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1、童话剧主持词男:尊敬的各位老师女:敬爱的家长、亲爱的同学们: 男:大家 合:上男:童话是宝石,它使我们的童年熠熠生辉。 女:童话是精灵,它将美丽汇进灵魂的深处。 男:在童话的天地里,我们体会了到了无穷的乐趣; 女:在童话的天地里,我们了解了那种惊人的智慧。男:在这个阳光明媚的日子里,我们开展“爱的脚印”童话剧表演活动。让我们一起走进童话,走进童话这广阔的天地女:让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎这次参加“爱的脚印”童话剧表演活动的领导和家长们,感谢他们对我们学习的重视,感谢他们对我们这次活动的支持。男:下面我宣布“爱的脚印”童话剧表演正式开始! 一群机灵的小动物们开着自己的小汽车,突然,在马路上遇到了一些

2、问题,咦?这到底是怎么一回事啊,请欣赏由芽芽一班小朋友带来的田鼠的小列车 小熊请客在这个特殊日子里,我们小朋友也都按捺不住心中的喜悦,想要用亲子童话剧的形式庆祝自己的节目呢!瞧,芽芽二班的小朋友已经跃跃欲试了,请欣赏芽芽二班的表演小熊请客。 在一个地窖里,有一群善良的小老鼠和一大排的啤酒桶,有一次他们发生了一件事情?我们一起来看一看十什么事情?有请芽芽三班的小朋友带来的啤酒桶与小老鼠 表演到这里,一些大朋友也按捺不住只记得才艺,下面请欣赏歌伴舞等待。表演者:杨帆、乔娟 一块云头从我们头上飘过来了,从云里落下来许许多多的水果。这些水果五颜六色,各种各样:有苹果、香蕉、葡萄、梨等等,让我们快来看看

3、这些好吃的水果是怎样变成水果雨的吧,请欣赏豆豆一班带来的童话剧水果雨 动物王国每隔四年会选举一次国王,大家每次都会选狮子,可是这次选举,狮子有了很多竞争对手,选举结果会是什么样呢?请欣赏朵朵班带来的我选我自己! 女:相信通过这次童话剧表演,同学们一定会从中体会到阅读的快乐,一定会对语文有了更浓的兴趣。那就让我们在课余时间,多走进阅读,让阅读走进我们每一个人的生活。男:快乐的时光总显得那么短暂,“爱的脚印”童话剧表演活动 合:到此结束 童话剧表演主持词【篇1:童话剧主持词】男:尊敬的各位老师女:敬爱的家长、亲爱的同学们:男:大家 合:上男:童话是宝石,它使我们的童年熠熠生辉。女:童话是精灵,它将


5、剧的形式庆祝自己的节目呢!瞧,芽芽二班的小朋友已经跃跃欲试了,请欣赏芽芽二班的表演小熊请客。 在一个地窖里,有一群善良的小老鼠和一大排的啤酒桶,有一次他们发生了一件事情?我们一起来看一看十什么事情?有请芽芽三班的小朋友带来的啤酒桶与小老鼠表演到这里,一些大朋友也按捺不住只记得才艺,下面请欣赏歌伴舞等待。表演者:杨帆、乔娟一块云头从我们头上飘过来了,从云里落下来许许多多的水果。这些水果五颜六色,各种各样:有苹果、香蕉、葡萄、梨等等,让我们快来看看这些好吃的水果是怎样变成水果雨的吧,请欣赏豆豆一班带来的童话剧水果雨动物王国每隔四年会选举一次国王,大家每次都会选狮子,可是这次选举,狮子有了很多竞争对

6、手,选举结果会是什么样呢?请欣赏朵朵班带来的我选我自己! 女:相信通过这次童话剧表演,同学们一定会从中体会到阅读的快乐,一定会对语文有了更浓的兴趣。那就让我们在课余时间,多走进阅读,让阅读走进我们每一个人的生活。男:快乐的时光总显得那么短暂,“爱的脚印”童话剧表演活动 合:到此结束【篇2:童话剧表演串词】亲爱的小朋友们,各位家长朋友们,大家上午好!很高兴能够与你们欢聚在一起,共同庆祝这个快乐的节日。我们今天的活动分为两个部分,首先是阅读节的开幕式,紧接着是亲子童话剧表演。下面我们先进入第一项活动,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎园长妈妈为我园首届阅读节开幕致词。感谢园长妈妈的亲切致词。下面请四位小旗手手




10、:好戏连连!它们承载的是同学们自导自演的辛勤汗水!女:意义非凡!它们寄寓的是同学们喜欢校园生活的浓浓情意!男:“在快乐中学习,在学习中成长”,一直是我们七年二班学习生活的原则,本着这样的原则,借着少年宫的“东风”,我们组织了以课本历史剧为基础,改编成为话剧表演的活动。女:在此,我谨代表七年二班全体师生,感谢校领导百忙之中莅临本次少年宫话剧表演比赛的现场,以及对本次活动奖品的支持,谢谢!男:在座的各位领导,即本次比赛的评委,让我们以最热烈的掌声欢迎他们! 女:看,我们各小组的演员们已经跃跃欲试,摩拳擦掌,迫不及待了。先别急,容我再简单的说一下比赛规则,以班级小组为单位,评委会根据小组表演给予小组

11、及个人分别打分,评出小组第一、二、三名及最佳演员,分别给予奖品及证书奖励。当然,如果比赛过程中哪位同学想要献上一段个人表演,相信评委会酌情给予加分的。男:我都迫不及待了,我们赶快按照事先抽签定好的顺序,开始吧!首先为大家表演的是第?组,他们带来的表演的话剧是女:第?组同学表演的好不好?再次送给他们最热烈的掌声。男:接下来用期末考100分的掌声有请第?组上台,他们带来的表演是、女:看着表演,我还以为自己穿越了呢!演的是在是太好了!第?组,你们服气吗?那好,下面有请第?组同学表演,掌声欢迎。男:感谢第?组同学带来的精彩表演,接下来出场的是第?组的同学,他们为大家表演的是,掌声有请! 女:中华文明上


13、上台领奖。女:接下来要颁发的是个人奖项,即最佳演员奖,他们分别是 。有请五位同学上台领奖。 男:恭喜获奖的各位同学。其实呀,我这还有一份与众不同的奖项,是需要各小组成员自己来评选的。在主持人分发的卡片中,请根据日常排练中大家的表现,投出本组给予大家帮助最多指导最多的一位,他将获得最佳导演奖。 女:好,根据票数显示,各组的最佳导演已经诞生,他们分别是 。恭喜你们!你们用自己的担当和努力,为小组的表演付出和辛劳,你们辛苦了! 男:下面有请校领导刘校长为本次比赛做闭幕词,用最热烈的掌声欢迎和蔼可亲的刘校长给我们讲几句!女:感谢刘校长的讲话。同样感谢在座的各位校领导对我们班级的关注与支持,正是你们的支

14、持,才让我们今天的活动顺利举行,谢谢。男:让我们记住这个难忘的下午吧!演绎青春、绽放魅力 ,在今后的日子里,我们将以昂扬的斗志、不懈的努力,谱写校园文化的新篇章。女: 我们将以历史的使命、青春的名义,创造校园文化的又一辉煌!男: 让我们共同期许、共同祝福我们明天会更好!女: 今天的话剧节的演出到这里就要结束了!感谢各位老师同学的大力支持!再见!英语童话剧主持词【篇1:英语短剧大赛主持词】主持词男:boys and girls女:ladies and gentlemen!合:good afternoon/evening!女:its glad to meet you here!this is th

15、e 9th english short drama petition of our institute,and thank you for your ing today!and first of all,lets have a look at the purpose of this terrific event.男:今天很高兴和大家相聚在这里!这里是医学院第9届英语短剧大比拼的比赛的现场,我们衷心感谢你的到来!首先,不妨让我们这次活动的宗旨的吧!女:in order to eich students cultural life after cla.our student union takes

16、 over this novel form to improve the level of spoken english and to boost the consciousne of teamwork as well as collective.男:为了丰富学生的课余文化生活,我们学生会举办了这项活动,旨在提高同学们的口语水平,同时提高团队合作和集体意识。女男:and we are honored to have our judges and guests here with us!they are。deputy secretary of the youth league mitte,)。p

17、resident of the student union 孙亚飞 vice president of the student union study monitor of .lets wele their arrival!女:now,lets have a look at the rules of this contest.男:现在,让我们看看比赛规则女:firstly,about the content of the performance.it has 30 grades.the content should be healthy,creative,meaningful, and viv

18、id.男:首先,比赛内容。此项共30分,内容健康,创新,深刻,流畅。 女:secondly,about the pronunciation.also 30 grades,the performers should pronounce correctly,fluently and authentically.男:第二,发音。此项共30分,发音正确,流畅,地道。女:thirdly, about the skill of the performance.it has 20 grades.the performance should be natural and contagious.performe

19、rs should be cooperated.男:第三,表演技巧。此项共20分,表演自然,有感染力,演员饱含合作精神。 女:fourthly,about properties.it has 20 grades.the properties should be perfect match to the drama.男:第四。女:lastly,no chinese shall be included e_cept for the name of character,location or background music or 0.5 score will be taken for each e

20、very time.one more thing,the performance should be finished within 15 minutes,otherwise,one score shall be deducted.男:最后,除了人物名字,地点或者背景音乐,短剧中不准出现中文,否则将每次每处扣除0.5分。另外,表演时间控制在15分钟内,否则,扣除1分。女:ok ladies and gentlemen!boys and girls!a fantastic drama petition is waiting for you !wish u a wonderful day here

21、!and now ,the short drama petition begins!男:here we go!女:hey, what do you think of water to us ,human-being?男:water?it is without doubt that water is very important!女:yeah!thats true!and in the following,lets appreciate the show.water,waterfrom cla 1,grade 2第二幕:attention please!1.performer should sp

22、eak louder.2.please keep quiet when others are performing! thank you for your awesome performance男:have ever heard of the beautiful chinese folk story:liangshanbo yu zhuyingtai?女:uh,of course!whats wrong?男:and gue what is the drama of ne_t group?女:maybe,i gue,liangshanbo and juliet or something! 男:n

23、o no no,it is :liangshanbo and mawencai from cla2 ,grade 2女:enjoy it!第三幕good job,you guys!thank you女:wow!another claic character ,prince wencheng!男:and she is remembered by her devotion to the dynasty tang ,and there are so many beautiful stories about her!女:you got it !but the students from cla 3 i

24、s going to tell you a pletely different story about prince wencheng.hope you will enjoy it!第四幕(10级6班)女:as medicine-major student ,have you ever thought of the situation of a doctor?you know,nowadays,the relationship between doctors and patients is not that harmonious.男:yeah,i am kind of worried abou

25、t such a case.女:ok,now lets something about this,wele the。 from cla 6,grade 2.男:wele!第五幕。男:then,the drama from cla 8 tells us about a claic story from the journey to the westin other words,_i you ji 。that is three times beating monster女:lets just see how the four get through all the hardships男:and n

26、ow,its show time,baby!第六幕女:here es another maybe funny story,because it is adapted from the once popular costume piece:huan zhu ge ge男:i think so!and now lets see the return of pearl from cla 4.女:and enjoy the show among _iaoyanzi or ziwei,etc.男:hey!you know ,love is the theme of the world forever!w

27、hat do you think of the most selfle love?女:i gue,its mothers love.here by the way ,i wanna show my gratitude for all the mothers devotion to their daughters and sons ! 男:yeah!thats right!and then ,wele the performance from cla 7, the selflene of the motherhood!第八幕thank you for inspiring us with such

28、 a good story! its so instructive,isnt it!女:now i will tell you a chinese fable briefly,and gue what is the name,its very simple! listen! a farmer lies by the tree all the time to catch the rabbit! got it?男:it is obvious in chinese:shou zhu dai tu女:well done!and then ,wele the performers from cla 5.

29、结尾:女:the fabulous scenes e back clearly to my eyes,still wander in my mind, and taste in my heart!it is said that good things e to an end with e_citement.the curtain of english short drama petition is going to drop!男:thanks our team for their brilliant performance!thank all the judges guests,and aud

30、ience present!its amazing,marvelous and splendid!and the 9th english short drama petition has finally es to an end!合:thank you for your participation!thank you!分数正在统计中,请大家耐心等待!第一幕女:look!we have an original drama from cla 3,wow,thats cool!男:of course !and it is made up of several different kinds of s

31、tories,which is setting in our modern society!女:and in the following,lets appreciate the show.第二幕:attention please!1.performer should speak louder.2.please keep quiet when others are performing! thank you for your awesome performance女:here es another maybe sidesplitting story,because it is adapted f

32、rom the once popular costume piece:huan zhu ge ge ,do you get hooked?男:of course i do!and now lets see the return of pearl prince from cla 4.女:and enjoy the show among _iaoyanzi or ziwei,etc.第三幕女:hey,just gue what cla 6 is gonna show us,and of course i will give you some suggestion:listen!its a clai

33、c romantic love story,kind of like romeo and juliet!e on! 男:uh,uh it is ,in chinese,liang shanbo yu zhu yingtai.,isnt it!女:bingo!lets see how they illustrate such a story.第四幕男:wow,have found that adaptation of costume pieces are very popular in our short drama petition!女:yeah!thats true.this one is

34、how one of the most famous four wits_tangbohu finds his soulmate_qiu_iang !this is gonna catch your eye balls!男:enjoy “tang bohu dianqiu_iang”from cla 9.第五幕女:hey,do you know,almost every girl wish to be a prince in their childhood.for like,snow white,cinderalla,the sleeping beauty,blah blah blah男:i

35、gue its true because i wanted to be a prince that time.女:and now ,lets appreciatesnow whitefrom cla 1男:enjoy it!第六幕女:hey,could i ask you something personal?男:go ahead!女:do you have a relationship in cus ?i know its kind of private!男:yeah,ive got a girl friend!aaaa!i know why you ask such a strange q

36、uestion at such an occaion!because our last drama is be a good lover女:yeah,you got it!its awesome to have a relationship with someone,but how to love him or her bees a more critical iue.i gue,this drama would be inspiring to us,whether you are single or not,isnt it?男:i cant agree with you anymore!le

37、ts enjoy the show!【篇2:英语话剧大赛主持串词】话剧大赛主持串词 庄:ladies and gentlemen!张:boys and girls!合:good afternoon!庄:im zhuang _iaoqiu from cla4张:im zhang yihan from cla5庄:i have a special feeling today张:oh,what special feeling do you have?张:yes, of course.i can smell it.合:yeah! ladies and gentlemen ! boys and girl

38、s! we are going to have a wonderful afternoon.a fantastic drama afternoon is waiting for you.庄:there are claical stories from eastern to western.张:full of dreams and realities from past until nowadays.合:its wonderful ,marvelous and fantastic.庄:are you ready?张:to start with , wed like to briefly intr

39、oduce the whole proce of the petition.last week,9 teams took part in the semi-final and today we have 5 outstanding teams to pete in the final round.庄;at first, with great honor ,wed like to introduce the guests at present .they are.张:thank you for being a part of the petition.张:we all look forward

40、to your wonderful performances , and we wish you ,the best of luck.庄:now ,the 2022 english drama petition formally start .ok,zhang yihan ,may i ask you a question?张:sure, please.庄:whats the hero in your heart?张:hm.hero? in my opinion , no matter men or women ,every one can be a hero.but among so man

41、y heros hua mulan impre me most.庄:really/ ? good ,so now ,lets appreciate the drama 花木兰 acted by team1.张:mr zhuang !where are you?庄:oh,sorry im still lost in the drama.张:so you mean i was not enjoy the play?庄:no ,why do you speak like 林黛玉 so acrimonious!张:so that you mentioned 林黛玉 why not appreciate

42、 the story of the stone?庄:thats great .lets wele team two “the story of the stone”-红楼梦ab同时上台,b面带微笑,平视前方,却不开口说话,a几次欲开口说话,却咽了回去, 终于,a忍不住对b说道庄:hey !hey! hey !are you ok? you forget the line?张:no, im waiting for someone.庄:whom are you waiting for?张:prince!庄:prince?张:im waiting for prince of cinderella.o

43、h look !here he es张:mr zhuang !have you ever thought about your family?庄:my family?张:yeah.in the future ,what if your wife and your mother quarreled?庄:oh ,thats hard to answer !ive never thought about it.张:ok, lets see how 焦仲卿 solved the problem.庄:now ,lets wele team 4 “the peacook flies southeast”.

44、庄:mi zhang ?whats your attitude towards love?张:hm love ,i think many girls have the same ides with me, that love should be romantic sincere.庄:so do you want to know how foreign people think of our chinese love story?张:of course, what is it?庄:ne_t ,lets wele the ne_t team “turrado”-图兰朵庄:ok ,all teams

45、 have finished their performance, before we announce the final result, lets enjoy an indian dance by 张璇。张:now ,let me announce the third place winner.they are.庄:its time to announce the 2nd place winners.they are congraduations! 合:gue! who is the chion?3,2,1 they are张:congraduations to all the teams

46、, and our thanks to all the guests and judges .thank you for ing!庄:lets look forward to the ne_t years petition! thanks all of you!合:bye!【篇3:英语话剧比赛主持词】开场白: good evening, dear teachers and students, wele to our english short story contest.( ):with the holding of the summer c, well find a platform to

47、show our talents.and we also find a way to improve our english.i hope everyone will enjoy yourselves today!1.( )_,why are you so happy today? (田)today is my birthday and my clamates celebrated it with me.( )oh,what a pity ! i mied your party.(田) never mind.today, cla 1 grade will give us a short pla

48、ybirthday party.lets wele!2 .(田)lee,why do you wear a red hat?( )i want to be the lovely little red riding hood.(田)well! now lets enjoy little red riding hood.from cla 1,grade 2 .( )hey, _,what do you fear most? (田)caterpillars,of course.they are so ugly.( )oh,no.the following show will change your

49、mind.ok, lets wele a story of caterpillarfrom cla 1,grade 3.(田)thank you for cla 1,grade 3.ok,lee,do you like eating fish? ( )yes,its delicious.and i also like going fishing.(田)good.do you think fish can grow on the tree? ( )of course not.are you crazy?(田)not me.a kitty will do that .lets wele cla 1

50、,grade 4 to give us a showa kitty plants a fish.5.( )can you remember an old story happened between a fo_ and a tiger.(田)狐假虎威,right?i like it very much.( )ok,today, the students from cla 1,grade5 will bring us the fo_ and the tiger .lets wele!(田)lee,why are you so angry?( )my desk mate think he is t

51、he best in our cla and he doesnt want to play with us.(田)oh, he is so rude and proud ,just like a proud peacock.dont care about that!lets enjoy the show a proud peacock from cla 1,grade 6.wele!7 .( )thank you for cla 1,grade 6._,i have a question?(田)uh-huh! ( ) what will you do if you meet a hungry

52、lion?(田)run away quickly, of course! i dont want to bee his food.( )ok,lets welea hungry lionfrom cla 1,grade 7.( 田)really a lovely lion.lee, do you love stories?( )yeah,my mother often told me stories when i was a little child.( 田)ok, today the students form cla 2,grade7 will tell us a jungle story

53、 .lets wele!a: do you love the story of the three little pigs? b: yes, i love the three lovely pigs.a: today, the three little have e to our party.lets wele.a: have you heard the story of wusong fighter the tiger? b: noa:oh, you are really outdated.so do you want to watch the show today? b:of course

54、.a:ok, lets wele cla4 students.a: ne_t, students from cla5 grade7 will also give us a wonderful show little red riding hood.lets wele.b: after enjoying western short story lets e back to our oriental ancient story from cla6 grade7: pretend to play the yu.lets wele.a: everyone has heard the story of

55、cinderella, right? cinderella has kindne and filial love, please enjoy the ne_t wonderful show cinderella.lets wele.a: do you love candies? b:candies? i love them!a: today students from cla2 grade8 will give us a wonderful performance called candies.a:i believe all of you must love pleasant goat and

56、 big big wolf.today we are lucky to invite them to e to our party.lets wele! at last lets give our stage to cla4 students.wele! the scores are out.now, let me announce the list of second prize- now, let me announce the list of first prize- now, let me announce the list of third prize-童话剧小红帽主持词【篇1:童话





61、敬的各位领导男1:各位来宾女2:亲爱的老师男2:同学们合:(大家上午好好) 女1:六月,是童年的摇篮,是童年的梦乡。男1:六月,有童年的沃土,有童年的太阳。女2:六月,是一支幸福的歌,是一支欢乐的歌。男2:我们迈着喜悦的步伐,走进了我们的节日合:“六一”儿童节!女1:看,六一的鲜花绚丽多彩男1:瞧,六一的阳光灿烂夺目女2:在这美好的节日里,让我们满怀感激之情地说一声男2:谢谢你们,亲爱的爸爸妈妈!谢谢你们,辛勤的老师! 女1:今天大家欢聚在一起,让我们用歌声唱出对你们的敬意! 男1:让我们用舞蹈跳出我们心中崇高的理想!女2:我们将用智慧与热情,播撒希望的种子!男2:我们将用梦幻与彩虹,编织出一

62、个无悔的童年! 1、人偶短剧照一照镜子瞧,在这快乐的节日里,我们可爱的小老虎也来了,它们左照照,右照照,对着镜子照一照,哎呦呦,不照不知道,哎呀呀,一照吓一跳。它们的样子太凶恶,难怪小动物们把它躲。它们天生就是这个样,这可不知怎么好?同学们,快来帮小老虎们想想办法吧? 2、舞蹈小龙舟同学们,大家见过赛龙舟吗?那精彩纷呈、锣鼓喧天的情景,让人震撼,那勇于争先、你追我赶的场面,令人沸腾!看,他们来了!学前(1)班亲亲茉莉花一朵美丽的茉莉花,洁白芬芳惹人夸,让我们用歌声把你赞美,让我们用舞姿把你展示,接下来请欣赏学前(1)班带来的舞蹈亲亲茉莉花表演者:孙子菡等我真棒在爸爸妈妈心中,在老师心中,我们都

63、是最棒的孩子,我们都是最乖的孩子,你棒,我棒,他也棒。下面请欣赏学前一班带来的舞蹈我真棒,表演者:孙子菡等。学前(2)班嘿,小可爱我最乖,我最棒!我们都是新世纪的小可爱,下面请欣赏学前二班带来的舞蹈嘿!小可爱,表演者:王语涵、周子诒等。爸爸妈妈听我说 爸爸妈妈,我们有好多话想跟你们说,爸爸妈妈,我们爱你们,下面请欣赏学前二班带来的舞蹈爸爸妈妈听我说,表演者:杨心茹、韩婷等。一一班聪明宝贝欢乐的节奏在空气中跳跃,舞动旋律,舞出奇迹。快看,可爱的聪明宝贝要出场啦!请欣赏一一班带来的舞蹈聪明宝贝。表演者: 李星语、田弋琪等。唐诗新唱唐诗里有画,唐诗里有歌,唐诗像清泉,流进我心窝。今天,我们一年级的小朋友们会给我们带来什么样的惊喜呢?接下来请欣赏一一班带来的节目唐诗新唱,表演者:杨玉婷、严子俊等。一(2)班串词小蜗牛儿童舞蹈温暖的阳光,快乐的节日,连小蜗牛都是在欢快地舞蹈,它爬啊爬,瞧!它们来啦,请欣赏一二班带来的舞蹈小蜗牛,表演者:马甜甜、李馨瑞等。静一静儿童舞蹈童年充满了幻想和憧憬,童年跳跃着美妙的音符。在这快乐的时光里,让世界倾听我们心灵深处的声音,让我们大声的说一声请“静一静”,下面请欣赏

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