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1、美国文学史整理一、Colonial America殖民时期1、 New England : Maine. New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.2 2、Doctrines of Puritanism清教American Puritanism stressed predestination (命运神定 ),original sin (原罪),total depravity(彻底的堕落),and limited atonement (有限的赎罪 from God grace.3、 Writing s

2、tyle : fresh, simple and direct and with a touch of nobility ; the rhetoric is plain and honest.4、 Life style: hard work, thrift, piety, and sobriety.5 5、Main writer: Thomas Paine托马斯潘恩work : Com mon Sense (1776)常识American Crisis (1776-1783)美国危机The Rights of Man人权The Age of Reason理性时代2Benjamin Frankl

3、in(本杰明富兰克林)Poor Richard s Almanac穷查理历书Autobiography富兰克林自传3Thomas Jefferson托马斯杰弗逊Declaration of Independenee (1776)独立宣言二、American Romanticism (early period)浪漫主义前期1、 Characteristics:1A rebellio n aga inst the objectivity of rati on alism.反对理性主义的客观性。2Feeli ngs, in tuiti ons and emoti ons were more impo

4、rta nt for roma ntics tha n reas on and com monsense.感受、直觉和情感重于理性和常识。3An emphasis on in dividualism; placi ng the in dividual aga inst the group, aga inst authority.强调个人主义,将个人与团体,反对权威。4Stress on the close relati on ship betwee n man and n ature.强调人与自然之间的密切关系。5Fascination with the wild, the irregular

5、, the indefinite, the remote, the mysterious, and the stra nge疯狂的迷恋,不规则,不定,远程,神秘奇怪6Cherish ing a strong in terest in the past, especially the medieval.对过去有强烈的兴趣,特别是中世纪。2、 Features: New experienee in the American Romanticism.A deep in flue nee from the America n Purita ni sm.The “ newn ess ” of the A

6、merica ns as a n ati on.3、writers and works:1Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利瓦兹沃思朗费罗A Psalm of Life (1838)人生礼赞Voices of the Night (1839)夜吟The Lege nd of Sleepy Hollow ”睡谷的传说Rip Van Win kle(The cog nomen o f Crane was not in applicable to his pers on.)Bracebridge Hall (1822)布雷斯布里奇田庄Tales of a Traveller (

7、1824)旅客谈 James Fennimore Cooper詹姆斯费尼莫尔库柏 Leather-stocking Tales皮袜子故事集The Pio neer拓荒者The Prairie大草原The Spy间谍三、New England Transcendentalism新英格兰超验主义 )1、Over-soul (超灵)was an all-pervading power goodness, omnipresent and omnipotent.(简答)Individualism in dividual was the most importa nta fresh view of nat

8、ure symbolic of the Spirit or God.2、writers and works:1Ralph Waldo Emerson艾默生Nature (1836) 论自然The American Scholar (1837) DivinitySchool Address (1838) Self-Reliance(1841)Represe ntative Men (1850)The Tran sce nden talistThe Over-Soul论美国学者神学院演说论自助代表人物超验主义者论超灵 Henry David Thoreau 梭罗The Song of Hiawat

9、ha (1855)The Courtship of Miles Sta ndish (1858)Tales of a Wayside Inn (1863) Washington Irving华盛顿欧文纽约外史见闻札记瑞普凡温克尔Walden: or Life in the Woods (1854)瓦尔登湖; 或林中生活四、American Romanticism (later period)浪漫主义后期我们可以把超验主义产生之前的那一段称为前期浪漫主义,而把19世纪30年代之后的文学称为后期浪漫主义。前期浪漫主义是以欧文等人将美国文学提高到欧洲水平为特征,后期浪漫主义则是以超验主义激励 而起的

10、“文艺复兴”文学兴起,并最终产生了独立的美国文学为标志。1、 High Romantics in fiction2 2、 Nathaniel HawthorneTwice-Told Tales (1837)Mosses from an Old Ma nse (1846)The Scarlet letter (1850)The House of Sever Gables (1851)有七个尖角阁的房子Blithedale Roma nee (1852)福谷传奇The Marble Fau n (1860)玉石雕像Our Old House (1863)我们的故居 symbols and sett

11、 ing, ambiguity, super natural eleme nts. His style is soft, flow ing, and almostfeminine. His touch is light, but his observation is somber.Herman Melville赫尔曼麦尔维尔Moby-Dick (1851)白鲸(pp113-118)Pierre (1852)皮埃尔Typee (1846)泰比Omoo (1847)奥穆Mardi (1849)玛迪2、High Romantics in poetry1Edgar Allan Poe艾伦坡Tales

12、of the Grotesque and Arabesque (1840)怪诞故事集“ The Rave n” (1845)乌鸦“Annabel Lee ” (1849)安娜贝尔李Walt Whitman沃尔特惠特曼Leaves of Grass草叶集Features in Whitman s poems Organic form : extremely long, not constrained by the number of beats in a line. Thought rhythm : does not move in terms of beats, but in terms of

13、 thoughts. Parallelism : The parallel lines say the same thing but use different words. Cataloguing technique : long lists of images, sights, sounds, smells, taste, and touch.3Free verse(自由诗)4Emily Dicki nson艾米丽狄金森Theme Religion & faith Beauty & truth Life & deathNaturefrien dshiplove & marriageWork

14、: I died for beautyFeatures : frequentuse of dashes(破折号),sporadic capitalization of nouns霍桑尽人皆知的故事古屋青苔红字(零星的名词),convoluted and ungrammatical phrasing_(措辞费解不合文法),off-rhymes(压尾韵),broke n meters, bold and unconven ti onala nd ofte n startli ngmetaphors(大胆的隐喻),and aphoristic wit_(警句).五、The Age of Realis

15、m美国现实主义文学at the later part of the 19th cen tury.simply fidelity to actuality in its represe ntati on in literature.based on the accurate of huma n experie nces.It insists on precise description, authentic action anddialogue, moral honesty,and a democratic ope nn ess in subject matter and style._ is

16、in clusive ofnaturalism, regionalism and local color writing._feature : objective and realWriters and works:1HowellsTheir Weddi ng Journey (1872)结婚旅行2Henry James 亨利詹姆斯The America n (1877)一个美国人Daisy Miller (1878)黛西密勒The Portrait of a Lady (1881)贵妇画像The Art of Fictio n (1884)“小说的艺术”The Bost onians (18

17、86)波士顿人The Tragic Muse (1890)悲惨的缪斯The Wings of Dove (1902)鸽翼The Ambassadors (1903)专使The Golde n Bowl (1904)金碗六、Regionalism & Local Colorism(乡土文学与地方色彩文学)prese nts a locale which is disti nguished from the outside world.describes the exotic and the picturesque.glorifies the past.attempts to show thi n

18、gs as they are.stresses the in flue nce of sett ing on character.Dialect peculiarities are the defi ning characteristicWriters and works:The Adve ntures of Tom Sawyer (1876)The Prince and the Pauper (1882)Life on Mississippi (1883)The Gilded Age (1873, with Charles D.Warner)The Adve ntures of Huckle

19、berry Finn (1885)Feature : use Vernacular Ianguage. local colorStyle :unpretentious, colloquial, poetic.2Harriet Beecher Stowe哈里特比彻斯托Uncle Tom s Cabin (1852)汤姆叔叔的小屋 Fran cis Bret Harte弗朗西斯布雷特哈特The Lost Galle on (1867)The Luck of Roaring Camp (1870) Mrs. Skaggs s Husbands (1873) Mark Twain马克吐温the Lin

20、coln of literature汤姆索亚历险记王子与贫儿密西西比河上镀金时代哈克贝利费恩历险记沉船咆哮营里的幸运儿斯凯葛夫人的丈夫们红狗的女继承人An Heiress of Red Dog (1879)七、American Naturalism美国自然主义文学美国文学自然主义者认为,人同时受制于(are controlled)自然环境与社会环境,因而遗传因素(laws ofheredity)与社会环境(environment)是人的命运不可抵抗的决定力量。他们认为,在受制于不以人的意 志为转移的非道德力量的世界中,宣扬道德的地位是毫无意义的。more in elusive and less

21、 selective than realism.比现实主义更具包容性,选择却更少Determi nism gover ns everyth ing决定论支配一切It dari ngly ope nedup the seamy un derside ofsocietyand such topics as divorce,sex, adultery, poverty, and crime. _It conceives of manas con trolled by his in st incts or his passi ons, or by his social and econo micenv

22、ironment and circumsta nces.1、writers and works:1Stephen Crane斯蒂芬克莱恩The Red Badge of Courage (1895)红色英勇勋章2Frank Norris弗兰克诺里斯McTeague (1899)麦克提格Theodore Dressier西奥多德莱塞An American Tragedy (1925)美国悲剧Sister Carrie (1900)嘉莉妹妹Jennie Gerhardt (1911)珍妮姑娘The Finan cier (1912)金融家The Tita n (1914)巨人The Stoic (

23、1947)斯多葛The Gen ius (1915)天才Jack Lon don杰克伦敦Marti n Ede n (1909)马丁伊登The Son of the Wolf (1900)狼之子The Call of the Wild (1903)野性的呼唤The Sea Wolf (1904)海狼White Fang (1906)白獠牙“Love of Life ” (1907)热爱生命5Upton Sinclair厄普顿辛克莱The Jungle屠场八、Modern American Poetry美国现代诗歌feature : fragmentation(分散,碎片)stream-of-c

24、 on scious ness(意识流的)a break with the pastwriters and works:1Ezra Pou nd 庞德Des Imagists意象派诗选Ca ntos诗章Cathay华夏“ Hugh Selw yn Mauberley ”休赛尔温毛伯利 T. S. Eliot托马斯斯特尔那斯艾略特九、Modern American Fiction美国现代小说1、The Lost Generation(迷惘的一代)Writers and works:1Ernest Hemingway海明威 He was famous for his novels and shor

25、t stories written in his spare, laconic,yetintense prose with short sentences and very specific details.-Almost all his stories deal with the theme of courage in face of tragedy.-They reveal mans impotenee and despairing courage to assert himself against overwhel ming odds. The dignity of movement o

26、f an iceberg is due to only one-eighth water.( 一座冰山在海面上移动是很壮观的,因为只有八分之一露出水面。The Old Man and the Sea (1952)老人与海The Sun Also Rises (1926)太阳照常升起sentence structure, he uses coord inated clauses to avoid subord inatedclauses thatwould imply vague judgme nts.The Waste Land (1922)荒原Family Reu nio n(1950)大团

27、圆3Robert Frost罗伯特ABoy s Will (1913) North ofBoston (1914)After Apple Picki ng (1914)Mountain Interval (1916) NewHampshire (1923) West-Running Brook (1928) A FurtherRa nge (1936)弗罗斯特少年的心愿波士顿以北摘苹果之后山间洼地新罕布什尔西流的溪涧又一片牧场A Witn ess Tress (1942)“ Men di ng Wall ”“ The Road NotTaken一株见证的树“修墙”“没有走过的路” CarlSa

28、ndburgInRecklessEcstasy卡尔桑德伯格肆无忌惮的狂想辗米机烟与钢The America n SongbagThe Prairie YearsGood Morni ng, America早上好,美国The People, Yes美国歌袋草原的年代人民,好of it being above)A Farewell to Arms (1929)For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940)In Our Time (1925)The Torre nts of Spri ng (1926)Men without Wome n (1927)Winner Take Nothi

29、 ng (1933)To Have and to Have Not (1937)Style : Hemingway s style is永别了,武器丧钟为谁而鸣在我们的年代里春潮没有女人的男人胜者无所得贫与富no ted for its simplicity.especiallyand verbs and reduces the use of adjectives.In diction, he focus on nounscomplicated adjectives. In2F. Scott FitzgeraldThe Great Gatsby (1925)This Side of Parad

30、ise (1920)Flappers and Philosophers (1920)The Beautiful and the Damn ed (1922)Tales of the Jazz Age (1922)All the Sad You ng Men (1926)Ten der is the Night (1934)The Last Tycoo n (1941)2、others1Sherwood An derson舍伍德安德森Win esburg, Ohio (1919)小镇畸人Poor white (1920)Horses and Men (1923)The Triumph of th

31、e Egg (1921)Death in the Woods (1933)Windy McPherson s Son (1916)Willa Cather薇拉?凯瑟The So ng of the Lark (1915)My Antonia (1918)O Pio neers! (1913) John Ste in beck|约翰斯坦贝克The Grapes of Wrath (1939)愤怒的葡萄The Moon is Down (1942)月亮下去了The Winter of Our Discontent (1961)我们不安的冬天The Pastures of Heaven (1932)

32、天堂牧场In Dubious Battle (1936)胜负未决Of Mice and Man (1937)鼠与人 Joh n Dos Passos约翰多斯帕索斯The Trilogy U. S. A (1937)美国三部曲The Adve ntures of a YoungMan (1939)一个年轻人的冒险Three Soldiers (1921)三个士兵Manhattan Transfer (1925)曼哈顿中转站1919 (1932)一九一九The Big Money (1936)赚大钱Number One (1943)第一号The Grand Design (1949)伟大的计划Di

33、strict of Columbia (1952)哥伦比亚特区弗朗西斯斯科特基菲茨杰拉德了不起的盖茨比人间天堂新潮女郎与哲学家美丽的和倒霉的爵士乐时代的故事所有悲伤的年轻人夜色温柔最后一个巨头穷白人马与人鸡蛋的胜利林中之死饶舌的麦克斐逊的儿子云雀之歌我的安东尼亚啊,拓荒者!失踪的女士教授之家大主教之死岩石上的阴影A Lost Lady (1923)The Professor s House (1925)Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927)Shadows on the Rock (1931) Sin clair Lewis辛克来刘易斯巴比特Babbitt (

34、1922)十、The Southern Renaissanee美国南方文学(Southern Renaissanee.)1、Themes:Chevalier heritage.骑士遗产Agraria n virtue.农业推崇Pla ntatio n aristocracy.种植园农场的贵族生活Lost cause.失去的事业White supremacy.白人至上的传统Purity of Southern woma nhood.南方女性的纯洁2、Writers and worksWilliam Faulk ner威廉福克纳The Yok napatawpha Saga(约克纳帕塔法世系)Th

35、e Sound and the Fury (1929)喧嚣与骚动Absalom, Absalom! (1936)押沙龙,押沙龙!-successfully advaneed some modernliterary techniques: Stream of consciousness.(in terior mono logue) multiple point of view意识流多角度的talk about the viole nee and evil in all huma n beingsHis prose varies from colloquial, regi on al, to fo

36、rmal dictio n and cade nces of America n speech.Thomas Wolfe托马斯沃尔夫Look Homeward, An gel (1929) (n ovel)Of Time and the River (1935) (novel)From Death to Morni ng (1935) (stories)The web and the Rock (1939) (manuscript novel)You Cant Go Home Aga in (1940) (ma nuscript novel)Ship of Fools傻瓜的船Eudora We

37、lty尤多拉韦尔蒂Death of a Traveli ng Salesma n (1936)旅行推销员之死Delta Weddi ng (1946)三角洲的婚礼Carson McCullers卡森麦卡勒斯The Heart Is a Lon ely Hun ter (1940)The Ballad of the Sad Cafe(1943/1951)In truder in the Dust (1948)尘土中的入侵者Sartoris (1929)沙托里斯As I Lay Dyi ng (1930)San ctuary (1931)圣殿Light in August (1932)The Ha

38、mlet (1940)村子Go Down, Moses (1942)The Town (1957)小镇“ The Bear ”“ 熊”Feature :我弥留之际八月之光去吧,摩西天使,望乡时间与河流从死亡至早晨蛛网与岩石有家归不得The Hills Beyo nd (1941)3Katheri ne Anne PorterThe Flower ing JudasThe Jilti ng of Gra nny WeatherallPale Horse, Pale RiderLear ning Tower and Other Stories远山凯瑟琳安波特开花的犹大树被背弃的老祖母苍白的马,苍白

39、的骑手斜塔和其他故事心是孤独的猎手伤心咖啡馆的民谣6Mary Fla nnery OCo nnor弗兰纳里奥康纳Wise Blood (1952)A Good Man is Hard to Find (1955)The Viole nt Bear Is Away (1960)Everythi ng That Rises Must Co nverge (1965)7William Styro n威廉斯泰伦Sophies Choice苏菲的抉择Lie Dow n in Dark ness (1951)躺在黑暗中The Co nfessio ns of Nat Turner纳特特纳的自白十、Mode

40、rn American Drama1、Expressionism(表现主义):An artistic style in which the artistthe subjective emoti ons and resp on ses that objects and events arouse in him. He_accomplishes his aim through distort ion,exaggeratio n, primitivism,and fan tasy andthrough the vivid, jarri ng, viole nt, or dyn amic applic

41、ati on of formal elements.2、writers and works:Euge ne ONeill尤金奥尼尔Bou nd East for Cardiff (1914)东航卡迪夫Desire un der the Elms (1924)榆树下的欲望Beyo nd the Horizon (1920)天边外The Emperor Jones (1920)琼斯皇The Hairy Ape (1922)毛猿All Gods Chillum Got Wings (1924)上帝的儿女都有翅膀The Great God Brow n (1926)大神布郞Stra nge In te

42、rlude (1928)奇异的插曲Mour ning Becomes Electra (1931)悲悼The Icema n Cometh (1946)送冰的人来了Long Days Journey into Night (1956)2Elmer Rice 埃尔莫莱斯Addi ng Machine (1923)加算器On Trial (1914)审讯Street Sce ne (1929)街景The Outside (1917)外界In heritors (1921)继承人The Verge (1921)界限Alis ons House (1930)艾里森的房子 Clifford OdetsW

43、aiting for Lefty (1935)等待老左Golden Boy (1937)金孩子The Country Girl (1950)乡村姑娘Night Music (1940)夜曲Awake and Si ng! (1935)醒来唱歌Clash by Night (1941)夜间冲突现代美国戏剧seeks to depict not objective reality but rather日长路远夜深沉Left Bank (1931)左岸Judgme ntDay (1934)审判日The Mo ngrel(1924)混血儿Dream Girl (1945)梦幻姑娘 Susan Glas

44、pellTrifles (1916)琐事Ber nice (1919)贝尔尼斯The Flowering Peach (1954)开花的桃树The Big Knife (1948)大刀十二、African American Literature美国黑人文学1、Early African American literature1Frederick Douglass道格拉斯The Life and Time of Frederick of Douglass (1881)弗莱德里克道格拉斯的生平和时代2Booker T. Washi ngtonUp from Slavery (1901)3W. E.

45、 B. DuBoisThe Souls of Black Folks: Essays and Sketches (1903)黑人的灵魂4Jea n ToomerCane (1923)拐杖2、Harlem Renaissanee哈莱姆文艺复兴(or The New Negro Movement ) Cou ntee Culle n卡伦,C.One Way to Heave n (a novel) (1932)The Black Christ (1929)My Lives and How I Lost Them (1942)佐拉尼尔赫斯顿Jonahs Gourd Vine (1934)骡子与人Te

46、ll My Horse (1937)Tenn essee Williams田纳西威廉姆斯The Streetcar Named Desire (1947)欲望号街车The Glass Men agerieSummer and SmokeNight of the Igua naCat on a Hot Tin RoofThe Rose TattooSweet Bird of Youth玻璃动物园夏日烟云玫瑰文身Sudde nly Last Summer甜蜜的青春之鸟Period of Adjustme nt米勒鬣蜥之夜热铁皮屋顶上的猫去年夏天突然微妙的调整阶段 Arthur MillerAll

47、My So ns都是我儿子Death of a Salesma n (1949)推销员之死The CrucibleAfter the Fall坩锅/炼狱A View from the Bridge堕落之后In cide nt at Vichys Ceiling大主教的天花板The Price创世记和其他The ArchbishopThe Creati on of the World and Other Busin ess凭桥远眺维希事件代价7Edward Albee爱德华阿尔比The Zoo Story (1958)动物园故事Three Tall Women (1994)三个高个女人A Del

48、icate Bala nee (1966)微妙的平衡Whd s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962)The Sandbox (1961)Tiny Alice (1964)All Over (1971)谁害怕弗吉尼亚沃尔夫?毛主席语录沙袋小小爱丽丝万事皆休Box and Quotatio ns from Chairman Mao Tse-Tu ng (1968)8David MametAmerican Buffalo美国野牛Broke n Promises: Four PlaysColor (1925)CopperSun(1927)TheLostZoo(1940) Z

49、oraNealeHurston约拿的葫芦藤告诉我的马Mountain (1939)山人摩西Dust Tracks on a Road (1942)风尘仆仆3Lan gston Hughes蓝斯顿休斯“The Negro Speaks of River ” (1920)黑人说河”Shakespeare in Harlem (1947)哈莱姆的莎士比亚2Ralph Ellison拉尔夫艾里森In visible Man (1952)看不见的人Shadow and Act (1964) (essay collectio n) Going tothe Territory (1986) (essay c

50、ollecti on)3James Baldwin詹姆斯鲍德温Notes of a Native Son土生子的笔记Nobody Knows My Name没有人知道我的名字Giova nniThe Amen Corner阿门角AJust Above My HeadGo Tell it on the Mou ntai ns向苍天呼吁Blues for Mister Charley黑人怨4、Con temporary Africa n America n literature1Toni Morris on托妮莫里森The Bluest Eye (1970)最蓝的眼睛Sula (1973)苏拉So

51、ng of Solo mon (1977)所罗门之歌Tar Boy (1981)柏油娃娃Beloved (1987)宠儿Jazz (1992)爵士乐2Alex Palmer Haley亚里克斯哈里he Autobiography of Malcolm X (1965)马尔科姆艾克斯自传Roots (1976)根Hanning汉宁镇3Alice Walker艾丽斯沃克Meridia n (1976)梅丽迪安The Color Purple (1982)紫色(poem collections):Once有一次Revolutionary Petunias革命的牵牛花In Love and Troub

52、le (1973)相爱与烦恼(short story collectio n)十三、Chinese American Literature美国华裔文学1、the first stage:开创 (end of 19C20C 60s)1Edith Maude Eat on 艾迪丝伊顿Mrs. Spring Fragra nee (1912)春香夫人-beg inning2Louis Chu 雷庭招Eat a Bowl of Tea吃一碗茶I Won der as I Wan der (1956)我漂泊,我思考The Weary Blues (1926)疲倦的歌声Dear Lovely Death

53、(1931)Mulatto (1936)混血儿(play) The Best of Simple (1961)3、African American literature in the 1940s and 1950sRichard Wright理查德赖特12 Million Black Voices (1941)Uncle Toms Children (1938;Native Son (1940)土生子Black Boy(1945)黑孩子Eight Man (1961)八人行亲爱的的死神辛普尔精选集The Lo ng Dream (1958)漫长的梦一千二百万黑人的声音enl arged, 19

54、40)The Color Curtain (1956)The Outsider (1953)White Man, Liste n! (1957)Land Today (1963)汤姆叔叔的孩子们有色的窗帘局外人白人,听着!如今的土地影子与行动走向领地no ther Country另一国度s Room乔万尼的房间就在我头顶上哎呀!美国亚裔作家文集2、the second stage:转折(20C 7080s)Frank Chin赵健秀Chicke ncoop Chi nama n (1972)鸡笼里的华人The Year of Drago n (1974)龙年The Chi nama n Pac

55、ific & Frisco R. Co.铁路上的华工Don ald Duck: a Novel唐纳鸭Gunga Din Highway贡嘎丁公路Aiiieeeee! An An thology of Prose and Poetry (1974) Maxi ne Hong Kin gst onThe Woma n Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among GhostsChi na Man (1980)中国佬Tripmaster Mon key: His Fake Book (1989)孙行者:他的伪歌本3、the third stage、:繁荣(20C 90sn

56、ow)Amy Tan 谭恩美The Joy Luck Club (1989)The Kichen Gods Wife (1991)The Hun dred Secret Sen ses(1995)The Bon esetters Daughter (2001)Gish Jen 任碧莲Typical America n (1991)典型的美国人Mo na in the Promised La nd (1996)莫娜在希望之乡Whd s Irish? (1999)谁是爱尔兰人?3David Henry Hwang黄哲伦M. Butterfly (1988)蝴蝶君The House of Sleep

57、i ng Beauties睡美人之屋The Voyage (1992)航行Broken Promises: Four Plays没有兑现的诺言:四个剧本十四、Confessionals自白派1、罗伯特洛威尔不一样的国度(La nd of Unl ike ness)、威利爵爷的城堡(Lord Wearys Castle)、卡瓦纳家族的磨坊 (Mills of the Kava naughs八献给联邦死难者(For the Un io n Dead)、 大洋附近(Near theOcean)、笔记1967-68(Notebook 1967-68)、海豚(The Dolphin)、陈旧的辉煌(The Old Glory)/.2、 安妮塞克斯顿我生命的房间(The Room of My Life)去精神病院半途而归、生或死、变形记、死亡笔记3、 西尔维亚普拉斯高烧103度、分割、死亡与商号、燃烧的女巫、边缘.4、 约翰贝里曼John Berryman向布雷兹特里特夫人致意、77首梦歌、短诗集、贝里曼十四行诗集、他的玩具,他的梦,他的休息.汤婷婷( 1976)女勇士喜福会灶神之妻百种神秘感正骨师的女儿

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