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1、进口私人物品报关文件及要求 进口私人物品报关需要文件如下:一正本护照: 中国护照:1客人护照上有在起运国一年以上的长期签证2客人在物品起运国有一年以上居住记录,且回国不超过半年非中国护照:1客人护照内签有中国的“一年以上有效签证”。2客人必须在中国境内。二物品清单要求:物品清单请尽量详细。例:共10箱货物物品清单1号箱 XXX(物品名) X件 XXX X件 2号箱 XXX X件 XXX X件 。TOTAL:10CTNS XXXKGS XXM3三正本D/O单(提货单)D/O单收货人栏必须显示护照持照人姓名。四提单复印件原始海运提单复印件(收货人栏必须与客人护照姓名一致)五报关委托书与声明将本文第

2、2页到第4页报关委托书与声明格式打印后,由货主本人签字(如护照中有本人签名,需与护照中签名笔迹一致)。六关封(此项以下项目为外籍客人必须准备) 非中国籍客人需到其在中国常驻城市当地主管海关办理审批手续。获得批准后取得海关“关封”,将关封正本及关封留底联一并带到口岸海关报关使用。七其他证件 非中国籍客人如持有“就业证”、“专家证”“学生证”等证件需一并提供正本。八申报单或情况说明 客人进境时应在进境地海关填写中华人民共和国海关进出境旅客行李物品申报单以便物品进境报关使用。 如没有填写“申报单”请按本文第五页格式填写“情况说明”提供给海关。非贸易物品代理报关委托书Power of Attorney

3、 for Customs Declaration of Non-trading Goods甲 方(委托方):Party A(Principal):乙 方(被委托方):Party B(Agent):甲方现委托乙方办理 领馆,代表处办公用品 个人物品 留学生购买国产免税车 其他 的审批 报关事宜。Party A hereby entrusts Party B to apply for approval handle customs declaration for : office appliances of the consulate or the representative office pe

4、rsonal stuff duty-free car bought by international student others 本委托书有效期自签字之日起至 年 月 日止。This power of Attorney takes effect on the date of execution and shall remain effective till 委托方(签章): Principal(Seal): 年 月 日 Date :委托方Pricipal姓名(单位名称)Name:被委托方Agent姓名(单位名称)Name:委托方证件及号码Certificate & No被委托方证件及号码Ce

5、rtificate & No委托方境内工作单位Employer in China被委托方境内工作单位Employer in China联系电话 (Tel)联系电话 (Tel)进口提单号Import B/L No承诺说明(Commitment):其他要求(Other Requirments) 背面所列条款是本协议不可分割的一部分,签署本协议即表示同意背面的通用条款 The articles on the overleaf are an integral part of this agreement. Signing this agreement means acceptance of the g

6、eneral articals on the overleaf 背面所列条款是本协议不可分割的一部分,签署本协议即表示同意背面的通用条款 The articles on the overleaf are an integral part of this agreement. Signing this agreement means acceptance of the general articals on the overleaf委托方 (盖章)Principal (Seal) 年 月 日 Date:被委托方 (盖章)Agent (Seal) 年 月 日 Date:(请注意背面通用条款)(Pl

7、ease be aware of the general articles on the overleaf)非贸易物品代理报关协议通用条款General Articles of Customs Declaration Agency Agreement forNon-trading Goods委托方责任 (Responsibilities of the Principal):一, 严格遵守中华人民共和国海关法及有关规定,否则,愿意承担相关法律责任( The Principal must abide by the Customs Law of the Peoples Republic of Chi

8、na and relevant regulations. Otherwise,it must assume the legal liabilities );二, 委托方应及时提供非贸易物品报关所必须的全部单证(包括海运提单复印件,提货单,申报单,物品清单,身份证件,关封等单证),并对各类单证的真实性,准确性和完整性负责( The Principal must timely provide all the documents required for the customs declaration of non-trading goods(including photocopies of oce

9、an bill of lading,delivery order,customs declaration,list of items,ID document and customs and customs cover)and be reponsible for the truthfulmess,correctness and completeness of such documents );三, 委托方在被委托方办理报关手续后,及时支付代理报关费用,支付被委托方垫支的费用以及因委托方责任产生的滞报金,滞纳金和海关依法处以的各种罚款( After the Agent completes the

10、customs declaration procedure,the Principal must timely pay the commission for customs declaration,the expenses advanced by the Agent,the delayed declaration fine and overdue fine incurred due to fault of the Principal,and all kinds of penalty imposed by the customs under law );四, 负责与被委托方一同协助海关进行查验,

11、配合海关的调查,并承担产生的相关费用( The Principal shall,together with the Agent,assist the Customs in inspecting the goods,provide cooperation for customs investigation,and cover the pertinent expenses );被委托方责任(The respinsibilites of the Agent)一, 严格遵守中华人民共和国海关法及有关规定,否则,愿意承担相关法律责任( The Agent must abide by the Custom

12、s Law of the Peoples Republic of China and relevant regulations. Otherwise,it must assume the legal liabilities);二, 负责在接到委托方交付齐备的各类单证后,填写申报表并确保填写的真实,完整( Upon receiving the documents submitted by the Principal,the Agent should fill out the customs declaration,ensuring that the information filled is t

13、rue and complete);三, 负责解答委托方有关向海关申报的疑问(The Agent should answer questions raised by the Principal concerning customs declaration);四, 负责对委托方提供各类单证,证件是否齐全,有效进行核对( The Agent should check the documents and certificates provided by the Principal to make sure they are complete and valid);五, 负责及时通知委托方共同协助海关

14、进行查验,并配合海关开展相关调查( The Agent should timely notify the Principal to jointly assist the Customs in inspection and cooperate with the Customs in relevant investigations);六, 负责完成委托方交办的其他事项(详见“其他要求”栏)(The Agent should complete othet assigned by the Principal(see Other Requirments)情 况 说 明天津海关:本人XX,性别:男,国籍:中国,护照号:XXXXXXXXXX。本人于XX年XX月XX日开始在XXXX国常住至今,由于XXXXX原因于XXXX年XX月XX日由XXXXXX国际机场进境开始返回国内长期居住。这次回国我带回来了部分在英国家中使用的个人物品。但由于不了解中国海关相关规定在机场进境时并没有填报海关申报单,现托运货物已经到达天津港亟待进境使用。本人保证以后一定注意海关相关规定,避免类似情况的再次发生。恳请海关考虑本人上述情况,批准本人所托运部分行李进境。本人不胜感激。此致敬礼本人签字: XXXX 日期: XXXX年XX月XX日

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