、航行,(使) 行使eg:The yacht sailed around the cape . 那艘遊艇繞岬航行。eg:He sailed his boat into the harbor . 他將船直接駛向港口。eg:Can you sail a yacht ? 你會駕駛遊艇?sail close to the wind 幾乎犯法;冒風險sailing n. 航海 ; saili

4、ng boat (英) 帆船 (美:sail boat) sight (1) v. 见到eg:They sighted land at last . 他們終於看見陸地了(2) n. 視力、視覺 near sighted short sighted 近視far sighted long sighted 遠視lose ones sight 失明(3)n. 視野 go out of sight 從視線消失、看不見了 ; come in sight 映入眼簾in sight 看得見,被見到;在望,在即eg;I caught sight of his tall figure in the crowd .

5、 在人群中我看見他高大的身影。(4) n. 名勝the sight of shanghai 上海的名勝do the sight of Paris see the sight of Paris 在巴黎觀光 creature (1) n.(包含人類的) 动物,生物dumb creatures 畜牲(不說話的動物) a human creature 人(2)人、傢伙(語表愛情、輕蔑等形容詞連用;由多用於女性) a lovely creature 惹人喜歡的生物 、多麽美麗的女人哪! (2) 工具、奴隸eg:Man is a creature of circumstances . 人是環境的奴隸。cr

6、eature comforts 衣食(尤指食物) peculiar (1) adj. 奇怪的,不寻常的a peculiar behavior 奇異的行為 ; a peculiar taste 怪味道(2) 獨特的、固有的eg:This custom is peculiar in Scotland . 這種風俗是在蘇格蘭特有。a theme peculiar to the writer 那位作家特有的主題 theme i:m n.主題,題目peculiarity pikju:liriti n.特色;特性;怪癖the peculiarities of the region 該地區的特征 shini

7、ng adj. 闪闪发光的 shining stars 閃爍的星星、明星近義詞 : blazing adj. 閃閃發光shine (1) v. 照耀、發光 (亮)(shone 、shone) eg:Her face was shining with joy . 她的臉上閃耀著喜悅eg:The sun shone brightly . 陽光燦爛地照耀著。 (2) n.光 (輝)、光澤the shine of gold 黃金的光澤eg:The floor had a good shine . 打蠟地板閃閃發光。(3)n. 磨光、擦亮eg:Give your shoes a shone .短語:ra

8、in or shine 無論情雨、不管怎樣take a shine 喜愛、愛上(某人) shiny 晴朗的 ; a shiny morning shine 發光 ; glare 閃耀光, 刺眼flash 閃光, 閃現; sparkle 閃耀, 火花twinkle 閃爍,閃耀;閃閃發光 ; shimmer 閃爍,微微發亮 oarfish n. 桨鱼oar 桨 ; pull a good oar 船划得很好eg:He is a good oar . 他是一個好划手。put ones oar in shove ones oar in stick ones oar in 多管閒事eg:I know h

9、ow to mead a fuse and I dont need you shoving your oar in .我知道怎麼用保險絲,不需要你來管。二Key structures: 被動語態 : be + v. ed 時太通過be 表現出來一般現在時eg:Youre wanted on the phone . 有你的電話一般過去時eg:The conference was held in August . 這次會議是八月召開的。 一般將來時eg:You wont be allowed to take so much luggage with you .你不會被允許帶這麼多行李。現在(過去)

10、進行時eg:A new railway is being built . 一條新鐵路正在建造之中。eg:The rods were being widened . 路那時正在加寬現在完成時或過去完成時eg:The book has been translated into many languages .這本書已被譯成多種語言。eg:Production costs had been greatly reduced .生產成本這時大大降低了。一般時態:現在 : am / is / are + v. ed 過去 : was / were + v. ed 將來 : shall / will + v

11、. ed 過去將來 : should (would)+be + v. ed 進行時態:現在 : am / is / are + being + v. ed 過去 : was / were + being + v. ed將來 : will / shall be being + v. ed 完成時態:現在 : have(has) been + v. ed 過去 : had been + v. ed將來 : shall / will have been + v. ed 過去將來 : should / would have been + v. ed 【Text】What was the monster

12、 called? Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea. Though people have often laughed at stories told by seamen, it is now known that many of these monsters which have at times been sighted are simply strange fish. Occasionally, unusual creatures are washed to the shore,

13、but they are rarely caught out at sea. Some time ago, however, a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar. A small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line. Realizing that this was no ordinary fish, the fisherman made every effort not to damage it in an

14、y way. When it was eventually brought to shore, it was found to be over thirteen feet long. It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail. The fish, which has since been sent to a museum where it is being examined by a scientist, is called an oarfish. Such cre

15、atures have rarely been seen alive by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet.三課文講解: Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea. 渔夫和水手们有时声称自己看到过海里的妖怪。 claim (1) v. 要求 (獲得權利),要求報酬(將賞) , 索取賠款eg:They claimed the reward . 他們要求報酬、要求獎賞。eg:Can I claim payment for him for

16、 the damage ?我能要求他支付損害賠款?(2) v.聲稱、斷言eg:The lawyers claimed that the defendant was not guilty. 律師聲稱,被告無罪eg:He claimed to have seen her . 他聲稱曾見過她Though people have often laughed at stories told by seamen, it is now known that many of these monsters which have at times been sighted are simply strange f

17、ish.虽然人们常常对水手们讲的故事付诸一笑,但现在看来,人们有时看到的这些“妖怪”很多不过是些奇怪的鱼。 laugh v. 大笑、笑出聲eg:Everybody laughed when the circus clown made his appearance .當馬戲團出場時人們大笑起來。light at (1) 嘲笑eg:Dont laugh at a person who is in trouble .(2) 因而發笑laugh at a funny story 一個有趣的故事laugh away 付之一笑eg:He laugh away her fears . 他對她的恐懼付之一笑e

18、g:He laughed away her doubts . 他對她的疑慮付之一笑laugh to oneself 獨自發笑laugh a laugh 發出.方式的笑laugh a hearty laugh 放聲大笑 、由衷地笑 laugh a bitter laugh 苦笑laughter n. 笑聲burst into laughter break into laughter 放聲大笑 it is known that 眾所周知it is said that 有人說, 據說 ; it is reported that 據報導it is rumored that 據傳聞; it is ann

19、ounced that 據宣布it is arranged that 據稱(有人宣稱) ; it is decided that 已經決定it is stressed that 強調指出 it is expected that 人們期望(是可能發生的, 是可以預期的)eg:It is known that he is a good player . 據了解,他是一個好球員eg:It is reported that the number of wild animals in Africa is decreasing .據報導,野生動物的數量在非洲正在減少 at times sometimes

20、有時候eg:At times I go out to the beach . 有時我出去到海灘at a time 一次、同時、連續地eg:We cannot do two things at a time . 在同一時間我們不能做兩件事情。sleep for hours at a time 連續睡了幾個小時 Occasionally, unusual creatures are washed to the shore, but they are rarely caught out at sea.一些异常的生物偶尔会被冲到岸上来,但它们在海上却极少能被捕到。 be washed to the s

21、hore 被冲到岸上来wash ones hands 洗手eg:Have you ever seen a cat washing itself ?你見過貓自己洗澡嗎?eg:The man was washed overboard by a big wave . 那個男子被大浪從船上捲入水裡。wash up (wash the dishes) 洗碗eg:Ill wash up tonight . 今天晚上我洗碗。 be caught out 被捕捉到Some time ago, however, a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar.然而不久前,在

22、马达加斯加附近的海里却捕到了一条奇怪的鱼。 A small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line.一条小渔船被一条咬住钩的强壮的大鱼拖到了几英里以外的海面上。 be carried miles out to sea 被拖到了几英里以外的海面carry out (1) 搬出eg:Would you please carry the chair out the garden ?(2)實行,執行;完成,實現carry out ones duty 履行職責eg:Th

23、e plan should be carried out immediately . 該計劃應立即實行。pull on the line 咬住鉤pull on 用拉方式穿上(衣服等)(反義詞:pull off) line (1) 繩、線a fishing line 釣魚線 ; a telephone line 電話線(2) 行、排a line of trees 一排樹(3) 短函 drop sb a line 寫封簡短的信給某人(4) 職業 Whats your line ?你是做什麼職業的?read between the lines 領悟言外之意 take ones own line 幹自

24、己的本行 have a line on 得到有關某事物情報、打聽到關於 Realizing that this was no ordinary fish, the fisherman made every effort not to damage it in any way.那位渔民意识到这根本不是一条普通的鱼,于是千方百计不让它受到丝毫伤害。realizing 認識,明白;實現,使變為現實(現在分詞做短語) no ordinary fish not an ordinary fish (no 的否定意味更強) 不是一條普通的魚make every effort to do 盡一切努力做某事ma

25、ke an effort 努力make no effort 根本不努力 When it was eventually brought to shore, it was found to be over thirteen feet long. It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail. 当终于把它弄上岸后,人们发现它身长超过了13英尺。它长着一个像马一样的头,有着大的蓝眼睛和闪闪发光的银色皮肤,还有一条鲜红色的尾巴。The fish, which has since

26、been sent to a museum where it is being examined by a scientist, is called an oarfish.此鱼叫桨鱼,被送进了博物馆,现正接受一位科学家的检查。定語從句套定語從句:eg:This was the first time that I had serious trouble with my boss who got into a temper .這是第一次,跟我那發脾氣的老板產生磨差擦。 call sb 認為、看做、叫做eg:I call him a fool. 我叫他傻瓜eg:Do you call that a

27、hat ? 你把那個叫帽子嗎? Such creatures have rarely been seen alive by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet.人们很少能看到活着的这类动物,因为它们生活在600英尺深的水下。 rarely adv. 很少(seldom) eg:I rarely meet him now . 我很少見到他放在句首倒裝:eg:Rarely do I dream these days . 這些天我很少做夢。 at a depth of . 的深度四Special Difficulties:區別 : laug

28、h / laugh at , wash / wash up Exercise:用以上詞或詞組填空 :What a lot of dirty plates !Who is going to wash up ?Dont wear that hat . People will laugh at you .The bridge was washed away by the river .We all laughed when he told us a funny story .The boy was told to wash his hands before sitting at table . 新東

29、方補充:【Special Difficulties】 Laugh and Laugh atlaugh v. 笑 Everybody laughed when the circus clown made his appearance.laugh at 嘲笑 Dont laugh at me.Wash and Wash upwash v. 洗,洗涤 I must get up and wash. wash oneself 洗澡 Sally can almost wash herself now. v. 冲走,卷走 Occasionally, unusual creatures are washed

30、 to the shore. The little wooden house was washed away by the floods.wash up v. 洗餐具When you phoned, she was busy washing up (the dishes). v. 把冲上岸 The dead body of a huge fish has been washed up on the shore.五Exercise:1.They claim a monsters in the sea .a. that they have seen b. have seen c. to be se

31、en d. to being seen 2. People often laugh at stories d told by seamen .a. which b. which have c. which have being d. which have been 3. People have often laughed at there stories .They a .a. havent taken them seriously b. enjoyed them c. teased them d. mocked them 4. A small terrorist group has a re

32、sponsibility for the bombing in London .a. claimed 聲稱;索取;需要 n.要求,索賠;聲稱b. acclaimed 向歡呼,為喝彩 n.稱贊,歡迎c. exclaimed 呼喊,驚叫,大聲說d. reclaimed 要回;開墾(荒地);回收六Review:被動語態 be + 過去分詞頻率副詞 : sometimes ; occasionally偶然地 ; rarely不常,難得一些被動的句子: be sighted 被看到 ; be washed to 被沖上be carried out to sea 被拖到海裡去 ; laugh at 嘲笑It is know that 人們知道、眾所皆知 ; It is found that 據發現(人們發現)It is found to be 被發現是 ; claim to have done 聲稱做過某事七補充內容:諺語:1. Time will tell . time will show Time will reveal 時間會證明一切2. Time and tide wait for no man . (諺)歲月不饒人 、時間不等人.专心-专注-专业

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