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1、大学工程课教案模板大学乒乓球课教案 课的任务:1.了解乒乓球运动概况及常用术语;2.初步掌握握拍方法、站位准备姿势及单步移动;3.初步学会平挡球;4.身体素质:发展下肢弹跳力。 课的内容和组织教法一、课的开始(一)体委整队,汇报人数;(二)教师检查人数、服装,安排见习生;(三)宣布课的内容与任务1.1.介绍乒乓球运动概况及常用术语;2.2.学习握拍方法、站位、击球的准备姿势及单步移动; 3.3.学习平挡球; 4.4.身体素质:蛙跳。(四)注意事项1.1.遵守课堂纪律,积极参与,发挥自身主体作用; 2.2.同学之间应互帮互学。二、准备活动(一)绕球台外围慢跑2圈(二)徒手操:组织:(成体操队形)

2、 内容:1.颈部绕环 2.扩胸运动3.体转运动4、体侧运动5.踢腿运动 6.腹背运动 7.膝关节绕环 8.踝、腕关节绕环大学足球课教案模板【篇1:足球课教案模板】足球教案【篇2:足球课教案模板】【篇3:大学体育选项课教案格式规范】教 案通识教育必修课 20_年 03月填 写 说 明一、教案是教师为进行课堂教学而以课时为单位设计的教学方案。教案既是教学设计工作的文字总结,上课的依据,还是教师总结经验、改进教学和进行教学研究的重要资料。二、教案由任课教师根据教学进度计划,在授课前按照教学大纲的要求和教材内容,认真备课,按一次课(80分钟)写一次,写好教案。并需根据学科、课程的发展以及授课对象的变化

3、及时进行增减和完善。三、相关填写内容说明1课程性质:根据人才培养方案,在通识教育必修课、通识教育教育选修课、学科平台课、专业必修课、专业选修课类型中选择进行填写。2课程名称:填写具体授课课程的名称。3授课周次:填写本次课预定授课具体周数,以校历周数为准。 4教学内容(前):简要填写本次课的主要教授内容。5教学目标:指通过教学使学生在运动参与、运动技能、身体健康、社会适应、心理健康等方面应达到的目标。6教学重点与难点:指通过学习,学生必须掌握的内容以及学生难于理解的内容,需填写原因。7教学内容(后):包括教学内容的详细安排和时间的分配,为教案的核心部分。分为准备部分、基本部分和结束部分三个部分。

4、准备部分时间约占总课时的20%,主要包括课堂常规、准备活动以及游戏等;基本部分时间约占总课时的70%,应包括新授课的动作要领、练习内容、易犯错误及预防等环节;结束部分时间约占总课时的10%,可包括身体素质练习、放松活动、小结等。8组织教法:应包括组织队形、教学步骤、教学要求等部分,在准备部分和结束部分可以省去教学步骤部分。9强度:可以根据课的实际填写“小”、“中”或“大”。 10场地器材:根据教学的实际需要如实填写。11小结:指课后对教学进行的分析p 总结,可在本次课或整个单元结束后进行填写。 四、学期中期,任课教师应将教案交各二级学院教研室主任审核。教研室主任审核后,需填写教案登记表,送院分

5、管领导审批。五、教案一式一份由教师自行妥善保存,并以备教学检查、评估使用。 1大学英语口语课教案【篇1:大学英语口语课程教案】大学英语口语课程教案学 院: 外国语学院学 期: 2022-2022学年第一学期学 时 18教 材 大学英语基础口语教程第一册(lets talk book 1)授课教师 大学英语口语课程组授课对象 2022级普本上课地点南、北校区、学院路校区上课时间周一至周五授课题目(teaching title): unit 12 foreign customs授课类型(cla type): lecturing and practice授课课时安排(teaching periods

6、): 2 periods本授课单元教学目标(teaching objectives): in this unit students are required to:1.master the basic vocabulary related to western wedding.2.learn to describe the different manners between chinese and western customs.3.learn the proper way to behave in western society.本授课单元教学重点(main points of teachi

7、ng):1.instruct students to speak and behave properly in western societyconcerning some important events.2.analyze the different manners between chinese and western countries.本授课单元教学难点(difficult points of teaching):instruct the students to use cultural-related words to describe andpare the proper man

8、ners in chinese and western events.教学手段(teaching aids) multimedia (audios, videos, pictures, te_ts), blackboard.本授课单元教学步骤及时间分配 (teaching procedures and time allotment):1.warming-up activities (about 15 minutes)1.1 role play: a typical western wedding (about 10 minutes) student are aigned the task in

9、 the previous cla.they are asked toperform a typical western wedding.useful materials and informationshould be collected before the cla.(about 10 minutes)1.2 wedding-related vocabulary and oath of wedding: (about 5 minutes)after the role play, the wedding-related vocabulary and oath of weddingshould

10、 be introduced to all the students: wedding-related vocabularybridebridegroombridesmaidgroomsman pastorringoathchurch oath of wedding pastor:dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of god and inthe face of this congregation to join together this man and this womanin holy matrimony

11、, which is an honorable estate, instituted in the timeof mans innocence.if any man can show any just cause or impediment why they may not be lawfuljoined together, why they may not be lawfully joined together, let himspeak now or for ever hold his peace.do you promise to love her, fort her, honor an

12、d keep her, in sicknean health and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her for as longas you both shall live.bride and bridegroom: yes, i do.2.in-cla activities 2.1 individual work (about 8 minutes).1.1 parison: differences between a typical western wedding and a traditional chinese wedding.st

13、udents are required to pare the weddings and make a discuion ontheir differences.sle for reference: chinese wedding:? color of wedding dre: white? location of wedding celebration: lobby of home? wedding proce: presided by the master of ceremony ? others: fire cracks, character of double happine ?wes

14、tern wedding? color of wedding dre: white? location of wedding celebration: church ? wedding proce: presided by pastor? others: ring, flower, cake, bridesmaid, groomsman 2.1.2 video clip: (about 15 minutes)watch the video.what mistakes do the man made in the dinner party?students are required to wat

15、ch a 5-minutes short video about cultureconflict and to find out the wrong thing the man did in the dinner party.proper answer:a.greet people in his own wayb.talk to the people not besides himc.take retire as retard and keep talking about it e.perform e_tremely stupid in using restroom.f.bring his f

16、riend without being permitted 2.1.3 listening practice (about 7 minutes) 2.2 pair work (about 10 minutes) 2.2.1 discuion in pairswestern manners: discu with your partner what we should pay attention to in the western countries according to the following situations: having dinner, greeting, visiting

17、others homesles for reference: having dinner: knife and fork ; you have your own plate of food ; eat up all the;food on your plate; do not put food on the plate of your guests with your own fork; go dutch; tipsgreeting: the simplest thing to say is good morning, good afternoon or goodevening.this gr

18、eeting is given to one whom you know only slightly, or to any one you are paing quickly.how are you is usually used when you are not in such a hurry.no answer is e_pected other than fine, thank you.hello is the monest form of greeting between good friends.visiting others home: when invited to lunche

19、on, dinner, or supper, it is veryimpolite to arrive late, as it is usually planned to have the meal at the e_act hour given in the invitation.after the meal is over it is not polite to leave for at least half an hour, lest you seem to have e only for the meal.an evening dinner invitation usually imp

20、lies that you stay for the whole evening.2.2.2 dialogue practice (about 15 minutes)imagine a visitor from the united states is ing to china.give advice on these topics:driving a car, giving gifts, traveling by bus or subway, eating in arestaurant respecting older people, using busine cards, eating o

21、n the street, standing in line, using the telephone sle:a.i will go to china ne_t week.b.really? how long will you stay there?a.for several months.so would you please tell me some thing that i shouldpay attention to during my stay in china?the street, there are a lot of transportation tools.bus, car

22、s, motorcycle, bicycle.a.well, do it mean a busy traffic?b.yeah.in fact, the problem traffic jam is e_tremely serious in china.a.oh, i see.anything else? ive heard that chinese eating manner is greatly different with our us.is that true.a.well, it seems that there are so many differences between the

23、 two countries.2.3group work (about 20 minutes)debate: should chinese celebrate western holidays?each group presents their own ideas on the topic first.then a free debatewill be directed among students.sle:we should celebrate western holidaysi think we should celebrate western holiday.first, its a g

24、oodway for globalization, and we can know more about the culture in other country.secondly, foreigners will also have a chance to know more about the chinese culture.thus, we could avoid some culturalmisunderstandings.first,i do not think it is a bad things ,and the holiday is a good thing ,many peo

25、ple could celebrate not only the chinese people but also the american, and so on.second, many people go aboard every year, and they should adjust themselves to the aboard environment,so the must to celebrate the holiday,so i think we should celebrate it,and other people that e from union.we should n

26、ot celebrate western holidaysto begin with, there are so many meaningful traditional festivalsin china, from which people could have a rest and get rela_.in the festival, without the burden of work, people call on relatives, visit their respected teachers, and chat with their best friends.though the

27、 temperature is very could in that time, the atmosphere among people is very warm and happy.besides, there are other meaningful 【篇2:大学英语教学设计】大学英语教学设计一、指导思想与理论依据大学英语是普通高等学校的一门重要公共基础课程。它具有学生覆盖面最广、学时最长的特点。随着改革开放的不断深化,国际交流的日益增多,社会需要更多具有一定英语能力的高素质劳动者,因此,本课程的地位和作用显得越来越重要。英语是高职学历教育必修的基础课程之一。高职英语教学是以英语语言基础知

28、识与英语策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为主要指导,并集多种教学手段为一体系。根据国家教育部颁发的高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求和高等学校英语应用b级的要求,大学英语课程旨在培养学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听、说、读、写、译能力,掌握必要的、实用的英语语言知识和语言技能,具有阅读和翻译与本人有关的英文资料的初步能力,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素质,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础,以适应社会发展和经济建设的要求。二、学习者特征分析p 学习基础:通过高中阶段的学习,大部分学生有了一些英语基础,但是因为生地的差异,不同专业乃至相同专业的不同学生的英语基

29、础参差不齐,有一部分来自边远地区的少数民族学生英语基础为零。有了一定英语基础的大多数学生词汇量极为匮乏,高考成绩也很低,这些学生和零基础的少数民族学生在有些专业和有些班级占到了很大的比例。学习能力:学生思想活跃,但学习自主性差, 学习非常被动,没有良好的学习习惯,总是要依赖老师,依赖课堂,没有自主学习的意识。又因英语基础薄弱,对听说读写各项技能的能力培养和提高都有影响。心理特征:相当一部分学生在不同程度上产生了情绪纠结,出现了许多学习上的障碍,主要表现在学习目的、学习动机的缺失和学习态度的消极。在学习上自信心不足,存在自卑心理和畏难情绪,需要教师耐心细致指导,并得到教师的尊重和认可。三、教学目



32、式选择与实践活动设计 1教师讲授阶段主要采取以教师为中心的方式(teacher-centered approach),采用认识理论,建立起由下而上或者由上而下的教学方式,采用语法翻译的课文翻译或句型分析p 方法。这一阶段是讲授和理解阶段,教师将重点介绍或引入新的语言素材,其中包括新的语法概念,词汇知识,新的句型以及课文内容等等。该阶段课堂设计的 重点是语言输入方式,语言输入方式指视觉、听觉、视听觉三种方式。每种方式在操作上可采用不同的方法,如:视觉输入,可先讲解单词,然后逐步讲解课文,改阶段的任务是帮助学生理解新的语言现象,从学生的已知概念出发,逐步过渡到新的知识。 2学生实践以学生为中心的方

33、式(students-centered approach),采用互动式的教学方法,如小组讨论、双人对话、模拟活动、表演等方式。这一阶段是综合运用阶段,教师应根据第一阶段语言输入的内容组织有效的课堂活动,语言教学是一种双向交流的过程,在这个过程中学生应主动参与和实践。只有在交流中才能激发学生潜意识的语言学习,提高掌握语言能力。因此教师应多创造语言交流的环境,为学生提供语言实践的机会。 3巩固总结以学习为中心的方式(learning-centered approach),采用翻译、听写、口头报到、提问等方式。学生参与的方式包括:课文讨论。相互交谈,口头报告,角色扮演,辩论等,还可以是各种笔头或口头

34、练习。这一阶段是检查学生是否真的理解并掌握所学的语言知识或新的概念。在语言输入和语言实践之后,应对学生所学材料进行归纳和总结,采用相应的方式检查学生对所学内容的掌握情况。检查方式可以用口述要点、复述、回答问题、写概要、翻译等。通过总结和归纳进一步帮助学生掌握所学内容。教学方法:1.任务型教学法(task-based language teaching)任务型教学法主要针对课文中的语言点和语法知识,经过仔细讲解使学生掌握正确的语言点和语法点。2.交际教学法(municative language teaching)交际教学法主要针对每一单元的导入部分和听说部分。通过简单的口语引入新的语言素材,使

35、学生在简单交流的基础上树立学习的兴趣。通过听说部分的练习让学生掌握和每单元的主题相关的表达和句子结构。 这一阶段主要针对课后练习题以及写作,简单的给学生留作家庭作业,复杂的会在课堂上一一讲解,巩固课堂所学知识。写作部分先讲解写作要点,如何让学生自己练习写作,提高书面表达能力。五、教学资与工具的设计我院现今采用的新世纪高职英语系列教材,是依据教育部高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求充分考虑了高职高专英语教学的现状和发展趋势,力求为一线教学提供良好的教学素材和教学支持。在教学设计中,以课本为依托,并以光盘和网络教学为辅助方式。六、学习评价与反馈设计考核包括两部分:期末考试成绩和平时成绩。 学期总评成

36、绩 = 期末考试成绩(40%)+考勤成绩(30%)+平时成绩(30%)平时成绩包括出作业、实践、期中。实践环节随堂或分散进行。要求学生毕业时在四学期总评成绩及格的同时,还必须参加下列水平考试之一并达到相应要求:1) 高等学校英语应用能力考试(pretco)b级; 2) 高等学校英语应用能力考试(pretco)a级; 3) 全国大学英语四级(cet)(400分);4) 全国公共英语等级考试(pets)(三级); 5) 全国大学英语知识竞赛(d类)【篇3:大学英语口语教案5、教 案6】大学英语口语课教案 大学英语口语课程教案学 院: 外国语学院学 期: 2022-2022学年第一学期学 时 18教

37、 材 大学英语基础口语教程第一册(lets talk book 1)授课教师 大学英语口语课程组授课对象 2022级普本上课地点南、北校区、学院路校区上课时间周一至周五授课题目(teaching title): unit 12 foreign customs授课类型(cla type): lecturing and practice授课课时安排(teaching periods): 2 periods本授课单元教学目标(teaching objectives): in this unit students are required to:【篇1:大学英语口语课程教案】the basic voc

38、abulary related to western wedding.to describe the different manners between chinese and western customs.the proper way to behave in western society.本授课单元教学重点(main points of teaching):students to speak and behave properly in western society concerning some important events.the different manners betw

39、een chinese and western countries.本授课单元教学难点(difficult points of teaching): instruct the students to use cultural-related words to describe andpare the proper manners in chinese and western events.教学手段(teaching aids)multimedia (audios, videos, pictures, te_ts), blackboard.本授课单元教学步骤及时间分配 (teaching pro

40、cedures and timeallotment):1.warming-up activities (about 15 minutes)role play: a typical western wedding (about 10 minutes) student are aigned the task in the previous cla.they are asked to perform a typical western wedding.useful materials and informationshould be collected before the cla.(about 1

41、0 minutes) wedding-related vocabulary and oath of wedding: (about 5 minutes)after the role play, the wedding-related vocabulary and oath of weddingshould be introduced to all the students: wedding-related vocabularybridebridegroombridesmaidgroomsman pastorringoathchurch oath of wedding pastor:dearly

42、 beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of god and inthe face of this congregation to join together this man and this womanin holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, instituted in the timeof mans innocence.if any man can show any just cause or impediment why they may not be lawful

43、joined together, why they may not be lawfully joined together, let him speak now or for ever hold his peace.do you promise to love her, fort her, honor and keep her, in sicknean health and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her for as longas you both shall live.bride and bridegroom: yes, i do

44、.activitiesindividual work (about 8 minutes)students are required to pare the weddings and make a discuion ontheir differences.sle for reference: chinese wedding:? color of wedding dre: white? location of wedding celebration: lobby of home ? wedding proce: presided by the master of ceremony ? others

45、: fire cracks, character of double happine ? western wedding? color of wedding dre: white? location of wedding celebration: church ? wedding proce: presided by pastor? others: ring, flower, cake, bridesmaid, groomsman video clip: (about 15 minutes)watch the video.what mistakes do the man made in the

46、 dinner party?students are required to watch a 5-minutes short video about cultureconflict and to find out the wrong thing the man did in the dinner party.proper answer:a.greet people in his own way to the people not besides himc.take retire as retard and keep talking about it e.perform e_tremely st

47、upid in using restroom.f.bring his friend without being permitted listening practice (about 7 minutes) pair work (about 10 minutes) discuion in pairswestern manners: discu with your partner what we should pay attention to in the western countries according to the following situations: having dinner,

48、 greeting, visiting others homesles for reference:having dinner: knife and fork ; you have your own plate of food ; eat up all the;food on your plate; do not put food on the plate of your guests with your own fork; go dutch; tipsgreeting: the simplest thing to say is good morning, good afternoon or

49、goodevening.this greeting is given to one whom you know only slightly, or to any one you are paing quickly.how are you is usually used when you are not in such a hurry.no answer is e_pected other than fine, thank you.hello is the monest form of greeting between good friends.visiting others home: whe

50、n invited to luncheon, dinner, or supper, it is veryimpolite to arrive late, as it is usually planned to have the meal at the e_act hour given in the invitation.after the meal is over it is not polite to leave for at least half an hour, lest you seem to have e only for the meal.an evening dinner inv

51、itation usually implies that you stay for the whole evening.dialogue practice (about 15 minutes)imagine a visitor from the united states is ing to china.give advice on these topics: driving a car, giving gifts, traveling by bus or subway, eating in arestaurant respecting older people, using busine c

52、ards, eating on the street, standing in line, using the telephone sle:a.i will go to china ne_t week.b.really? how long will you stay there?a.for several months.so would you please tell me some thing that i shouldpay attention to during my stay in china?the street, there are a lot of transportation

53、tools.bus, cars, motorcycle, bicycle.a.well, do it mean a busy traffic?b.yeah.in fact, the problem traffic jam is e_tremely serious in china.a.oh, i see.anything else? ive heard that chinese eating manner is greatly different with our us.is that true.a.well, it seems that there are so many differenc

54、es between the two countries.work (about 20 minutes)debate: should chinese celebrate western holidays?each group presents their own ideas on the topic first.then a free debatewill be directed among students.sle:we should celebrate western holidaysi think we should celebrate western holiday.first, it

55、s a goodway for globalization, and we can know more about the culture in other country.secondly, foreigners will also have a chance to know more about the chinese culture.thus, we could avoid some cultural misunderstandings.first,i do not think it is a bad things ,and the holiday is agood thing ,man

56、y people could celebrate not only the chinese people but also the american, and so on.second, many people go aboard every year, and they should adjust themselves to the aboard environment,so the must to celebrate the holiday,so i think we should celebrate it,and other people that e from union.we sho

57、uld not celebrate western holidaysto begin with, there are so many meaningful traditional festivalsin china, from which people could have a rest and get rela_.in the festival, without the burden of work, people call on relatives, visit their respected teachers, and chat with their best friends.thoug

58、h the temperature is very could in that time, the atmosphere among people is very warm and happy.besides, there are other meaningful【篇2:大学英语教学设计】大学英语教学设计一、指导思想和理论依据大学英语是普通高等学校的一门重要公共基础课程。它具有学生覆盖面最广、学时最长的特点。随着改革开放的不断深化,国际交流的日益增多,社会需要更多具有一定英语能力的高素质劳动者,因此,本课程的地位和作用显得越来越重要。英语是高职学历教育必修的基础课程之一。高职英语教学是以英语语

59、言基础知识和英语策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为主要指导,并集多种教学手段为一体系。根据国家教育部颁发的高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求和高等学校英语使用b级的要求,大学英语课程旨在培养学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听、说、读、写、译能力,掌握必要的、实用的英语语言知识和语言技能,具有阅读和翻译和本人有关的英文资料的初步能力,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素质,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础,以适应社会发展和经济建设的要求。二、学习者特征分析p 学习基础:通过高中阶段的学习,大部分学生有了一些英语基础,但是因为生地的差异,不同专业乃至相同专业的不同学生

60、的英语基础参差不齐,有一部分来自边远地区的少数民族学生英语基础为零。有了一定英语基础的大多数学生词汇量极为匮乏,高考成绩也很低,这些学生和零基础的少数民族学生在有些专业和有些班级占到了很大的比例。学习能力:学生思想活跃,但学习自主性差, 学习非常被动,没有良好的学习习惯,总是要依赖老师,依赖课堂,没有自主学习的意识。又因英语基础薄弱,对听说读写各项技能的能力培养和提高都有影响。心理特征:相当一部分学生在不同程度上产生了情绪纠结,出现了许多学习上的障碍,主要表现在学习目的、学习动机的缺失和学习态度的消极。在学习上自信心不足,存在自卑心理和畏难情绪,需要教师耐心细致指导,并得到教师的尊重和认可。三

61、、教学目标知识目标:本课程教学既要培养学生具备必要的英语语言基础知识,具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、说、读、写、译能力,使他们能用英语交流信息,能借助词典阅读和翻译有关英语业务资料,也应重视培养学生运用英语进行有关涉外业务工作的能力,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流。按照高职高专英语课程分级总体目标的要求,本课程对语言技能中的听、说、读、写四个技能提出两个级别的目标要求: a级:认知2500个英语单词以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中20_0个左右的单词能正确拼写,英汉互译。另需掌握300个和行业相关的英语词汇。b级:认知20_0个英语单词以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对


63、四、教学模式选择和实践活动设计 1教师讲授阶段主要采取以教师为中心的方式(teacher-centered approach),采用认识理论,建立起由下而上或者由上而下的教学方式,采用语法翻译的课文翻译或句型分析p 方法。这一阶段是讲授和理解阶段,教师将重点介绍或引入新的语言素材,其中包括新的语法概念,词汇知识,新的句型以及课文内容等等。该阶段课堂设计的 重点是语言输入方式,语言输入方式指视觉、听觉、视听觉三种方式。每种方式在操作上可采用不同的方法,如:视觉输入,可先讲解单词,然后逐步讲解课文,改阶段的任务是帮助学生理解新的语言现象,从学生的已知概念出发,逐步过渡到新的知识。 2学生实践 以学生为中心的方式(students-centered approach),采用互动式的教学方法,如小组讨论、双人对话、模拟活动、表演等方式。这一阶段是综合运用阶段,教师应根据第一阶段语言输入的内容组织有效的课堂活动,语言教学是一种双向交流的过程,在这个过程中学生应主动参和和实践。只有在交流中才能激发学生潜意识的语言学习,提高掌握语言能力。因此教师应多创造语言交流的环境,为学生提供语言实践的机会。 3巩固总结以学习为中心的方式(learning-centered approach),采用翻译、听写、口头报到、提问等方式。学生参和的方式包括:课文讨论。相互交谈,口头报告,角色扮演,

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