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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上合同书/Contract签约日期 / Date:Sep 24, 2013 合同编号/ Contract No:签约地点 / Signed at : 中国北京市朝阳区惠新东街11号(紫光发展大厦)B19F9F/B1 Thunis Development Building, NO.11 Huixin East Str. BEIJING CHINA 合同双方 Two parties :承接方/ Undertaker: 北京富兴华工贸集团/ Beijing Fuxinghua Group(简称甲方 here after called Party A)委任方/ Appointi

2、ng party: KOREA GREEN GROUP CO,.LTD (简称乙方 here after called Party B)甲、乙双方根据中华人民共和国合同法规定,双方本着“诚实守信,友好合作, 优势互补, 互利互惠”的原则,就关于环保、节能、助力防冻液长期合作,共同发展事宜,达成以下合同条款:The above mentioned Party A and Party B have agreed to close the followi-ng long-term transactions of Environmental protection-energy saving-power

3、 i-ncreasing antifreeze on the basic of mutual trust and mutua-l benefit accor- ding to the terms and conditions of contract law of PRC.第一条委任与接受1、双方合作期限为: 20 年,自:2013 年 09 月 24 日起,至2033 年 09 月 23 日止。一:Appointment and acceptance1.The cooperative period:20 years. From September 24, 2013 to September 2

4、3, 20332.委任标的与区域: 在本合同有效期内,乙方委任甲方作为 环保、节能、助力防冻液在中国 市场的 独家销售与生产 的总代理。2. Product and Agency areaParty A is authorized by Party B as Sole Agency in Chinese market to promote Environmental protection-energy saving-power increasing antifreeze during the of this contract.第二条甲方权利与义务二:Right and obligation o

5、f Party A1、为保证环保、节能、助力防冻液在中国市场运营中能规范化、信息化、长远化、规模化的向前发展,甲方决定:以独立核算,现代管理方式,成立北京富兴华集团分公司。1、Party A make a decision of setting up Branch of Beijing Fuxinghua Group with and mordern management in order to realize the standardization, informationization, long-term development and large-scale production of

6、 antifreeze in Chinese market.2、新公司成立后,甲方须严格遵守国家公司法,尽快办理与生产、销售相关的各项事宜:(1)、完成国家质量监督管理局对环保、节能、助力防冻液的检验、检测;(2)、办理产品商标注册,(3)、办理专利注册;(4)、办理生产许可证、组织机构代码证、税务登记证。2, Party A should finish the issue concerned production、sales and other procdures according to aompany law as soon as the new company is set up.He

7、re after the procedures is as following(1) Obtain the approval of inspection certificate from Quality Control and Supervision Bureau PRC.(2) Going throuth registration of trademark.(3)Apply patent of antifreeze (4)Obtain production certificate,organization code and tax certificate.3、甲、乙双方签约后,甲方须尽快做好

8、投资计划,自投资金,自主实施生产;为此,甲方须对生产基地按照标准化改造,购置相关生产设备,保证生产、质检、办公、员工住宿等配套设施一体化、完善化。3, Party A should issue formal investment plan of workshop、equipment 、quality control insteuments、office building、accomodation of staff and other related facility on the basic of principle of optimization and integration and st

9、andardization.4、甲方在生产初期进行小批量试产。在生产发展的每个阶段,甲、乙双方应保持相互交流,总结经验,优势互补。甲方严格把握生产质量,使生产逐步走向标准化,规模化,保证产品在中国市场的真实性,可信性,稳定性。4,Party A will conduct small quantity production in the primary stage. Both two parties should keep mutual communication and exchange experience regularly with the purpose strictly contro

10、lling quality and boost up the standardization as well as ensure the authenticity、credibility and stability of product in Chinese market.5、甲方负责承担中国市场调研、市场策划、广告宣传、大型会议与交流、互联网设计、市场开拓与维护等各项费用与开销;并负责开拓中国各地区相关政府机构的帮助与支持,以此更加有力的推动本产品在中国市场的信任与发展。5, Party A should bear the expense of market investigation、ma

11、rket planning、advertisment、conference for promotion、internet design 、market development and other maintenance as well as obtain support and assistance from local goverment and organization in order to boot the products promotion and deepen mutual trust and consumer confidence with Chinese customers.

12、6、为推动环保、节能、助力防冻液尽快打入中国市场,并保证在中国进入合理化的正常投产,严禁出现其他方窃取、仿造或冒牌生产等,伪劣事件的发生,甲方须在严守机密,绝不窃取乙方技术机密的基础上,尽快申报中国专利事宜。在乙方协助甲方申报专利所提供的技术资料中,甲方不得出现丝毫的窃密、仿密、泄密等违法行为,如果甲方一旦出现违约,违法现象,乙方有权注销本合同,并有权向法律机构提取仲裁。6,Party A should apply patent in China on the basic of keeping commercial secret and protecting core technology o

13、f Party B and avoiding stealing core technology 、imitating core technology、leaking core technology in order to quicken the entry of antifreeze into Chinese market and guarantee the normal production. Party B reserves the right of cancelling the contract and sue Party A in court in case of leakage of

14、 core technology and other illegal action.7、甲方向乙方递交的每笔“原液”订单,均需提前30天。自递交订单之日起5日内,甲方须向乙方支付30%预付款;货到之后30天之内,付清全款.甲方在收货时,须立即验货验收,如发现质检不合格品或包装破损等现象,甲方须及时向乙方文字递交退换货单;7.Party A should place the order of product 30 days before and transfer the 30% of the contract value as the downpayment.The balance is tra

15、nsferred within 30 days after the arrival of product.Meanwhile, Party A will inspect the product carefully and seriously.The formal statement of product loss and damage will be sent to Party B once there is disqualified product.8、甲方保证在合同有效期内,不违反双方合约中的一切作为与非作为,不参与任何一方或任何国家具有同类产品的销售与生产。如果出现违约,乙方有权停止提供

16、原液,并根据情节轻重,对甲方按生产总额1-3%的标准进行处罚,情节严重时,乙方有权撤销本合同。8.Party A should not promote the same and similar product from other companies according to the terms and conditions of this contract. In case of breaking the contract, Party B has right to stop the supply of product and fine Party A 1-3% of total contr

17、act value. The contract should be canceled if the condition is more serious.第三条乙方权利与义务三:Right and obligation of Party B1、乙方须向甲方承诺:在本合同执行期内,乙方不能将环保、节能、助力防冻液的 生产销售的中国独家代理权 ,擅自移交给 中国区域 内的任何其他方。如乙方出现违约行为,须按违约规定接受全额1-3%的相关处罚。1.Party B should not appoint other company and organization as sole agency of an

18、tifreeze in Chinese market without discussion with Party A. Party B will be fined by Party A 1-3% of contract valus in case of breaking the clause stipulated in this contract.2、乙方须严守诚信规则,保证提供每批“原液”及成品货源的质量标准与技术功率;(1)提高燃油效率:1535 (2)减少有毒尾气排放量 : 7095(提高完全燃烧)(3)提高发动机功率:28HP (4)降低发动机噪音(5)去除异味(6)保持发动机温度适中

19、(7)提高散热器功效。2.Party B should guarantee the quality of each batch of product. The parameters are as following:(1) Improving the fuel effciency 1535 (2) Reduce the toxic : 7095(perfect combustion) (3) Increase power of engine 28HP (4)Lower the noise (5) Remove smell inside of car.(6) Keep the normal te

20、mperature of engine.(7) Increase the working effciency of radiator.3、乙方无论接到甲方的“原液”订单,还是成品订单,须根据甲方在订单中的文字 注解 ,而满足甲方对货源包装的具体要求。3.Party B should make clear note on the label and package of product according to requirement of Party A regardless semi-product and finished product.4、乙方须保证对甲方的货源供应。当接到甲方订单后,

21、须保证30天之内,货到北京。4.Party B should guarantee the sufficient supply of product and send the product to Peking within 30days as soon as receive the order.5、乙方收取甲方货款(原液及成品)的成交价以: 韩币 计算,并保证货源价格的稳定性;其成品PG、EG 到岸价(CIF)韩币:50,000元整/每桶(3.8L);原液到岸价(CIF)韩币:35,000元整/1L。5.Term of payment:5000 South Korean Won per bar

22、rel(3.8L) CIF Beijing for product PG and EG. 35000 South Korean Won per liter CIF Beijing for original liquid.6、乙方须支持甲方对环保、节能、助力防冻液,在中国市场得到相关政府部门及广大消费者的真诚信任与接受;并推动甲方争取以最快速度,让环保、节能、助力防冻液,优先占领并独家垄断中国市场!为此,乙方应配合甲方向中国专利局递交相关技术资料,以促进甲方申报专利。在此期间,乙方为保护技术机密,可对甲方进行严密监控;或依据相关法律条款,与甲方另行签署保密合同。6.Party B should

23、support Party A to accelerate the entry of product into Chinese market by providing the necessary technical data and try to occupy Chinese market promptly in terms of applying patent in Patent Bureau of PRC.Both two parties will sign the confidentiality agreement inorder to protect the core technolo

24、gy of Party B.7、乙方须协助甲方做好售后的技术服务,并与甲方进行定期的会议交流与相关技术培训。7. Party B should supply Party A with technical after sales service and hold technical conference and trainging program.第四条 甲、乙双方权利与义务四Right and obligation of Both two parties1、甲、乙双方在执行合同期内,应本着诚实守信的原则,认真履行本合同条款中各项义务。如有一方出现违约,或因某种失误与过错而造成损失,须由过错方承

25、担责任并接受违约处罚。1. Both parties should perform the terms and conditions of this contract on the principle of honest and trustworthy.The default party should bear all the expense in case of breaking the terms and conditions of contract and other loss caused by default party.2、双方在合同执行期内,如因某种事宜发生纠纷,双方均应通过友好

26、协商来解决;如经协商无效,任何一方均可向中华人民共和国商务部仲裁委员会提请仲裁;其仲裁结果为终局。对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用须由败诉方承担。2. Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiations. If no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitrat

27、ion Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Beijing, for settlement by arbitration in accordance with the Commissions Provisional Rules of Procedure. The award rendered by the Commission shall be final and binding on both parties. The arbitration expenses shall be b

28、orne by the losing party unless otherwise award by the arbitration organization. 第五条 不可抗力的风险如因国家政局动荡或自然灾害,而发生不可抗力的风险,造成本合同不能履行或不能完全履行或延迟履行时,其出现的任何损失,须经甲、乙双方共同承担,并按保险金额,向保险公司申报索赔。五Force Majeure :Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreeme

29、nt due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party. However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereaf

30、ter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 10 days after its occurrence.本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各持一份。This contract is written in duplicate for both parties.本合同有效期为:20年整,由甲、乙双方签字、盖章之日起生效。This contract is valid for20 years ago and shall take effect since the

31、date of signature and stamp by two parties.第六条甲乙双方的任何一方如出现更改企业名称、地址、开户银行、银行帐号时,须及时通知对方。否则,责任方须承担由此而引起的任何损失。六Both parties shoud be informed in case of change of name of company、address and bank account in order to avoid the loss.1、 乙双方的通信地址、联系人和开户情况如下:Basic informatino of both parties甲方:北京富兴华工贸集团(盖章) 乙方: (盖章)Party A Beijing Fuxinghua Group(stamp) Party B KOREA GREEN GROUP CO,.LTD(stamp)负责人签字: 负责人签字:Signature Signature开户银行: 开户银行:Bank name Bank name 帐号: 帐号:A/C A/C联系人: 联系人:Contact Contact联系电话:+86010 联系电话: Telephone +86010 Telephone传真: +86010 传真:Fax 86010 FaxE-mail:fxh E-mail: 专心-专注-专业

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