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1、精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级:高三 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:授课类型C 十一选十考情介绍与题型特点C 十一选十做题技巧T 十一选十能力提升授课日期及时段教学内容1. 专题知识梳理2014年一模高频词汇 选项高频词汇:名词:cultivation; aircraft; consequence; competitor; investment; loyalty; prediction; applicant; specialty; concept; angle; position; philosophy; candidate; background; alte

2、ration动词:plunge; reveal; count; extend; realize; allow; maximize; distinguish; contribute; expose; refer; obtain; divide; conceal; multiply; calculate形容词:constant; precious; uncomfortable; enthusiastic; relevant; unconditional; initial; basic; cultural;extraordinary; private; complicated; suitable;

3、instant; dependent; flexible; proper; responsible; extinct; embarrassing; accurate副词:repeatedly; carefully; properly; doubly; enormously; merely; regularly; normally; virtually; annually; equally; efficiently; physically 一词多性:farm; benefit; mirror; back; average; favor; access; challenge; change; re

4、spect; figure; monitor; still; balance; approach 一词多义:common; conduct; promote; still; monitor; approach; figure; multiply2. 专题精讲(选自2014年一模)l 一词多性:普陀一模:推荐精选例:They _49 farmed_ with bare hands, often lived close to hunger, and had to fashion tools from wood and stone.解析:farm有名词(农场)和动词(干农活儿)两种词性,此处farm

5、的形式和后面的lived, had是平行结构,应用过去时farmed。青浦一模:例:While both hens and ducks 43 benefit the garden by eating pests.解析:benefit一词多性,此处作动词,全句译为:母鸡和鸭子可以通过吃害虫给花园带来益处。松江一模:例:a way that 48 mirrors their company standards解析:此处译为:反映(mirror)公司水平的方式。徐汇一模:例:employees will get its money _46 back_解析:get sth. back 译为“拿回”,b

6、ack同时可以做动词,有词组:back you up,表示支持。杨浦一模:例:Originally, it 42 favored_ candidates with a military flight background.解析:favor在这里作动词,表示“支持”。闵行一模:例1:In March the 42 release of a large-scale, 24-year survey gave one of the clearest pictures yet of the decline of Australian and Asian shorebirds解析:release既可以做名

7、词还可以做动词,此处做名词,表示“发布”。例2:.including the long-distance migrants (候鸟) that are most difficult to 43 monitor .解析:monitor做名词表示“班长”,做动词表示“监管”,此处做动词用。浦东一模:例1:This allows the hospital to work more effectively than if we only 48 approach problems one way.解析:approach 做名词表示“方法;途径;接近”,做动词表示“接近;着手处理”,此处做动词用,表示“着

8、手处理”例2:Having more male nurses will help create a positive_49 balance_ between male and female staff,解析:balance既是名词也是动词,都表示“平衡”,此处做名词用。l 一词多义:青浦一模:例:Ducks are immune to some 41 common diseases found in hens.解析:common disease 翻译成“常见疾病”,common同时可以译成“共同的”例如: common goal。松江一模:例:He 42 conducted good rese

9、arch on the companys core business.推荐精选解析:conduct 进行;导电;指挥,conduct在这里译为“进行、做”。长宁一模:例:Errors and uncertainties 42 multiply_, cascading upward through a chain of turbulent features,解析:multiply大家熟悉的意思是乘法,本句考查增加,增多的意思。浦东一模:例:Male nurses can be a great help in keeping patients 46 still while they receive

10、 painful treatment解析:still有“.静止的、不动的。仍然”的意思,此处表示“不动的”。l 固定搭配:松江一模:例:Here are some tips to 44 maximize your chances of getting a job.解析:固定搭配:maximize the chances of,译为最大化做某事的可能性。徐汇一模:例:classes that are _41 relevant _ to their position解析:与他们职位相关的等级,词组是be relevant to。杨浦一模:例:but also find unique ways to

11、_41 distinguish_ themselves from the harsh competition.解析:这里需要一个动词原形,填distinguish和from搭配,表示“区别”。闸北一模:例:.so that the students may 46 refer_ to these points for reflection or further research.解析:这里需要一个动词原形,和to搭配,表示“参考”。3 专题过关检测题: (选自2014年崇明一模)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the wor

12、ds in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. spreadB. formalC. chanceD. foundE. objectiveF. experienceG. divisionsH. economicalI. respectJ. replacedK. classroomThe idea of the youth hostel(旅社) started with one man: Richard Schirrmann (1874-1961),

13、a German school teacher, who felt that there was a need for overnight accommodation for his students in order that they could see new things and have new experiences outside the _41_.He felt that one learns by observing, and tried to make his dream come true in the year 1909, when he started providi

14、ng accommodation for his students in inns, farmhouses and the like.The first youth hostel was opened in Schirrmanns own school in Altena, after which it was _42_ by a permanent hostel in Altena Castle. Schirrmann went on to _43_ the German Youth Hostel Association in the year 1919. By this time, the

15、 idea of the youth hostel had _44_ far and wide, all over the lands of Europe and further.推荐精选And then, in the year 1932, a(n) _45_ organization called the International Youth Hostel was founded in Amsterdam, which consisted of youth hostels from Switzerland, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Norway

16、, Britain, Ireland, France, Czechoslovakia, Denmark and Belgium. Richard Schirrmann became its chairman in 1933.The idea of the youth hostel is for young people who are on nature trips to get _46_accommodation in exchange for some money and a helping hand with the domestic chores(家务活). These hostels

17、 were said to build character and a sense of independence, as the youth who stayed in them got the _47_ to see how other people lived as well as to help to do work.Youth hostels are also places to meet and make new friends. They have no class _48_ and everyone has to do their share. Here, wealth and

18、 position does not help you gain _49_, but friendliness does. The friendlier you are, the more you learn from the _50_of staying in a youth hostel. Keys:41. K42. J43. D44. A45. B 46. H47. C48. G49. I50.F解析:41:由句意可知,在.的外面,因此classroom比较合适.42: be +ed by 被动形式,所以填replaced.43: go on to do sth, 因此此处应填动词原形。

19、由句意可知应当填found, 继续成立hotel。44:此处应填动词的过去分词,要注意spread 的过去分词就是原形,这一点较易错。45:冠词和名词中间可知应填形容词,修饰组织,可知应该用formal46: 首先判断空格词性,accommodation 前可填形容词,根据句意,青旅的主意是为自然旅行中的年轻人可以得到经济实惠的住宿,因此选economical符合题意。47:get the _ to do sth,可知应该填一个名词,在方框中所剩的名词中筛选,chance符合句意。48:此处空格前的class 应该理解为阶级,因此division比较合适,句意为“他们没有阶级区分,每个人都要彼

20、此分享。49:gain 后面应跟名词,难点在于respect 即可做动词也可做名词,此处考生较易忽略respect 的名词意。50:通过词性判断,可知此处应为名词,另根据句意,可知应是从经验中学习,因此是experience。1 专题知识梳理(选自2014年一模)l 现在分词的考查:普陀一模:例:Motor-cars cover a hundred miles in little more than an hour, while computers operate at _42 lightning_ speed.解析:本句考查现在分词作定语的用法,lighting speed形容光速或极快的速

21、度。宝山一模:例1:Chances are youll see plenty of them with their heads down, tapping the screens of their tablets or 41texting on their smartphones.推荐精选解析:本句中的texting 与tapping都是现在分词作伴随状语的用法。例2:When using a tablet, use a case that can back up the device at comfortable 49 viewing angle.解析:本句的viewing与comforta

22、ble共同作前置定语修饰angle。 奉贤一模:例:And why even the smartest people get taken in by fake but 50 touching stories.解析:本句中的touching为现在分词作前置定语的用法。青浦一模:例:When 47 raising ducks, one has to consider just how many the land will support.解析:本题考查的是现在分词作时间状语的用法。l 过去分词的考查:虹口一模:例:Though their friendship had not been a par

23、ticularly long-lasting one, Mussorgsky was shocked by Hartmanns 45 unexpected death.解析:本题考查过去分词作前置定语的用法。”unexpected death”表示令人意想不到的死讯”。金山一模:例:If there is someone or something you dislike, you are still 45 limited , and your ability to give advice is reduced.解析:本句中的limited为过去分词作表语的用法。闸北一模:例:Most 43 c

24、omplicated ideas and long sentences are avoided while symbols or abbreviations(缩写)are preferred instead. 解析:本题考查的是过去分词作前置定语。宝山一模:例:While these folks may be making good use of their time by staying 42 connected , their bodies are paying a heavy price for such convenience.解析:本句中中的stay为系动词,后面的connected

25、为过去分词作表语。l 较难词汇的考查:虹口一模:例:Many artists, however, would prove that there has always been a warm relationship between the 41 distinct areas of human activity. 解析:本题的distinct为形容词,意思是“明显的,独特的,有区别的”。黄浦一模:例:Journaling makes you accountable and more aware of what youre eating, so it makes sense that itll k

26、eep you from _48_mindlessly chewing if you arent actually hungry.解析:mindlessly为副词,意思是“粗心大意地,不注意地”,在句中作状语修饰chewing。推荐精选二专题精讲例1:(选自2014年嘉定一模)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the boxEach word can only be used onceNote that there is one word more than you needA. value B.

27、shape C. designed D. understanding E. importantly F. economists G. response H. vast I. connected J. major K. amazinglyThirteen years after the launch of Taobao, China has risen to become the worlds second busiest online marketplace, behind only the United States. This is the kind of statistic that _

28、41_ love, but it doesnt really tell us anything about why so many people like to buy so many things online.Is it because its easy? Is it because of the _42_ selection? Is it because we want to feel _43_ to others without leaving the house?Taobao was in fact a _44_ to ebays entrance into the Chinese

29、market in 2003. Jack Ma (马云) knew that he knew China better than the Americans did, and that Taobao could beat ebay at its own game here. He was right, and Jack Ma has helped to _45_the nature of online commerce in Chinawhat it looks like, how it works, and, most _46_, who its users are.Taobaos aest

30、hetic (美学) is distinctive, and has influenced and inspired competitors in China and around the world. The way it works is also different from other _47_online retailers (零售店) . But the real genius of Taobao lies in its _48_ of its users. What it looks like and how it works, after all, were _49_ with

31、 the users in mind: a young, increasingly “connected” and increasingly wealthy Chinese generation.When they designed Taobao, Jack Ma and his team realized that many young people in China strongly _50_ social interaction with their peers, so they made such interactioneverything from messaging to live

32、 chats to recommendations and reviewsa core part of the Taobao shopping experience. Keys:41.F 42.H 43.I 44.G 45.B 46.E 47.J 48.D 49.C 50.A解析:41: 首先判断此空的词性,前面的that很显然是定语从句的引导词,statistic是先行词,那此空格处不可能是修饰love的形容词,love还可做动词用(这一点很多学生容易忽略),因此love 前应该是定从的主语,因此economists 比较合适。42: 从空格的位置可初步判断应填一个可修饰selection的

33、形容词,然后根据句意,可知是庞大的,巨大的选择,因此选vast.43: 空格后的to是解题的关键,response和connected都可加to,但根据句意“是否我们想足不出户就感到与其他人有联系?”因此选connected.44: 空格后有介词to, response 放入此句中句意符合。45: help to 后应跟动词原形,但此题难点在于shape的词性有两种,既是名词又是动词。另外,后面一句讲的是淘宝网的各个方面,所以应该是马云帮助中国网上商业特性定型。46: 此空很明显应填副词。所给的词中,有importantly和amazingly,根据句意,并没有惊奇的意思,可知应该是impor

34、tantly.47: 空格中应填的词性为形容词,修饰retailers, 根据句意,可知是major,要注意的是major的两种词性。48: 空格在its和of之间,可知应当是填名词。要注意的Ving也是名词性的,因此,understanding词性符合,另外,句意也符合。推荐精选49: 根据空格的位置,可知应该是be +Ved +介词的结构。所以选designed. , 本句句意为“淘宝网的表现形式和运营方式是按照心目中的用户所设计的。50: 由strongly可知空格中应填动词,剩下了value和amazingly,学生易忽略value 的动词词性。例2:(选自2014年浦东二模)Dire

35、ctions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. rejected B. eventually C. various D. ready E. commercialize F. prospect G. delivered H. employed I. samples J. transplants K. inevitably Since its

36、 appearance in 2007, researchers at San Diego-based Organovo have experimented with printing a wide variety of tissues, including bits of lung, kidney and heart muscle. Now the worlds first publicly traded 3D bio-printing company is getting _41_ for production. In January slices of human liver tissu

37、e were _42_ to an outside laboratory for testing. These _43_ take about 30 minutes to produce, says Keith Murphy, the firms chief executive Later this year Organovo aims to begin commercial sales. The invention of 3D printing provided a technology now _44_ to manufacture everything from aircraft par

38、ts to body parts. But the _45_ of 3D bio-printing is even brighter: to create human tissues for research, drug development and testing, and _46_ as replacement organs, such as a kidney, for patients desperately in need of _47_. Bio-printed organs could be made from patients own cells and thus would

39、not be _48_ by their immune systems. They could also be manufactured on demand. At present only a few of companies are trying to _49_ the production of bio-printed tissues. But Thomas Boland, an early pioneer in the field, says that plenty of others are interested. He also estimates that about 80 te

40、ams at research institutions around the world are now trying to print _50_ small pieces of tissues such as skin, blood vessels, liver, lung and heart. “Its a wonderful technology to build three-dimensional biological structures,” says Gabor Forgacs, who co-founded Organovo in 2007. Keys: DGIHF BJAEC

41、答案解析:41. 【参考答案】D【试题解析】词组get ready for,“准备”的考查,这个公司正准备投入生产。42.【参考答案】G【试题解析】此题是被动语态,根据意思很好判断,“在一月份,人体的肝组织被运到实验室里做测试”。43.【参考答案】I【试题解析】根据前面的“these”和谓语动词“take”可知这里应该填一个名词复数,I/J可供选择,根据意思选择I“样本、标本”。44.【参考答案】H 【试题解析】分析句子成分可知这里填一个分词做后置定语,employ这里应该翻译为“应用、使用”,“3D立体印刷技术提供了一种可以用来制造所有东西的技术”。45.【参考答案】F【试题解析】根据所在位

42、置是主语,谓语动词“is”是单数可判断,此题需填名词单数,根据意思(“前景光明”)和词形,选择prospect“前景”。46.【参考答案】B【试题解析】本题有点难度,要注意把一整句结合在一起看,“to create human tissues for research, drug development and testing, and _46_ as replacement organs, such as a kidney”,“制造人体组织用于研究,制药,和测试,并最终作为器官的替代物,比如肾脏”,中间的研究、制药、测试到运用是层层递进的关系。推荐精选47. 【参考答案】J【试题解析】此题意

43、思好理解,但要注意词性,“transplant”这里当名词用。48.【参考答案】A【试题解析】这题是很明显的被动语态,所以选择过去分词,备选项是A/G/H,根据意思和排除法,选择A,“不会被身体的免疫系统排斥”,这题也属于常识。49. 【参考答案】E【试题解析】此题填动词原形,只有E/F可供选择,根据意思和排除法,选择commercialize“使商业化”。50. 【参考答案】C【试题解析】这里需填一个形容词,根据意思和排除法,选择various“各种各样的”。3 专题过关检测题:(选自2014年高考)A. alert B. classify C. commit D. delicately E

44、. gentle F. imposeG. labels H. moderation I. relieve J. signals K. simplyLets say youve decided you want to eat more healthfully. However, you dont have time to carefully plan menus for meals or read food _41_ at the supermarket. Since you really_42_ yourself to a healthier lifestyle, a little help

45、would come in handy, wouldnt it? This is where a choice architect can help_43_some of the burden of doing it all yourself. Choice architects are people who organize the contexts in which customers make decisions. For example, the person who decides the layout of your local supermarket-including whic

46、h shelf the peanut butter goes on, and how the oranges are piled upis a choice architect.Governments dont have to_44_healthier lifestyles through laws-for example, smoking bans. Rather, if given an environment created by a choice architect one that encourages us to choose what is best-we will do the

47、 right things. In other words, there will be designs that gently push customers toward making healthier choices, without removing freedom of choice. This idea combines freedom to choose with_45_hints from choice architects, who aim to help people live longer, healthier, and happier lives.The British

48、 and Swedish governments have introduced a so-called traffic light system to _46_foods as healthy or unhealthy. This means that customers can see at a glance how much fat, sugar, and salt each product contains_47_by looking at the lights on the package. A green light _48_that the amounts of the thre

49、e nutrients are healthy; yellow indicates that the customer should be_49_; and red means that the food is high in at least one of the three nutrients and should be eaten in _50_. The customer is given important health information, but is still free to decide what to choose.Keys:41. G 42. C 43.1 44.

50、F 45. E 46. B 47. K 48. J 49. A 50. H四学法提炼1. 通过给学生介绍十一选十的考情及题型特点,让学生深入掌握在做题过程中对所给备选词词性及词义的掌握;2. 学生需要充分掌握那些一词多性及一词多义的词语的用法,学会在平时的学习中逐渐积累此类词语。推荐精选 1 能力培养能力一:(选自2014年闸北区二模)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one w

51、ord more than you need.A. cropped B. home C. desirable D. issue E. illegalF. scene G. presented H. worsening I. urban J. endure K. disturbed If this summer you pay a visit to Milan, the fashion centre of Italy, make sure youre not caught eating ice cream in the streets after midnight as doing so is

52、now _41_.A new law was passed by Milans city council banning the sale of take-away food and drinks after midnight in some districts which are famous for their nightlife _42_. The purpose of this unusual move is, according to the city council, to discourage night gathering in downtown areas. The law

53、inevitably has given rise to a number of protests, accusing that the government has _43_ peoples normal lives. However, if you take into consideration the countrys _44_ economy and its high unemployment rate, the local governments fear of night assembling may be reasonable.In fact, Milans law is onl

54、y the strangest of a host of restrictions on nightlife that have _45_ up in European cities recently. Madrids city centre was declared a low-noise zone last September and the city council has been refusing to _46_ bar and club licenses ever since.Why do European cities deal so strictly with nightlif

55、e? It may be because Europes population is getting older and can no longer _47_ late night activities within the neighbourhood. In the past, bars and clubs bloomed in European city centres, which were _48_ to working class populations. But gradually, these people began to move out of the city centre

56、s and into the suburbs. Only the wealthy and the upper-class people can afford to live in _49_ centres now. But these people dont go to bars and clubs to socialize. Instead, they consider fun-seekers who wander in their neighbourhoods annoying. They also worry that bars and clubs will make their nei

57、ghbourhoods less _50_ and devalue their housing property.Keys: 41-45 E F K H A 46-50 D J B I C41. 【参考答案】E【试题解析】 illegal形容词。意思是“不合法的”。和上文的make sure not、as 结合,不难得出答案。42. 【参考答案】F 【试题解析】scene 名词。意思是“景象”。Their后面的中心词要加名词,按照句意是nightlife scene 夜景。 43. 【参考答案】K 【试题解析】disturb 动词,意思是“打扰”。 此时的has 后面加done, 按照句意ha

58、s disturbed peoples normal lives 已经打扰到人们的正常生活。44.【参考答案】H 【试题解析】worsening 形容词。意思是“日益恶化的。按照句意the countrys worsening economy 国家的日益恶化的经济。45.【参考答案】A推荐精选 【试题解析】crop up 意思是“出现”。46.【参考答案】D 【试题解析】issue动词,意思是“发行 发布”47.【参考答案】J【试题解析】endure动词,意思是“忍耐,容忍”按照句意It may be because Europes population is getting older an

59、d can no longer endure late night activities within the neighbourhood. 也许是欧洲的人口正趋老龄话,并且在附近/街坊再也不能忍受晚间活动了。48. 【参考答案】B 【试题解析】固定搭配be home to :为的所在地。49. 【参考答案】I 【试题分析】urban 形容词,意思“城市的”。urban centre:市中心。 50. 【参考答案】C 【试题分析】desirable形容词,意思“令人满意的”make their neighbourhoods less desirable:使得住宅区令人不满意的。能力二:(选自2

60、014年普陀区二模)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. achieved B. authority C. available D. code E. dominated F. educational G. opinions H. mattersI. related J. representatives K. symbol

61、izationIt is important that students feelings, opinions and suggestions are listened to, taken into account, and that the right action is taken. There are a number of ways that this can be _41_, i.e. school councils, year councils and peer mentoring.School councilsMost schools have a school council

62、which exists to let the teachers and head teacher know what students _42_ are on a range of school issues. The school council usually consists of two or three elected _43_ from each year group.A school council might meet once or twice a month to discuss issues such as the dress _44_, the use of social areas, charity fundraising and bullying.Year councilsBecause school councils are sometimes _45_ by older students, some sc

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