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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2010-2011学年度武汉市部分学校九年级调研考试英语试卷第二部分 笔试部分一、选择填空从题中所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。26. Would you like some more bread? - No, thank you, _. A. I cant eat B. I am not hungry C. I dont like it D. Im full27. Have a good rest, you need to _ your energy for the football game this afternoon. - I will. A. leave

2、 B. save C. hold D. get28. How do you like your new job? - Ive only just started, so I really cant _. A. speak B. talk C. say D. explain29. How about some soft drink, Jack? - OK. But only _. A. a few B. a little C. few D. little 30. Oh sorry, Ive got the wrong number. - _. A. Youre welcome B. Thats

3、all right C. Its a pity D. Take it easy31. Its so cold here. I dont know _ to go or to stay. A. whether B. when C. how D. where32. I like this kind of camera a lot, but It _ too much. A. uses B. takes C. costs D. spends33. Where shall we put the fridge? - I think theres enough _ in the corner for it

4、. A. room B. floor C. place D. ground34. Tom seems _ today. - I heard he lost his new watch on the bus this morning. A. alone B. sad C. lonely D. badly 35. Did you get a CD player? - No. But Tina will _ one to me. A. buy B. borrow C. lend D. show36. Have you done the papers yet? - Yes, weve _ finish

5、ed it. A. almost B. yet C. still D. just37. Shall we play it one more time? - Im afraid not. I _ be off for my papers. A. can B. may C. must D. will l38. Which would you like, tea or coffee? - _ is fine. I really dont mind. A. Both B. Either C. None D. Neither39. Did you go to Jennys birthday party?

6、 - No, I _. A. am not invited B. wasnt invited C. havent invited D. didnt invite40. Who can tell me _? A. what is Toms father B. where does Tom live C. how old Tom is D. when will Tom come三、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41-55各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。I was at the corner grocery store buying some potatoes. I (41) a

7、 small boy; he was thin and wearing old but clean clothes, with a basket in his hand. His eyes were (42) fresh green peas. I paid for my potatoes. At this time, I couldnt help listening to the (43) between Mr. Miller, the store owner, and the poor boy next to me. “ Hello Barry, how are you today?”“

8、Hello, Mr. Miller. Fine, thank you. The green peas sure look good.”“ They are good, Barry. (44) is your mum?”“ Fine. She is getting better.”“ Good. Anything I can (45) you with?”“ No, Sir. I am just having a look at the peas.”“ Would you like to (46) some home?” asked Mr. Miller. “ No, Sir. I have n

9、othing to pay for them.”“ Well, what can you (47) to me for some of those peas?”“ All I got is my prize marble(弹子球)here.”“ Is that (48) ? Let me see,” said Miller. “ Here it is. It is lovely.”“ I can see that. The only thing is that this one is blue and I want a red one. Do you have a red one like t

10、his at home?” the store owner asked. “ (49) .”“ OK. Take this bag of peas home with you and next trip this way let me look at that red marble,” Mr. Miller told the boy. “ Sure, I (50) . Thanks Mr. Miller.”Mrs. Miller, who had been standing nearby, came over to help me. With a smile she said, “ There

11、 are two other boys like him in our community; all three are in very (51) families. Jim just loves to bargain with(交换) them for peas, apples, tomatoes, or (52) . When they come back with their red marbles, and they always do, he (53) he doesnt like red after all, and he sends them home with a bag of

12、 produce(农产平) for a green marble or an orange one, when they come on their (54) trip to the store. I left the store smiling to myself, impressed with this man. I would never forget the story of this man, the boys, and their lovely (55) . 41. A. watched B. noticed C. stopped D. showed42. A. from B. i

13、n C. on D. for43. A. conversation B. news C. story D. joke44. A. How B. What C. Where D. Which45. A. do B. help C. play D. work 46. A. bring B. take C. carry D fetch 47. A. pay B. help C. buy D. give 48. A. useful B. right C. expensive D. enough 49. A. Maybe B. Never C. Almost D. Certainly not50. A.

14、 will B. would C. must D. should 51. A. honest B. rich C. friendly D. poor52. A. whenever B. however C. whatever D. wherever53. A. hopes B. decides C. warns D. expects54. A. next B. first C. last D. only 55. A. present B. friendship C. marble D. deal四、阅读理解 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。AI locked my st

15、ore and dragged myself home. It was 11:00p.m. Christmas Eve, 2009, I had sold out almost all of my toys except one package. On the early morning of Christmas, a strange urge(催促) seemed to tell me to go to the store. I looked at the snow outside. “Thats crazy,” I said to myself. But finally, I couldn

16、t stand it any longer and got dressed. In front of my store stood two boys, one about nine, and the other six. “ I told you she would come!” the elder boy said cheerfully. The younger one stopped crying when he saw me. “ What are you two doing here?” I asked, hurrying them into the store. They were

17、poorly dressed and had no hats or gloves. “ Weve been waiting for you,” replied the elder boy. “ My little brother Jimmy didnt get any Christmas gifts. We want to buy a toy train. We have these three dollars,” he said. I looked around the store. “ Im sorry,” I said, “but I have no” Then my eyes caug

18、ht sight of the package. I walked over, picked up the package and unwrapped it. Miracle(奇迹)of miracles! There was a toy train! The elder boy wanted to give the dollars to me. “ No,” I told him, “ I want you to use your money to get some gloves.” The boys smiled when they understood I was giving them

19、 the toy train. We walked out together, and as I locked the door, I turned to the elder brother and said, “How did you know I would come?”56. The story happened _. A. on Christmas Eve B. on Christmas C. in the womans house D. near the womans store57. The woman hurried the two boys into her store bec

20、ause _. A. she wanted to give them something B. she was late for her work C. it was so cold outside D. the boys wanted to get a toy train58. The word unwrapped in the text means _. A. turned something over B. took something off C. put something away D. made something up 59. The greatest miracle to t

21、he woman was _. A. the toy train was in the only package B. the boys knew she was coming C. the boys had no caps or gloves D. a strange urge made her meet the two boys60. The boys didnt understand they got the free train until _. A. they went home with the toy train B. the woman asked them to get so

22、me gloves C. the younger boy stopped crying D. the woman asked the elder boy one question B61. The above reading is _. A. a picture of buildings B. a map of a place C. a list of buildings names D. a report about a place62. Which of the following is the farthest from the school? A. The zoo. B. The pa

23、rk. C. The theater. D. The restaurant. 63. Which of the following is the nearest from Bus Station? A. The school. B. The post office. C. The gym. D. The library. 64. The place on Haimen and opposite to Clothing Shop is _. A. the library B. the park C. the theater D. the restaurant 65. We can see cle

24、arly the book store is _. A. opposite to the supermarket B. next to the bus station C. beside the school D. behind the hospital CA king in Africa had a close friend that helped him grow up. The friend had a habit of looking a everything positively (肯定)that happened in his life and saying, “ This is

25、good!”One day the king and his friend were out hunting. The friend would prepare the guns for the king. The friend did something wrong in preparing on of the guns, and after taking the gun from his friend, the king fired it and his thumb(拇指) was blown off. On seeing the situation the friend said as

26、usual, “ This is good!” The king replied, “ No, this is not good!” He was very angry and sent his friend to jail(监狱)。 About a year later, the king was hunting in a forest. Cannibals(食人者)caught him and took him to their village. As they were going to kill him, they noticed that the king was missing a

27、 thumb. They never ate anyone who was less than whole. So they sent the king back. When he returned home, he felt sorry for his treatment of his friend. He went quickly to the jail to speak with his friend. “ You were right,” he said. “ It was good that my thumb was blown off.” And he told the frien

28、d all that had just happened. “ And so I am very sorry for sending you to jail for so long. It was bad for me to do this.”“ No,” his friend replied, “ this is good!” “What do you mean? How could it be good that I sent my friend to jail for a year?”“ If I had not been in jail, I would have been with

29、you, and I would have been eaten!”66. From the story we learn that _. A. the king was not a good friend indeed B. the kings friend always knew what would happen C. the friend would say “This is good!” when anything happened D. the king was not good at hunting at all67. The kings friend was sent to j

30、ail for _. A. what he said about the kings thumb B. his cutting off the kings thumb C. his being able to tell the future D. everything he did for the king 68. The king was sent back by Cannibals because _. A. Cannibals never ate a king B. the kings friend was in jail C. the king had a gun with him D

31、. the king missed his thumb69. The friends answer to the king made the king _. A. sorry B. proud C. surprised D. moved70. The best title for the reading is _. A. The Lucky King B. the Great Friend C. Nothing Stops Real Friendship D. Everything Happens for the Good第II卷五、词语短语填空先阅读短文,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空

32、,使全文在逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的)how / which / waited for / walked out / lights / floorA country woman was visiting the city for the first time. She went into a very tall building. On the first (71) , she saw an old lady standing in front of a door. The door was closed and over the door there were (72) . T

33、hen the door opened. The old lady standing in front of the door went inside. Then it closed. A few minutes later the door opened again, and a beautiful young woman (73) ! The country woman thought, “ This is the door to magic(有魔力的)box! If I go inside the box, I will be beautiful when I come out.”She

34、 (74) the door to open again. Then she walked in. but inside the door, she saw a lot of buttons on the wall. And she didnt know (75) button to push!六、阅读理解填词先阅读短文,在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。Les Brown, a famous speaker, tells the story of one of his friends, a salesman. His friend was in t (76) with

35、 money because sales dropped by 60%. Les asked him, “ How many phone c (77) are you making a day?” his friend answered, “ Twenty-five.”Les kept s (78) for a while. And then he gave him his a (79) . “ Double them,” he said. “ Make fifty. Or seventy-five. Or One h (80) .The salesman answered, “ Aw, ma

36、n. Thats too much. Id rather w (81) and see.”“ Too much!” r (82) Les. “ You tell me you are running out of money and then you say its too much. You know, one way for you to get back is to p (83) first, then your sales will increase. How can you say anything is too much when you l (84) everything?”To

37、day, most people say they have t (85) , but in fact they havent touched the surface of their potential(潜力). Then, why not make a promise to achieve your personal best?七、书面表达家丁你是国际学校里的一位班长,放假前,由你替班主任向同学们交代有关注意事项。请用英语准备一篇发言稿。要点如下:1. 休息好;帮家长做家务。2. 每天学点新知识,为下学期做好准备。3. 进行适当的锻炼,保持身体健康。4. 外出时要注意安全,按时回家。5. 谈一两点你认为假期可做的事情或不可做的事情。注意:1. 要求包括内容要点,词句通顺,意思连贯;2. 发言稿的开头已经给出;3. 词数60-80。Fellow students, attention please. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 专心-专注-专业

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