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1、合同编号:Contract Serial No房屋租赁合同Contract for Lease of Houses甲方(出租方):Party A:乙方(承租方):Party B:第一条租赁标的物Subject of Lease上海市 路 弄5号_J5_层_01室;建筑面积平方米房屋(以下简称该房屋)用途为住宅。Room 01 , Floor 15 , 5#, La ne , Rd, Sha nghai. The floor space of the house is 76.27 M The house (here in after referred to as “ the House” ) i

2、s for reside ntial purpose.第二条房屋租金House Ren tal1. 该房屋月租金为人民币 _元整(大写: _元整),租赁期租金总计 元整(大写:元整)。The ren tal for the house is RMB Yua n EvenThe total ren tal for the whole term of lease is RMBYua n Even2租期内租金包含:The ren tal is in clud ing of:1)房租 housi ng ren tal2)发票(含开具发票的税金)in cludi ng the tax of maki n

3、g out the in voices3)物业管理费man ageme nt fee4) 会所的使用(依会所规定)The use of the chamber (two adult and one child)5) In ter net 宽带使用费Internet broadba nd usage6) 小区卫星电视收视费On site satellite TV usage fee第三条其它费用Other Fees乙方除支付租金外,需于每月_1_日前支付如下费用:Apart from the ren tal, party B shall pay the followi ng fees befor

4、e the 1 day of each mon th:1电话费、饮用水费、洗衣费、地下车库停车费、会所内各项设施使用费(另依会所会员规 定)等。Fees for phone, drin kable water, un dergro und park ing lot and use of facilities with in the chamber (will be paid as per the Chamber Membership Rules), etc.2、水、电、燃气费用Fees for water, electricity and gas3、其他乙方应支付予甲方的服务费用。Other

5、fees for service that party B should pay to party A.第四条租赁期限Term of Lease租赁期限:自2008年 12月 18 日 至 2009年 12月 17日止。.若有活约,则其中 2008年12月18日至2009年8月17日为固定租期,该固定租期内乙方退租应依本合同约定承担 违约责任;自2009年8月18日至2009年12月17日为非固定租赁期,自2009年8月18日起, 乙方有权提出退租,但乙方应于退租前1个月以书面形式提出,非固定租赁期限租金须以整月为 计算,并在付清所有应付款项之后,乙方可收回全额履约保证金。)Term of l

6、ease is from 2008-12-18 till 2009-12-17.From 2008-12-18 to 2009-8-17it is the fixed lease term, during which Party B should be liable for breach of con tract accord ing to the con tract if he/she throw the lease; from 2009-8-18to 2009-12-17 it is the unfixed lease term and starting from 2009 -8-18Pa

7、rty B is rightful to surrender the lease but Party B should issue it by written one month before; the rent during the unfixed lease period should be counted by a whole month and after paid off all the payables, Party B can withdraw the total amount of performance bond.第五条租金支付方式:Rental Payme nt Metho

8、dA、若起租日期在当月15日前(含15日),则首期租金应支付至当月月底。若起租日期 在当月16日后(含16日)则首期租金应支付至次月月底;If the lease starts before 15h of the month (in cludi ng 15 th), the first ren tal shall be paid so as to cover till the end of the mon th; If the lease starts later tha n 16th of the month (in cludi ng 16 th), the first ren tal sh

9、all cover till theend of n ext month;B、自第二期租金起,租金按月收取并于每月1日前支付(先付后用);From the sec ond ren tal on, the ren tal shall be paid before the * of each month on a mon thly basis (pay before use).C、最后一期月租金包含当期月租金和次月合约截止日部分的租金一次性支付(本期月 租金+次月合约截止日租金二最后一期月租金);The last mon thly ren tal shall cover the ren tal f

10、or the month and for the rest of days from n ext month till the term in ati on of the con tract (ren tal for this mon th+ rental for the rest of days till the con tract is term in ated= the last mon thly ren tal).D、 租金支付明细表:(如起租日为2月15日前则本明细表增加前三个月租金明细) 2008年J2_月J8_日 至2009年丄月旦日首期租金元整(签约时支付)2009年_2_月丄

11、日 至2009年上月_0_日月租金元整 10个月总租金元整2009年J2_月丄日 至2009年2_月7日最后一期租金元整Detail List of Rent Payme nt:2008- 12-18_Date to 2009-1-31 Dow n payme nt is RMBYua n even (Pay the rent whe n sig ning thecon tract).2009-2-1 to 2009-11-30 rent is RMBYua n even; Total rent of 10 mon ths is RMBYua neven.2009- 12-1 to 2009-

12、12-17 Date Rent of the last period is RMBYuan even.第六条公寓房内提供设施及提供服务项目Facilities and Services Provided in the Apartme nt详见附件一、附件二See Appe ndix 1 and Appe ndix 2.A、乙方同意,如房屋交付时房内设施存在瑕疵或至该房屋无法正常使用的,在乙方向甲方 以书面形式正式提出后,甲方应于24小时内进行检修,但乙方不得以此拒付或拖延交付租金。Party B agrees that if facilities in the house have such

13、defects as to affect the no rmal use of the house whe n it is delivered, party A shall con duct exam in ati on and check within 24 hours after party B in forms party A in written form. Party B shall not, however, refuse to pay or delay in paying the rental for this excuse.B、 甲方按约定向乙方提供每周2次入户保洁服务,时间为

14、每周三 与每周 日。The time is Wedn esday and Sun day every week乙方选择以下第_条为入室保洁条件:Party A will provide in-door cleaning service for party B twotimes a week , party B should provide detailsdata with written format the receptio ni st。Party B takes the1as the con diti on for in-door clea ning service:1、乙方同意,乙方提供

15、钥匙与甲方,甲方可以在乙方不在该房屋的情况下入室保洁。乙 方需对房内物品安全自行负责。Party B agrees to provide a key to party A, so that Party A may provide in-door clea ning service without the prese nee of party B in the house. Party B shall be resp on sible for the safety of the stuff in the house on its own.2、 乙方必须提前至前台预约保洁时间,在乙方在户内的情况下

16、甲方入室保洁。 如乙方未 预约时间,则视为乙方自动放弃此次清洁。Party B shall make prior reservati ons for the time of clea ning at the recepti oni st, and party B will the n provide cleaning service with the presence of party B. party B is deemed to abandon cleaning for this time if is fails to make reservati ons for the time.第七条

17、 计价方式及支付之日的确定:Currency and determ in atio n of pay day本合同以人民币计价;乙方付款后由相关单位出具发票,保证金出具收据。房屋租金如 以现金方式支付则以甲方实际收到的日期为准;如以汇款形式或银行转帐形式则以人民 币到帐之日为准。The con tract is valued in RMB; in voice will be offered by compete nt orga ns after the payme nt is made by Party B, and receipt will be offered for the perfor

18、ma nce bond paid. If the ren tal is paid in cash, the pay day shall be the day when party A actually receives the payment; if it is in remittance or via credit transfer, the pay day shall be the day whe n the money is credited to the acco unt.第八条履约保证金相关规定:Provisi ons on Performa nce Bond本合同签订当日,乙方应向

19、甲方支付相当于月租金倍的履约保证金计人民币元整(大写: 元整),该保证金仅作为乙方履行所有条款的保证。Party B shall pay to party A deposit say RM onlyequivale nt to 2mon thly ren tal on the day whe n the con tract is coun tersig n. The deposit is only served as the guara ntee for party B to fulfill all his liabilities in the con tractA、如因乙方未履行合同或履行合

20、同不符合约定的,则保证金将作为违约金不予返还, 乙方所欠缴之租金及其它费用仍应支付。If party B fails to impleme nt the con tract or fails to impleme nt it as stipulated in the con tract, the performa nce bond will be reta ined as a pen alty, and party B shall pay the ren tal and other fees due.B、 租赁期满甲、乙双方应依本合同约定对该房屋及配备按照附件一内容清点无误、 结清相关费用且经

21、双方办理完成退户手续后十日内, 甲方将保证金全额无息返还乙 方,但本合同另有约定除外。When the contract expires, both parties shall sort and count the house and facilities as per the appendix and clear the fees as stipulated in the contract. Party A will then return the performance bond with no interest to party B within 10 days after the of

22、f-lease procedures are done, except otherwise stipulated in the contract.C、本合同租赁期满时如乙方尚有款项未支付, 且甲方应向乙方返还保证金时, 甲方 可从保证金中扣除相关款项后将剩余保证金返还。When the contract expires, if there are payment remains to be unpaid by party B and party A is supposed to return the performance bond to party B, party A may deduct

23、 the relevant fees from the bond before returning it to party B.D 、 乙方不得将保证金的债权转让给第三者或在该保证金上作任何形式的抵押, 亦不 得以交付保证金为由,拒绝(或延期)缴付本合同规定的租金及其它费用。Party B shall not transfer the creditor s right of the performance bond to the third party or make any mortgage in any form on the performance bond, and shall not

24、 refuse (or delay) to pay the rental and other fees as stipulated in the contract for the excuse that the performance bond is paid.第九条 租金、履约保证金及其他费用的支付路径Pay Path for Rental, Performance Bond and other Fees公司名称:公司账号:开户银行:第十条 房屋的使用及归还Use and return of the House1、乙方承诺遵守该房屋所在小区物业管理公约及服从物业管理公司的管理。Party B

25、 promises to comply with the Property Management Rules and to be subject to the management of the property management company of the community where the house is located.2、乙方应妥善使用该房屋及其配备,不得对该房屋硬装修部分进行任何更改或损坏,不得 损坏任何内部装饰及配备,否则应照价赔偿,乙方不得转租、转让、转借他人或调换使 用。Party B shall use the house and its facilities p

26、roperly and not make any changes or damages to the hard decoration of the house or any interior decorations and facilities, otherwise party B shall pay for it. No sub-lease, transfer, under-lease to other people or exchange with other house is allowed3、因乙方使用该房屋致甲、乙方人员或第三人产生损失的,由乙方承担全部责任。If party B c

27、auses loss to party A, Party B s employees or third party due to the use of the house by party B, party B shall assume the full liability.4、乙方应于租约到期日前(含到期日)将该房屋及配备恢复原状(自然损耗除外)且结清 所有费用,并经甲方书面确认后视为办理完成归还手续。Party B shall restore the house and its facilities to the original state (except natural wearing

28、) and clear all the fees before the contract expires (or at the day the contract expires), and shall be deemed to finish the return procedures upon written confirmation by party A.5、该房屋及配备发生损坏乙方应及时报修,甲方应于乙方报修后约定时间派员上门维修, 产生的修理费用由甲方承担,但如非自然损耗甲方修复所需费用由乙方承担。In case the house and its facilities are dama

29、ged, party B shall report for repair in a timely manner. Party A shall provide -indoor maintenance service at the agreed time, and the cost for maintenance will be borne by party A; cost for repair non-natural wearing, however, will be borne by party B6、金钱、珠宝及其它贵重物品乙方需放置在本公寓的保险箱内,甲方对乙方的任何遗失不 负责任。Par

30、ty Bs valuables such as money, jewelry and alike shall be placed in the safe of the apartment, and Party A will not be held responsible for any loss in this connection.7、租赁场所归还后,乙方遗留在租赁场所内的所有物品均视为乙方放弃,甲方有权对其进 行处理。处理该物品所产生的所有费用均由乙方承担。Upon the return of the leased house, any stuff left in the house by

31、 party B is deeded to be abandoned by party B and party A is entitled to dispose such stuff. All the cost arising from such disposition shall be borne by party B.8、本合同租赁期满乙方逾期返还该房屋的,或本合同因任何原因终止而乙方未于终止日前 (本合同另有约定除外)返还该房屋的,则每逾期一日返还该房屋乙方应向甲方支付相 当于本合同约定租金的三倍的房屋使用费。乙方同意如逾期超过十天,则甲方有权自行 收回该房屋,该房屋内所留物品乙方全部放

32、弃,甲方有权自行处理。甲、乙双方因此所 受的损失及产生的费用全部由乙方承担。As the contract expires, party B shall pay to party A a fee for use which is equivalent to 3 times of the rental as stipulated in the contract if it fails to return the house in due time. Party B agrees that if the return is overdue for more than 10 days, party

33、A is entitled to take the house back and dispose on its own whatever is left in the house abandoned by party B. Any loss suffered by both parties and costs hereby caused shall be completely borne by party B.第十一条 违约责任Liabilities for Breach of Contract1、如乙方未依约支付首期租金或履约保证金的,甲方有权不予交付房屋给乙方使用。如逾 期支付超过起租日七

34、日的,则甲方有权单方终止合同。If Party B has not paid the down payment or the deposit, Party A has the right not to deliver the house to PartyB. If the In case the rental is more than 7 working days overdue, Party A has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.2、甲方拒绝按合同约定的时间交付该房屋供乙方使用的 ,每逾期一天 ,甲方应按日租金的 3 倍

35、向乙方支付违约金,逾期超过 10 天(含 10 天)的,视为甲方不履行本合同,乙方有 权单方终止本合同。甲方除应按上述规定支付违约金外,还应无息返还乙方已支付之保 证金。In case Party A fails to deliver the house to party B for its use as stipulated in the contract, for every day overdue, party A shall pay the penalty 3 time of the daily rental to party B; if the overdue is more tha

36、n 10 days (including 10 days), party A is deemed to fail to implement the contract, and party B is entitled to terminate the contract unilaterally. In this connection, apart from paying the penalty as stipulated above, party A shall also return the performance bond paid by party B with no interest.3

37、、如甲方因维修需进入该房屋的,乙方应积极配合,确保甲方可及时进行维修,如因乙方 原因致维修时间延迟,导致甲方、乙方或其他第三方产生损失的均由乙方负责赔偿。If party A need to enter the tenement due to maintenance and repair. Lessee should be cooperated actively to assure lessor could proceed the maintenance and repair in time. If maintenance and repair was delayed due to lesse

38、esresponsibility which cause any loss between lessor and lesseeor any other third parties would be at lessees expense.4、乙方如需维修房屋 ,则需书面通知甲方,甲方在收到书面通知后 48 小时内予以上门检修; 如甲方超过 48 小时未上门检修而造成乙方财产损失或人身伤害的 ,甲方应承担赔偿责任。 (非归责甲方原因造成的房屋损坏及其它配备损坏不在此条约定之内)。If party B needs to have the house repaired, it shall notify

39、 party A in written form, and party A shall provide in-door maintenance service within 48 hours upon the receipt of the written notification. If party A fails to do that within 48 hours and thus causing economic loss or personal injuries to party B, Party A shall assume the liability of compensation

40、 (damages to the house and its facilities caused by reasons that is not attributable to party A are not covered in this article).5 、 乙方未依约定时间支付租金或其它费用的,则每逾期一日支付,应向甲方支付应付未付 款 0.5的违约金,逾期超过 10天或累计未按约定支付 2 次以上的,甲方有权选择单方 终止本合同;如甲方未单方终止本合同的则乙方应依约定支付逾期付款违约金直至支付 应付款之日止,但甲方仍有权单方终止合同。甲方单方终止合同的则乙方除需按日支付 逾期付款违约

41、金至本合同终止之日外,同时履约保证金将作为违约金不予返还。In case party B fails to pay the rental or other fees within the stipulated time frame, for every day overdue, it shall pay to party A the penalty of 0.5% of the due payment; if the overdue is more than 10 days or failure to pay as stipulated for two or more times, party

42、 A is entitled to terminate the contract unilaterally. If party A does not terminate the contract unilaterally, party B shall pay penalty as stipulated above, but party A will still have the right to terminate the contract unilaterally.6、乙方擅自将该房屋转租、转让、转借他人、调换使用或有损坏房屋装修、配备之情形的,甲方有权选择单方终止本合同。如甲方不选择单方终

43、止本合同的,乙方应赔偿甲方因此产生的损失,如乙方损坏房屋装修、配备还应承担还原损坏部位的责任。In case party B sub-leases, tran sfers, un der-leases the house to other people or excha nges it with other house, or damages the decorati on and facilities of the house, party A is en titled to term in ate the con tract un laterally. If party A does no

44、t do so, party B shall compe nsate for loss hereby suffered by party A. Party B shall also take the liability to restore the damaged part if it damages the decoration or facilities of the house.7、若甲方依约单方终止本合同的,本合同自甲方发出终止通知的第六日起终止,乙方应于 终止日前依本合同约定返还房屋及支付尚欠款项,且乙方除所缴保证金将作为违约金不 予返还,如甲方所受的损失超过保证金金额的,乙方还应赔

45、偿差额部分。If party A term in ates the con tract un laterally, the con tract will be term in ated since the 6th day after the term in ati on no tificati on is sent by party A. Party B shall return the house and pay the due fees before the con tract expires, and the performa nee bond shall not be retur ne

46、d to party B. Party B shall retur n the house and pay the due fees as stipulated by the Con tract. If party A suffers more loss tha n the amount of performa nee bond, party B shall pay for the bala nee part.8、甲、乙任一行使本合同约定单方终止权的,应向对方发出书面通知,本合同自通知送达 或视为送达之日起终止。送达地址以本合同所列地址为准,如地址变更应以书面形式通 知对方,否则送达原地址即视

47、为已送达。Any party exercis ing the right to termi nate the con tract un laterally shall no tify the other party in written form, and the con tract shall be term in ated upon the day the no tificati on is served or deemed to be served. The address for service shall be the one listed in the con tract, and

48、 any cha nges in the address shall be no tified in written form to the other party, otherwise service to the original address will be deemed to be served.第十二条优先权Priority1、甲方已于本合同签订前告知乙方该房屋业主欲出售该房屋,乙方无购买意向并无条件同意放弃路弄5号15 层07室的优先购买权。Before sig ning this con tract,has told Party B that the owner pla ns

49、to sell this house, PartyB dose not pla n to buy it and uncon diti on ally agrees to give up the first refusal to purchase Room 1507,5 Lane, Xin zha Road.2、该房屋出售的,新业主取得产证后,乙方应与新业主继续履行本合同,且乙方同意于接到通知后十日内与第三方签订本租赁合同变更主体协议,但变更主体协议是否签订不影 响新业主行使本合同甲方权利。After the house is sold,I n case party A sells the ho

50、use and the new owner has acquired the property own ership certificate, party B shall continue to impleme nt the con tract together with the new own er,a nd agrees to sig n with the third party a con tract aimed to cha nge the subject of the lease con tract with in 10 days after being no tified; whe

51、ther such con tract will be sig ned or not, however, it will not affect the new owner to exercise the rights origi nally bel onging to party A.3、租赁期满,乙方需继续承租该房屋的,则应于租赁届满前二个月,向甲方提出续租书面要求。在同等租赁条件下,乙方享有优先承租权。Upon the expiration of the contract, party B shall put forward the request to Party A in writte

52、n form 2 months before the expiration of the lease term if it intends to renew the lease. Party B has the preemptive right to lease under equal conditions.第十三条 免责条款Exoneration Clause合同履行期间,如因地震、台风、水灾或战争及其它自然灾害等,政府行为及其它不可 抗力因素导致本合同不能继续履行,应免除双方责任,但乙方仍应支付在此之前已发生的租 金及费用,甲方有权在保证金中扣除以上费用后,将剩余保证金全额无息归还乙方。D

53、uring the term of the contract, both parties shall be immune to the liabilities in case the contract cannot be implemented due to force majeure such as earthquake, tycoon, flood, war or other natural disaster, or government act, but party B shall still pay the rental and other fees before that. Part

54、y A is entitled to return the performance fund with no interest to party B after deducting the said fees from it.第十四条 其它Article 1 Other Provisions1、 该房屋已设定抵押,承租方在签署本合同时已知晓该房屋已设定抵押。The house is mortgaged and the tenant is aware of the mortgage when signing the contract.2、 本合同未尽事宜,经双方协商一致后,可另行签订补充协议。A

55、nything not covered in the contract will be settled and supplementary contract may be concluded through consultation by both parties.3、除另有约定外,本合同任何条款无效或部分条款无效时,并不影响其他条款或条款其余 部分的效力。无效条款或部分无效条款,双方应协商予以取消或修正,并尽可能维持双 方达成合同时的原则,保持合同的贯彻性和效力。Any clauses of the contract invalid or part of clauses invalid do

56、es not affect the validity of other clauses or the rest part of clauses, except otherwise stipulated. The invalid clause or the invalid part may be cancelled or amended through consultation by both parties so as to maintain the principles for making the contract and the consistency and effectiveness

57、 of the contract as much as possible.4、甲、乙双方在履行本合同过程中发生争议,应通过协商解决;协商解决不成的,双方同 意依法向人民法院起诉。Any dispute arising from or in connection with the implementation of the contract shall be settled through consultation; should no agreement be reached, it is agreed by both parties to be submitted to the court

58、that has the jurisdiction over this matter.5、合同以中文版本为准, 如需翻译为外文版本, 该外文合同版本只作为参考, 不具法律效力。The Chinese version of the contract shall prevail. In case it needs to be translated into foreign languages,thetran slated vers ion is for reference only and does not have legal effect.6、本合同经双方盖章或签字后生效。The con tr

59、act becomes valid upon the stamp or sig nature by both parties.7、本合同连同附件一式伍份。其中:甲、乙双方各持一份,其余为备份,均具有同等效力。The con tract, along with the appe ndixes are in quin tuplicate, one for each party, the other ones are backup, and all of them have the same legal effect8、乙方帐单寄送地址:;邮编:联系人:联系电话:附件一:房内设施配置表;附件二:入户

60、保洁内容;附件三:产权证复印件。Party B s mail address of the bill:;Zip code:Contactor ;Tel:Attachme nt One: Layout Table of Facilities in the house;Attachme nt Two: In-house Clea ning Content; Attachme nt Three: Copy of the Property Title Certificate.甲方(签章):Party A (stamp):委托人(签字):Prin cipal (sig nature):日期(Date):乙方(签章):Party B (stamp):委托人(签字):Prin cipal (sig nature):日期(Date):

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