高一英语 Unit3《Looking goodfeeling good-第二讲》教案 牛津译林版必修1

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1、牛津高中英语模块一(第2讲)【教学内容与教学要求】一、 教学内容:牛津高中英语模块一Unit 3(下)二、教学要求:1学会谈论有关健康生活的话题。2学习英语中标点符号的名称和用法。3学习调查、整理、分析信息。4缩略和简写。【知识重点与学习难点】一、 重要单词:Guideline, highlight, lifestyle, advertisement, commercial(n), convey, , afford, , offer, yoga, branch, square, shape, figure, trainer, , brief, abbreviation, contraction

2、, symbol, seldom, , proper, energy, count, concentrate, chemical, amount, booklet, survey, conduct, analyze, statistics, questionnaires, permission, give out, create, percentage, level, pin, persuade, omit, skip, virus, remove, item, recommend, mention, summary, conclusion, calorie. 二、重点词组:Prompt bo

3、x提词台, a reminder of提醒某人想起某事的人或事物, call sb names骂人, cheer up高兴起来, closely related紧密相关的, live(lead) a. life过着.样的生活, , a headache to令人头疼的人或事, along with一起, in the long term(run)从长远角度看, give up on放弃, a good amount of适量的、许多, in no time很快, give out分发、发出, allow enough time for sb to do留出充足的时间让某人做某事, skip m

4、eals不吃饭, membership fee会员费,三、【标点符号的英文名称和用法】punctuations: comma逗号, full stop/period句号, question mark问号, exclamation mark感叹号, colon冒号, semi-colon分号, quotation marks引号, apostrophe省略符号, hyphen连字符号, dash破折号, under bar下划线。英语中的标点符号的使用和汉语相近,但也有一些区别:1 句号用在缩写中,例如:U.S.A, Mr., e.g,p.m等。2逗号在疑问句中引出说话人:I can come

5、today, she said, but not tomorrow.逗号用于排列三个或以上的名词:Green, blue, white and green are his favorite colors.逗号用于非限制性定语从句:Edison, who was the inventor of electric bulb, had over 2000 inventions.写日期时,如次序是月日年,在日和年之间加逗号:He was born on October 15,1983.有些起连系作用的副词,如 however, therefore, hence, nevertheless, moreo

6、ver, thus, otherwise, besides等等:China, however, is still at the primary stage of socialism.3 Apostrophe 表示所有:This is Davids computer.Mary and Jims father/Marys and Jims fathersThe football players photo4破折号Dash -在一个句子前作总结Mild, dry, and clear - these are the characteristics of weather in Kunming.在一个句

7、子的前面或后面加入额外的注释The kidsJohn, Bettie and Leowere left behind while their parents went to church. 表示某人在说话过程中被打断The woman said, I want to ask - when the earthquake began to shake the room。5连字符Hyphen -连接两个单词well-educated, kind-hearted, good-looking加前缀anti-Japanese, non-stop, semi-conductor在数字中使用one-quart

8、er, twenty-three, two-fifths 【难点讲解】1. You can highlight main points by underling them. 你可以通过下划线来强调要点。Highlight本来是美术术语“高光点”,指画面上最亮、最显著的地方。这里highlight作动词,表示“强调”。Main points指文章的要点。这句话的结构是:do sth by doing sth, 表示通过做某事达到某个目的,例如:He keeps fit by going to the gym twice a week.The students enlarged their voc

9、abulary by reading English Novels.2. Is there such a thing as being big boned?有没有“骨架大”这么回事?介词短语as being big boned在句子中作定语,“being big boned”是动名词短语,作介词as的宾语。类似的句子还有:Her friends all speak of her as being sweet-tempered。 As也可以作关系代词,在限制性定语从句中常和such, the same, so连用; 在非限制性定语从句中代指主句的整个内容,例如:Such exercises as

10、 he does are good for old people.I hold the same view as the majority does.He is a teacher, as is clear from his manner.As was his wont(习惯), he cleared his throat before starting the lecture.Big boned 指“骨架大的”。 3. Walking and riding your bike count, and so do school sports.步行和骑自行车都有用,学校里的体育活动也有用。Coun

11、t除“计数,计算”的意思外还有“被视为、在之列、有作用”等意思。例如:His opinions dont count.Knowledge without common sense counts for little.so do school sports是省略句,相当于:school sports also count.4. When you sleep, your body prepares you for the day to come.当你睡觉的时候,你的身体为新的一天做好准备。Prepare sb for sth: 使.做好.的准备,例如:Education prepares stud

12、ents for their future careers.We must prepare her for the bad news so that it wont come to her as too much a shock.不定式短语to come在本句中作定语,修饰the day, 表示“即将来临的”5. As a matter of fact, loss of sleep can make you look tired, and even cause you to put on weight.事实上,睡眠不足会使你看起来疲倦,甚至导致你体重增加。As a matter of fact

13、: in fact。Loss 是lose 的名词形式,loss of sleep 意思是“睡眠不足”,不是“失眠”。Cause sb to do sth, 使某人做某事。6. Many teenagers are surprised to learn that when you exercise, your body produces some chemicals that make you feel relaxed and increase your ability to concentrate when you study.许多青少年听说体育锻炼可以使身体产生帮助放松精神、促进集中注意力的

14、化学物质时都觉得吃惊。Be surprised to learn得知某事感到惊奇,learn在这里是“得知、了解到”的意思。surprised to learn【同步练习】一、单项选择1 He is a friend of_.A. Mikes brothers B. Kates brother C. fathers of Mike D. Mike fathers2. Encourage is a _ word.A. 9-letters B. 9-letter C. 9-letters D. seven-letters3. The nurse is taking my _ temperature

15、.A. mothers-in-law B. mother-in-laws C. mothers-in-law D. mother-in-laws4. This cup is _big as that one. A. half as B. as half C. three-seventh D. two as5. Mr. Wolfe seldom speaks in a loud voice, _ he?A. does B. doesnt C. is D. isnt6. Peter said he would practice yoga, and _.A. so did he B. so woul

16、d he C. so he did D. so he does7. _ we all know, China is a big developing country.A. what B. so C. which D. as8. The old classmates talked of the things and persons _ they remembered.A. who B. whom C. that D. which9. A good _ of students have sign up for the outing.A. amount B. deal C. many D. lot1

17、0. You cant _ to neglect such an important client. A. offer B. afford C. pay D. refuse11. We put the food in the shade to _ it cool.A. remain B. prevent C. stay D. keep12. Such a _ person can never be trusted with so important a job.A. worthless B. valueless C. priceless D. worthy13. If you _breakfa

18、st often, you will have no energy for the morning work. A. leave out B. drop C. give up D. skip14. Those _ want to have a go please step forward.A. that B. who C. they D. for whom15. Her charm _ well with those eager young gentlemen. A. counts B. results C. works D. affects二、用下列单词的适当形式填空:Afford, pro

19、per, conclusion, persuade, create, advertisement, conduct, concentrate, offer, percentage1. He always behaves _ in front of the teacher.2. You have to be very _ if you want to become an inventor.3. you can ask the _ for help if you meet with any difficulties on the bus.4. They _ their products in se

20、veral newspapers.5. I _ to lend him a hand, but he refused.6. There is a high _ of harmful chemicals in the water we have been drinking for years.7. Only 25 _ of high school students find their way to college.8. It is rather hard for poor couples to find an _ apartment.9. She _ her speech with a cal

21、l for peace.10. When he failed _ her to accept his offer, he threatened her with force.三、完形填空China today is 1 a dragon that, 2 up after centuries of sleep, suddenly realizes many nations have 3 on its tail. With all 4 has happened to it over the past 200 years, China could be forgiven for awakening(

22、醒来) as an angry nation, and 5 Beijing has declared that it will rise peacefully. This good disposition(脾气) comes 6 from Chinas awareness that it is 7 weak. But it is also a sign that Beijing has recognized the vision of progress 8 the United States has praised since World War II. States no longer ne

23、ed to have a strong army to prosper(富强), the theory goes; trade and economic integration(一体化) pave a surer path to growth. And Beijing has noted how much sticking to this idea helped Japan and Germany rise from the ruins(废墟)of World War II. _9_ the main architect(建筑师) of the world order today, the U

24、nited States should be 10 the first to celebrate Chinas progress. For if Beijing continues to abide by(遵守) Washingtons rules, peace and stability could stay, and the United States, as both a society and an economy, could benefit a great deal from the renaissance(复兴) of Chinese civilization. 1A. for

25、B. like C. with D. as2. A. wake B. woke C. woken D. waking3. A. stepped B. being stepped C. been stepping D. been stepped4. A. what B. that C. which D. it5. A. then B. yet C. so D. however6. A. partly B. mainly C. exactly D. merely7. A. rather B. relatively C. probably D. only8. A. when B. where C.

26、in which D. that9. A. As B. with C. Be D. To be10. A. between B. among C. within D. besides四、阅读理解The World Heart Federation(联合会) says heart disease kills seventeen million people each year. The group urges people to be active and have a good, healthy diet. It also warns against activities known to i

27、ncrease a persons risk of heart attack or stroke. Some of the warnings are directed at children. The World Heart Federation says about twenty-two million boys and girls under the age of five are obese(肥胖) - severely overweight.Children are normally energetic and active. However, two thirds of all ch

28、ildren are not active enough. Such children greatly increase their risk of becoming obese. They also increase their risk of developing heart disease or other disorders.One message of World Heart Day is to eat right. Children should eat a healthy and balanced diet. Also, limit sugary drinks, sweets a

29、nd eating between meals. The World Heart Federation urges parents to keep their children active. It says physical exercise helps to decrease the risk of obesity and keeps a child healthy. Obese children often become obese adults. If you believe your child is too heavy, talk with a health care provid

30、er. The World Heart Federation also is concerned about the effects of tobacco on young people. It says the younger someone begins to smoke, the greater the chance of a health problem tied to smoking. Half of the young people who continue to smoke are likely to die later in life from a smoking-relate

31、d disease. 1 What is the goal of the world heart Federation?2 What are the risks for those less active children?3 What does the organization urge parents to do?4 Why is the federation worried about young people smoking?【参考答案】一、ABDAA, CDCCB, DAABC二、1.properly 2. creative 3. conductor 4.advertised 5.o

32、ffered 6. concentration 7. percent 8.affordable 9. concluded 10.to persuade 三、BDCBB, ABDAB四、1To help people decrease the risk of having heart diseases by having proper diets and healthy lifestyle. 2. Becoming fat and developing heart diseases. 3. To keep their children active. 4. Because people who starts smoking earlier have a greater chance of developing smoking related disease.

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